So President Trump is the bad guy for not STOPPING all vaccines at a time when millions of people were shouting they want a vaccine? At the same time Fauci was shouting it will take five years to get a vaccine…just like his Lockstep script John Hopkins Hospital Scene said it would. Remember John Hopkins wrote the script for 2025. In that scene humanity was to be in lock down until 2025, and come out only to be vaccinated and get sick again.

Meanwhile, President Trump did his own rewrite and made a WARP SPEED VACCINE, to be distributed after being okayed by the military. This threw the director of the live theater out of wack…now they would have to rewrite five years of scenes or segway back into the 2025 plan. So people were scrambling and the election drew nearer…and they wrote in ballots and topped it off with Dominion cyber warfare. Touche’.

Meanwhile, we had a year of people screaming “not wearing masks is killing grandma” as Governors illegally mandated tyrannical lockdowns. People ran in circles shaming the maskless and with imaginary rulers went into over kill to enforce six foot distancing. They made sure essential businesses could hold 400 + and non essential businesses, churches, public buildings, parks, beaches, and all schools closed. And the highlight of the live theater year were the “America on fire” scenes starring ANTIFA and any lives that matter.

We watched the election get stolen and and Trump supporters get blamed for a pre-planned Pelosi/Schumer McConnel Capitol gig that was an all out live theater drama scene, with very poor actors. Followed up with double playing Pence, which led to another impeachment with the Nancy goes insane scene as the entire Capitol Grounds was surrounded by armed guard and barbed wired fences went up. Leading to flash back scenes of how we got here via the last year, crossing over into the DC Hotel guests all on lockdown with armed guards crawling all over the city of Washington, D.C. for martial law had been called.

Then we had the vaccine push and people were actually dying on TV. Which that scene got pulled and rewritten for fear affects. These scenes popped up anyway on other social platforms and the public was directed to see all the side affects from desperate people, while the CNN scenes shouted to pay no attention….we are rewriting this part…we do not know how these actors snuck in and played such roles. Go get some pop corn and enjoy the show was coming from the ones we trusted, and the rest of the world was in the drive thru scene at the vax distribution points.

Which leads me to the main feature of the live theater when Trump supporters start blaming the President for the vaccines that have all the side affects and the suspense leads into … questions on Trump that reach a climax in the live theater show.

We now started the BLAME TRUMP FOR VACCINEs and the “it’s his fault” scene….which is what I am now going to address. For months now…ever since the vaccine came out…people have asked the question…WHY DID TRUMP SAY TO GET THE VACCINE? Some have even gone as far as to rewrite the scene that he is part of the cabal. Shouting, “He is one of them!” A dramatic Orange man bad scene.

One of the most baffling part of this scene is when a person blamed Trump for her own husband taking the vaccine? This was great script writing…stuff you can’t make up. Imagine, if she can’t control her husband…blame Trump for that? This is the scene where fake news ties a non vaxer to the rail road tracks and twirls his long black mustache, gives a sinister grin and cackles a laugh as the vaccine train bellows the steam whistle coming down the 5-G tracks.

So at this point in the show….it is time to reveal the answer to the biggest question in the live theater show we are in.

SPOILER ALERT!! Those that don’t want to know significant parts of the dramatic plot ending….read no further. Those that do…read on. Hint: how does one expose Big Pharma, NANO FIBERS, Morgellons, a human body rejecting NANO DUST they have sprayed on us and put in the vaccine, that is turning humanity into CYBORGS…that will be hooked up to the internet, or mainframe of the internet of things, to be part of a hive mind, expose the FUN VAX, which removes your ability to be a spiritual person, by removing the ‘radical’ part of your frontal lobe, (the mRNA is programmable. ELON MUSK talks about it…he says you can become a butterfly with this technology in past scenes), and the TECHNOCRACY and TRANSHUMANISM agenda…along with the UN 2030 and Bill Gates depopulation AGENDA, along with the complacency of the Medical Field controlled by the cabal? Fun Vax is real- Spoiler alert…if you really need to know more about this secret weapon: Pentagon Vaccine to Modify Behavior (

So President Trump rolls out a vaccine that is as safe as possible and allows people to choose whether or not they want to take it. For by law, the vaccine can not be forced on the people against their will to take it.

If President Trump did not allow a vaccine to be produced, he would be in violation of your right to try, and he would be breaking the laws given in our constitution by FORCING HIS WILL ON ALL THE PEOPLE. FOR HALF THE COUNTRY WAS SHOUTING THEY WANTED A VACCINE. That would be a treasonous act on the Presidents part to dictate his will on the nation. THAT WOULD BE GROUNDS TO REMOVE HIM FROM OFFICE. PRESIDENT TRUMP DID EVERYTHING ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS!

In short, the only way Trump could have saved you from yourselves is by TAKING AWAY YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO CHOOSE, WHAT ACTION YOU DESIRED TO TAKE. ALSO KNOWN AS FREE WILL!



Don’t get it twisted and now it’s time to stay strong and never surrender!!!



    1. Robert G Boensch says:

      Turn the TV on only once a month
      Turn the Volume off
      Watch the Body Language
      may 16-2021 first time I was in front of a TV in 2-3 months CBS was turned on
      Interesting how the news announcers have so much stress and their body’s are falling apart
      When they talk they lean forward into the camera and stick out their necks
      Stress every where and then I looked at the symmetry of their heads
      Its clearly CGI a Few minutes of this nonsense I’m good for a few more months 10 minutes off again
      I informed every one in my tribe it was all fake on day one
      It’s interesting and sad how many in my in survival group culled them self’s out
      Better now then later

      DIANNE Your spirit is intertwined with mine
      everybody else Look at all my posts
      Can you see it ,sense it ,the aura in my miss spelled words coded messages ??

