Isaac Hill wears a gas mask along with his cap & gown during the graduation  ceremony for Skyline High School at Motor Vu Drive-In in Idaho Falls, USA |  The coronavirus outbreak

What if WWIII is virtual? Designed to drive you over the edge into madness for fear of what is coming on the earth…. fear is the opposite of faith! Fear destroys your immune system, wearies your heart, leaves you in a pit of despair, opposite of God’s love. It is what manifests illness, and creates mental confusion, despair that can lead to anger and onslaught through warring with each other, and suicides? What if the war on the mind is the weapon? What will you do to reverse this weapon? It’s time to expose it! Mind control is real and they know how to trigger complete and total despair and fear within your mind if you allow them to give you their virtual world full of lies. It is happening now and very real. How will you survive a bunch of crazies who believe all the lies? They will be dangerous if not to others, to themselves. Suicides and physical abuse to others, even murders will rise.

We are already seeing the success of the mind control fear of COVID in those rushing to take the vaccine.  The masks, disinfecting to the point of getting ill from toxic chemicals in the disinfectants. Locked down willingly, staying inside out of the sun which the lack thereof causes depression in and of itself. Let alone the lack of vitamin D. All of it is extreme abuse and none of it beneficial for anything except making people susceptible to illness.  Depleting immune systems further and compromising our respiratory systems.

They are destroying the body without the vaccine. Vax just makes it happen faster.

CHINA JOINS VIRTUAL WWIII FEAR SHOW: Why is NBC News showing the third round of talks with yesterdays CGI clips. Guess they haven’t got the new green screens and talking points in yet.


Conveniently, the press is not allowed in except for a few minutes at a time. Do you believe that? This is a bunch of bull and people are buying into it. Taking it all the way up north so no one in the lower 48 will be able to check and see if it is taking place or not. Where’s Sarah Palin…she would be able to fact check this green screen event!

But we are to believe that day two of the virtual reality show will bring some very dramatic information. I predict, we either give China a huge package of things that will cripple the USA to create more fear on top of Vaccines and Plandemic, or the US will not go along and a WWIII type scenario will be the fear to create more stress on top of the Vaccines and Plandemic.

So CHINA, CHINA, CHINA…..with a bunch of RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA sandwiched in the middle. We’re all going to die in WWIII and Russia and China are either going to kill us all or take all….that is the fearful propaganda they are developing. Brought to you by the creators of ‘THE TRUMAN SHOW ON STEROIDS’.

The scripture in Luke 21:26 tells us that the fear of what is coming will cause their hearts to fail. Does this mean heart attack? Does this mean not to be able to breathe?

Luke 21:26 KJV

“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”

The Falsehood of Fear - Human Unlimited

The synonyms to FEAR are:
terror · fright · fearfulness · horror · alarm · panic · agitation · trepidation · dread · consternation · dismay · distress · anxiety · worry · angst · unease · uneasiness · apprehension · apprehensiveness · nervousness · nerves · timidity · disquiet · disquietude · discomposure · unrest · perturbation · foreboding · misgiving · doubt · suspicion · the creeps · the willies · the heebie-jeebies · the shakes · the collywobbles · jitteriness · twitchiness · butterflies (in the stomach) · funk · blue funk · worriment · inquietude · phobia · aversion · antipathy · bugbear · bogey · nightmare · neurosis · complex · mania · abnormal fear · irrational fear · obsessive fear · bête noire · hang-up

US nurse faints after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine shot - YouTube

The Synonyms to FAINTING are:

VERB fainting (present participle)

  1. lose consciousness for a short time because of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain.synonyms
    pass out · lose consciousness · fall unconscious · black out · collapse · flake out · keel over · conk out · zonk out · drop · go out · go out like a light · swoon

I looked up the word FAILING (as in the KJV) The synonym for failing are:
be unsuccessful · not succeed · lack success · fall through · fall flat · break down · abort · miscarry · be defeated · suffer defeat · be in vain · be frustrated · collapse · founder · misfire · backfire · not come up to scratch · meet with disaster · come to grief · come to nothing · come to naught · miss the mark · run aground · go astray · flop · fizzle out · flatline · come a cropper · bite the dust · bomb · blow up in someone’s face · go down like a lead balloon · crash · go under · go bankrupt · become insolvent · go into receivership · be in the hands of the receivers · go into liquidation · cease trading · cease production · be closed · be shut down · close down · be wound up · fold · go bust · go broke · go bump · go to the wall · go belly up



forthcoming · imminent · impending · approaching · advancing · nearing · near · future · expected · anticipated · close · (close) at hand · in store · in the wind · in the air · in the offing · in the pipeline · on the horizon · on the way · on us · about to happen · in the cards

I continued on and looked at the other key words in the scripture like Expectations, and Powers.

The Synonym for EXPECTATIONS:

A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.”reality had not lived up to expectations” · [more]synonyms
supposition · assumption · belief · presupposition · presumption · conjecture · surmise · reckoning · calculation · prediction · forecast · projection · assurance · confidence · trust · anticipation · expectancy · eagerness · hope · hopefulness · excitement · suspense

BECAUSE THERE IS A LACK OF AIR! COVID lockdowns, masks and loss of jobs are crimes against humanity! All who partake in this plandemic should be held responsible and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The synonyms for the word POWERS.

  1. physical strength and force exerted by something or someone.”the power of the storm” · [more]synonyms
    strength · powerfulness · might · force · forcefulness · mightiness · weight · vigor · energy · intensity · potency · brawn · brawniness · muscle · punch · welly · thew · eloquence · effectiveness · cogency · persuasiveness · impressiveness · authoritativeness

I looked up the synonyms for WORLD:

(the world)the earth, together with all of its countries, peoples, and natural features.”he was doing his bit to save the world”synonyms.

  • (the world)all of the people, societies, and institutions on the earth.”world affairs”synonyms
    everyone · everybody · each and every one · people · mankind · humankind · humanity · people everywhere · the whole world · the world at large · the public · the general public 
The Shaking: True or Fake Remnant

Then lastly I looked up HEAVENS and SHAKEN.

HEAVENS: A place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.synonyms
paradise · nirvana · the kingdom of heaven · the promised land · the heavenly kingdom · the City of God · the celestial city · the abode of God · the abode of the saints · the abode of the angels · Zion · Abraham’s bosom · the empyrean · the beyond · the hereafter · the next world · the next life · the afterworld · the afterlife · happy hunting ground · the New Jerusalem · Swarga · Elysium · the Elysian Fields · the Islands of the Blessed · Valhalla · Avalon


  1. (of a structure or area of land) tremble or vibrate.”buildings shook in Sacramento and tremors were felt in Reno”synonyms
    vibrate · tremble · quiver · quake · shiver · shudder · judder · jiggle · wobble · rock · sway · swing · roll · oscillate · convulse
  2. move (an object) up and down or from side to side with rapid, forceful, jerky movements

I looked up the greek words that they transfered the words from. And this is what I found…

So, in light of what we are experiencing at this very season of time. It is fair to say…this is what the Bible told us was to come and we are smack in the middle of it. This did not just appear…it has come as a woman in labor ready to birth a child. The same as the Lord told us it would. We are now in the final labor pains. I don’t know at what exact point, but I do know it is at the point in the scripture of Luke 21:26.

I also know the Lord SAID TO HIS FOLLOWERS TO FEAR NOT! He said to HAVE FAITH and watch for these things to come for they will come at a time when you least expect it. And here we are … just as the Lord has said.

The war has been raging for decades, and centuries…we are just now waking up to the extent of it.

Which brings me to the question, “What if WWIII is virtual?” Knowing all creation is God’s and it has been man that is out of order with nature not nature out of order with man….could we see a virtual self destruction where fear is the number one weapon?

The Revelation and The Signs of The Last Days - Home | Facebook

Oh I am not saying there won’t be other weapons…but the fear factor is the number one killer. People willing to do as told out of fear without a shot fired, only a shot given. Others will die physically from fear, weak hearts, heart attacks, gasping for breath via anxiety attacks, suicides, hopelessness, getting killed via rioting, shot for stealing, tresspassing, all manner of chaotic street wars due to fear of what is coming. Fear through hopelessness and being godless living for today for tomorrow we die attitude. For many, it’s selling out to be a street soldier for silver because there are no other jobs except those as a thug in the street.

Regardless, there is a lot to ponder and expose. There is a better way… will the people open their eyes and see it?

Stay Strong and hold the line.





  1. Robert G Boensch says:

    Your getting Closer
    With the Covid 19
    The greatest effect is as a Reverse placebo

    A is anything that seems to be a “real” medical treatment — but isn’t. It could be a pill, a shot, or some other type of “fake” treatment. What all placebos have in common is that they do…

    OR A REAL Virus

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robert G Boensch says:

      Here is the truth I see about COVID-19 Plan
      first take over of our schools
      In 1903, John D. Rockefeller founded the General Education Board, which provided major funding for schools across the country and was especially active in promoting the State-controlled public school movement.
      The second
      Then Bill Gates Foundation put chrome books in schools
      Books out then online schooling in
      the schools took out their library’s and then put in internet cafes
      computers give off lights that Strobe. The brain does not accept this type of information
      electronic data can change with a key stroke
      the last depository of Knowledge of History the world has
      Will be in our Brains
      This the covid Vaccine first vaccinate the old people with knowledge
      then go younger
      the kids can’t get it because we have computer education to produce the product we want


      Liked by 5 people

      1. Robert G Boensch says:

        Dianne posted
        I looked up the word FAILING (as in the KJV) The synonym for failing are:
        be unsuccessful · not succeed · lack success · fall through · fall flat ·

        I’m Robert G Boensch
        Did you have to put up this about the definition of Failing

        I’m am Known as the Biggest Fail-er this part of the country
        I have failed my whole life in their Eyes that don’t know me
        and don’t understand my position
        Just do a Google search of Robert Gregory Boensch 1958-08-16
        and look at my record
        I have been arrested and thrown in jail many times
        By Arenac County Michigan Cabal
        By John Seebeck and Sims Township and Whitney Township
        This started 1993
        after the first case there was a sixteen year old boy who drove his car home from school in Au Gres Mi . He stopped his car and lifted the hood and received a shot gun blast to the back
        the first person on the spot was a nurse that was coming home from work
        It was his Mother, And He died. Was he a witness of their action towards me?
        There was may other witness that were at risk and possibly died.
        The judge in many cases stated that Put on Record that Mr Boensch
        fails to defend himself. I never took the stand
        This cabal includes many members of law enforcement
        Judges and Lawyers and others
        it all stem’s from a fraudulent legal land Document one lawyer filed
        The only way to clear this up is for me to loose ownership
        of a farm I have
        This can be done by economic hardship or death of myself
        They tried Both many Times
        I went to many law enforcement agencies and tried and tried to give evidence
        None would investigate
        I have over 30 years of documents
        So sometimes you have to fail and be willing to loose
        to protect others
        The only hope was for a big change in this country.
        I believed it came with President Donald John Trump
        Will somebody that is a believer in Gods Law investigate
        President Trump said many times These people are stupid.

        I am very Blessed that you published this to Day

        RGB (989-305-9746)

        in 2014 I ran for the Michigan United States Senate Seat for many reasons

        I thought they would give up
        they took me to court in 2016 for a broken down fence -It wasn’t on our property
        The judge said he didn’t care and fined me for it

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Robert G Boensch says:


        Thanks for your guidance
        God knows the time
        I Don’t
        you can feel free to fix or change spelling or etc. on any of my posts
        as you feel free or as necessary

        Your are Gods servant

        I just Fail

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Robert G Boensch says:

        To the world Cabal

        Its interesting that face book took down my campaign engine a couple of hours after I up loaded
        it prier to the 2014 election there was a strong message and the momentum across Michigan
        was gaining speed after the voting was closed they sent me a email stating they had a software glitch and put everything back up.
        I Immediately took everything off so their action would not cause a public outcry!

        After my first post on this site facebook deleted my page all together because i had the Song
        Just listed above on it

        I in the post above named (I looked up the word FAILING )
        i asked for you to
        Just do a Google search of Robert Gregory Boensch 1958-08-16
        Google scrubbed this so fast

        Go here its listed first

        Most Bibles Do Not Have The Following Book In Them

        The book of Daniel 13

        We did, however, seize this woman and asked who the young man was,
        but she would not tell us. These things we testify
        Because they were elders of the people and judges, the assembly believed them and condemned her to death.
        Then Susanna cried out with a loud voice, and said, “O eternal God, you know what is secret and are aware of all things before they come to be

        Again I Say This
        To the world Cabal
        The wrath of God Is upon you there shall me no mercy
        The time for repentance is over!

        Your Expert in Failing



      4. Robert G Boensch says:


        Can you fix this
        the last depository of Knowledge the world has
        Will be our Brains

        To read like this
        the last depository of Knowledge of History the world has
        Will be in our Brains

        It’s very importation to put the weight on this correction
        My brain did not connect to the strobe ing computer screen i was typing on


        Liked by 1 person

      5. Robert G Boensch says:

        Those that took the Oath of Office

        in the post

        I’m Robert G Boensch
        Did you have to put up this about the definition of Failing

        I freely Make the following declaration
        the following i believe to be true

        The persons name is
        John L Seebeck Sims Township

        1 court action

        1993 Him and his Friends court case
        Mr Seebeck a benefactor of the fraudulent land deed
        Ritchard Vollbach was involved in this case

        2 court action

        1996 his action Seebeck lead to a 1997-09-11 court trial
        Where He and His daughter took the stand
        and also Arenac county Prosecutor Jack Scully took the stand
        There was Six female jurors That Did not Believe Any of them
        including the Prosecutor. Mr.Scully He was the one that did the Fraudulent land

        3 court Action
        Where Sims Township filed a complaint against me
        The person that made the compliant Chuck Skiba he was a close friend of Mr Scullys
        And also a benefactor of the fraudulent land deed Mr Scully Filed
        The Judge Was Jack Scully
        Chuck Skiba joined up with Mr Seebeck to try to acquire my farm and split it up between them

        The court room was full of attorneys
        after he ruled against me in this case I did not defend my self
        Interesting the court charged me twice on the same ticket by the legal documents they filed
        and after he ruled me guilty he tried very hard to throw me in jail
        the clerk many times told him he couldn’t because it was civil charge
        I asked to make a statement and put it on the record
        I publicly challenged him, the Horoble Judge Scully in the court room
        He died later as a felon for he did not defend him self from my statement
        God Does Let us Carry a Sword for His People!!!!

        4 court Acton
        2010 years -2011 years
        Was Brought on By Whitney Township
        Seebecks own private attorney tried the case
        And now Its come back to Ritchard Vollbach who takes over for Dead Scully
        According to Arenac County Court The Michigan Right to farm act is not valid

        Employees we would have hired lost estimated $700,000 of income over 10 years
        The public in the county lost close to 5 Million Money turns over 7 times in the neighborhood

        They tried to kill me several times over this period and also my wife ans children
        And lost $100,000’s

        5 action 2016
        the neighbors broken down fence
        same players same result as 2011
        I made a written motion to video record this he said strongly no1

        6 action 2017
        Whitney puts a lien on our Tax Bill so we can loose our farms
        they all ready have a recorded land lien for the same thing and never discharged it

        7 action 2018
        Seebecks directed people with guns on my sims farm in november
        Same judge new prosecutor one of the best in the sate
        I tell him about the list of dead people and that Seebecks sent these people
        on my property to clean up their land deeds No Interest in investigate this by him
        on the seen that night
        2 Sheriff Deputies 2 DNR Officers

        Last day of court in this case i made the statement that in all the court cases i was involved in including this one
        was by Mr Seebecks actions or His Attorney Mr Eppert
        They made Mr Seebecks name un audible on the court room tape.

        In August 1998 arenac county became famous for the
        Timothy Joseph Boomer in the so-called “cussing canoeist” case.
        remember world wide coverage

        right after 1997-09-11
        case involving Me
        I went to many law departments including Michigan state attorneys office
        full load of evidence Also the FBI ETC
        Do a FIOA
        Michigan state attorneys office
        For my Name Robert G Boensch
        Robert Gregory Boensch
        at Arenac county Court House all Departments
        Michigan State Police state wide
        The FBI
        Sims Township all records with my name
        Whitney all Records with my nane
        al;so in Michigan you can FIOA the township attorneys

        I took out a sitting Judge in his court room
        in front of his piers
        Thinking I would no Be coming home any time soon I walked Out Tall

        Before I left that morning My wife And I _____
        The next Year God Blessed Us me Especially With A perfect Little Baby Girl
        I named he Amber as The word in The Star Spangle Banner
        Amber waves of Gold

        This is What Me and My Friend up Stairs Did

        What can we do on earth when we work together together.



      6. Robert G Boensch says:

        Those that took the Oath of Office
        part two

        I had tears in my eyes when I was trying to finish the last post

        America the Beautiful

        This is the song That our fourth child is named after

        To Amber Rae Boensch born in 2009

        Gods personal Gift

        For My Standing against Evil

        Praise our God Above


        Liked by 1 person

      7. Robert G Boensch says:

        Is there some way to communicate to your organization before i post
        So that I don’t disclose something before its time
        Like when I posted about when
        President Trump Did invoke The Insurrection Act
        I gave the place to investigate to your followers
        If they would search through
        Would they your followers have fun and a sense of contributing to the cause doing So
        There is may laws in effect they could keep track of this instead of the idle talk
        When President Trump was elected they The Bad Actors shouted Russian collusion
        If your people would follow the links there
        they would find out our military can call in other foreign nations military forces
        including the Russian military to help take down the cabal in this country
        would your people have fun watching the Russians Round up The Deep state Actors
        I understand you don’t know who i am personally or what I know That is OK
        The people in this country are losing faith big time
        we might be 7 to ten days away from the turn around of this country
        or 7 to 10 months they need to put their minds together and research facts
        I only found out about this site 4-5 weeks ago
        and been holding a lot of cards close to my chest for a long time
        the cabal did so much damage to my family and others in my State
        I have be working world wide as a one man force to protect this world
        for most of my life I could not even try if i wanted to for what i have done
        To be in the right place at the right time
        To quickly step in to stop a major event from accruing
        And to have the Knowledge of many Disciplines
        I turned my focus to know as much as i can about our enemy and Gods Enemy
        You are their great leader I am nobody to them and that is fine
        They need a slow awaking to whats coming
        and know with real documentation and not this He said She Said When What and Where

        You can delete this post after you have read it


        I do not worship Money my friend up stairs always provides
        I am at your service if needed


      8. Robert G Boensch says:

        SIDNEY POWELL Named Top 5 Most Influential Lawyers In The World!

