Critical thinking begins when one decides to see with their eyes and accept what they see. It begins when one decides to hear a thing and reason it for themselves. Memorizers ask what does this mean? They need to start to reason with themselves what this means. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…it is a DUCK. No matter who tells you it is a goose, it is a duck.

You have to know the difference between what you see and what they want you to see. The event you witnessed was actually like the video below… this video is photoshopped to point out what happened for those without eyes to see what was taking place in the (not so live) event that the media passed on as live.


The Bible is my source. Follow prophecy and see what it says takes place. What did the Lord say? Do not look to man for he knows not the mysteries of how God the Father does a thing. With God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. He has an endless amount of ways he can do his work. And just as the Lord says on timing, dates, and hours of things….only God The Father knows.


Passover 2020: Israel & Church, Pharaoh & Antichrist, 1st Exodus & Last  Exodus - Signs Of The Last Days

Therefore pray you are worthy of his mercy and grace and do not ask others when God will do this or that, only have faith that he will. Know that he said he would, he also said to go inside for a little while and shut the door until the scourge passes over. Remember in Exodus when the Lord had the people to spread the blood of the lamb on their door posts and eat their passover supper standing up with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. That were to stand ready, pray and watch. They ate the pass over and heard the cries from the death of the first born who had no protection of God on their door posts. God had warned pharaoh that if there was one more plague on Egypt it would be by their own hands. And they did the unthinkable and it came upon their own heads.

After the pharaoh let God’s people go, they left with all the wealth of Egypt. It wasn’t long and pharaoh’s heart was hardened and he came back after the people. But, God had Moses lead the people out for he was called and chosen. Born to do this wonder as he led them to the red sea and the people bickered at Moses for doing so. It was then Moses stood and said, stand still and behold the Salvation of the Lord and parted the sea. Was Moses a saint? No. He was a sinner who even killed a man. But he was born to lead the people out of bondage. God sends, annoints, and calls those born to do the job at the time they are to do it…for he knew us all before we were born and he judges the heart, and no one can know what purposes God has for those he calls and has chosen. I believe God called and chose Donald J. Trump for such a time as this. For no one could have withstood the onslaught that he has unless annointed by God to withstand it. Hold on, keep the faith and behold the salvation of the Lord. Amen.

We are in the process of coming out of Babylon the great…Read Isaiah, Zecharia, Amos, Joel, and Revelations, Mathew, Luke…read in these days of peril and see what the Lord is doing, he will show you what is coming, but he will do it in his own timing.

Dianne Marshall


  1. Tonya Haas says:

    On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 2:30 PM THE MARSHALL REPORT wrote:

    > The Marshall Report posted: ” Critical thinking begins when one decides to > see with their eyes and accept what they see. It begins when one decides to > hear a thing and reason it for themselves. Memorizers ask what does this > mean? They need to start to reason with themselves what this” >

    Liked by 1 person

  2. thefixxer2020 says:

    I AGREE with you!! A beautiful thing is unfolding across the world. TRUMP, the White hats, his team and the messengers are the hand of GOD. The people around me do not know and or understand what TRUMP did in 2017, he has already changed the WHOLE WORLD by cutting the EVIL grip from the millions of souls including the CHILDREN on a GLOBAL scale. “Whats done in the dark wiIl be brought into the light”. I with all my heart agree with changing our currency system from the monetary SLAVE system to what’s coming. It will help to stop the EVIL from regrowing within the system. GOD led the PATRIOTS to the new land for a reason. FAITH is believing in the things YOU can’t see. May GOD be with and protect TRUMP and The PATRIOTS.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on jmilamdeal and commented:
    Well, The Fraud Has Been Done, A Man Has Been Placed In Office, And Has Already Begun Their Plan To Destroy Our Economy And So Many Other Things! Thousands Of Jobs Are Already Being Destroyed, With More To Come! Higher Taxes Will Need To Be Done To Pay For All They Want To Do, And No More Border Protection, So That Will Be More American Jobs Lost! On & On It Goes, A Process Of The Destruction Of America!