      Noah had the ark
      our survival vessel today is the joining of our spirits
      Time travel mention in the post “CABAL’S PROPHECY IS A LIE- MIND CONTROL! GOD’S PROPHECY IS TRUTH!”
      I live in the spirit world of God
      It’s job one
      We can travel in time each and every one of us on the spirit level
      We are doing this each time we believe any of his teachings and recite them
      and when we except things to be true in the physical world
      our survival depends on this each one of us sharing the deposit of knowledge we have.
      doing this one thing we will survive forever!
      now look at the occult groups ——Please don’t look____you already know!!!

      We can travel in time each and every one of us in the physical level
      But you must under stand the spiritual level and master it
      this can not be done by a machine it can only be done by being one with your spirit

      Study the God with in yourself s
      and be one with Him

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Christine Vigneri says:

    what makes you think there’s a “safer” vaccine that Trump was pushing?Have you seen the # of deaths and adverse reactions?More deaths than the last 30 years worth of deaths from vaccines….and I am a diehard Trump supporter,but still cannot figure out endorsing this vaccine,or,rather,gene therapies that are anything but safe.And yes we have free will but to someone sitting on the fence about taking it that trusts Trump completely-that may have been just the nudge that made he or she take it.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Christine Vigneri says:

        Hardly that.Wanting to understand any need to endorse at all.Maybe you should stop your judgmentality to call it that.


    1. Christine…Did you read the article at all or just want to rant? You have free will to choose. We all do and half the people in this nation were screaming for a vaccine because they loved and believed the fauci vaxer. And if you read the article you would see that the vax he made was the Johnson and Johnson and the Gates fauci investment vax is the one that is creating the most problems. And if you read the CDC what they are feeding mainstream public…they are claiming all is safe, minor side affects and every thing is fine. So our entire system is corrupt and broken so how do you fix it? Expose it since half the nation’s free will is to vax and mask. So…blame who? I say we all allowed the swamp creatures to grown into monsters and we did nothing to stop it. We were all too busy living our lives doing our own thing to be bothered and anyone who warned people was condemned and tin foil hat shamed. It is what it is. Now we all must deal with it…blame no one but ourselves. One man didn’t do it.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. copperheadcitysaloon says:

        Your math comment is not accurate. It is more like 30 to 35 percent tops who got the jab.


      2. Christine Vigneri says:

        yes I read the article and the J+J vax has been paused before due to throwing blood clots.None of these vaccines are safe. .I’m not blaming Trump,just wondering why he endorsed when he is not known to love vaccines even calling the flu shot a hoax..And I see no need to endorse or not to endorse.And,no,I don’t trust the CDC but did you read any of the adverse reactions or what leading immunologists are warning ppl about ?These are mainstream and alternative drs.,experts in the field.So while I can’t figure out why Trump endorsed it,even though I love my Pres.,I can see how it may have influenced ppl.Is that ranting?Hardly.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. Because half the people cried for a vaccine. And everyone has free will to choose. Those who don’t want it don’t take it. People die from the flu shots too. But Covid cured our flu. This entire thing is upside down. And the only way to take down the giant is by exposing their evil depopulation scheme. I don’t wish the vax on anyone. I have a sister that I don’t talk with now…who aside for voting for Biden and me having to stomach her yard signs, took the vax and says she’s doing fine…was one of the first and has condemned me as part of the problem because I won’t. In not so nice of words. We aren’t talking anymore since then. So….she’s in love with Biden and still don’t see anything. She is lost….way lost.

        Liked by 10 people

      4. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

        Dianne, we are living in the time of generation Z for Zombie…all of the woke who are dead to what is truth. Anyone with a BRAIN would NOT take an experimental shot that would change their DNA for ever! This “memo” is the same used during the hitler era. People are over the top STUPID in this time of Gods plan here in the “quote un quote” free world. Delusional is the proper word for the madness today. But God! Hold on to truth!

        Liked by 3 people

      5. Cookie Bruno says:

        Many people have had problems with the Johnson and Johnson also. Blood clotting is showing up in many including these young kids. I don’t think any of these vaccines were meant to be safe.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. copperheadcitysaloon says:

      Amen sister. People have a choice to let the facts guide them or be cultists. It is sad that people here will use mental gymnastics to keep the cult of personality Trump alive. By the way, on the way to going shopping this evening, I saw six chemtrails in the sky in close proximity. Still think Trump is in charge? If Trump was in charge, why would this be happening? Answer: It wouldn’t. This is a stall tactic until they have the net over your head and then you will not be able to do anything. If you want your country back, you better start fighting for it. Waiting for Trump is not the answer.


      1. With that logic. If he stood up for gun ownership and someone takes a gun and kills someone…then that’s Trump’s fault because of those that were against the second amendment. All Trump had to do is say guns were bad and that would have stopped the shooter?

        Liked by 7 people

      2. copperheadcitysaloon says:

        Trump promoted the jab. This is the whirlwind. You’ve got the guy on a pedestal not I.


    3. Gillian Bullock says:

      Hi Christine I think Dianne explained well, most supporters of President Trump can think for themselves I’m an Australian and I certainly won’t be taking it, you have a free will be guided by Abba Father, He guides us with His eye and directs our paths, we can have perfect peace when we trust & rely on our Heavenly Father.

      Liked by 6 people

    4. txvet33 says:

      Words have meaning, go back and listen to PQTUS45’s words on taking the jab. We will wait. NO ONE, especially 45 demanded anyone take the jab….

      Liked by 3 people

    5. Beth H says:

      Remember in the Old Testament when the people of Israel demanded a king so they could be like other nations? God was supposed to be their king, but He let them have their way and gave them Saul. They lived to regret it and they suffered for generations because of their hard-heartedness. Same concept. People demand a vaccine, get one, now paying the price.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Donna, Yes. We all watched him get clobbered for pushing therapies versus vaccines. We watched the ugly and bad actors scream for the wickness of the liars to prevail. The majority of we the people were marching along in our little masks and sanitizing the heck out of shopping carts. Closing businesses and obeying. We can’t rewrite history. Many still won’t own reality, let alone responsibility.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. copperheadcitysaloon says:

      The lesser of two evils is still evil. If he actually knew what he was doing and at this point it is either ignor-ance or neglect, he would have told the American people all vaccines come from the slaughterhouse and are not good at all. But he did not do that. He promoted it.