        Robert G Boensch says:

        The United States of America
        is made up of three branches of government
        and Judicial

        The Bar is the fourth pillar of British Government
        and has no legal standing under our constitution

        This is another part of the war we are in

        We were fooled into this happening
        This is why there was no standing in law in the court filings

        Under the insurrection Act


        March 24, 2021 at 4:02 am Reply

        Liked by 1 person

      9. Robert G Boensch says:

        SIDNEY POWELL Named Top 5 Most Influential Lawyers In The World!

        Part 2

        Now do you Know why this country is in such bad shape
        In most the court cases i was in
        I represented my self
        Their so called fool

        The officers of the Court take and oath to protect the the court
        not the American People
        The Judges Lawyers ETC
        They work together and see how far than can squeeze the American people
        Then they settle out of court
        and agree to not disclose how they swindled us
        We loose on both sides the defendant and also the public
        Insurance companies represented by the bar
        and the state by the bar
        Americans are paying both sides of the bill
        And the British Government agents are laughing at us all the way to the bank
        And the so called Police or law Enforcement agencies
        It’s Your time to
        Pick up the Ball and Run


        Liked by 1 person

      10. Robert G Boensch says:


        And look at my story
        This is where we are at
        My story is not Mine alone
        Its a story of what is being repeated every day around the world
        I’m telling it for every one who has been a victim of this cabal
        So how as Gods people we lost track of who we are as Gods people
        and we turned to Worshiping Money Material things Status to be above some one else
        to make a sport of doing damage to the defenseless among us

        It is so bad today the Military is the only way


        “SIDNEY POWELL Named Top 5 Most Influential Lawyers In The World!”

        SIDNEY POWELL Named Top 5 Most Influential Lawyers In The World!

        Liked by 1 person

      11. Robert G Boensch says:


        if we run a Truth table on all of the facts that We know to be true
        The answer always comes up

        That Bin Biden is not our President

        There’s no question about it

        the insurrection act was declared before the house voted on the election results

        Bin Biden’s first name is Has

        AKA Has Bin Biden


        Somebody create
        #hasbin Biden and run with it !

        this was reveled to in January 2020


      12. irisheyes17 says:

        Is that why the SUPREMES dint take any of the fraud cases brought by Sydney, Wood and Lyndell?!!!…bcuz the Insurrection Act was nvoked by Pres Trump…I knew he had, but dint know that wud affect the crt…or am I missin’ sumthin’ here?!?!


        Btdubbs, I think y’all r very courageous, and a wonderful ambassador of the LORD!!


      13. Robert G Boensch says:


        stands for
        Lawyers say
        they practice AT law

        you can be
        in the land
        in the air
        or in the water

        How is that the Lawyers say they are at these elements
        or Water

        Are they aliens



      14. Robert G Boensch says:

        Have I reveal enough of my life in these posts

        can people relate to what I have Said

        Do the people want to here more

        or is there enough elements of my testimony

        Summon up ones energy to take action

        To researcher what I have said confirm the facts

        In a unified way take ownership of the truth

        this is not some one else’s job It’s Yours

        The time is Upon us To Seize the moment

        Stand up Today Tomorrow is not here

        And so Not I


        Liked by 1 person

      15. Robert G Boensch says:

        In all the legal troubles I disclose above
        Michigan State Police Trooper Robert “Bronco” Lesneski,
        Told me personaly That he was friends With
        Robert Eppert and the Eppert was his personal Attorney
        Chuck Skiba Daughter worked for Lesneski, son
        Mr Seebeck Hired Mr Eppert an Eppert was involved in a Deed
        transaction Did he Discover the Fraudulent Deeds
        All so in the 1996 case I received a ticket from a
        Au Gres Sims police officer whose father was also a Michigan State Police Trooper
        The police officer Lied in this police report
        It strongly appears many people died because of these actions
        I reported directly to Trooper Lesneski about some of the dead people
        he told me to investigate it my self
        Michigan Tax Money at Work

        Do you now see my Reference Point
        the Anchor Point are In Bold


        Any body want to gamble on ___________


      16. Robert G Boensch says:

        in 2008

        after talking to a pastor in my local church preparing for the baptism of our third son

        i did not attend this church for many years living out of town with family

        he asked me why I left the church

        I told him that when two of his church members tried to send me to prison i left

        and further more they were involved in two of church members being shot and killed in 1997

        He said who I responded Chuck Skiba And Jack Scully This was mid week

        That following Saturday My two older boys 5-6 years old were shot at by Charles Skiba a DNR officer retired at the time?

        He unloaded a gun on them many shots and reloaded it and did it again

        To get me to react so they could justify to take me out

        This confirmed to Me my statement was true

        And the Church Protects their own enforcers even at their own members expense

        I had to be a GOD and not a man at this time

        I did not respond to them

        This Enraged them and lead to the 2008 court case


        when the Whitney Township Supervisor Instructed his son to run me over with a truck
        and he parked it on top of me

        I said to myself This is going to hurt

        then they backed it off me and I stood and I had broken bones

        but i didn’t not waver at my job for My God kept me from being in pain

        the following week I talked to

        Michigan State Police Trooper Robert “Bronco” Lesneski

        on the phone and told him about the dead people This is the only time i talked to him

        Its interesting the rest of the conversation my understanding was

        People you Don’t stand a chance

        I went to the Pastor of the second catholic I was going to and explained it to him

        interesting he already new what was going on

        and screamed at me tell me What was I doing trying to be Jesus

        I then knew the church was connected to the cabal and that they defend each other

        I survived may attacks and was a guardian of our children

        in 2018?

        not sure need to look at pics

        Michigan State Police Trooper Robert “Bronco” Lesneski

        a friend of Skiba involved in most of this

        Set up a Hit on me At my Daughters first communion in a Catholic Church Typical mob action

        He would do it Himself and position himself close enough during the service to be sure of the

        results He was not catholic

        I was notified through my _____ and could not attend Her receiving this sacrament

        So much for church

        This is just a Sample very small sample the fun I received

        from the one that roams down stairs and wages war on all of us

        And Prepared me for the Battle being waged today

        Talk to God

        Be a God Before Reacting To Evil


        Liked by 1 person

      17. Robert G Boensch says:

        Re post

        Robert G Boensch says:

        I’ve be operating under cover from the age of 6 or 7 years old
        been engaged my whole life in this world wide action against us Remembering Everything.
        It’s Bigger than The US Leaders and Military Knows

        Just Me and My Friend Up Stairs
        The State of Michigan and This country (and World Leaders Business Governments and Churches)

        Has been Going against GOD! Big Time Forever
        And This Includes The Churches again i say this !!
        We Must Look past the religious writings and the Preachers in front of us!!

        And go Directly To GOD

        Repeat—- (And go Directly To GOD and Talk to Him)
        Be one with Him It’s were the truth is

        Look at Acts 1 -18 in the bible
        With the payment he received for his wickedness,
        Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.
        Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama
        That is the field of Blood ( the potters Field )

        Question was it full of clay Pits and in the dark Judas fell into one that broken clay pots were dispose in .

        Did this happened 38 minutes after they left the garden

        How did he received the 30 silver pieces

        Was Judas the first whistle blower “did he die to warn us from the Romans Plan!
        Is the story written in Matthew total Mind Control
        (the hold on all of us to be controlled by the Romans) MK ultra Roman style!!

        Is the conflicting Stories so that we wage war with each other over our interpretation
        of what is in these writings.

        We as God’s People need to Cherish what we have in common
        and respect our differences and seek and live in peace

        There’s has only Been one political party in control of this country
        until Donald John Trump stepped in.

        A Declared Solder For Gods People

        and all His works on this Planet

        Robert Gregory Boensch

        Dated 03-08-2021

        Liked by 2 people
        March 9, 2021 at 4:40 am Reply


        Liked by 1 person

      18. Robert G Boensch says:

        Re post

        Robert G Boensch says:


        Cia Mk ultra
        Switzerland LSD
        Wood Stock Need I describe It
        Roe V Wade Legalize removing product
        Planed parent hood market to sell product

        Fountain of youth
        second trimester fastest growth of product harvest time
        stops user aging processes

        Maximum of law
        Life begins at conception



        Liked by 3 people
        March 25, 2021 at 3:12 am Reply

        .BE A GOD


      19. Robert G Boensch says:


        The Battle is before Us

        Victory is in site

        We know the enemy they know us

        With the least amount of weapons

        God will deliver US from them

        Do not be overly armed

        We or we will defeat



        BE A GOD


      20. Robert G Boensch says:


        The Battle is before Us

        Victory is in site

        We know the enemy they know us

        With the least amount of weapons

        God will deliver US from them

        Do not be overly armed

        Or we will defeat



        BE A GOD

        Liked by 1 person

      21. Robert G Boensch says:

        Trump Never Left

        This was A set up

        It was not suppose to last this long

        But God delivered More than we suspected

        the size of the cabal and more exposing themselves
        made this kind of fun

        So just be patient

        OUR GOD and His ANGELS are in CHARGE



      22. Robert G Boensch says:


        WE need to step up and be ANGELS FOR GODS PEOPLE NOW

        He as given us the right to pick up swords and

        Slice through their Vail of Darkness

        and let the light of truth come in


        Liked by 1 person

      23. Robert G Boensch says:

        5 Days and counting

        A couple of years ago I went back and reviewed the tape of when President Reagan Was shot

        My first review was that John Hinckley Jr.s
        Gun fired no bullets that Day in Washington at President Reagan

        I waited a day and look again at the evidence and came up with the same results

        I did further investigation and could see where the shots were fired from
        There is so many pieces involved in this that strongly suggest It was all staged and had the
        people seeing what the verbal image was told to them and not what the pictures showed

        John Warnock Hinckley Jr. is an American criminal who, on March 30, 1981, attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C. He wounded Reagan with a bullet from a revolver that ricocheted and hit Reagan underneath his arm in his armpit

        I could be Wrong
        the the evidence speaks for itself
        there are two people who saw the real shooter
        they can testify today
        and you don’t have to here my words to believe

        to Relive


        That we have been in the dark so long
        We refuse to admit
        That we have been a sleep so long

        Be lead by a Wolf’s
        Taking us to their den

        Justice has to be for the living and the dead



      24. Robert G Boensch says:


        If we run a Truth table on all of the facts that We know to be true
        The answer always comes up

        That President Trump is still President

        There’s no question to argue about it

        He said he was giving the country back to the people

        The first step in this to use a truth table

        And walk away from everything that goes against this

        Do not repeat, talk, or share what is not true or support those in telling it

        The the truth will be the only thing we will know and all will share

        If we all do this one thing we will lift the Vail of fog in our life

        President Trump Has Won

        Why are we standing in this fog

        When we can walk into the Light


        Liked by 1 person

      25. God’s People

        First of all If I could spell and Type you would get a better understanding
        of what I’m trying to convey
        in all these posts

        Sorry I should have finish 11 Grade in school 4 days probably wasn’t enough!

        This is why I’m lacking In the Program they created for us
        I failed to Join the Herd !

        With what I write in all of these post I hope you under stand It’s just my point of view

        In knowledge and in communicating there is a thing called reference points
        These points have weight and create anchor points of how we view the world
        each of us live in a separate view of a world that is created by these points

        Would each of us have a Better view of our world if we would have joined together and concentrate only on the positive points

        Some of us try so hard to turn this ship around
        the system has such a heavy anchor it can not be lighten

        President Trump Said at his first day on the job
        He is giving the country back to the people

        It is our job to break the chain that binds us
        Untether the anchor —–Break the chain!!!

        It is Not Presidents Donald John Trump’s JOB !!!
        He did his job well !!!!

        Each of us in this nation has God given Talents
        It is said We have to use them or God will remove them

        Dianne Has stepped up and is using hers Talents
        We are truly blessed by That

        This is not a game of who is going to be first
        or how much money we will make

        It’s about finishing well

        Your Expert in Failing


        Liked by 1 person

      26. Dianna
        I wish i could Edit my posts
        to edit my spelling mistakes
        This is how the correct spelling is

        Maxims of Law

        Interesting I went Way Way Back in History where This Was Written

        Maxims of Law
        Life begins at conception

        It cannot be over Written

        Its hard to find
        Buried by the powers in place today
        This Maxims

        This old Law Takes out all of the Argument
        That was Roe V Wade

        Passing this one law
        Is Crimes against God

        Look at how much this country change after that one event

        One of the Greatest Nation on earth was Sold out for What
        A few Pieces of Silver

        The wrath of GOD is on US
        The enemy is found in side
        each and every one of us

        Why are we so scared to stand up against this
        It’s is not some one else job to change what is in our hearts,
        in our world
        It is ours a lone

        do you know I how hard it was to hold back to Wait
        all these years for the right time
        For my Story

        I Know its time for me
        To Blow My Trumpet

        When will It be Yours

        I am Standing For all who Believe
        And all That Lost

        Will you
        Will you Stand for what is right in GODS eyes
        Again I Say This
        To the world Cabal
        The wrath of God Is upon you there shall me no mercy
        The time for repentance is over!

        Your Expert in Failing


        For all that Died and Did not Know Why

        THE ASSOCIATION Requiem For The Masses



      27. Robert G Boensch says:




        To remember all of Messages

        He was So So clear

        The CABAL and MSM had to run a military size operation

        Of Smoke most people could not see through it

        Praise President Trump

        For being so transparent To Us that Believe



      28. Robert G Boensch says:



        Part 2

        Is it better to catch a rat with old cheese

        and try them in the public court

        or let the people watch the Rats relish them self’s on fresh cheese

        It had to be this way

        Put the rats in power under Trump

        Watch them in action In today’s World

        Have all fresh Evidence they have testified against them self’s On camera

        Turn Gitmo In to the newest Trump Resort run by the army

        Military Court Marshall ready to serve non military combatants

        Politicians Civilians ETC

        No outside legal help need Military Does all In House

        Judge -Tribunal -Prosecutor- Defense all provided by Government

        Watch The Show

        To The


        The Spa is Ready



      29. Robert G Boensch says:




        Part 3

        Free air Travel is included

        And you won’t believe the service and accommodations provide

        adios amigo



      30. Robert G Boensch says:



        Part 4


        Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
        He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
        He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;
        His truth is marching on.

        Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
        Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
        Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
        His truth is marching on.

        I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps;
        They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
        I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps,
        His day is marching on.

        In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
        With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me;
        As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free!
        While God is marching on.

        With God lets Sing Together




      31. Robert G Boensch says:

        To those

        That Hate Cheat and Steal

        Listen children to a story
        That was written long ago
        Bout a kingdom, on a mountain
        And the valley folk below
        On the mountain was a treasure
        Buried deep beneath a stone
        And the valley people swore
        They’d have it for their very own

        Go ahead and hate your neighbor
        Go ahead and cheat a friend
        Do it in the name of Heaven
        You can justify it in the end
        There wont be any trumpets blowing
        Come the judgement day
        On the bloody morning after who…
        One tin soldier rides away

        I will Be that one Tin Solder

        Robert Gregory Boensch


      32. Robert G Boensch says:

        Thank you a another fact we can just look into our pocket and believe THANKS
        And wars are only tools of evil to steel from those that can’t defend them self’s
        We live in An Occult World
        secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.
        Learn their symbolism secret codes and writings

        The only financial support this country is to be operated from is taxes and licenses
        It is not from Stealing and invading others and killing them

        I told My story about what the state of Michigan did to Me
        and I think they Killed at least 5 people to cover it up
        It’s here at

        The first one was 16 year old Harold Reeves the 3 1993
        The second one was a Sheriff Dispatcher 1996
        The third and fourth ones was in the real estate business1997
        and the fifth one was
        Stanley D. Steinborn, Michigan’s longtime former chief assistant Attorney General, has died. He was 72

        How is it that They refuse to investigate these deaths
        I am a witness and have evidence that should be investigated

        And their action against Me and my Family surly testify to this being true


        Leigh Dundas says, Stop WATCHING history unfold — start MAKING it.!”