    1. it all seems like a mess that will never get better but remember GOD has HIS hand on HIS people we have to be quiet and step back for awhile until it all gets arranged you can not live in a house until everything is arranged and that is what is happening is giving the new people in the white house rope to hang themselves and then the LORD will destory them and we will reap the rewards so sit back and be patient and let GOD do HIS work ..HE does not need our help

      Liked by 1 person

  4. debjbalk says:

    Bloom’s Taxonomy, critical thinking skills. Feel free to do an online search of this, if you’d like.. When I was teaching (upper el), all my students’ goals, objectives, outcomes, and lesson plans had to be written using higher order thinking skills. While many schools & teachers are under attack for what they’re teaching kids (or not teaching), I can personally attest that in my school district, we were held accountable for teaching kids HOW TO think, not WHAT TO think. Great article, Dianne. Thank you for the encouragemnt to follow Christ.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Daniel says:

    Isaiah 28 – The Pretend President Prophecy: Is this not Isaiah’s prediction of the Pretend President (Biden), whose fading crown will last but a moment. Politicians, drunk with power, have made a covenant with death and an agreement with Hell. They made falsehood their refuge and hid themselves with deception, but God proclaims that a strong and mighty leader will come down upon them like the fury of a hailstorm and a cloudburst of mighty waters.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Dorthy Salinas says:

    Yes, Diane and they all also left Egypt completely healed. “there was none feeble no not one!” Psalms 105:37
    They all received physical healing, strength…. all the richest of the world cannot replace the complete healing that Jesus bought for us all through His Precious Stripes in Isaiah 53:3-5….we are all now on THIS side of the cross and if the dear Isralites were healed and given wealth… I am expecting all nations of children of God to be healed too! There are not enough med beds for all the dear people of the earth to be healed as they do need…. only the sovereign mighty hand of God can release the amount of physical healing required… God bless you!
    PS… Telegram requires access to all my contacts… don’t like that… and I hear it’s not an AMERICAN based company… 🤔😌


    1. YS61 says:

      You are correct, it’s Not. It is based in Dubai. Trump Jr’ also has NO ownership in the company. Telegram was created in 2013;
      Also President Trump has an account but he has not post anything since Jan 20.
      That whole piece about telegram was full of garbage. VERY misleading and should be deleted


  7. Jim Svoboda says:

    Diane, all I can say is, you are so right on the mark. All we can do at this point is keep our eyes on Jesus and trust Him as He guides President Trump through these next number of days. PTL God is still on His Throne!!!

    On Sat, Jan 23, 2021, 12:26 PM THE MARSHALL REPORT wrote:

    > The Marshall Report posted: ” Critical thinking begins when one decides to > see with their eyes and accept what they see. It begins when one decides to > hear a thing and reason it for themselves. Memorizers ask what does this > mean? They need to start to reason with themselves what this” >


  8. brenda estes says:

    I do have faith, and praying for our country…biden’s party is moving at a fast pace and you have to wonder, what is the hurry…i pray, i don’t know what i pray, God soes have his own timeline, maybe biden knows this..i just hate that he is basically opening the border, shutting down jobs..i am 68 and have a hard time comprehending these things. that you Dianne for all the info..i can still read!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Linda Miller says:

    Biden is not the president!
    We have no president at this time. That’s why we have the military. The inauguration was not real. Those bills are Obama doings. He’s such a sociopath and believes he’s was the best president ever and hates Trumps so much that he’s trying to reverse everything Trump did while in office. Biden is just an empty suit! Arrests are suppose to start with Biden hopefully tomorrow. These people don’t want to give us specific dates in case there are some road blocks. Whatever is happening had to be completed by March 4th. Praying Trump will then be in office. But the election results aren’t only for him. There are senate and house seats that will change. Many politicians will be arrested along with past presidents; Obama, Clinton, Bush ( his punishment won’t be as harsh for some reason) hope Robert is on the list!
    This has to do with Epstein pedophilia ring and satanic sacrifices. I’m only telling you a summary of what I’ve read or present on a podcast. Ofcourse Hunter will be in this mix.
    Whatever these people have done will shock us! It’s that bad!
    They need to arrest Pelosi for just being an EVIL BITCH! But she has all the China blackmail info and copies of the hard drives from Hunters computer.
    Oh also Bloomberg is involved.
    I hope what I’m telling you truly happens if not we are going to be subjected to the CCP!
    It amazes me how fast Obama wants all these bills reversed.
    But if this stuff is true, the bills won’t count.
    The news people are asking about the troops and why are they still here. More have come in! They are our protection from whatever happens in DC. There are two men running stuff also.
    One is from FEMA and the other I think is a military man.
    That’s all for now. Watch Charlie Ward Show. It’s a podcast and he’s English. Hook up with the Q.

    Liked by 1 person

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