      1. Joan Gibson says:

        I agree with you. Trump is the one who needs to take responsibility for promoting something that hurts and kills his own citizenry, people who have looked up to him to protect and lead them. He needs to be accountable for his actions. Some of my comments are not getting posted here, I am noticing.


    3. txvet33 says:

      bottom line, 45 told us about HCQ, what did the dimz do? Thru aged into death traps, locked up HCQ. When, not if, WHEN the TRUTH comes to light to the masses, [they] will not be able to walk down ANY American street.


  2. copperheadcitysaloon says:

    Dianne: You are way off base on this one. None of the alleged vaccines are safe. These were emergency use vaccines fast tracked by Trump that bypassed the necessary testing. He declared an emergency which allowed the Democrats to run their draconian lockdowns in Democrat states. He should have known better, I did. He knew the players or should have. If you blame Gates for pushing a vaccine that harms someone’s husband then it is logically consistent to blame Trump who was culpable and screwed up all over the place with this manufactured crisis.


    1. copperheadcity saloon – I did not say it was safe, I said it was the safest of the threee. I’m not taking one. I have been blue in the face yelling NOT TO TAKE IT….i have some family that have taken it gladly. They also take anything the doctor says without question. They are also not healthy for it. I am just tired of people blaming trump for other peoples decisions who shouted they wanted it. He is president not king.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. copperheadcitysaloon says:

        If you blame Gates, it is logically consistent to blame Trump. I am sorry to hear that some of your family got the jab. You must be feeling a lot of anger and sadness at the same time. They can detox from it by going vegan and not eating meat, by the way. The vector is animal fat. Trump should have never promoted any vaccine. If he knew what a vaccine really is, he would have told the people the truth. He didn’t.


      2. warrenadkins1gmailcom says:

        @Christine He would be damned if he did or damned if he didn’t. Why do people always want to blame someone else. That is a very big problem in this country today. People always want to point the finger at someone else instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. When did people just start following and doing what others said to do? Whatever happened to doing your own research? Whatever happened to thinking and making the BEST DECISCION for yourself?

        Liked by 2 people

  3. What most people don’t realize or remember is that we were supposed to be in HRC’s second half of her 8 years. She was supposed to win. Which means they released this virus on purpose and we were supposed to be in lockdown for these 4 years but they stole the election. So, he threw a monkey wrench in their plan by coming up with a vax faster than they thought possible. I think back in January when a batch of vax was ‘lost’ that they got switched out for something harmless, but I don’t know. If he hadn’t brought out a vax, we would all be in lockdown still and many would die from not being able to work or buy food, etc. He had to do something, and we always have a choice, a president cannot tell us what to do or not do, like the fake resident in the WH is telling us.
    And for those who have had the vax, I’ve heard that the Med Beds can help them, but don’t know for sure.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Christine Vigneri says:

      yes that is the most likely theory I’ve heard so far,I don’t think they are all harmless,that’s what I was hoping when he endorsed them and hopefully at least some are,but I know of someone who nearly died and two ppl I know got very sick from them.I agree that medbeds are the big hope,however as far as I know at this time there are only 5 in the whole world.That’s from Simon Parkes who will be dealing with them in the US as he will be opening healing centers.However,I have just found out that pine needle tea,believe it ot not,can help mitigate the spike proteins in the Pfizer and Moderna.This could be a lifesaver as it is becoming apparent that while they don’t shed(no viral component) they somehow transmit as unvaccinated ppl around them are exhibiting adverse reactions.Here is an excellent article from MMU(Master-Mind-University)explaining it ,”Anitdote To The Contagion – Here’s An Effective Way To Guard Against The Spike Protein – Blog Post #1173 – Natural Remedy From The Field of Master Mind Herbs (MMHRB)”And here is a link to a video explaining it I have not watched yet:

      Liked by 2 people

    2. copperheadcitysaloon says:

      Michelle you are in ignor-ance of a virus or alleged virus. Consider libraries, book shelves, books, chapters, pages words and then letters. An alleged virus would be on the scale of letters and seven things would have eradicated it quickly including cosmic radiation, sunlight, oxygen and saliva. I virus does not transmit by air. The vector is animal fat. All vaccines come from the slaughterhouse.


  4. Ri-chard says:

    Not one of the Big Pharma guys announced what are the ingredients in their vaccines. Not one made the claim it will protect you from getting Covid. If you take the shot and get sick and die or received permanent injury, the vaccine maker is not libel. You are responsible for your choice by your own free will. The truth is always a short story and one of simple words therefore, remember to K I S S

    Liked by 5 people

  5. inesnido says:

    Dianne, so true, so true. God bless President Trump. One day the people in our family who have insulted us and ridiculed us for not taking the shot and say we are endangering them will one day apologize to us. For they used their free will to kill themselves.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. betseyross says:

      I am having such a problem reconciling this as everyone in my family took the jab. One has already died and yet I am nuts because as soon as the word ‘clot’ turned up in the dr.’s conversation alarm bells went off in my head. All of us discussed this and at the time there wasn’t enough proof for them to not take the jab. As soon as the funeral was over the information came pouring out. Sometimes being right has no upside. This is one of those occasions.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. debjbalk says:

        God bless you, Betsey, and your family over the loss of your loved one. Life is rarely fair, and yet, God is always good. May he sustain you and your family through this tragedy! 💖✝🙏


      2. warrenadkins1gmailcom says:

        Sorry for your loss. May God comfort you and your family. I have a brother in-law and sister in-law who both took the vax against our warnings and We have seen noticeable differences in their health since.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. possumzero says:

    I am not sure if I am allowed to post my Telegram channel information here, but I will try. I have been a vaccine side-effects literature research enthusiast for 25 years. I tried for 10 of those years to get through to anyone I could talk to regarding the dangers of vaccines – to very little avail. If you would like to be a part of Telegram, I post as much information as I can regarding not only this experimental covid shot but childhood/adult vaccine side-effects and related material as well. Sometimes I will post current events, but that is because I am passionate about our Country. Here is my channel if I am allowed to post it: I welcome any of you to stop by and add any information you have as well about the dangers of vaccines.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Jellybeans says:

    I live in a predominantly Democratic town and neighborhood. I am one of a handful of Trump supporters, but I have kept my political beliefs so quite people just assume I am a democrat and Biden supporter. I have 6 kids so you can only imagine how careful I am with my words. Between 5 travel sports and the friends we have made there, my neighborhood ‘friends’ and extended family they have ALL taken the shot even the few republicans buried in that group. I am utterly astounded how ignorant they are to the science/poison in the vaccine. It is revered as the answer to COVID, riots etc. I listen to their conversations with one another and it’s almost like a badge of honor and the sicker you got with the 2nd shot the more patriotic you are. Their is no talking with these people! One of my friends developed a debilitating neurological disorder about 1.5 months after getting the shot. She had to retire from her career she is so ill. Never once has she connected the dots that the COVID shot might have had something to do with her neurological disorder. Trump did not make ANYONE take the shot and the information is available everywhere about it being indicated for emergency use only. Don’t take the shot! Dianne has beat that drum daily since January! Thank you Dianne.😀

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Joan Gibson says:

      Employers here in Maine and in other states are making the vaccine mandatory to keep one’s job. What is that called? People ARE being forced to take it or lose their livelihood. Also, when one takes the vaccine he signs a waiver stating he understands the shot is EXPERIMENTAL AND BIGPHARMA IS FREE OF LIABILITY and here in Maine if you get sick after the jab, and lose your job you are ineligible for unemployment benefits (this just happened to my niece). What do you call that? Where are the laws in place to uphold individual freedoms like reason, self government and conscience, and “body sovereignty” aka inalienable rights. I have seen NO US GOVERNMENT entity take the initiative on protecting their citizens from genocide. It is “we the people” who need to and are stepping forward. But, our government and its leaders have responsibilities to its citizens, a good righteous government, that is. You want “Q?” QUESTION and act accordingly in any way you can in your own sphere of existence. No one will be saving us, but, God and He expects us to have wide open eyes and the humility to go to Him.


      1. Joan Gibson says: Employers here in Maine and in other states are making the vaccine mandatory to keep one’s job. What is that called? It is called a LAWSUIT BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL TO FORCE AN EMPLOYEE TO TAKE ANY VACCINE OR MEDICAL CARE. If the people would stand up for their constitutional and department of labor rights in the courts, this would be a different story. But it is easier to blame Trump than it is the ones who committed treason, and those who have committed crimes against humanity. Trump and others have told you to stand up for your constitutional rights. Those that stood up won their court cases. Those that folded and grumbled lost and it is a sad thing. Fear causes poor decisions. Go ask the fake president what to do. And just so you all know…half of the people doing stupid things now are doubles and or CGI digital coms. So, before you all grab pitchforks…take a good look at the bankrupt armed guard capitol. By law, armed guard are only allowed on the streets under martial law. Looks like something has been wrong since Jan. 6th in DC.

        Liked by 4 people

      2. Cookie Bruno says:

        It is illegal to be forced to take an experimental injection. Del Bigtree’s and the Front Line supply people with an attorney pro bono should you be threatened or forced to take a vaccine or lose your job. It would be worth talking to these people.

        Liked by 4 people

      3. Beth H says:

        Dianne is right–SUE them, even those who are supposedly without culpability. Clog the courts with suits and don’t roll over. Nag your senator and house representative relentlessly. It’s only when people say there is nothing we can do, it’s just the way it is, that we have lost. Wasn’t it Churchill who said “never, never, never quit”?

        God has given my family many victories over different governmental rulers and regulators, but He also made me a tenacious fighter and has put me in situations that helped others learn how to take a stand. “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, AND HAVING DONE ALL, TO STAND” (Ephesians 6:13).

        Liked by 3 people

      4. asknanakate says:

        OSHA also just clarified that any employer who requires their employees be vaccinated as a condition of employment ASSUMES THE LIABILITY as a workplace injury anyone negatively affected by this experimental therapy. It’s also against Federal Law to require it because it’s EUA only.

        Those of us in the know have been frustrated by our inability to reason with family and friends to no avail. It’s a psychosis which will take many more revelations to shake them of these beliefs. I have a son and DIL who ignored all the information and warnings I provided. It terrifies me because they have infant twins and I only pray that God spares them so they can raise them to adulthood.

        What Dianne so eloquently outlines is the best of the worst possible scenarios. Do many not get it? It was either an EUA therapy that cannot be legally required or lockdowns for years. In the meantime, the medical tyranny is being exposed daily.

        President Trump disrupted those plans. God gave us Free Will. Do you think we frustrate Him on a regular basis?

        Liked by 6 people

      1. isolatedinsmalltown says:

        If my son-the-scientist could have another dad, dr.farce would be it… elder sister loves bill gates… brother in law is awaiting surgery because he may have been ‘shedded’ on…(he didn’t get the injection, so who knows his real health issues?) My husband got injected, and we met with my dentist this morning….I am in the process of making decisions for a bridge (everyone wants me to get a simple little implant – but with my research, my answer is no)…anyway, husband announced to dentist he got injected…I thought this was odd behavior, as they both ‘admitted’ it. I should have run out the door at that moment – heehaw. Freaks everywhere.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Robert G Boensch says:

    Nice Group
    First day here MANIFESTING THE WRATH!


    Logic spelled out in 2014 for the world
    I told of my October surprise to the people of Michigan

    Here’s the kicker for the year 2020
    I stated the following in 2014
    If you do not continually keep your own hands on the steering wheel of your life
    You will find out very quickly that you’re heading off in to an unknown place
    And find out that others have full control of your life

    Up date You will find out very quickly that you’re heading off in to an unknown place (( THE Grave))

    I can only blow Gods Trumpet So Hard for so Long

    Please everyone say a prayer For Dianne and her family
    and to all that gather in His name

    Liked by 5 people

  9. marc says:

    A Psalm of Life
    By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    What The Heart Of The Young Man Said To The Psalmist.

    Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
    Life is but an empty dream!
    For the soul is dead that slumbers,
    And things are not what they seem.

    Life is real! Life is earnest!
    And the grave is not its goal;
    Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
    Was not spoken of the soul.

    Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
    Is our destined end or way;
    But to act, that each to-morrow
    Find us farther than to-day.

    Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
    And our hearts, though stout and brave,
    Still, like muffled drums, are beating
    Funeral marches to the grave.

    In the world’s broad field of battle,
    In the bivouac of Life,
    Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
    Be a hero in the strife!

    Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!
    Let the dead Past bury its dead!
    Act,— act in the living Present!
    Heart within, and God o’erhead!

    Lives of great men all remind us
    We can make our lives sublime,
    And, departing, leave behind us
    Footprints on the sands of time;

    Footprints, that perhaps another,
    Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
    A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
    Seeing, shall take heart again.

    Let us, then, be up and doing,
    With a heart for any fate;
    Still achieving, still pursuing,
    Learn to labor and to wait.

    More Poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    The Arrow and the Song
    By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Guy Cihi says:

    Nice try, but I call bullshit.

    Why do taxpayers have to pay for the mRNA death jabs?

    A duh, duh, duh…

    Because Trump did nothing.

    Trump was a limited hangout. A fraud. Sorry, not sorry. He fooled me too.


    1. copperheadcitysaloon says:

      The spin here reminds me of the Bushites who supported W come hell or high water back in the early 2000’s. You were called a hater for fair and accurate criticism of Bush. Same here. Trump promoted it be is not to blame when he should have never promoted it.


      1. jobondi says:

        Just a question. What about all the rest of the countries who are giving the vaccine, some even mandating it? If we were the only country, who all other nations look to, DIDN’T begin to manufacture the “vaccine”, who would to be blame? Trump. Look at all the evil brought against him from the time he announced his candidacy for president? Which continued in extreme form throughout his presidency. Which effected a lot of major Patriots being put in jail and worse, just to hurt Trump. Yet look at ALL he did in those four years in spite of it all. Those Patriots have continued to stand by Trump and fight for the people to this day. Look at how the evil cabal are going at him once again. Without the vaccine, while other countries pushed theirs, those who hate him would push that hate all the more, ramping up their lies. Trump’s supporters would likely fall in line against Trump. There would be no hope of Trump returning to presidency. There would be no hope at all for the American people. “Trumpers” probably would have lined up en masse for the vaccine while hating Trump and not thinking for ourselves. Where America goes, the rest of the world goes. Other nations know this better than we do. We still have hope that Trump will return. Otherwise we’d have no hope at all. Nor would others around the world. God is USING Trump just as He has used so many others during biblical times. Trump isn’t doing all he is without guidance from the Lord or those around him. He’s playing chess, but not alone. He has put awesome christian and non christian advisors all around him. He has listened to them. He invited pastors into the White House for prayer during his entire administration. IMO, now that I’ve read Dianne’s article, I believe Trump reminds people he got the vaccine for us so we will be able to acknowledge that he followed the constitution, compared to the cabal trampling and tearing it up beginning 1/20/21. According to the constitution, we have rights. What are they and how do We The People utilize them? Open our eyes, do our own research, (unlike the sheeple, who are most of my friends), and learn how to stand up for ourselves again. And, get back to God. Focus on Him, not Trump. God uses Trump, not vice versa. God bless.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. JOBONDI- AMEN! Trump has opened eyes to see and be his eyes to boot. Being eyes for others was his example…being the voice for others is what he gave us the boldness to become! Who will stand? The world is watching and we still have a constitution if we use it! Amen!

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Mark says:

    Remember this is a movie, replaced actors trying to show the people the truth and the direction we have been heading. That said what if Trump rolled out a vaccine that was harmless and the stories we’ve read are part of the script? I’ve talked to my physician and asked if she heard of any side effects people have had. Her response was nothing to speak of. Remember white hats are in control and if adverse effects we’re not reported we would learn nothing. Trust the plan, you will love the ending is what we are told. There are still a lot of people still asleep that need to wake up. Dead people does not sound like a good ending and most of us will be united when the movie ends.

    Liked by 4 people

  12. Anita says:

    Dianne: sorry to read your sister talked to you in “ a not so nice way “ and, forgive me for describing her as the following , but she is a foolish woman for voting for a plagiarist, criminal , racist, thief China joe thug. Those that voted for the resident tyrant are responsible as well for the tyranny we are suffering. She made the choice to not speak to a wonderful sister, you. What a loss!

    The only incompetent forcing you to take the vaccine is the tyrannical usurper thief China joe. The treasonous thief China joe is enforcing it as a tyrant “or else “. Also, asinine marxistdems governors like cuomo are forcing citizens to get vaccinated & are now promoting it for teenagers. How absurd when it doesn’t really affect them. Teenagers are dying from committing suicide from being depressed about schools being closed! The private Catholic schools remained opened; they only closed a few days to clean up. Catholic schools don’t have children wearing masks. God is present in these Catholic schools as well as prayers said daily and crucifixes in every classroom.

    President Trump: he did what he could & what was demanded of him. He never made it mandatory only encouraged. The marxistdems are making it mandatory for schools including colleges. Again, President Trump is NOT a medical doctor, virologist, scientist, pharmacist, nurse. Btw, President Trump did lockdown the nation but only temporarily & numerous times told the governors to open up the states because people needed to go back to work and get on with lives, businesses needed to reopen. President Trump closed planes ✈️ coming from China so as to not enter with people that could possibly be contagious. He stopped entry from European nations fir a limited time.

    My mom received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine & thank God no side effects & she is well. She wanted one jab. I didn’t want her to get it but she did ( she’s 87). My mom is an ardent President Trump supporter and a cradle Catholic that prays her rosary 📿 nightly. I am fortunate that my brother also is a Trump supporter. He got the vaccine 💉 and no side effects. God is good! I will not get the vaccine & I’m a President Trump supporter 100 💯 %. I also know he tried to do his best against all odds. That means I can’t travel by plane ✈️ etc. oh well.