        April 11, 2021 at 2:40 pm


      33. Robert G Boensch says:

        Truths and labels
        Reflecting on My posts on this site
        Starting on this one MANIFESTING THE WRATH! Dated 03-08-2021
        I made many Statements Is there Truths in them and how Quick do we put labels on facts, people beliefs ETC.
        Do we listen to the message after putting a label on things
        Operate on a false or preconceived truth or a default truth .
        On this post GOD IS UNVEILING ALL THINGS…
        I wrote the following
        God’s People
        First of all If I could spell and Type you would get a better understanding of what I’m trying to convey
        in all these posts
        Sorry I should have finish 11 Grade in school 4 days probably wasn’t enough!
        This is a true statement!
        I started the 1975-1976 school year in the eleventh Grade
        and Graduated as a honor student in the Spring of 1976
        So the truth was told about my eleventh Grade experience was there a label put on me for failing
        Not completing the Eleventh Grade
        It’s about finishing well
        Your Expert in Failing
        Liked by 7 people
        March 20, 2021 at 9:16 pm Reply
        AGAIN I SAY
        Please review all of my posts Do a Group Study is Freedom found in these
        Gods path to Freedom might be found there
        Thanks Again for putting up With Me
        My first post
        A Declared Solder For Gods People and all His works on this Planet
        Robert Gregory Boensch
        Dated 03-08-2021
        Liked by 1 person
        March 8, 2021 at 7:16 pm Reply
        I am called to an another job for MY FRIEND UP STAIRS
        SO GOOD BY
        And may you all find peace and Blessings from God above
        Liked by 1 person
        April 18, 2021 at 11:39 am Reply

        Liked by 1 person

      34. Robert G Boensch says:

        United States Bicentennial
        1976 the year I graduated
        I mention this film clip NETWORK, Sidney Lumet, 1976 – I’m Mad As Hell and I’m Not Gonna Take This Anymore!
        This posting and watching it several times I decided to research it and see what I could Find
        What I found was a Raw footage of this Movie Yesterday
        It is very RAW this is in 1976 the year this nation would be celebrating
        THE United States Bicentennial
        The powers really stuck this one in our face it must have been made for the elite to watch
        this never would have been in its entirety on TV
        The clip will be in the next post
        It’s very relevant for the situation were in today
        So many Truths in so many areas
        The taking out of Morality in our united States of America
        April 18, 2021 at 5:42 pm Reply


      35. Robert G Boensch says:

        The Importance of Morality in Our System of Government

        basis of our law system and Constitution, then you are destroying society and the Constitution; and how the National Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth, Massachusetts, features four principles under girding our government – , , Law, Education,
        Liberty, Law, Education,and Morality
        April 18, 2021 at 5:50 pm


      36. Robert G Boensch says:

        Free means Free
        Lawyers take and oath to protect the Court the court flies a foreign flag I said this Before
        Go back and Read This post
        The Bar is the fourth pillar of the British government
        President Trump Judges he has put in Office all Are common Law judges
        We finally have a chance.
        Declaration of Independence: A Transcription is in this link
        look at all of the times the word these is used
        Free and Independent States can not be part of –the united States — isn’t this a captured group?
        Can only be a part of these united States of America?Free and Independent?
        as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War,
        conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.
        And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
        President TRUMP Said on his first day at work is is giving the power back to the people
        I don’t think he meant to the Sheep
        He implemented many executive orders
        the district of Columbia is a foreign country
        we can legally reclaim this land and take out its power over us
        Its past time to invade and seize the land and power and return it back to the people peacefully from this foreign country

        Justice is found only in the Legislative Branch
        We do this in our State Legislative Branch by us to peacefully assemble
        This does not mean to show up on the capital steps with signs and ETC.
        It meant to petition in writing you demands and submit it to the State house
        they will investigate it and if warranted the will the send it to the State senate
        And it will get voted on
        If we make a clean argument on this we will get our Freedom and country back
        People Expand on what I’m am Saying on all of these posts
        Please I Mean PLEASE call me out if I state something that’s not true
        as Free and Independent States
        why are we swallowing this _________ today !!!
        from washington No caps get it –no honor in that land
        The power is in the people
        Asking some one else -delegating this to a lawyer or a states man is practicing a false religion
        worshiping a false god
        Are we govern by our peers a person with equal status, class, or age: a jury of his peers
        Or do we look at the people in government as our gods or friends and we allow them to make judgements
        on our behalf with out ever questioning them
        Stop this train of thoughts and
        Bring this forward and our problems will dissipate like the morning dew on your own lawn
        Can I Quit posting Here now
        are you tired of hearing me playing on my drums
        do you believe any of this is true
        April 17, 2021 at 6:09 pm


      37. Robert G Boensch says:

        Follow the word THESE
        Declaration of Independence: A Transcription
        these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
        these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
        these ends,
        these Colonies;
        these States
        these States;
        these States:
        these Colonies:
        these Oppressions
        these usurpations,
        these Colonies,
        these United Colonies
        We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
        Did this originally read
        We, therefore, the Representatives of these united States of America
        Did they steal from us by changing it to (the united States of America)
        and then to (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA)
        I even heard that it was written like this
        We, therefore, the Representatives of (these united States for America)
        using logic
        the pattern used all through the document they would have not changed this pattern on the original from these to the
        united States –united is not capitalized as it should be
        The Battle in this country today is not for a new world order
        Its back to the Simple country of
        (these united States of America) ?
        April 17, 2021 at 11:56 am


      38. Robert G Boensch says:

        part 2
        it also states
        Free and Independent States;
        Free and Independent States can not be part of –the united States — isn’t this a captured group?
        Can only be a part of these united States of America?Free and Independent?
        as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War,
        conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.
        And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
        President TRUMP Said on his first day at work is is giving the power back to the people
        I don’t think he meant to the Sheep
        He implemented many executive orders
        the district of Columbia is a foreign country
        we can legally reclaim this land and take out its power over us
        Its past time to invade and seize the land and power and return it back to the people peacefully from this foreign country
        We do this in our State Legislative Branch by us to peacefully assemble
        This does not mean to show up on the capital steps with signs and ETC.
        It meant to petition in writing you demands and submit it to the State house
        they will investigate it and if warranted the will the send it to the State senate
        And it will get voted on
        If we make a clean argument on this we will get our Freedom and country back
        People Expand on what I’m am Saying on all of these posts
        Please I Mean PLEASE call me out if I state something that’s not true
        as Free and Independent States
        why are we swallowing this _________ today !!!
        from washington No caps get it –no honor in that land
        This sled is getting hard to pull Who will Help???
        April 17, 2021 at 12:32 pm


      39. Robert G Boensch says:

        A walk through Time and Who were the players
        I was going through some legal recordings in the late 1970 and early 1980 and continual to this date
        and there was some anomalies to me
        now I find this video below and it fits into my findings
        so I personally know there is truths to the story and i am a witness
        QANON Who is {P} Payseur Rothschilds Rockefellers


      40. Robert G Boensch says:

        The Marshall Report
        I have no knowledge of the fields you have all ready plowed
        this is why it is so importation for your army assembled here to work together
        We all need to pull this plow together like a team of horses
        if we do this one thing a straight line pull together we will finish this soon
        and finish well in His eyes
        WE were all taught wrong on many things -deceived many times
        I’m only here to contribute the best that I know or believe to be true
        Thank you for this beautiful field of yours
        For us to work in and turn the deceitful powers over to bury them
        To clear the soil so the Gods Glory can be re-sprouted on this land
        And all His people will have clean soil to be fruitful and multiply on
        Liked by 3 people
        April 17, 2021 at 12:55 pm


      41. Robert G Boensch says:

        Will You tell Gods message
        This Man Did
        Look at his life story and all of is movies
        God Truly guided him to tell His message (Gods Message)
        Billy Jack (One Tin Soldier)

        Will we step up to the challenge
        I am using the stories of my life’s journey here
        who is brave enough to follow
        read the Comments from the viewers
        Their testimony is moving
        What is your testimony
        Will you tell It
        April 16, 2021 at 9:54 am


      42. Robert G Boensch says:

        Do WE Dare Take This Challenge
        Remember this year
        Watch this Video Above

        Billy Jack (Tom Laughlin) is appointed a United States Senator to fill out the remaining term of another senator. It is hoped that he will quietly vote the party line, but his term in the Senate runs into trouble when he proposes a bill to fund a national youth camp which happens to be on the property where a nuclear power plant is also being proposed. His fellow senator, Joseph Paine (E. G. Marshall), claims to oppose nuclear power but is secretly taking graft to influence his votes in favor, and moves to try to keep Billy Jack out of the way when the bill is being debated.

        Seeking to keep Billy out of the Senate on a day when a controversial energy bill is being voted on, Senator Paine suggests he should meet with a grassroots group that day instead. The group is working to pass a national initiative and Billy Jack becomes convinced of their cause.

        Billy is invited to meet with a group of lobbyists attempting to offer him bribes and other perks if he will vote their way. Up against a man named Bailey (Sam Wanamaker) who wields a powerful influence in his home state, Billy Jack has his political career and reputation at stake if he does not cooperate. Billy responds with anger at their threat.

        The next day in the Senate, he tries to speak on the floor in opposition to the nuclear power plant. Paine responds by proposing to expel Billy from the Senate as unfit for office. Billy’s assistant quits after the murder of a lobbyist, fearing for her own safety, but returns after Billy Jack is about to be expelled from the Senate, to help him learn Senate procedure in order to filibuster. Billy collapses on the Senate floor in the effort, whereupon Paine confesses to his colleagues that every word Billy spoke was the truth.

        Billy Jack Goes To Washington 1977

        April 18, 2021 at 10:51 pm

        Tom Laughlin
        So Brave and So True???
        Why are we in this Quagmire Today

        Liked by 1 person

      43. Robert G Boensch says:

        We never had knowledge of the dark world
        or could prove any thing
        I never seen any of these films by Tom Laughlin until 2014
        I remember talk about it in the seventy’s
        when the film came out just a slight mention
        To day the powers to be don’t have a chance at keeping their secrets
        To day we can go back to the whispers we heard about this or that a long time ago
        And some time find them on the web
        And truly wish the whispers would have been shouts


      44. Robert G Boensch says:

        Turning the light on
        Full video of Factor 8, The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal.
        Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal is a feature-length documentary by Arkansas filmmaker and investigative journalist Kelly Duda. Through interviews and presentation of documents and footage, Duda alleges that for more than two decades, spanning the 1970s and 1980s, the Arkansas prison system profited from selling blood plasma from inmates infected with viral hepatitis and AIDS

        While working at the White House, Linda Tripp, the former assistant to both Vincent Foster and Bernard Nussbaum, said she received a phone call from someone who mentioned the “tainted blood issue.” The phone call came just after Foster’s mysterious death. The phrase meant nothing to Tripp, until she tried to find out more. Just days before his death, Vince Foster was concerned about “tainted blood.”

        The Rats have many holes to cover up or hide in


      45. Robert G Boensch says:

        And they all want money based on FEAR!

        I would never give a dollar to any one running for office
        If any one believes in Me or My integrity
        My personable verbal endorsement
        will multiply the vote for the right candidate
        Many of my friends and business associates in 2016 were talking strong about TED Cruz
        I stated this to all of them the next time you see him on TV hit the mute button
        they all came back to Me and stated how did you Know
        Their response then was We are voting For Trump
        Some time its what you see that’s more importation than what you hear
        Personal endorsements are worth more any day of the week

        Dianna I will only post here if its OK
        I want to stay out of your followers way
        Mary Hartford Back today i see many more will show up if i stay away

        they know each other I know i’m so different
        Please if any thing I post new or on any old post
        If it inspires you to lead a new blog or what ever you call it
        Please go ahead I will stay right hear and try not to disturb the rest of the tribe
        Please give me a like if its ok
        leave no like if i should stop
        Look at my campaign in 2014
        I had to wait to under 30 days before election to announce my campaign
        File my papers
        For the open united States Senate Seat in Michigan
        Doing this made it illegal for any one to give me money for campaigning
        and also for any one to spend money to promote me in the election
        The response was Great
        The election boards don’t want to be burden by manually counting votes
        that was ok
        I just wanted to see how bad it was
        There is more back door movement of money than the money they broadcast on the news
        Its not politicians its a prostitution Business
        And what I found out their all in it to death including their spouses
        AGAIN i Say including their spouses
        even long after their out of office
        They have such a pyramid scam Its unreal
        One thing you should really point out is this
        The Broadcasting Company’s Make most of their money
        During the president election year
        in the following year you can buy TV time for $100 ? and hour all day long
        and in mid term revenue it less than the president election year

        They only make money on election and sports for the most of the time
        With today’s technological advantage
        why are people look at tv at all
        Their should be no out side funds period
        I know make campaigning on TV and radio illegal

        Look at my ten dollar campaign
        well it might have been 150-200 dollars
        Putting free labor in to the cost

        I’m not interesting in this doing this again
        I just wanted to trouble shoot the problem
        It was amazing to me of what I found out about myself and was well worth it
        And when God placed a Double Rainbow on My Farm just after I filed
        It was so amazing !!!!
        one end of it stayed on our House and buildings It seamed Forever.

        Liked by 1 person

      46. Robert G Boensch says:

        In digging deeper I find This
        Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a 1939 American political comedy-drama film directed by Frank Capra, starring Jean Arthur and James Stewart, and featuring Claude Rains and Edward Arnold. The film is about a newly appointed United States Senator who fights against a corrupt political system, and was written by Sidney Buchman, based on Lewis R. Foster’s unpublished story “The Gentleman from Montana”.[4] The film was controversial when it was first released, but successful at the box office, and it made Stewart a major star.[5] It was also loosely based on the life of Montana U.S. Senator Burton Wheeler, who underwent a similar experience when he was investigating the Warren Harding administration.[6][7]

        Mr Smith Goes To Washington
        Publication date
        The story of one man who believed he could make a difference, and in doing so, stood up to the entire United State government. A great story about how the American rule of law works and how one man can bring change the course of human events.
        October 27, 2020
        Subject: 80 yrs later – The Deep State still rules DC
        Eighty years after this film was released, the control of the Deep State in the Swamps of DC continues to grip our government. It took the courage of a nonpolitician, like Mr. Smith in the movie, to confront the country’s mega machines, including the fake media on an every day basis. It will take the strength of all citizens to stand together in unity to preserve the true American values.
        Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was nominated for eleven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor in a leading role, taking the Oscar for Best Original Story.[8] Considered to be one of the greatest films of all time, the film was selected by the Library of Congress as one of the first 25 films for preservation in the United States National Film Registry in 1989, for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”.[9][10]


        Billy Jack Goes to Washington is a 1977 American political drama film starring Tom Laughlin, the fourth film in the Billy Jack series, and although the earlier films saw enormous success, this film did not.[1] The film only had limited screenings upon its release and never saw a general theatrical release, but has since become widely available on DVD.

        The film is a loose remake of the 1939 Frank Capra film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and is directed by Laughlin under the on-screen pseudonym “T.C. Frank”.

        Billy Jack Goes To Washington 1977

        How many times does History repeat it self

        President Trump and the Q army Will never Let this Happen Again
        WE don’t have to wave a flag To identify our self’s

        WE will never Fail
        or Be Caught

        Use part of this for one of your next Blog Please
        If it fits

        Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
        the film was selected by the Library of Congress as one of the first 25 films for preservation in the United States National Film Registry in 1989, for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”.[9][10]
        How far have we slipped down towards the a bliss sense then


      47. Robert G Boensch says:

        Can You See
        Gods light Shined on this country for Many Years
        Look at the movie Mr Smith Goes To Washington Year 1936
        The story of one man who believed he could make a difference, and in doing so, stood up to the entire United State government. A great story about how the American rule of law works and how one man can bring change the course of human events.
        Then look At the Movie Billy Jack Goes To Washington 1977
        And read what Happened To Washington after the 2008 Election
        After the Powers took over completely in this country
        Standing sentry along the National Mall are monuments and memorials to towering figures in American history. But generations after they cemented their legacies, something is tarnishing their image.
        A black mass is spreading like a disease over the marble of Washington, D.C. Abraham Lincoln was the Great Emancipator, but so far, the National Park Service hasn’t been able to free the 16th president’s memorial from the slime.
        It’s also now in Arlington National Cemetery and on the Washington Monument. But it’s by far the worst at the Jefferson Memorial, where the white dome is now covered in patches of black.
        Now do you Know The job Before Us
        God is watching remember
        will We finish well in is light


      48. Robert G Boensch says:

        Can You See
        April 20, 2021 at 1:35 pm
        A black mass is spreading like a disease over this country
        This isn’t about the color of our skin My I be real clear on that
        It’s about whats in our hearts our minds our future are we living in a world of despair
        I am burning this black Slime in my life by telling it here
        my close friends know of it but how do other people know their not alone in these trying times
        how many have lost hope
        The Black Slime is in each of our lives and can only be burned off by living in Gods truths

        I failed in My live so many times so many times to so many people
        For any one That I haven’t apologize to personally telling them I’m truly Sorry
        They can call me or text at (989-305-9746)
        So that I can personally ask for Forgiveness
        Forgiveness is never to be given when asked
        It’s only for when its deemed earned from injured party!


      49. Robert G Boensch says:

        Who is in control
        Presidential Documents81331 Federal Register/ Vol. 85, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 15, 2020 / Presidential Documents Executive Order 13963 of December 10, 2020 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Defense By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 3345 et seq., it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Order of Succession. (a) Subject to the provisions of section 2 of this order, the following officials of the Department of Defense, in the order listed, shall act as and perform the functions and duties of the office of the Secretary of Defense (Secretary) during any period in which the Secretary has died, resigned, or otherwise become unable to perform the functions and duties of the office of the Secretary, until such time as the Secretary is able to perform the functions and duties of that office:
        Section 1. Order of Succession.
        (i) Deputy Secretary of Defense;
        (ii) Secretaries of the Military Departments;
        (iii) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy;
        (iv) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security;
        (v) Chief Management Officer of the Department of Defense;
        (vi) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment;
        (vii) Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering;

        2021-01-06 10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse Text contains those laws in effect on April 21, 2021
        Question which one is in full control
        Are in full control


      50. Robert G Boensch says:

        Presidential Documents
        Executive Order 13823 of January 30, 2018 Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists

        Click to access 2018-02261.pdf

        Supporting the Transition of Active Duty Service Members and Military Veterans Into the Merchant Marine

        Click to access 2019-04298.pdf

        Transferring Responsibility for Background Investigations to the Department of Defense

        Click to access 2019-08797.pdf

        National Emergency Authority To Order the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

        Click to access 2020-06985.pdf

        Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

        Click to access 2020-09645.pdf



      51. Robert G Boensch says:

        Everything I have Written on this site is My point of View and is as I witness It
        Presidential Documents6803 Federal Register/ Vol. 86, No. 13 / Friday, January 22, 2021 / Presidential Documents Executive Order 13977 of January 18, 2021

        Protecting Law Enforcement Officers, Judges, Prosecutors, and Their Families

        Click to access 2021-01635.pdf

        To any one That has been involved in any action Against
        Me Robert G Boensch or My Family
        Or any of the Witnesses
        and You think That I Did any of the Following To You
        Because of the importance of their work, these public servants face unique risks to their safety and the safety of their families. Some who face or have received an adverse judicial decision have sought to intimidate or punish judges and prosecutors with threats of harm.

        Please Call the united States Military and Have them Pick Me Up
        For a Quick Trial
        I have The evidence on all of you
        You Didn’t destroy It All
        I am a Federal Witness to all these crimes Destroying Me
        Grants you the Death penalty
        All of you Go down Remember what You did together !!!
        All for one and One For all

        Executive Order 13896 of October 28, 2019 Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice

        Section 1. Purpose. Crime, especially violent crime, denies people their unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Together as a society, we must work to prevent crime from occurring, ensure that those who perpetrate crime face justice, and assist victims in overcoming the effects of crime on their lives. My Administration is focused on reducing crime, and the social and economic problems—

        To any one That has been involved in any illegal action Against
        Me Robert G Boensch or My Family
        Or any Witnesses

        Please Turn Yourself in To the nearest Law Enforcement agency
        Together as a society, we must work to prevent crime from occurring, ensure that those who perpetrate crime face justice,

        If your are a Witness Please come Forward To saves Lives from the evil that surrounds us all of us



      52. Robert G Boensch says:

        December 10, 2020
        Executive Order 13963 of December 10, 2020
        Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Defense
        Executive Order 13963 of December 10, 2020 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Defense

        United States Stopped functioning on Jan 6 2021
        10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse Text contains those laws in effect on April 21, 2021
        Section 1. Order of Succession. (a) Subject to the provisions of section 2 of this order, the following officials of the Department of Defense, in the order listed, shall act as and perform the functions and duties of the office of the Secretary of Defense (Secretary) during any period in which the Secretary has died, resigned, or otherwise become unable to perform the functions and duties of the office of the Secretary, until such time as the Secretary is able to perform the functions and duties of that office: (i) Deputy Secretary of Defense; (ii) Secretaries of the Military Departments; (iii) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; (iv) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security

        So who is in charge
        Their is No real Secretary of Defense To Day
        Or Deputy Secretary of Defense

        Liked by 1 person

      53. Robert G Boensch says:

        And now the rest of the story
        Link to this blog


        Pharaohs became Feudal Old World Order became Freemason New World Order
        From Pyramid to Templar’s Cross to Swastika by Pharaoh’s Aristocratic Nazi Templar’s
        and Switzerland
        And more go and have a look see


      54. Robert G Boensch says:

        Ri-chard says:
        I don’t know how to comment except to say, it’s allowed. Same applied to the 1783 Treaty of Peace that was also allowed.
        To day The base War is and internal conflict
        First- we get hold of the fake control in DC then clean up the states
        and then we go to the world conflict
        Its probity going to happen over night in this order

        Ri-chard says:
        Looking at your background I now get an understanding of your point of view
        After I graduated from high school My plan was to farm
        One day an federal agency ask me to work for them
        I stated I wasn’t interested They then Kept asking me until one day I responded OK what is this job about
        They responded they had a field training coming up and invited me to come
        I went and found it interested and it was inline with my farming operation
        So I said OK and they hired Me
        They never talked about security clearances or any thing like that
        One Day a job came up with some Infrared photos That appeared to be taking by a Black Bird
        One photo of a 2 by 7 mile taken on a angle
        They wanted me to compare Farm crops A few miles from my farm to ones taken in Russia
        I was an on call employee in this job and had access to a federal office 27-7
        to pick up and drop off work
        One Day my director call me and said that there was a job opportunity for me at another Agency
        and they wanted to Interview Me
        The Director stated that this was and outstanding job being offered to me
        and at the meeting She stated that Her office would take care of everything On my farming operation all the paper work and programs the best of the best
        At the meeting I listened to what the interviewers had to say
        They stated I would have to travel it would be spot jobs here and there
        They never said what the jobs were and they offered a lot
        the Meeting concluded with please let us know in the next couple of days
        On my drive back to the farm part of me was excited by what the offered Me
        But my inter self new that What my director offered Me was out of bounds for my integrity
        Half way home I threw their offer out of my mind and called the next day declining the job
        I worked for this agency fort just short of 5 years
        I never figured out what the agency job offer was in till about three years ago
        and how I was targeted
        With the talents I had at the time and with what i know to day
        I’m glad I turned it down The Income offered was very enticing
        was not worth the horrific jobs I now know they wanted done

        I only worked on a time clock for about 13 weeks in my whole life
        It’s interesting for better or worst every time I try to farm And event happens to take this away so many times this happened I own two farms Its seems like Farming is at a distant life to me

        Going into a little history on my data farming (no Dirt) I have been so blessed so many times
        Meandering through my life I would end up in
        Strategic Air Command bases ———a lot of times in the offices club
        Wurtsmith Air Force Base
        K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base
        Selfridge Air National Guard Base
        Defense Supply Center Columbus
        and more
        So many places and people a person could never get close to and most would give me so much
        so much of their time and resources .and for the most part it was not planed
        Many times at the
        Washington DC Patent office
        Member of the SAE
        Inventors groups
        So many disciplines

        A couple of post Robert G Boensch says:
        Past time to connect the wires and push the plunger
        +++ that was in my young days
        Liked by 2 people
        April 22, 2021 at 5:14 pm Reply
        I probity started this when i was 16 years old
        I would give my free time from farming to a old gentleman next door that operated a lime stone quarry he worked by him self I would show up and help him crush rock free of charge of course
        and when i knew he was going to blast rock i would be their to help load
        It’s interesting to lift a couple of thousand tons of rock from its formation into the air

        In other posts I talked about reading the earth- In the lime stone quarries by me you can see the glacial scrapings from the ice age once the over burden is removed
        and as I dug on four other location in a 1 mile square grid i could clearly see how the earth was formed over time in my location


        Liked by 1 person

      55. Robert G Boensch says:

        For your Eyes
        Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 23, 2021
        Restored Republic via GCR: Update as of April 26, 2021
        You might want to delete this after watching
        The Game that was already played and how it might END is to be seen
        Fake Government is all most Gone!
        I live in the country of Michigan
        My fellow people of this State and all the Country’s that make up (these united States For America) are so helpless and blind
        One man can make a difference Who will it Be
        I saw what men have done around the world to helpless people
        and to our own Military Solders all were Expendable for the worshiping of Money and Power
        remember what I said about Military Bases
        God sent me there to Be His Witness and to be his Witness with every breath he had given to Me
        And I was also face to face to many in the Departments of federal government and Business
        One day in a federal Government meeting at lunch time I sat down to an empty table
        to eat my lunch Three men approached Me and asked if the could join me I said OK
        I looked at their name tags and thought this will be interesting I’m going to have to keep my mouth shut for sure.
        To the left of me was the united States Secretary of energy a cross from me was the president of Consumers energy and to my right was the president of Detroit Edison Company
        I waited until they we done talking and with their meal then I had a strong message of what I think of the nuclear energy–Their is a better way-
        This story is repeated In my life all the Time
        What would happen if I only had A job?

        Liked by 1 person

      56. Robert G Boensch says:

        Out Of Shadows – Deep State Full Documentary
        ABOUT US
        The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.
        This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.

        Liked by 1 person

      57. Robert G Boensch says:

        Out Of Shadows
        Stupak expressed a desire to support the 2009 health care reform bill put forth by President Obama,[12] but wanted restrictions on coverage for abortion.[13] Therefore, Stupak and Republican Congressman Joseph R. Pitts submitted an amendment known as the Stupak–Pitts Amendment to prohibit such payments.

        President Obama and Stupak reached an understanding whereby the President promised to sign an Executive Order barring federal funding of abortion through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,[18] and Stupak and several of his allies promised to withdraw their opposition to the bill
        I remember this moment when In March 2010
        When they went for an airplane ride with President Obama watched some videos and pictures
        step off the plane and reversed their agreement
        and decided ______________Was Bart Stupak Black mailed By the actor Obama


        Liked by 1 person

      58. Robert G Boensch says:

        Obamacare FMR Rep Bart Stupak D On HCare Law I Don’t Regret My Vote Cavuto

        Weiner and Stupak on Health Care

        And now the false flag distraction ???
        Deepwater Horizon – May 13, 2010 – Sanchez -Heat on BP – Bart Stupak

        Not so Sayes RGB
        New info Disclosed today By RGB on this well disaster 2021-05-01
        I saw the congress investigation of the oil companies investigations and the testimonials given by the different oil company representatives
        (1 ) oil company one_____ how do you market your oil
        response we hedge our oil on the market one barrel of production to one in a contract
        (2) oil company two_____ how do you market your oil
        response we hedge our oil on the market one barrel of production to one in a contract
        (3) BP OIL oil company British Petroleum how do you market your oil
        response we hedge our oil on the market one barrel of production to Three in a contract

        This is why the Saudi’s Government Stated they were not making money on the $150 a barrel oil and did not know who was manipulating the oil market

        If The British Petroleum Company had an adverse position the the oil market that would of bankrupted the company ?
        This should be investigated by and Actuary or ___ And Prosecuted by ______
        If My Question is found to be true Justice needs to be carried out for all that Lost in British Petroleum Company ACTION!!!

        Was I personally involved in this well control project ???
        Am I a Whistle-blower for the World Again???
        With President Trump and the Military in control It was time for me to tell all
        This is Just a Sample of What power God Has placed in one of his servants!!!


      59. Robert G Boensch says:

        Call ME
        Workers continue to fight for help 11 years after Deepwater Horizon Disaster
        Tuesday, April 20, 2021 marks eleven years since the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico killing eleven workers and starting the largest oil spill in Gulf history.
        Do you want to Know what I am a witness To
        and How the events happened leading up to this disaster
        and the control after?
        from my prospective?
        Was this an ELE event?


      60. Robert G Boensch says:

        View count
        Dr. Robert Lustig The Hacking of the American Mind at the San Francisco Public Library
        April 22, 2021 at 5:33 pm Reply
        The Hacking of the American Mind with Dr. Robert Lustig
        May 2 2021 5:30 am
        Dianne You have traffic–over 200,000 views plus in 9.5 days

        The Hacking of the American Mind with Dr. Robert Lustig
        •Sep 6, 2017

        Liked by 1 person

      61. Robert G Boensch says:

        Part 1
        In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed
        United States Department of Energy
        From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      62. Robert G Boensch says:

        Part 2
        Shall we play a Game
        Not so Says RGB
        New info Disclosed today By RGB on this well disaster 2021-05-01
        I saw the congress investigation of the oil companies investigations and the testimonials given by the different oil company representatives
        BP OIL oil company British Petroleum how do you market your oil
        response we hedge our oil on the market one barrel of production to Three in a contract
        This is why the Saudi’s Government Stated they were not making money on the $150 a barrel oil and did not know who was manipulating the oil market
        You can place positions for both sides of the table
        Is oil going to be higher than what it is predicted on the market
        lets say can this be manipulative by and oil rig going down
        Energy Is money -Money is consider as energy those that have this has energy

        Time to revisit the BP oil spill or CRIME scene !!


      63. Robert G Boensch says:

        Part 3
        Profit, Pollution and Deception – USA’s Largest Oil Spill – Deepwater Horizon ENDEVR Documentary
        •Jan 23, 2021

        Question when are WE going to stand together a Say we are not going to take this any more
        Lets Be brave very brave and recognize those of around us and support them protect them
        and promote the truth and not be scared of the consequences of SHARING the knowledge of the truth our survival today demands this corroboration more than ever


      64. Robert G Boensch says:

        Part 3
        This is in my State
        About Line 5
        Energizing Michigan since 1953.
        As it travels under the Straits of Mackinac, Line 5 diverges into two, 20-inch-diameter, parallel pipelines. This is why people sometimes call the pipeline system the “dual” or “twin” pipelines. They start underground onshore, taper deep underwater and cross the Straits for 4.5 miles.
        Line 5 has operated without incident at the Straits of Mackinac for more than 65 years
        The products moved on Line 5 heat homes and businesses, fuel vehicles, and power industry in the state of Michigan.
        Line 5 supplies 65% of propane demand in the Upper Peninsula, and 55% of Michigan’s statewide propane needs. Overall, Line 5 transports up to 540,000 barrels per day (bpd) of light crude oil, light synthetic crude, and natural gas liquids (NGLs), which are refined into propane.

        I Robert G Boensch To Day 2021-05-02
        Ask the Question i have had for many years and am now making this pubic
        Is this ENBRIDGE Line 5 HOT -impregnated with NORMS-
        In recent years, oil and gas producers have employed new methods that combine horizontal drilling with enhanced stimulation. These new methods, known as “frackingHelpfrackingHydraulic fracturing, also referred to as “fracking,” is the process of drilling into host formations (shales and tight sandstones) and injecting fluids and sand under pressures great enough to fracture the rock formations to allow the extraction of oil and gas.,” have changed the profile of oil and gas wastes – both in terms of radioactivity and volumes produced. The geologic formations that contain oil and gas deposits also contain naturally-occurring radionuclides, which are referred to as Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM):
        Is it time to save our future on this planet
        If we heat our home with a petroleum derived energy is is giving off Radon and contaminating our bodies


      65. Robert G Boensch says:

        Part 5
        Who controls the intelligence controls the power of energy-(MONEY) profits etc.

        Serco Group plc is a British company with headquarters based in Hook, Hampshire, England.[3] Serco manages over 500 contracts worldwide. The company employs over 50,000 people.[3] Serco operates in the following sectors of public service provision: Health, Transport, Justice, Immigration, Defence, and Citizens Services. Serco primarily derives income as a contractor from the provision of government services.[3]

        WAS the united States of America military sold out to SERCO today look at the following

        SERCO has controlled our intellectual property for to long now

        Treason acts
        Question off shore dealings can not be investigated by the United States Government?
        if united States politicians have off shore stock in these entities can they be audited

        WAKE up people we loose if we keep doing nothing
        how many are involved in this Cabal
        Call them Out Take them Out Delete Them Now


      66. Robert G Boensch says:

        Gods Energy
        Question Does Robert G Boensch have a self serving Agenda in all of the posts
        Answer YES
        I live on this planet and have four children and my friends and neighbors and people I never ever met also live on this planet
        We are all children of God made by God in his image
        I live in his world and will defend his people and his creation from all who are bent on destroying it

        Will you Join me and President Trump and The united States Military
        also all of the people and those in Power around this world
        to purge this world from this slavery
        Now is the time for us to Seize The moment eliminate all things that enslave us for enjoining the kingdom that our God has created for us on this Planet
        Why do we have such a competitive Agenda that we all try to up stage each other about the promise of his heavenly kingdom
        Question If we do not take care of his earthy kingdom why would he consider letting us inter his house of eternity–HEAVEN–do you think GOD is a FOOL!!!

        Who tricks us into searching for other worlds and planets when we should be content with the one Our God has loving created for us

        Gods servant who tries so hard to speak of the things That God sees us doing on his Earth


      67. Robert G Boensch.0 says:

        Gods Energy part two
        Who is willing to put their hand over my hand that has grasped the God given sword
        he has given to me
        To help me a one man army to go after his enemies
        I have testified all through these posts of the journey of trials and tribulations
        Blessings and Knowledge he has bestowed on me and my world
        some times we have to experience evil things to gain the true knowledge of the real world
        The first time i was thrown in jail I sat bewildered and asked God the question
        Please let me clearly under stand why i am here and in this journey may i be steadfast
        in my believe in YOU My GOD ALL MIGHTY!!
        In this journey I needed to be close very close to him
        He picked me up so many times
        and many times when I was standing Strong he would slip me a cookie to reword me this was so so cool and I truly thanked him always
        One day the Arenac County Judge went ballistic over a legitimate Question I gave him
        Chief Judge of the 23rd Circuit Court Richard E. Vollbach, Jr.
        in the first minutes of a court session
        He signed a fraudulent warrant for my arrest? His mistake not Mine!
        He immediately through me in jail for 24 hours
        in the jail holding area others people keep filling in and they were talking about somebody must of pissed off the judge because they all had it set up with their layers they were not going to jail
        Then they figured it out that it must of been me
        Its interesting the places that Gods sends us to do his work
        In This 24 hours I in carried out his work Gods work It was so so Cool!
        Will We Answer His Call
        See the post of RGB here VIRTUAL WWIII… IS THAT WHAT THIS IS?

        Liked by 1 person

      68. Robert G Boensch says:

        I live for and Truly love inventing creating discovering things in the world i live in
        But I realize the truth of yesterdays state of this nation and world agenda
        their dream of a one world order
        Gods plan is freedom for us to be free
        each of us Know that life begins at conception and ends in the Grave
        AS as inventor should i use this fact of life
        cradle to grave cost of producing a product and the cost to this planet
        take any thing energy related most industries sell there idea on to days savings and do not include decommissioning cost -in the nuclear field this total cost is more than the savings ever gained by using it
        The the Government promotes this all day long by subsidies and grants
        If WE would stand up against these polices and demand the following to change
        there is no protection in united States for intellectual property
        especially when you hand it over to a foreign nation on day one
        talk about a treasonous act
        we must take back our greats asset the control of intellectual property
        and the people that create it –not those that steel it!
        Can We stand up together and be free and respect each other and quit stealing and using and profiting from these illicit activities.
        Are WE are dying from our miss use of energy
        Is there a better Way
        I need freedom to work do You
        Gods Work +++

        Liked by 1 person

      69. Robert G Boensch says:

        “To Ryan, who died in W.W.1 ‘the war to end all wars’. To Giannelli, who died in the war after that.” Brilliant.