    Great article, Dianne!

    Blame the marxistdems for this entire mess, for the election fraud steal, for the China virus 🦠, for the lockdowns, for planning the China virus 🦠 in order to trash & blame President Trump for any deaths to affect the election & have Marc Elias with his thug lawyers to change rules unconstitutionally, blame hollywierd that relentlessly blamed the president for everything and their stupid commercial pushing the vaccine 💉 , blame the new commercial with bush, clinton and obamao pushing the vaccine & blame the corrupt marxistdems media that did everything to promote any death as President Trump’s fault for not doing enough. There’s more of course, research it.

    I happen to be vegan 🌱 for ethical reasons for decades. I don’t care nor want a vaccine “tested” on poor innocent creatures; actually their tortured. I know people want millions of them tortured so these asinine scientists can tell you the vaccine 💉 is safe. It actually isn’t no matter who is tortured. I will continue to remain vegan 🌱 because it’s best for me and God’s creatures.

    President Trump doesn’t drink or smoke so get a grip, people. Please!

    God bless!


    Liked by 5 people

    1. copperheadcitysaloon says:

      He encouraged an experimental gene shot therapy that is pure poison and not needed but you are okay with this? Sadly, you are mind controlled. If you actually knew about vaccines and what is in them, you would have refrained from your rather silly comment. I am blushing for you.


      1. He isn’t a doctor bro, he listened to doctors. If it weren’t for warp speed the economy would still be shut down while the globalist cabal raked in on the scam.This was about control, without the Warp speed vaccine it would have taken years for a vaccine,.We would have stayed under total tyrannical control.They are hell bent on controlling us .Personally I always thought it was going to be climate change..oh no there’s a hole in the ozone ,no one can drive anymore, government transportation only.But now they have more than one way , anything the media can do to put fear into the ignorant masses.
        Trump gave up way to much physically, mentally, emotionally and financially to be a part of the globalist cabal.
        Most of us would have rather been buggy whipped.
        He also exposed the evils in our government and media.
        My biggest concern is that he listened to globalist leadership he thought were on his side and didnt do enough with our CIA, FBI, or Pentagon to turn this around.
        There will be no arrests when the people that make the arrests are part of plan against America.
        Also ,would you please post a link from microbiologist, virologist or any qualified person as to the statement about viruses not being airborne? I’ve heard that ,but most say they are airborne. I know schools and factory workers always seem to get viruses at the same time.
        Thanks and GOD BLESS

        Liked by 3 people

      2. copperheadcitysaloon says:

        Who declared the national emergency last year? Trump. When he did, what happened? Lockdowns happened. Many of the professions you listed are part of the cabal. You are buying into the ivory tower cabal. Do you need an expert to study the Bible? Nope. But go to the Gassing America website. If you do your own research, you will eventually find out the vector is animal fat. Your calculus is strange. On one hand you are anti-cabal yet hold onto the cabal’s lies about how an alleged virus would transmit. You need to really stop yourself and think about what you just wrote: Most say they are airborne? So, science is groupthink?


      3. Trump declared a cooperation of states leaving it up to the states according to the constitution to cooperate for two weeks. He also provided assistance…that the conglomerate’s subsidiaries gobbled up…(which he did not expect and they made them pay it back). South Dakota did not shut down. Trump officially opened the country states used their state powers to hold onto their tyrannical new world order/WHO plandemic plots. You can’t blame Trump. It doesn’t add up mathematically.


  13. Tina says:

    If I take a shot, I’m not going to blame someone else! I will own it, that people is called Freewill! Guess who the Bible calls the accuser, don’t blame where blame isn’t due! If we are lead by the spirit of God then we wouldn’t be concerned about blaming it on anyone! God said, in All your ways knowledge me and I will direct your path so I did and I knew the shot wasn’t for me! For one why would a person take a shot with no information of what’s in it and (2). Not enough information about it period (3). Let’s see only Emergency use FDA approval many reasons I could see for myself Not to take it! I even watched as people ran to get inline and couldn’t help but 🤔 Lord, us this what lines will look like when the governments call for 666? Just sayin……….People let this mass destruction be a lesson to you, learn from it, pay close attention so you can have discernment, be anxious for nothing but prayerful in all things! Fear is not God! I’m not being ugly, I’m just saying slowdown and ask God to show you what’s going on, he will!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. copperheadcitysaloon says:

      The process of informed consent did not exist with this jab because it has proprietary ingredients in it that the vaccine companies will not share with the American people.


      1. copperheadcity saloon…the Constitution still stands. Vaccines cannot be forced. They lied, instilled fear and people believed a lie. There are lots of lawsuits now turning employers around dropping mandates. People perish for lack of knowledge.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. samiddleton says:

        Your overwhelming knowledge has only been exceeded by your arrogance and antagonism this evening. Thanks from everyone.

        Liked by 3 people

  14. Joan Gibson says:

    Wow, I completely disagree with this essay/article. Trump KNEW better and the masses did not. He betrayed us. No way in hell or heaven would I EVER commit a fraud upon humanity and if I had been president, I would have warned my citizens, with the caveat that they are to use critical analysis, look around and make their own decisions. I also would have came clean on all the COVID/CCP deception occurring More psyops bullshit and it’s evil. A nation looks up to its leaders to help guide and protect them. I see the bigger picture as each day unfolds. Dianne, you make me more than wonder. It would be helpful to have some background information on you and nothing can be found any where. Quite curious. I am tired of religious folks being manipulated. Love your links to articles though! However, your skips in logic are very peculiar, indeed. Your website is a litmus test for how awake Americans are, helpful information to some who aren’t too helpful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. copperheadcitysaloon says:

      The fact that 95 percent of the regular posters here do not know what the main ingredient in all vaccines are tells me they are not aware. I see spin, a virus escaping from a lab when viruses do not transmit by air causes me to feel sadness for them. If Trump knew what he was doing and I do not think he is that competent, he would have told the American people what is in vaccines and that they are not needed at all. But we get he encouraged it but didn’t demand it. Would that fly if some people went door to door encouraging people to eat poison as long as they did not demand the poison be eaten? Of course not but all rationality and logic flies out the window because priorities are misplaced.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So you could have done a better job at president? Funny, you surely aren’t going to get me to your rally with your pious, insulting know more than everyone attitude.
        Miss Dianne says your a brother in Christ, I’ll take her word for it.I dont have to thin of skin. I know when someone needs to bridle their tongue. Perhaps you could speak as though we care about one another and want the same outcome, working together, instead of the condescending remarks.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Personally I think he did better than anyone else in America could have or would have done.Do you realize the opposition he faced? Justice department, including the FBI and CIA, generals, the media worldwide, hundreds of NGO’S ect.
      The man had balls of steel and it’s easy to say what we would have done. Death threats against him and his family were the norm. When the threats come from your own military or justice department who is to say what you would promote or say.
      I’m certainly not saying that’s what happened and I think he thought he was doing good by rushing a vaccine that was going to be inevitable. He pushed for therapeutics but the communist cabal pounded him for it.He accomplished much,even with fierce opposition, if you know anyone that could have done better or that has done better in the past, please let us know.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. copperheadcitysaloon says:

        I would have done better. People who know better do better. Your comments are fragmented and mostly uninformed. Your delusional beliefs on the matter are blinding you to reality and the facts. And they come off as canned talk radio talking points which is more group think mind control. I sure hope you get on Gassing America. There is a number at the bottom of the page. Call it.


      2. debjbalk says:

        Copper, I know you’re not a bot, but my goodness… I joined this thread late today… You are coming at many, many people with both barrels blazing… You’re repeating your frustrations over & over again. For example, you’ve pointed out countless times that we have no idea what’s in the vaccines because if we did, we’d…blah, blah, blah. Oh, and I lost count how many times you said you felt SAD for us. Really??? Do ya really? I doubt anyone wants your pity, but we sure could use a break from your attacks here. From your last few comments, I see you’ve now resorted to getting personal, tearing apart people’s wording. Okay, I’m reminding myself again… You are not a bot!! So please stop behaving like one. Okay. Go ahead…time to double barrel me, guns blazing.. That is, unless you’re finally going to take a breather and we’ll all move on. Yea, let’s all move on. We got it…many of us disagree.. Typical, no surprise there. Moving on now……………

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Deb, Copper loves the Lord and he is battling a spiritual warfare at the moment. He needs to rant and blame at the moment…to get it all out of his system. Something triggered him. He is wrestling with it and I, for one also tire of it. I love what you said….that is a message from the heart for you always love the all of the all. And you gave it in love. For his own sake. He will wrestle… I leave it now between him and God…in the name of Jesus I rebuke the denomic attack he is wrestling with. May the Lord lift him out of it….and allow him to serve his true purpose…which we have seen glimpses of here a little, there a little. Amen.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Beth H says:

      Didn’t Trump TRY to tell everyone to just use hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, vitamins C&D and zinc? But he was deplatformed and cancelled as a nutjob. People demanded a vax so he fast-tracked one, even encouraged people to take it, but it is still our choice to take it or not. No one can complain that Trump got the vax going when THEY demanded it.

      Liked by 3 people

  15. copperheadcitysaloon says:

    We do not have representative government now. Google and other MNC’s are telling the government what to do. Stores are implementing you don’t have to wear the mask if you are vaccinated. Where do you cry foul when Google and the MNC’s are in charge? Your comment though well intended is naive of what is going on now.



      Liked by 3 people

      1. copperheadcitysaloon says:

        Why are you shouting? Can you not get your point across in a calm way? We need to do more than repent, we need to go and sin no more.


      2. Cookie Bruno says:

        Check out Seed to Table in Naples Florida. 75,000 sq ft. store owned by Alfie. This gentleman is the most rational person since this began. Never demanded masks from his employees from the beginning. If they want to wear one he doesn’t have a problem. Check him out a delight to listen to.

        Liked by 2 people

  16. jennll says:

    Thank you, Diane. I look forward to reading The Marshall Report everyday. In a world gone crazy, it’s a relief to know that everyone hasn’t lost their mind. I have tried to pass info on to family, most of whom seem very VERY skeptical. So it makes me feel better to know that I am not the only one seeking the truth! Write on!

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Robert G Boensch says:

    Joan Gibson says: And for all that are here

    Wow, I completely disagree with this essay/article. Trump KNEW better and the masses did not. He betrayed us. No way in hell or heaven would I EVER commit a fraud upon humanity and if I had been president, I would have warned my citizens, with the caveat that they are to use critical analysis, look around and make their own decisions

    I would have warned my citizens
    He did warned them all of them that Voted in Him in the 2016 election campaign
    He stated all the time Fake News did he Not
    TO ALL and ON HIS OWN DIME !!! Trumps dime
    as of his covid response Those that believed that truly was in tuned with President Trump
    Got the Message
    and We all told others it was Fake who would listen
    The cabal Never let up on their campaign to destroy
    now those that were republicans they voted by party lines and did not care for President Trump
    Do you think that the demon crates followed any of President Trumps words
    and no we have those that didn’t Vote at all

    How many 501c 3 Churches stood up to the CABAL
    Gods house is suppose to be a sanctuary for his people
    Go back to Dianne Post


    Is there and truth posted Here March 19 2021
    How many took the JAB after this Post

    Its sad But How many only Believe in them self’s
    And not In Thee All Mighty One
    Tail Gunner ???

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Ri-chard says:

    Sad to say, a large number of people, too large do not know of Free Will, and when they find out what it is to be Free, they will walk away from it..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. debjbalk says:

      For all those here…. Question for ya! If you are one of those that are fully acquainted with FREE WILL… Question for all of us….. “What will we do with our free will TODAY, for today is the only day we can influence? Will we use it to further the Kingdom of God? Will we use it to SERVE others? Will we waste it and do nothing? What will we do with this gift from God?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. debjbalk says:

      Okay, Richard…. so are you telling us that you are a “glass half empty” kind of guy? Because if you are…. Well, together we make a FULL GLASS because I’m a “glass half full” kind of gal. 🥛 Ex from your stmt: When they find out what it is to be FREE, they’ll glorify God and fight for others rights to be equally free. 🤗✝😉

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Robert G Boensch says:

      How about starting a new morning ritual
      A morning Stretch
      Follow by a morning shout
      I’M FREE
      and then
      I HAVE FREE WILL !!!!!
      would this catch on??
      Would this be considered part of the awaking?????????????????