        Only God knows the day and Time
        Harry Morgan toast in honor of his fallen buddies. Scripted? His words were real!
        •Sep 3, 2009


      70. Robert G Boensch says:

        Hi I thought I would stop by
        My history with Vollbach by RGB
        Richard E. Vollbach, Jr. – Oath of Office of Judge

        Ricks swearing-in.avi
        •Jan 2, 2010

        Richard E. Vollbach Jr., the 35-year-old, crew-cut assistant county prosecutor who charged Mr. Boomer and who recently took a free trip to Los Angeles to appear on a television talk show to discuss the case, said the trial would raise broad issues of civility and free speech.

        ”This is the kind of case the U.S. Supreme Court might end up looking at, in that there are some genuinely interesting First Amendment issues,” Mr. Vollbach said, crossing arms across his T-shirt as he rocked in a leather chair in his small office.

        District Court Judge Allen Yenior ruled in February that though the part of the law regarding use of expletives in front of women may not be constitutional, the law’s provisions regarding use of obscenities in front of children are justifiable because they protect minors.

        I am Asking Yenior Why is Shooting a 16 year old Boy that just drove his car home from school
        In the Back with a Shotgun With his mother being one of the first people on the scene OK
        And you being involved in it with your law partner Scully

        Judges in at least two other Michigan counties have dismissed cases involving the law after deciding that it was unconstitutional, but those decisions have not set binding precedents
        Notice this was a smoke Case to deflect an investigation that I was trying to
        have the FBI and the State police to investigate In these Dead People
        Nice to do an ops to cover up their crimes that could have involved Murder
        Their Murdering of a 16 year old Boy in 1993?
        Rumor has it that all the actions that Richard E. Vollbach is taking in Whitney Township Arenac county Michigan
        Is so that He will get votes in the next election His very first election

        Question In Arenac county why is it that free speech is un lawful.
        But these Two people and more ruled that Stealing a safe and cracking it open
        Does not justify enforcing the sentencing of life in prison
        and doesn’t even go as far as defendants paying restitution to all of their victims
        The defendants went on a crime spire causing damage and theft all through the neighbor hood

        when Vollbach Jr. was so nice to me from day one in 1993
        I thought I would give him a big favor
        in his actions going after me in 2016
        i thought i would make a investment in helping him out in his retirement
        I requested to get the court filers on many of his capers as being a lawyer and judge
        and the outer judges and ETC
        Its interesting how the state police had an iron shut case in this safe cracking event
        and how bewildered they were with the court action
        I know some victims personally
        The actions the court took seems like the same actions that all courts take in michigan

        Rumor has it the This court action went very smoothly as the county prosecutor
        and defense atty. sailed on a cruse ship that cost about as much as the court mandated
        restitution payment –Question did the parents of one of the defendants pay for the tickets

        AS I said before I am coming forward as a FEDERAL WITNESS
        I have the reports is Safe cracking breaking a federal law
        Is aiding and abetting a safe cracker breaking the law
        Why do Lawyers and Judges get a free Pass In Michigan

        Take me out grants you the Death penalty Federal law mandates this

        You can Destroy My Body But you will never destroy my spirit

        God Sees everything Why does Man walk Blind



      71. Robert G Boensch says:

        10 days of darkness is coming and then it will be wall to wall information
        one channel on all networks

        It’s interesting Big brother dropped by Very very close to my farms

        And has been on my door step for over ten years
        I stopped by Their new installation after it was built
        Its interesting what a farmer knows about and then gets a conformation straight from the agent on the ground

        NSA nice to have you close to my heart
        Most of everything That was said in Arenac County Michigan
        on the airways by a radio phone air plane email wire less is fully recorded
        and back up
        and this goes nation wide for a long time there is a network of Ears along the complete border
        of the USA in north America and in the Pacific ocean USA control areas world wide

        Notice to all the people in the election fraud Tic Tok
        Notice to all that harmed the least among us Tic Tok
        This is nation wide and world wide no chance of Escape .

        NSA knows everything I can prove It their my Neighbors
        Read what i posted in all of these posts
        Any body what to argue with the real Agents of President Trump
        Please try
        It is said sit back and watch the Show
        I have been in the front row most of my life remember

        The position i am in and the walk i have walked was predestined By God
        Its been a challenge to keep getting up from the ground

        note from myself
        Robert Gregory Boensch
        To every Government agent ,members of law enforcement and
        those in the legal profession including my so called judges
        Tik Tok Are you going to turn your self in or does the Good Godly Team have to Turn the Dogs Loose
        Your chances of this is running out
        and their will be no tears shed once the Dogs are let Loose
        WE HAVE IT ALL


        Play time is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        My first post on this site
        Liked by 1 person
        March 8, 2021 at 7:16 pm Reply
        I’ve be operating under cover from the age of 6 or 7 years old
        been engaged my whole life in this world wide action against us Remembering Everything.
        It’s Bigger than The US Leaders and Military Knows
        Just Me and My Friend Up Stairs
        Would somebody compile all of my posts on this site
        you could make a book or a movie etc
        This is a very small sample of my life experiences
        Notice to the Cabal every one of you
        Many times there is only one degree that separates the out come of a process or project
        that is planed or carried out by an entity
        Lets Play a Game
        there is only one degree that separates the out come
        I am getting old and his people are getting tired so lets get this over
        I’m in position on this board It’s your Move
        This is My position

        To Arenac County, Michigan and the EVIL people of this State This country and on this planet
        And to all of the members of the worlds Cabal
        Tik Tok

        If you went against any of Gods People Unborn– Young or the Old
        And did them Harm And I have Been in the Neighbor Hood and have seen this
        You can Bet that as the Sun rises everyday
        I will be everyday Coming after You
        Your best Bet is to turn yourself in to the local authorizes and Disclose
        the actions you have done

        Your actions are all documented and If I am dead before you take action
        Your time will have expired
        The Dogs will be deployed
        So Sad So Bad –Maybe Tears probably Not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      72. Robert G Boensch says:

        We pray to God Our Father
        Lets us Pray for Our Country’s Father President Donald John Trump
        There has never Been in this Country A Man a Godly Man That has served Gods people with such focus and devotion To Gods Children and People of this nation and of the World

        We must raise our Trumpets and Let Him Know we are here and are very thankful for what he and his family has done and sacrificed
        and to all those people that have dedicated years and decades of working in the shadows
        to Bring this moment in time to fruition I truly Thank You

        Be patient The Best is Not reveled today

        The best is yet to come

        Liked by 5 people
        May 20, 2021 at 6:59 am Reply


      73. Robert G Boensch says:

        I believe that this is another core foundation that inter twines with our spirit
        Our inter most being our Integrity can not be penetrated by another
        It can be only be compromised from with in

        Is this principal the same with our SPIRITUAL Being
        Our inter most being our SPIRIT can not be penetrated by another
        It can be only be compromised from with in

        Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.[1][2][3] In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions. Integrity can stand in opposition to hypocrisy,[4] in that judging with the standards of integrity involves regarding internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding within themselves apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs. The word integrity evolved from the Latin adjective integer, meaning whole or complete.[1] In this context, integrity is the inner sense of “wholeness” deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character.[5] As such, one may judge that others “have integrity” to the extent that they act according to the values, beliefs and principles they claim to hold.

        Our internal Guard has be active with every breath We take
        We must never concede our Integrity to another just to be joined in -accepted by a person or group
        and I always must remember That I am CLAY that I may have missed interpreted a teaching or statement made by another of His followers And So as not to be to ridged to accept change

        Living in the SPIRITUAL world is where My God dwells with in ME
        Being in the SPIRITUAL world is when you accept that their is only one enemity !
        and that this demonic entity has penetrated living things on this earth to harm all of Gods creations
        To spoil or trick His Followers in to worshiping a false god
        One self’s Integrity and SPIRITUAL BEING is our guard

        Liked by 4 people
        May 18, 2021 at 7:54 am Reply


      74. Robert G Boensch says:

        Are you ready
        The people of this world lived with and talked about many Gods
        and then there was a consolidation of the thought of only one God
        this God is followed by several teachings and writings
        one is The Old Testament
        another is the New Testament
        When I post on this site and in all my words spoken are they not my testimony
        and isn’t today May 18, 2021
        Logic says on this day as I Type the words could be addressed as
        Today’s Testament from RGB
        WE all are living in this
        Today’s Testament Of GOD from RGB
        and also would this be a true statement
        Today’s Testament Of GOD from all that gather on this web Site in his name

        So lets consolidate this to simply
        The Old Testament
        The New Testament
        Today’s Testament
        Most people would recognize the top two Testament labels
        Would The label Today’s Testament Defaults to the same subject GOD

        to Gods followers are you not speaking of current events on this God created vessel call Earth
        To day

        True-fully call it what it is
        Today’s Testament

        The Old Testament is very important
        The New Testament is also very important
        The question also is Our God a Living God
        and So should his Teachings Be

        Thus We come to today’s lesson
        As Gods children have evolved so has Gods Enemity

        Today’s Testament of the spirit of our living God with in Us
        or just simply

        Today’s Testament


        In the world today to put to rest His enemity once and for ever Must we not approach it from an different angle
        Many times there is only one degree that separates the out come of a process or project
        that is planed or carried out by an entity
        Could this be that one degree

        +++ +++ +++
        RGB RGB RGB

        Liked by 1 person
        May 18, 2021 at 9:26 am


      75. Robert G Boensch says:

        Exodus 31:18
        When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the covenant law, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.
        Exodus 32:15
        Moses turned and went down the mountain with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands. They were inscribed on both sides, front and back.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Exodus 32:16
        The tablets were the work of God; the writing was the writing of God, engraved on the tablets.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Exodus 32:19
        When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Exodus 34:1
        The New Stone Tablets
        The Lord said to Moses, “Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Exodus 34:4
        So Moses chiseled out two stone tablets like the first ones and went up Mount Sinai early in the morning, as the Lord had commanded him; and he carried the two stone tablets in his hands.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Exodus 34:28
        Moses was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant—the Ten Commandments.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Deuteronomy 4:13
        He declared to you his covenant, the Ten Commandments, which he commanded you to follow and then wrote them on two stone tablets.
        Deuteronomy 5:22
        These are the commandments the Lord proclaimed in a loud voice to your whole assembly there on the mountain from out of the fire, the cloud and the deep darkness; and he added nothing more. Then he wrote them on two stone tablets and gave them to me.
        Deuteronomy 9:9
        When I went up on the mountain to receive the tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant that the Lord had made with you, I stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights; I ate no bread and drank no water.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Deuteronomy 9:10
        The Lord gave me two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God. On them were all the commandments the Lord proclaimed to you on the mountain out of the fire, on the day of the assembly.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Deuteronomy 9:11
        At the end of the forty days and forty nights, the Lord gave me the two stone tablets, the tablets of the
        Deuteronomy 9:17
        So I took the two tablets and threw them out of my hands, breaking them to pieces before your eyes.
        Deuteronomy 10:1
        Tablets Like the First Ones
        At that time the Lord said to me, “Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones and come up to me on the mountain. Also make a wooden ark.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Deuteronomy 10:2
        I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke. Then you are to put them in the ark.”
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Deuteronomy 10:3
        So I made the ark out of acacia wood and chiseled out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I went up on the mountain with the two tablets in my hands.
        Deuteronomy 10:4
        The Lord wrote on these tablets what he had written before, the Ten Commandments he had proclaimed to you on the mountain, out of the fire, on the day of the assembly. And the Lord gave them to me.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Deuteronomy 10:5
        Then I came back down the mountain and put the tablets in the ark I had made, as the Lord commanded me, and they are there now.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        1 Kings 8:9
        There was nothing in the ark except the two stone tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        2 Chronicles 5:10
        There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.
        Jeremiah 17:1
        “Judah’s sin is engraved with an iron tool, inscribed with a flint point, on the tablets of their hearts and on the horns of their altars.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Habakkuk 2:2
        The Lord’s Answer
        Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        2 Corinthians 3:3
        You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
        Hebrews 9:4
        which had the golden altar of incense and the gold-covered ark of the covenant. This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant.
        In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations

        Exodus 16:34-Deuteronomy 10:3
        2 Corinthians 3:3
        You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
        The only thing God has written was destroyed By Man
        My Mans own record
        What is it we are following
        Did God Write It???
        +++ RGB+++

        May 22, 2021 at 8:11 pm
        Robert G Boensch says:


        6 Then Job replied:

        “If only my anguish could be weighed
        and all my misery be placed on the scales!
        It would surely outweigh the sand of the seas—
        no wonder my words have been impetuous.
        The arrows of the Almighty are in me,
        my spirit drinks in their poison;
        God’s terrors are marshaled against me.
        Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass,
        or an ox bellow when it has fodder?
        Is tasteless food eaten without salt,
        or is there flavor in the sap of the mallow[a]?
        I refuse to touch it;
        such food makes me ill.

        “Oh, that I might have my request,
        that God would grant what I hope for,
        that God would be willing to crush me,
        to let loose his hand and cut off my life!
        Then I would still have this consolation—
        my joy in unrelenting pain—
        that I had not denied the words of the Holy One.

        “What strength do I have, that I should still hope?
        What prospects, that I should be patient?
        Do I have the strength of stone?
        Is my flesh bronze?
        Do I have any power to help myself,
        now that success has been driven from me?

        “Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend
        forsakes the fear of the Almighty.
        But my brothers are as undependable as intermittent streams,
        as the streams that overflow
        when darkened by thawing ice
        and swollen with melting snow,
        but that stop flowing in the dry season,
        and in the heat vanish from their channels.
        Caravans turn aside from their routes;
        they go off into the wasteland and perish.
        The caravans of Tema look for water,
        the traveling merchants of Sheba look in hope.
        They are distressed, because they had been confident;
        they arrive there, only to be disappointed.
        Now you too have proved to be of no help;
        you see something dreadful and are afraid.
        Have I ever said, ‘Give something on my behalf,
        pay a ransom for me from your wealth,
        deliver me from the hand of the enemy,
        rescue me from the clutches of the ruthless’?

        “Teach me, and I will be quiet;
        show me where I have been wrong.
        How painful are honest words!
        But what do your arguments prove?
        Do you mean to correct what I say,
        and treat my desperate words as wind?
        You would even cast lots for the fatherless
        and barter away your friend.

        “But now be so kind as to look at me.
        Would I lie to your face?
        Relent, do not be unjust;
        reconsider, for my integrity is at stake.[b]
        Is there any wickedness on my lips?
        Can my mouth not discern malice?

        Liked by 1 person
        May 22, 2021 at 10:24 pm
        Robert G Boensch says:

        I received an Email From a survival group
        I must ask you… in the way you have described your life…it sounds a lot like Juan O Savin. Are you really Robert…or are you Juan…or are you like a Juan and go by another name as though you were Robert? Or are you someone else? You spoke of your team of survivors…being a farmer and working for other gov. agencies. Running for office as an independent party and said, go back to all your posts and you will see your story. What in a nutshell is your story? Time is short…who are you and what is your team’s goal?

        So, please, who are you and what is your team? What are you connected with?
        So throw me a bone.
        From a survival group 2020 go Trump xx!!__!!xx

        Its great that some one that must watch this Blog of yours has such Questions

        The only way I can describe it is I am a Person that lives In the State of Michigan
        and everything that I posted on this site is True
        The name I go By is my real name Robert Gregory Boensch
        I live in the county of Arenac County
        My Mailing Zip Code is 48703
        My farms are located in Whitney and Sims Townships
        The reason for these postings is the following
        The cabal has been in control for too long
        I Tried many many times to protect Strangers My Family my friends from evil
        I could only do so so much had had to wait for the right time
        I reported so many of these crimes to so many people To Local police the county sheriff to the Michigan State Police and even the FBI more than once
        Their is to many families that do not know why their Son or Daughter father or Mother and others have Died I listed some of them in these posts
        These are real People That Died The names are correct to the best of my knowledge
        So much Evil from so many places I told many many Stories
        Of crimes against God and Godly People People that didn’t even Know they were a target
        and Died with no warning
        Lets call these post on this site for what they are Today’s Testament from
        Robert Gregory Boensch
        On january 6 2021 When President Trump Declared
        10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse Text contains those laws in effect on May 21, 2021

        This Day I declared this about my life long battle with the cabal IT’S GO TIME

        I am the Bait on the cabals Trap I have and always has been My whole life
        Never willing to back down when actions warrant it
        The Judges think I’m stupid and most others that have take action against his people
        I bear witness on this site Of the journey the God given journey he has blessed me with

        To day shortly we will ‘the world will witness complete defeat of one of the super powers that are waging war for the prize of our soles There can only be one winner
        will it be the people with the Spirit of the living God,
        or the other Team

        I started searching info and I came across this Site and watched it for a few days
        and My friend up Stairs nudged me to post this day
        March 8, 2021 The Marshall Report

        Robert G Boensch says:
        I’ve be operating under cover from the age of 6 or 7 years old
        been engaged my whole life in this world wide action against us Remembering Everything.
        It’s Bigger than The US Leaders and Military Knows
        Just Me and My Friend Up Stairs

        Well if I was going to get Baptized on this site it might as well be a big Splash
        So, please, who are you and what is your team? What are you connected with?
        So throw me a bone.

        answer to
        survival group 2020 go Trump

        I am Robert G Boensch as stated
        I work alone my team is anybody and everybody that is willing to step forward
        and Go all in with no reservations to do the following.
        To live every Day With every Breath and every action
        with the Spirit of the living God,
        not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

        God Sees everything that is in our human heart


        Liked by 1 person
        May 22, 2021 at 11:30 pm
        The Marshall Report says:

        Robert, You are never alone. The Holy Spirit is in you and that is 24/7 where ever you go, the angel of the Lord goes before you. Because within you is the Holy of Holies!

        May 23, 2021 at 2:12 am


      76. Robert G Boensch says:

        :Just jump the ship It’s all going to be over soon
        Have faith Taking the jump maybe Gods blessing for he knows all that is coming
        Those who believe will be saved
        Walmart and Amazon has destroyed local tribes of people
        and corporate banks to big to fail destroyed our local banks
        Why do we let our local tribal community be in the hands of the wall street mob
        Have we not sinned against God by letting this happen

        Sad Sad how we got here Pulling the lever is the only way out today
        A few years ago I researched the radio stations broadcasting in my State Of Michigan
        The religious stations way out number the other and all were smaller
        Information has to treated just like we treat the nourishment from the food we eat
        If the food doesn’t agree with our metabolism we quit eating it

        WE have needed to walk away from this for a long time
        We had a choice and we didn’t take it so now we have this reality

        those that get excited at sports and swallow all the commercials
        same with other events all on drugs

        and the other side of the coin is on Sunday we are instructed to go and worship God
        Its interesting to flow of the sermons and the recital of the bible
        And then you find out it all scripted and goes through a three or four cycle of readings
        is this not mind control MK ULTA In Gods House

        Also were are asked to contribute to this or that 501c 3 entity
        research these and you will find out most only give 2-5 % of what they take in to there stated purpose
        If you give it to some one in person Three beings then know whats truly in your heart
        The one Giving The one Receiving and GOD

        God Sees all Things
        sorry for the ranting –Maybe–

        Liked by 2 people
        May 18, 2021 at 11:29 am


      77. Robert G Boensch says:

        Remember the Dose makes the Poison
        WE need to Give Gods Dose to the Cabal
        A full Godly Measure
        Cover all bases and put the cabal in the following
        The ash heap of history
        How many are in this Video
        British Parliament: President Reagan’s Address to Members of the British Parliament – 6/8/82
        •Apr 21, 2009

        +++ +++ +++
        RGB RGB RGB

        Liked by 3 people
        May 18, 2021 at 12:12 pm Reply

        Robert G Boensch says:
        British Parliament: President Reagan’s Address to Members of the British Parliament –
        Watch this carefully
        It sounded great in 1982 forty years ago
        Now that we are a wake ________________
        President Donald John Trump and company
        His world wide team
        Has finally cut the umbilical Cord to the mother land
        He started this on day One January 20 Year 2017
        This is a Republic
        It is controlled by the people of these States
        It is controlled by the people of these States
        It’s just that The Cabal is in denial
        The Day of reckoning is JUNE 28 2021?
        President Trump’s Cleaners will have our country cleansed By this Day ?
        on July 4 2021 The worlds People will Be celebrating Freedom
        A God Given Freedom to all of his people
        No man will ever challenge Gods people Again on such a scale
        President Regain as I’m listen to this video and typing
        Please Quit Saying we are a democracy
        We are a Republic
        We are a Republic
        We are a Republic
        AS much as we loved President Regain
        theirs no excuse to day for Saying we are a democracy
        +++ +++ +++ +++


        Liked by 3 people
        May 18, 2021 at 12:40 pm Reply

        this post
        March 20, 2021 at 6:50 pm
        A couple of years ago I went back and reviewed the tape of when President Reagan Was shot
        My first review was that John Hinckley Jr.s
        Gun fired no bullets that Day in Washington at President Reagan
        I waited a day and look again at the evidence and came up with the same results
        I did further investigation and could see where the shots were fired from
        There is so many pieces involved in this that strongly suggest It was all staged and had the
        people seeing what the verbal image was told to them and not what the pictures showed

        John Warnock Hinckley Jr. is an American criminal who, on March 30, 1981, attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C. He wounded Reagan with a bullet from a revolver that ricocheted and hit Reagan underneath his arm in his armpit

        I could be Wrong the the evidence speaks for itself
        and you don’t have to here my words to believe

        to Relive

        When you say
        REAGAN was compromised
        To cover up and operation like this and make it Hidden
        A decoy is needed to distract the presenter and also the targeted audience
        President Reagan was the perfect actor in this play
        He did it by unknowingly reading the script before him focusing on the jokes and not so much on the message and doing both professionally as an actor
        Now for the Audience Big responses to the jokes camouflages the messages in his speech.
        His wife signed off on every word

        The Reagan’s had a run in with the Cabal
        The Russian’s infiltrated the movie industry ??
        Interesting I remember this point
        this is why the Ash heap of history statement comes in
        President Reagan and the Miss had a personal vendetta with the Russians
        Question This is probity the Biggest reason for the CIA action
        on March 30, 1981, attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C.
        The picture be comes clearer
        And who was in the CIA big Time and in the white house
        The CIA was Protecting Their Partners the Russian operators


        Please Remember The people in most country’s including ours do not have a clue what the Cabals doing and how long they have been taking from us

        Who among us has traveled many paths and can see the interconnecting of their actions
        It takes all of us to turn this light on and to send their __________to extinction

        May everybody that stands against this Cabal Be Safe

        Liked by 2 people
        May 18, 2021 at 2:50 pm

        remember most of the crap out of washington is bundled with other needed bills etc
        and everything is bought and paid for be for its presented in congress

        Spell checker wants this in caps washington fat chance !!!

        10 days of darkness is coming and then it will be wall to wall information
        one channel on all networks

        It’s interesting Big brother dropped by Very very close to my farms

        And has been on my door step for over ten years
        I stopped by Their new installation after it was built
        Its interesting what a farmer knows about and then gets a conformation straight from the agent on the ground

        NSA nice to have you close to my heart
        Most of everything That was said in Arenac County Michigan
        on the airways by a radio phone air plane email wire less is fully recorded
        and back up
        and this goes nation wide for a long time there is a network of Ears along the complete border
        of the USA in north America and in the Pacific ocean USA control areas world wide

        Notice to all the people in the election fraud Tic Tok
        Notice to all that harmed the least among us Tic Tok
        This is nation wide and world wide no chance of Escape .



        NSA knows everything I can prove It their my Neighbors
        Read what i posted in all of these posts
        Any body what to argue with the real Agents of President Trump
        Please try
        It is said sit back and watch the Show
        I have been in the front row most of my life remember

        The position i am in and the walk i have walked was predestined By God
        Its been a challenge to keep getting up from the ground

        note from myself
        Robert Gregory Boensch
        To every Government agent ,members of law enforcement and
        those in the legal profession including my so called judges
        Tik Tok Are you going to turn your self in or does the Good Godly Team have to Turn the Dogs Loose
        Your chances of this is running out
        and their will be no tears shed once the Dogs are let Loose
        WE HAVE IT ALL


        Play time is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Liked by 1 person
        May 18, 2021 at 7:03 pm
        The Marshall Report says:

        Robert G Boensch says:

        The cabal is in its Waning Hour
        They can self extinguish them self’s
        or we cam make a sport of it
        Its their choice

        Give this one post a like if you are tired and want this Game OVER
        And Pray to Be Free

        +++ RGB+++

        Liked by 2 people
        May 18, 2021 at 7:17 pm
        Robert G Boensch says:

        Bible support bearing false witness? If a truth is true… it is a testamony of truth.
        Everything in your post i agree with

        In this post above I typed the following

        Thus We come to today’s lesson
        As Gods children have evolved so has Gods Enemity

        My mis spelling was Gods correct spelling
        I spell checked this and it comes up with the following
        25 occurrences in 11 translations
        ‘Enmity’ in the Bible

        My God is never wrong so i Hit post with the trust and knowledge of his guiding my Hand
        And give praise for he was and always is in control of my thoughts

        I knew the subject would be hard to comprehend as a man
        But the message posted was for a revelation into His Thoughts not Mine
        With my trust in Him no ones ridicule can offend Me


        Liked by 2 people
        May 18, 2021 at 8:25 pm


      78. Robert G Boensch says:

        He did warned them all of them that Voted in Him in the 2016 election campaign
        He stated all the time Fake News did he Not
        TO ALL and ON HIS OWN DIME !!! Trumps dime
        as of his covid response Those that believed that truly was in tuned with President Trump
        Got the Message
        and We all told others it was Fake who would listen
        The cabal Never let up on their campaign to destroy
        now those that were republicans they voted by party lines and did not care for President Trump
        Do you think that the demon crates followed any of President Trumps words
        and no we have those that didn’t Vote at all

        How many 501c 3 Churches stood up to the CABAL
        Gods house is suppose to be a sanctuary for his people
        Go back to Dianne Post

        Is there and truth posted Here March 19 2021
        How many took the JAB after this Post

        Its sad But How many only Believe in them self’s
        And not In Thee All Mighty One
        Tail Gunner ???

        Liked by 2 people
        May 18, 2021 at 8:27 am Reply

        Liked by 1 person

      79. Robert G Boensch says:

        How is it I was talking about this two days ago and your posting it today
        I’m in a closed conversation on many subjects and 2 -5 days later it shows up on here and other places
        My team is asking this Question

        Liked by 3 people
        May 16, 2021 at 5:26 am Reply

        Robert G Boensch says:

        Going back in time
        in the early 1970’s when I was 12-13 years old I was at a meeting in my state of Michigan
        at this meeting a German engineer was doing a presentation to a group of people
        I gave him a thermal dynamic problem
        His answer was there would only be a one degree change in the outcome from the ranges of thermal input numbers i gave him. with the materials and dynamics that were involved in his work
        Using this knowledge and applying it to many other disciplines –
        Many times there is only one degree that separates the out come of a process or project
        that is planed or carried out by an entity
        Dianne I love you post today
        When I review everything that’s new to me I have my frame of references to draw on
        and then compare it to the new subject matter but must remember there is only one degree that separates the out come of a process or project—-Or a truth—
        Space and Time some times defines the truth
        The truth in your post today is one the holds us in bondage or sets us free
        once one is confident in His truth one looks no More and has found peace in Their belief or in their God
        Trust is some thing earned True Trust can not be Bought or Sold


        Liked by 4 people
        May 16, 2021 at 6:18 am Reply

        Liked by 1 person

      80. Robert G Boensch says:

        Time The last moment is gone the next moment is not here.
        We live in the now Time
        Everything that we study or belief is subject to this given fact
        It is up to each of us to grab the truth that surrounds us and is in us
        Everything is in motion and travels in space
        their is so many Dimensions at play
        If you could capture all of these Dimensions and freeze them
        The truth will last only until one particle moves in space or to the next time frame

        Is that why it is said —
        The One Living God

        Compare the following
        The total enthalpy of a system cannot be measured directly because the internal energy contains components that are unknown, not easily accessible, or are not of interest in thermodynamics.
        is a scientific concept, as well as a measurable physical property that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty
        The Truths in both of these are dynamic
        Being a general discussions on moving targets

        Its much simpler to under stand God
        and to emulate being like a God
        a God like person not for some one to worship
        But to live in piece his piece
        My His Peace be Blessed upon You all of your Days Amen

        Liked by 1 person

      81. Robert G Boensch says:

        More than just a theory!
        You are a good believer
        I stated the following
        Everything that we study or belief is subject to this given fact
        It is up to each of us to grab the truth that surrounds us and is in us

        It is up to each of us to grab the truth that surrounds us and is in us
        We are the ones that keep His truths Alive

        Our beliefs are our foundations and something we can share
        Beliefs define what we are who we are etc.
        The teachings of his word or the investigation of the physical world around us
        have different property’s or elements in them

        Liked by 3 people
        May 16, 2021 at 7:25 pm

        Liked by 1 person

      82. Robert G Boensch says:

        Vladimir Putin war warning

        584 views •Jul 10, 2016

        President Donald John Trump Of the World ?
        President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Co President Of the World ?
        Think about It
        Who is really teamed up to take out the Worlds Cabal ???
        And has proven it Time and Time Again
        These Men Have My Vote !!!
        If you only would Know what I have been a Witnessed to !!

        Gods People do not Stop at The border to save his people !!!!!!!
        +++ +++ +++
        RGB RGB RGB

        Liked by 2 people
        May 15, 2021 at 3:09 pm Reply

        Robert G Boensch says:

        In 2014 President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Saved this country our country
        The United States of America from total destruction by the World Cabal
        in which all of the previous united states presidents and most sitting and retired politicians and World business and large investors also family’s with money ETC.
        had an operation in motion, a world operation bases out of Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation.
        We would never of had a chance at electing Donald John Trump
        if it wasn’t for President Vladimir Putin Standing up to what was clearly in motion
        This action was done in early 2014 there was a massive weapon of destruction
        Built in a strategic locations in one of our states
        promoted by George W. Bush in 2004 controlled by a foreign company and Built with the CABALS money
        and they all had their exit plans in place to a far away nation

        Just one of the reasons was the following
        Bradley Birkenfeld broke the back of Swiss bank secrecy.
        All wars have Money and land and control as the prize
        If they get caught red handed stealing
        Total destruction is justified to avoid personal capture
        This is the one time I Truly witness fast action by the mid level Government Forces protecting this country with out notifying the heads of government of their operation!
        Every citizen in the United States of America and Also our Neighbor to the north the citizens of Canada Can truly be great full for the actions that are done in total darkness and never Spoke of
        in the Public
        Personal risk of ones life means nothing
        when you clearly see the big picture

        May 15, 2021 at 5:08 pm
        Robert G Boensch says:

        Notice part 2
        UBS Whistleblower Brad Birkenfeld On How Whistleblowers Should Be Protected, Supported & Rewarded

        449 views •May 5, 2016
        How much evidence do you need

        How is one person suppose to know all the games they play
        Are you safe while I’m alive
        whats going to happen when the Good are Gone

        Some times We have to act when the Game is in play and
        ask the Question What is this about after it’s taken out.
        It may take several years for the pieces to surface
        they always have a fail safe plan
        To day now they Know ME
        Lets play today I’m getting old it should be easy
        In 2014 I saw President Vladimir Putin shaking with the president of china
        His body language was telling his face told more or a story
        But when I looked into his EYES he clearly told the story
        7-8 Seconds later I Identified the location and started things in motion

        Homeland Security lone wolf Style
        +++ +++ +++
        RGB RGB RGB
        Me scared of the CABAL I have Your Number lets play

        May 15, 2021 at 6:18 pm
        Robert G Boensch says:

        Notice part 3

        In early 2014 President Vladimir Putin Had a meeting with the Switzerland banking Cabal
        They personally threaten his country with a economic banking crises if he didn’t follow through with their plan to take out The United States Of America
        He put His own Country at risk to Stop a World War 111 incident from happening
        The people of this world owes him a huge thank you

        Now Switzerland has many ways to get their results and there is people in power in every country around the world ready to sell their soles to the devil for a few pieces of silver

        Follow the rabbit hopping around the world dropping fake gold Easter eggs

        If Switzerland losses control of the world by Banking
        Their back up is a Swiss Novartis Files Corona Covid 19 Connection
        The Swiss Novartis Pharmaceutical Giant have a Bio Medical Research Lab next to Wuhan Province in China!
        a War with no borders ,restrictions and no conciseness
        How do you treat a animal with Rabies
        People its the only way to save His people
        +++ +++ +++
        RGB RGB RGB

        May 16, 2021 at 3:22 am
        Robert G Boensch says:

        Notice part 4
        Swiss Novartis Files Corona Covid 19 Connection; Switzerland’s Human Guinea Pigs Virus Experiments

        14,243 views•Apr 7, 2020
        A lot of truth here Swiss plan in place
        President Trump working under cover?
        Video talks bad about Trump you tube likes this and leaves this channel up ?
        only Gods knows
        I Trust My God

        May 16, 2021 at 4:17 am
        Robert G Boensch says:

        My first post on this site


        Liked by 1 person
        March 8, 2021 at 7:16 pm Reply
        I’ve be operating under cover from the age of 6 or 7 years old
        been engaged my whole life in this world wide action against us Remembering Everything.
        It’s Bigger than The US Leaders and Military Knows
        Just Me and My Friend Up Stairs
        Would somebody compile all of my posts on this site
        you could make a book or a movie etc
        This is a very small sample of my life experiences
        Notice to the Cabal every one of you
        Many times there is only one degree that separates the out come of a process or project
        that is planed or carried out by an entity
        Lets Play a Game
        there is only one degree that separates the out come
        I am getting old and his people are getting tired so lets get this over
        I’m in position on this board It’s your Move
        This is My position

        To Arenac County, Michigan and the EVIL people of this State This country and on this planet
        And to all of the members of the worlds Cabal
        Tik Tok

        Liked by 1 person
        May 16, 2021 at 7:32 am

        Robert G Boensch says:

        Vladimir Putin war warning post above
        I should have been clearer on this look at the date stamp
        ____Jul 10, 2016 this is Before Trump
        and after the Decommission of their device in 2014
        This device Would have been called an industrial accident
        But was set up to be at least a thousand times more deadly to this country than the false flag event of 2001-09-11
        This is why I just had to take it out first it did not matter who was behind it
        When I review everything that’s new to me I have my frame of references to draw on
        but must remember there is only one degree that separates the out come of a False Flag Event
        Space and Time some times defines the order actions must be taken
        Today The Who is behind everything is a Giving
        The cabal Made a big mistake going after me when I was very very young
        God gave me the power to see – act and be patience
        the Hardest part is not having a steady job
        the most rewarding is to be free and can answer His call on a moment notice

        It been a long journey to get to this day I truly know I will see Gods glory shine
        the question is how many others will see this
        Remember what I said in a post
        That when the few people that get to heaven the first thing they will ask is where is everybody
        I know in my heart my God will send me where I will be needed
        This is OK with me it’s been a great pleasure to be his servant

        Liked by 1 person
        May 16, 2021 at 3:53 pm Reply


      83. Robert G Boensch says:

        Navigate Novartis
        Coronavirus and the Art of Unbossed Leadership

        Novartis CEO Vas Narasimhan talks with Fortune editor-in-chief Clifton Leaf about health care’s present and future.
        Our response to COVID-19

        In the face of a global crisis, Novartis quickly mobilized research and development capabilities, manufacturing capacities, clinical trial expertise and philanthropic aid to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
        Vaccine production and collaborating with partners

        Collaborating with partners

        We are helping to support the global supply of vaccines and therapeutics. By leveraging our production facilities we support vaccine demand around the world. Novartis is partnering with multistakeholder consortia, including the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator, coordinated by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and Master-card, as well as a partnership supported by the Innovative Medicines Initiative. We are participating with the University of California, Berkeley, and other pharmaceutical companies to develop an antiviral molecule to potentially treat all coronaviruses, including the virus that causes COVID-19.
        We played our part in the scientific efforts to find treatments for COVID-19. We quickly designed and launched three Phase III, placebo-controlled trials to determine if our products could help patients with certain COVID-19-related symptoms. We provided these and other medicines to investigator- initiated trials and managed access programs upon request. We are also collaborating with Molecular Partners to develop two potential antiviral treatments for COVID-19 based on a new class of protein therapeutics known as DARPin®.