      +++ +++ +++

      Liked by 2 people

    4. Richard, they already have and they cling to their marching orders from minions in the shadows who pay them with dark funds to dance and yell in the streets. Others do so freely because they believe a lie. Spiritual warfare as it was prophecied has been with mankind in all the ages. Free will has always allowed man to choose who he will follow, what he will believe and what he will do with his life. All have free will to repent…all have free will to choose what God they will follow or choose to follow no god at all. We are wheat living among the tares as the Lord said. That is now evident and glaring in our faces on a world scale. There is no nation who is escaping the shaking. Therefore, look up and know it is all a sign of the season we are in. Stay in prayer unceasing…and know this day is precious. We are at war. It is written God wins in the end.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Here are some key phrases of men and women using their shouts of free will….
        “I’ll do what I d>>> well wanna do!”
        “You can’t make me do that!”
        “Oh yea….You and what army gonna make me stop?”
        “F….! You! I’ll do what I want!”
        “If I want to go to the bla bla, there’s not a dang thing you can do about it.”
        “If I don’t want to do it, YOU sure the H>> can’t make me!”

        And the same know how to take away another’s free will to boot!

        “Who said you could talk? Shut the ___ up!”
        “You can’t have that!”
        *SMACK*! “That’s what ya get for opening your mouth!”
        “You’re not going anywhere. Now shut up and sit down!”
        “Quit your crying or I’ll give ya something to cry about!”
        “You’ll do what I say or else I’ll……”

        So Robert, I don’t think anyone has a problem understanding their own free will. It appears a lot of folks have a different type of problem. Some will have deep ramifications…others will have a hard thing hit them up side the head and awake. Some will simply exhaust themselves and come to their senses. Others will have total meltdowns. So…approach with caution. Pulling some out of the fire, even hating the garment upon them. Deep meaning coming into light.


  19. Polly says:

    I see there are points to believing Trump hurried the vaccine. Screwing up the Cabal time line but not so ling ago his daughter did so too. Kinda wierd. Think they are being blackmailed to do so?


  20. Perhaps someone here already posted this but I noticed it’s not in this thread of comments, so here’s the link:


    The title claims that :

    “ Maybe this really is the antidote to the Covid vaccine contagion.”

    “The Antidote to the Contagion
    This antidote to the contagion, that has been known of by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is called Suramin, an isolated compound originally derived from an extract of pine needle oil.
    It is only available by injection, and has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this “pandemic”, yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses of several kinds, along with a large number of other conditions.
    Yet anyone can now take advantage of this solution by tapping its root origin, pine needle tea, an antidote that is freely available today in evergreen forests and in many people’s backyards. (Sources for buying it are also listed below.)
    How can this simple remedy work so well in the face of such a seemingly insurmountable condition?
    There is a direct relationship between Suramin (the isolated extract), pine needle tea (a hot water extract of the pine, fir, cedar, and spruce needles), and pine oil (which is derived from the needles though an essential oil steam distillation process).”

    Please read the entire article!

    I found and ordered the pine needle tea from Amazon. Can’t hurt, may be a tremendous help!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. ellemy says:

    The idea that man has free will is an illusion and a source of pride. This goes all the way back to Adam and Eve who fell pray to this very pride and illusion. Now, we are either slaves to sin through our sin nature or bond slaves of Christ Jesus in union with Him and in whom is our only true liberty. Either way, we are not truly our “own”. If we think we are, then we have not truly known the Christ of God who prayed from the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they KNOW NOT what they do.” He understood what was in the heart of men and that the prince of this world had blinded their minds. Where the Spirit of the Lord IS, there is freedom, because it is the Son who MAKES us free. In this freedom we pray, Our Father, THY WILL be done.

    Trump or no Trump, Biden or no Biden, it doesn’t matter, because those who are free in Christ will not follow a man.Let no man deceive you. We have choice but ultimately God’s will wins the day as He brings His creation into submission. WE can either fall on the rock and be broken of our SELF willed nature or be crushed by it, suffering great loss.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Forwarding a ‘safe’ link to the position of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), their conclusion being :

    “Given the significance of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is readily understandable why the new COVID-19 vaccines were rushed onto the market with the Emergency Authorization Act. However, it is equally important to recognize that, consequently, we do not have the long-term studies that are usually performed for a new vaccine to evaluate any potential long-term side effects like cancer, seizures, heart disease, allergies, and autoimmune diseases. Please understand that all those who receive a COVID-19 vaccine will be part of an ongoing investigational use (experimental) data collection with a vaccine technology that has never been used before.”

    See also their summary recommendations that follows.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have a corona (crown) war taking place and a war with the Crown thieves across the sea, and a war to hold on to our crowns, and the Righteous Crowned King of Kings at the Helm. THESE ARE THE CROWN WARS! God wins for he holds all the CROWNS!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Lostit says:

      Had a brain fart 2day…what if these phsyco’s are using the jab juice to protect the brainwashed retardos, 4 when they release the next wave of democrustic CCP virus we unvaxed will b there depopulation solution. Who knows nothing surprises me.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Free will and free choice have something in common that none will see. Free will is not specifically stated in the Bible just as free choice is not specifically stated in the first amendment. However, it is implied in both cases. Adam and Eve were not told to choose between the two trees! Of all the trees in the garden (including the tree of life) they could freely eat. EXCEPT ONE! Tell a child “do not touch that, it will burn you” and what will most if not all do? Now as in the laws of physics, here is the law of choice: for every choice made there is a consequence. LOLGB+

    Liked by 1 person

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