        In the face of a global crisis, Novartis quickly mobilized research and development capabilities, manufacturing capacities, clinical trial expertise and philanthropic aid to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
        Vaccine production and collaborating with partners

        Collaborating with partners

        We are helping to support the global supply of vaccines and therapeutics. By leveraging our production facilities we support vaccine demand around the world. Novartis is partnering with multistakeholder consortia, including the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator, coordinated by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and Master-card, as well as a partnership supported by the Innovative Medicines Initiative. We are participating with the University of California, Berkeley, and other pharmaceutical companies to develop an antiviral molecule to potentially treat all coronaviruses, including the virus that causes COVID-19.
        Clinical investigations

        Clinical Investigations

        We played our part in the scientific efforts to find treatments for COVID-19. We quickly designed and launched three Phase III, placebo-controlled trials to determine if our products could help patients with certain COVID-19-related symptoms. We provided these and other medicines to investigator- initiated trials and managed access programs upon request. We are also collaborating with Molecular Partners to develop two potential antiviral treatments for COVID-19 based on a new class of protein therapeutics known as DARPin®.
        Access and pricing commitments

        Access and pricing commitments

        Novartis is making 15 drugs that treat key symptoms of COVID-19 available to low-income and lowermiddle- income countries at zero profit until a vaccine or curative treatment is available. Our Sandoz Division is maintaining prices on a basket of essential medicines that may help in the treatment of COVID-19.
        Novartis committed to donating up to USD 40 million to support communities around the world impacted by the pandemic. This includes the Novartis COVID-19 Response Fund and a US COVID- 19 Community Response Fund, established by Novartis and the Novartis US Foundation, that will provide cash and in-kind donations for immediate response and recovery eorts related to the pandemic in the US.

        Michael Robert Milken is an American formerly convicted felon, financier and philanthropist. He is noted for his role in the development of the market for high-yield bonds, and his conviction and sentence following a guilty plea on felony charges for violating U.S. securities laws.
        Novartis CEO Vas Narasimhan spoke to Milken Institute Chairman, Michael Milken about COVID-19 during their 21st episode of the Milken Institute Podcast Series.


      84. Robert G Boensch says:


        Novartis signs initial agreement to provide manufacturing capacity for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

        First of multiple agreements being explored by Novartis to leverage manufacturing capacity and capabilities to address pandemic, supporting global supply of COVID-19 vaccine

        Initial agreement signed with BioNTech to use Novartis manufacturing plant in Stein, Switzerland, to support production of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
        Production to commence in the second quarter for
        estimated delivery commencing in the third quarter 2021
        Basel, January 29, 2021 — Novartis announced today that it has signed an initial agreement to leverage its manufacturing capacity and capabilities in order to address the COVID-19 pandemic by supporting the production of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. The agreement will see Novartis utilizing its aseptic manufacturing facilities at its site in Stein, Switzerland.

        Under the terms of the contract manufacturing agreement, Novartis plans to take bulk mRNA active ingredient from BioNTech and fill this into vials under aseptic conditions for shipment back to BioNTech for their distribution to healthcare system customers around the world.

        Subject to reaching a final agreement, Novartis plans to commence production in the second quarter of 2021 at its state-of-the art aseptic manufacturing plant in Stein. Initial shipment of finished product is expected in the third quarter.

        The Novartis manufacturing team is in advanced discussions with a number of additional companies to take on manufacturing activities such as mRNA production, therapeutic protein production as well as raw material production for Covid vaccines and therapeutics. The specifics will be disclosed once those discussions are concluded.

        “Novartis has been mobilizing on multiple fronts to support the global pandemic response,” said Steffen Lang, Head of Novartis Technical Operations. “As a company reimagining medicine with advanced therapy platforms, we are committed to leverage our manufacturing capabilities to help support the supply of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics around the world. We expect this to be the first of a number of such agreements.”

        The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has been authorized for use by the health regulatory authorities of about 50 countries, including Switzerland and the European Union member states where it has been granted Conditional Marketing Authorization and it has received authorizations for emergency use in e.g. the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada, as well as in Hong Kong.

        Novartis response to COVID-19 pandemic
        Novartis is making multiple contributions to the global effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and support the stability of global healthcare systems. The company has committed to donating USD 40 million to support communities around the world impacted by the pandemic. In addition, Novartis is active in several key cross-industry research initiatives, the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator, coordinated by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and Mastercard as well as a COVID-19 directed partnership supported by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). Novartis has also announced a collaboration with Molecular Partners to develop two DARPin® therapies designed for potential use against COVID-19, and the company is separately supporting COVID-19-related clinical investigations of several Novartis medicines. In our labs, we have started a collaborative, longer-term drug discovery effort to develop first oral medicines for COVID-19 and other coronaviruses. To sustain access, the Novartis generics and biosimilars division Sandoz became the first company to commit to keeping stable prices for a basket of essential medicines that may help in the treatment of COVID-19 and entered into a partnership with US-based Civica Rx to support stable supply of essential generic hospital medicines. We are making 15 drugs that treat key symptoms of COVID-19 available to low-and lower-middle income countries at zero profit until a vaccine or curative treatment is available. Furthermore, Novartis Gene Therapies entered into a manufacturing agreement with Massachusetts Eye and Ear and Massachusetts General Hospital to produce its novel genetic COVID-19 vaccine candidate called AAVCOVID8. More information about the Novartis response to COVID-19 is available at

        This media update contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by words such as “potential,” “can,” “will,” “plan,” “may,” “could,” “would,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “look forward,” “believe,” “committed,” “investigational,” “pipeline,” “launch,” or similar terms, or by express or implied discussions regarding potential marketing approvals, new indications or labeling for the investigational or approved products described in this media update, or regarding potential future revenues from such products. You should not place undue reliance on these statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on our current beliefs and expectations regarding future events, and are subject to significant known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. There can be no guarantee that the investigational or approved products described in this media update will be submitted or approved for sale or for any additional indications or labeling in any market, or at any particular time. Nor can there be any guarantee that such products will be commercially successful in the future. In particular, our expectations regarding such products could be affected by, among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development, including clinical trial results and additional analysis of existing clinical data; regulatory actions or delays or government regulation generally; global trends toward health care cost containment, including government, payor and general public pricing and reimbursement pressures and requirements for increased pricing transparency; our ability to obtain or maintain proprietary intellectual property protection; the particular prescribing preferences of physicians and patients; general political, economic and business conditions, including the effects of and efforts to mitigate pandemic diseases such as COVID-19; safety, quality, data integrity or manufacturing issues; potential or actual data security and data privacy breaches, or disruptions of our information technology systems, and other risks and factors referred to in Novartis AG’s current Form 20-F on file with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Novartis is providing the information in this media update as of this date and does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this media update as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

        About Novartis
        Novartis is reimagining medicine to improve and extend people’s lives. As a leading global medicines company, we use innovative science and digital technologies to create transformative treatments in areas of great medical need. In our quest to find new medicines, we consistently rank among the world’s top companies investing in research and development. Novartis products reach nearly 800 million people globally and we are finding innovative ways to expand access to our latest treatments. About 110,000 people of more than 140 nationalities work at Novartis around the world. Find out more at


      85. Robert G Boensch says:

        Robert G. Boensch
        I posted many things on this site
        I posted them as facts and as Questions
        My own boots were on these grounds
        I know who i am and have explained my position very clearly
        And I even posted my location of where i live phone number etc

        I do not hide from this our
        If we would only start by all of us responding to the job at hand
        By stating who we are up front with no fear
        the Question is
        All of us here would be communicating on the same level
        I said many times Call me out if I have posted anything that can be proven wrong
        My posts are not here for entertainment
        there here for a frame of reference and to let the readers their not alone

        If we are claiming who the bad guys are and calling them out
        why are we doing this in secret
        If we would do this on thing It Would it really put the fear in them
        I freely do this one thing I am a witness to may events that have happened in this country
        By the bad actors and i can not go into deep details a many because there are still active

        I grew up on a farm and bought my first farm when i was very young
        a simple farm life was my goal and today i find my self in the
        middle of a world war -a inter prospective war -the worst kind of war

        I had a simple plan
        But My God had a worldly plan set up for me

        Why are so many people so stiff necked and like granite in the heart
        bent on hurting others

        The facts are simple I am clay I can Be wrong on my Posts
        are we not all to be clay on to judgement day
        Learning the truth

        If I had the ability I would but up a reward for each time you could find an error
        of facts in my posts and freely give it
        To know the truth HIS truth is what I am Seeking

        Should we all Be seeking the same


        Liked by 1 person
        May 27, 2021 at 11:07 am Reply
        And the enemy is most dangerous when it knows it’s about to die.

        This is a new game and a new day
        We all have a choice of how to play it
        Mine is not to hide from them
        Look at my posts everything has many docs and witnesses
        that can be called in a trial
        I freely call them out the enemy they can turn them self in
        Law states that if you kill a federal witness it results in death
        I am the Bait Kill me
        how will the bad guys each one of them prove they didn’t do it
        they can’t
        Game over

        same as on the world scale
        for them to tell their involvement they just might live a day longer
        or be dropped at any moment without notice!
        to Turn themselves in is better that having collateral damage to those around when the shoe drops ?

        This is the message it has to be this way

        Liked by 1 person
        May 27, 2021 at 12:35 pm

        Liked by 1 person

      86. Robert G Boensch says:

        I freely call them out the enemy they can turn them self in
        Law states that if you kill a federal witness it results in death
        I am the Bait Kill me
        how will the bad guys each one of them prove they didn’t do it
        they can’t
        Game over

        For any one that I did not call out on this site by name
        Check you records for my name
        Robert Gregory Boensch DOB 08-16-1958
        or any of my close family members
        If you had any business dealings or etc that caused me or my family harm
        and I have the evidence or records can be found
        or witnesses come forward
        This goes for all of the lawyers- judges and banks
        you can and will be included held by the same terms in the previous post
        time stamped here

        May 27, 2021 at 12:35 pm

        Liked by 1 person

      87. Robert G Boensch says:

        Robert G Boensch says:

        Robert, I have indeed watched people so anal that they will not burn a leaf until they have gathered all in a pile. Nicely fit rows of piles.

        The point i was making my analogy
        Was that gathering all of the cabal a little at a time would result in some escaping

        When I start a fire it always starts the wind to blow
        it works best to gather all of the cabal first and the light it

        To accomplish this one must use stand in for the ones taken out
        the huge face masks work great
        also how the speaker of the house stepped down was telling
        and let another step in
        if you looked close at her dress there was a different body in it
        and to make a clear stage for the play
        the reinstating of her for speaker of the house to keep the show rolling

        It was a fun show to watch but had to be quite


        Liked by 1 person
        May 28, 2021 at 3:36 am

        Robert G Boensch says:

        Ri-chard says:
        Yes, we are at the time when a military presence is required to enforce what must be.
        It was told to me by a Post Commander that there are about 18 million veterans,

        Richard The title of this blog

        I have answered His Call
        I have my whole life
        I am putting My body between the Cabal and Gods people
        with all of my posts on this site
        I will not stand by and let any veteran have to pick up a weapon to defend this country
        or any body else
        This is My war against the Dark one

        Thoughts on “VIRTUAL WWIII… IS THAT WHAT THIS IS?”

        I challenge the cabal to take out my life
        doing this will release the spirit The God given SPIRIT in me

        Then I will be able to Toy with the evil one and send it to extinction

        I am totally tired of watching his actions on this planet

        Ri-chard says:
        All we may need is the optics, of a few millions to arrive at Capitol Hill to make their demands to congress and the senate to step away from their seats that day..

        Not so

        Saint Telemachus
        Saint Telemachus was a monk who, according to the Church historian Theodoret, tried to stop a gladiatorial fight in a Roman amphitheatre, and was stoned to death by the crowd. The Christian Emperor Honorius, however, was impressed by the monk’s martyrdom and it spurred him to issue a historic ban on gladiatorial fights. Frederick George Holweck gives the year of his death as 391. The last known gladiatorial fight in Rome was on 1 January 404 AD

        I am a instrument from God
        Will His light shine on me Today


        May 28, 2021 at 4:04 am


      88. Robert G Boensch says:

        Ri-chard says:

        Yes, we are at the time when a military presence is required to enforce what must be.
        It was told to me by a Post Commander that there are about 18 million veterans, a little less than 1/2 are able bodies and well armed. All we may need is the optics, of a few millions to arrive at Capitol Hill to make their demands to congress and the senate to step away from their seats that day.. Without a shot being fired. These are the men an women that no longer consent to being used as cannon fodder.

        Liked by 1 person
        May 27, 2021 at 10:05 pm
        Ri-chard says:

        Please consider your State legislators are not white hats. If you request a D&B Report on and State agency including judicial you will receive a Corporate financial report. That’s right they are registered as Corporations for profit. Why don’t the tell us this?
        I have posted this or similar before to get someone’s attention. Never works.
        What you think is a state is in reality a corporation, in other words, a Person.
        “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Person.” 9 F. Supp 272
        “Word “person” does not include state. 12 Op Atty Gen 176.
        See there are no states, just corporations. A corporation is an artificial entity, a fiction at law. They only exist in your mind. They are images in your mind, that speak to you. We labor, pledge our property and give our children to a fiction.
        There is proof of England’s interference and the fact of the status and capacities of arch-treasurer is presently in full force, affect and effect. pdf’s from government websites and associated archive links. Think SSA and IRS. It’s well documented if you seek it.

        May 27, 2021 at 9:08 pm
        Robert G Boensch says:

        Ri-chard says:
        Please consider your State legislators are not white hats.

        Very well stated and so true

        May 28, 2021 at 3:40 am


      89. Robert G Boensch says:

        A Thank You to My GOD
        I have waited a long time for this Day to come
        when everything is in line for the last battle between the good
        and the evil on this planet
        I pray that there will never be another time for all of your creations to be
        is such a discord and so far away from your heart



      90. Robert G Boensch says:

        ++ +++ +++
        +++ +++ +++.
        Full Speed Ahead
        +++ +++ +++
        +++ +++ +++
        Robert G Boensch
        June 10, 2021 4:48 pm


        Anchors Aweigh | U.S. Navy Music Brass Band5,735 views
        •Aug 13, 2020


        190K subscribers
        Anchors Aweigh | Zimmerman Featuring: U.S. Navy Music Combined Brass Band Performed at the 2020 Texas Music Educators Conference. Navy Music is an important tool used to recruit the next generation of Sailors in America’s Navy, demonstrating the professionalism that is a hallmark of Navy professionals serving around the globe
        Up date.Question 2021-06-10
        One time line I came across is there is 120 days in which to Install a New President
        after the Insurrection Act is activated
        count the days how close are WE
        Interesting recalculate to 120 Government business Days
        120 days divided by 5 equals 24 weeks
        If it happened on
        January 6 2021 —24 weeks would be
        June 23 2021
        now add the government holidays
        January 18th, 2021
        February 15th, 2021
        May 31st, 2021To Wednesday June 23 2021 and
        You get June 28 2021-On this Day
        President Trump With his Hands Back on the Tiller of this Country ???????
        7 DAYS of world celebration concluding with
        Happy Birthday United States of America 7-4-2021
        I can Wait till The 28 of June 2021 for the Government Reset
        Can You
        A tiller or till is a lever used to steer a vehicle a Ship .Or a Country ?? Or A Planet !!!!!!!
        May 12, 2021 at 5:53 am
        10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperseText contains those laws in effect on June 9, 2021From Title 10-ARMED FORCESSubtitle A-General Military LawPART I-ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL MILITARY POWERSCHAPTER 13-INSURRECTION
        The Game is Still in Play People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        18 Days and counting
        thank for the Question
        This Response is for everybody
        I didn’t Go into the full details before
        It’s a Puzzle and the hidden TRUTH
        I was hoping some one would Solve the Problem
        But the Timing Is Right For all to Understand The Time Line
        Be very Careful in these last Days of the CABAL
        WE are Working very Hard to Keep You all Safe
        This is A world Wide Action
        All my Post added together will give you probity the Best Picture
        Of the Action We are Taking
        Its not complete by far
        I can only Say Everything that All of the News
        And I mean All the News
        Is saying Is FAKE
        And All of the Web Sites That are Talking About
        Gold – Nerasa ETC
        Do not Believe in Them and their message

        The Truth will Be told to All At the Same Time

        This is Done By
        10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperseText contains those laws in effect on June 10, 2021From Title 10-ARMED FORCESSubtitle A-General Military LawPART I-ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL MILITARY POWERSCHAPTER 13-INSURRECTION

        §254. Proclamation to disperseWhenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

        It is by his Words said at 1.06 Pm on Jan 06 2021

        §254. Proclamation to disperseWhenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

        His words Invoke It

        The only way to Stop it is By Pence doing the 25 amendment and the house voting on it

        If this doesn’t happen
        Then the house can rule on articles of impeachment
        and the senate has vote on it by January 20 2021

        At 1.06Pm on Jan 6 2021 the government looses all powers
        The legislative branch can not do any business
        they could not accept the electrical collage votes
        Bin Biden Never received the electrical collage votes
        he could never take any oaths in the US Government
        and every party Dem or Republic in Stayed involved
        .Is going to be charged with High crimes and even Treason ETC

        Every thing is Just a Big Show
        We the People can use logic and live in the truth
        or We can be Ruled as Stupid Followers and be Ruled
        By the CABAL and Fake people in power

        I am a FREEMAN
        And this Is what I believe has Happened

        Research All of Whit I said in All of My Posts

        This Should not be about my champion said this
        and your champion said that





        There is many directions that can take place
        and interpolations
        But the law is the Law
        and the Militarys Job is To Protect the Constitution
        Not any Branch of Government or Person
        So I am only Following the Military Options
        That I Found
        There might Be somthing else that changes This Time Line
        The least amount of steps in a operation
        is the Best to follow

        In all of my posts
        It looks like scatter shot at the Gun range
        It’s made that way to invoke a large array of feelings
        and to bring up hidden Knowledge that we all have
        In side Our self’s
        rain by
        Our Most Important Job at Hand
        Most Important Job
        Is when all He_LL Breaks loose
        And our Family Friends Neighbors
        That have no clue of whats going On
        The most powerful response to give Them
        Is to be very confident with this Statement
        and say –I’m aware of this or that in
        the questions they will have
        Doing this one thing will bring calm
        To those that will listen
        Live in Peace
        Be Safe

        (ARSOF Ready Force): This phase spans FY20–FY21

        The men and women of ARSOF are the Department of Defense’s premier problem-solvers. We will take a holistic approach to risk to ensure we sharpen America’s competitive edge. Critical risks to avoid are those which undermine ARSOF’s long-term position and performance. Reputation: we will earn and maintain trust in ARSOF’s ability to accomplish our mission for the Nation and empower the Soldiers within our formation. Inflexibility: we will overcome obstacles that cause bureaucratic paralysis and failure to adapt. Hubris: we will play team ball with any and all partners to advance mutual interests

        Click to access ARSOF_Strategy.pdf

        6possible, rather than simply as EXEVALs. Reality in readiness will be achieved using cyber and information warfare in all aspects of training.LOE 3:Modernization. ARSOF will be the standard for agility and adaptation as the Army transitions to the information a ge. Our formations excel in ground-up innovation. We will take this to the next level, using the live battle labs of combat zones and CTCs to experiment and industrialize what works. At the headquarters level, we will reduce bureaucracy and optimize our processes to deliver what the ARSOF warfighter requires at the speed of need. Modernization is the Main Effort in the Mid-Term. (OBJ 3.1)I nnovation. ARSOF will securequick access to technology and develop revolutionary force structure through the new USASOC Force Modernization Center (UFMC). We will focus on Soldier lethality, mobility, and survivability, decreased reliance on C2 systems, and capabilities that enable us to better understand the information environment and weaponize information. “Buy, try and decide” will be our motto, using rapid acquisitions and experimentation to “out-innovate” our adversaries. (OBJ 3.2)Institutional Agility. We will reform our systems, processes, and bureaucracy to prioritize agility and flexibility. This requires assessing what we will divest of, and building resource resiliency. We will ensure flexibility to task organize for any challenge and avoid becoming handicapped by legacy processes. We will also develop architecture for leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) across the Enterprise to improve talent management, decision support, and operational data management.CONCLUSIONThe 2018 National Military Strategy requires the joint force to maintain the strength, agility, endurance, resilience, flexibility, and awareness to fight and win against any adversary. ARSOF’s strategic valuelies in our ability toexpand the options necessary for decision-makers to wield influence and manage escalation in the competition space, and enable decisive operations by the joint force in war. While ARSOF must modernize to survive and thrive on the increasingly lethal multi-domain battlefields of Europe and Asia, we will remain engaged in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America—regions that provide access to adversary weakness and opportunity for strategic competition. This harsh reality requires hard choices to optimize ARSOF’s contribution to the Nation’s defense. To mitigate uncertain threats, ARSOF leaders will recognize and cultivate the unique talents of every ARSOF member. With our men and women, there is no problem we cannot solve.
        SINE PARI

        Sleep Safe

        Welcome to the official website of theU.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and Schoolat Fort Bragg, N.C.

        U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School Command Group


      91. Robert G Boensch says:

        Robert G Boensch
        June 12, 2021 10:43 am

        Pledge of Allegiance Look at the History

        We the people were a sleep
        and our Government changed the last WORD
        (current version, per 4 U.S.C. §4)[4]“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

        To read
        and justice for SOME.”
        Or better None

        It was proven to me almost every time I was I Court
        Or Stood to Defend This Country Our People and the Least Among US

        Please Look at My Posts on this Blog
        This Cabal can not even defend our Military
        They have sold out 100,000’s of our Solders
        And had them Killed in False Flag Wars and Events
        Not to Mention in civilian Loss World Wide

        Yesterday Prior to 2016 Not Happy
        President Donald John Trump in Office
        Time to Hone in My Skills To See What Is Unseen
        After Jan 6 2021 It was Go time For
        This Solder From GOD


        Please Watch This

        President Donald John Trump
        Thank You Thank You
        and all of WWG1WGA

        Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance469,644 views•Oct 6, 2013


        3.29K subscribers
        From 1969 telecast of “The Red Skelton Show”. At the end Darr M of TAPPS makes comments about it’s relevance today as our nation is concerned. A must see. Red skelton was both a patriot and a firm believer in God. Please subscribe, like, comment and share. Thanks.



      92. Robert G Boensch says:

        Reply to
        June 13, 2021 6:03 pm

        This Is a Living Testament
        From all of Us gather Here To Day and Everyday
        We as Gods Followers are Pulling Up History that is Held With in Us
        And It is Growing Every Day and With Every Word We Type

        When I saw The Writing In acts in Feb 2017 I used Truth Tables and Logic
        To come up with a Plausible Answer
        Then I had the Hard Part to Go Back in Time to Relive It

        I then New what the Truth Was

        Today I remember about the Hot Gold
        In researching This I come up With
        The post’s Below
        Going Back in Time and this one
        The Biggest Game The World Has ever Seen
        If You look at the History of these events
        and the detail of the time lines
        It really puts into Question of what was said in Acts

        The Cabal Got caught in Gods own House
        They Did not tell the Truth in Matthew
        How is their such great detail in all other history
        and such a conflict in this one

        God always leaves Me Cookie Crumbs on the trail to find
        His Truths
        God is Happy Today
        And Gods Son Stands Closer In Our Hearts
        WE can and Will Believe Freely

        Is This a 2000 YR Bondage being Broken Today
        We are Free today To Follow God
        In Our Hearts In Our Way
        To Live with Him Talk To Him
        And Love Him Dearly


        Going Back in Time
        Mithridates VI Eupator
        Mithridates or Mithradates VI Eupator (Greek: Μιθραδάτης;[2] 135–63 BC) was a ruler of the HellenisticKingdom of Pontus in northern Anatolia from 120 to 63 BC, and one of the

        Roman Republic‘s most formidable and determined opponents.

        Does The Roman Republic Loosing Control of People By Physical Control

        Give some Weight on My First Post on this Blog

        I’ve be operating under cover from the age of 6 or 7 years old
        been engaged my whole life in this world wide action against us Remembering Everything.
        It’s Bigger than The US Leaders and Military Knows
        Just Me and My Friend Up Stairs
        The State of Michigan and This country (and World Leaders Business Governments and Churches)
        Has been Going against GOD! Big Time Forever
        And This Includes The Churches again i say this !!
        We Must Look past the religious writings and the Preachers in front of us!!
        And go Directly To GOD
        Repeat—- (And go Directly To GOD and Talk to Him)
        Be one with Him It’s were the truth is
        Look at Acts 1 -18 in the bible
        With the payment he received for his wickedness,
        Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.
        Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama
        That is the field of Blood ( the potters Field )

        Question was it full of clay Pits and in the dark Judas fell into one that broken clay pots were dispose in . Did this happened 38 minutes after they left the garden

        How did he received the 30 silver pieces
        Was Judas the first whistle blower “did he die to warn us from the Romans Plan!
        Is the story written in Matthew total Mind Control

        (the hold on all of us to be controlled by the Romans) MK ultra Roman style!!

        Is the conflicting Stories so that we wage war with each other over our interpretation
        of what is in these writings.
        We as God’s People need to Cherish what we have in common
        and respect our differences and seek and live in peace

        In 2014 I took a stand and went public to show a little of my life
        There’s has only Been one political party in control of this country
        until Donald John Trump stepped in.
        A Declared Solder For Gods People and all His works on this Planet
        Robert Gregory Boensch
        Dated 03-08-2021
        Liked by 1 person
        March 8, 2021 at 7:16 pm Reply

        This Is My War Today
        I can and Will Share It If you would Like To Join
        The Biggest Game The World Has ever Seen
        I have been waiting for this day sense I was 6 or seven years old
        Noah and the flood was a job that God championed

        Will we Fail God by standing By and Watching

        I am Refusing To do This (Standing By)

        Look at all of my posts
        It’s Just a sample a small fraction of what I can Unload unto the Cabal

        Lets Do a Manius Aquillius Job on the CabalThey want The Worlds Wealth and Full Control over Us
        And hold us in Bondage to Them

        Lets give in to the world wide Cabal and Give them Our Gold
        Aquillius was eventually executed by Mithridates by having molten gold poured down his throat

        We then just have to Scrape it off the Floor and put it back in to our pocket

        Manius Aquillius (died 88 BC) was a member of the CABAL



      93. Robert G Boensch says:

        All I can see is the Face of their controlling one
        All of these Cabalist have No Image in My Eyes
        I’m locked Spirit to Spirit With the evil one
        He seams to Be frozen on the Game Board
        This is the Most Dangerous Time For Me
        Will My Spirit Survive
        God only Knows

        All of these Cabalist have No Image in My Eyes
        The Cabal has no image
        all of their souls are transparent
        Meaning have no value in today’s WAR
        My God blessed me with two trips
        First trip was to his Kingdom
        Followed a few weeks later to the Deep domain of the evil one
        this was around 2005

        In these Trips I learned of the next chapters of my battles
        With The evil one

        These would Be in the State of Michigan

        And this Brings Me to the World event we are now in

        It’s a Spiritual War Fare
        All against One
        The people We see as actors are just That Actors
        The distraction from the Evil one
        Just to slow us Down and trip us up that we may Fail in Gods Eyes
        Our Gods Eyes

        Many Posts ago I talked about setting up a world wide Prayer Time

        We need to be enjoined as one spirit
        Ezekiel 37

        Revised Standard Version Catholic EditionThe Valley of Dry Bones37 The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley;[a] it was full of bones.[b] 2 And he led me round among them; and behold, there were very many upon the valley;[c] and lo, they were very dry. 3 And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, thou knowest.” 4 Again he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. 5 Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath[d] to enter you, and you shall live. 6 And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath[e] in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord.”
        7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold, a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to its bone. 8 And as I looked, there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had covered them; but there was no breath in them. 9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath,[f] Thus says the Lord God: Come from the four winds, O breath,[g] and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.” 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great host.
        11 Then he said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are clean cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people; and I will bring you home into the land of Israel. 13 And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people. 14 And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land; then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken, and I have done it, says the Lord.”
        Again he said to me, “Prophesy to these Souls, and say to them, O dry Souls, hear the word of the Lord.

        So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold, a rattling; and the Soul came together, Soul to its Soul.

        11 Then he said to me, “Son of man, these Souls are the whole house of Israel

        , O my people. 14 And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live,

        And Stand up as one Against this Evil Today
        For I Shall Deliver You From Him Once And For All

        Can We understand Gods Message Today
        Will We Follow It

        The Coming of the Kingdom
        Luke 17:20-2121st Century King James Version20 And when the Pharisees had demanded of Him when the Kingdom of God should come, He answered them and said, “The Kingdom of God cometh not with outward show.
        21 Neither shall they say, ‘Lo, it is here!’ or ‘Lo, it is there!’ For behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.”

        Luke 17:20-21Revised Standard Version Catholic EditionThe Coming of the Kingdom20 Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed;[a] 21 nor will they say, ‘Lo, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.”[b]

        Luke 17:20-21
        World English Bible20 Being asked by the Pharisees when God’s Kingdom would come, he answered them, “God’s Kingdom doesn’t come with observation; 21 neither will they say, ‘Look, here!’ or, ‘Look, there!’ for behold, God’s Kingdom is within you.”

        Lukas 17:20-21Orthodox Jewish Bible20 Now having been asked by the Perushim, Ad mosai? (How much longer?) When comes the Malchut Hashem? Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach replied, The Malchut Hashem is not coming with things observable,
        21 nor will they say, Hinei, here it is, or There it is, for hinei, the Malchut Hashem is within you.

        The Cabal is After Our Kingdom of God
        Their not going to Get Mine
        How You “Lost” Your Kingdom of GodThe throne of your kingdom or “king-dome“is located inside your skull, which is the “dome” that houses your pineal gland, also known as the “seat of the soul” or “holy seat“. In other words, the pineal gland is the seat/throne of your kingdom/”king-dome” or temple of God, which is located between the temples of your head. Once you deeply innerstand this, you will know that to give up your sovereignty is to give up your throne/seat of your soul/holy seat and kingdom. Furthermore, you will know that the kingdom of God is inside you, NOT out in the external world. Hence, the bible verses

        People This Is Our War
        Mk Ultra
        Radio Waves
        Tooth past with Fluoride Freezes your pineal Gland turns it into a rock
        First stages in making a servant is Fluoride-Water Tooth Past ETC


        Gods People once you learn this and truly learn this
        This is Why God calls our Body The Temple
        His Temple
        The Temple of God
        And He Gives us Eternal Life through His DNA
        That We Pass on to Our children

        Peter, Paul & Mary – Wedding Song35,729 views
        •Sep 23, 2012

        This can only Be blessed By God
        Spoken Very Clear in This Song
        marriage of Our Spirits
        Man and Woman Spirits
        Love That Brings Us Life

        “The Wedding Song (There Is Love)”

        He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts
        Rest assured this troubadour is acting on His part

        The union of your spirits, here, has caused Him to remain
        For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
        There is Love
        There is Love

        Well a man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home
        They shall travel on to where the two shall be as one

        As it was in the beginning is now and til the end
        Woman draws her life from man and gives it back again
        And there is Love
        There is Love

        Well then what’s to be the reason for becoming man and wife?
        Is it love that brings you here or love that brings you life?
        For if loving is the answer, then who’s the giving for?
        Do you believe in something that you’ve never seen before?
        Oh there is Love
        There is Love

        Hmmm mmm mmm mmm
        mmm mmm

        Oh, the marriage of your spirits here has caused Him to remain
        For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
        There is Love
        There is Love



      94. Robert G Boensch says:

        Robert G Boensch
        June 15, 2021 6:16 am

        Ricardo MontalbánHas a message for Our PRESIDENT
        Dianne make this Big Please

        The CABAL Notice

        Ricardo Montalbán Fantasy Island will not be seen tonight 1981450 views•Feb 10, 2021
        10.9K subscribers

        The Cabals Fantasyis Soon to Be over in 10 seconds

        10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse Text contains those laws in effect on June 14, 2021From Title 10-ARMED FORCES Subtitle A-General Military LawPART I-ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL MILITARY POWER SCHAPTER 13-INSURRECTION
        §254. Proclamation to disperseWhenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

        People In Game Is Still Live
        Were are in The Last Minutes

        Happy Birthyday From Gods People World Wide

        Posted 06-16-2021
        This is a Question not a certain date
        One time line I came across is there is 120 days in which to Install a New President
        after the Insurrection Act is activated
        count the days how close are WE
        Interesting recalculate to 120 Government business Days
        120 days divided by 5 equals 24 weeks
        If it happened on
        January 6 2021 —24 weeks would be
        June 23 2021
        now add the government holidays
        January 18th, 2021
        February 15th, 2021
        May 31st, 2021To Wednesday June 23 2021 and
        You get June 28 2021-On this Day
        President Trump With his Hands Back on the Tiller of this Country ???????
        7 DAYS of world celebration concluding with
        Happy Birthday United States of America 7-4-2021
        I can Wait till The 28 of June 2021 for the Government Reset
        Can You
        A tiller or till is a lever used to steer a vehicle a Ship .Or a Country ?? Or A Planet !!!!!!!
        May 12, 2021 at 5:53 am
        NEW UPDATE
        _______________________________________________TEXT OF PART V OF SUBTITLE A (3001 ET SEQ.), EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2022, CURRENTLY SET OUT AS A PREVIEW
        10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperseText contains those laws in effect on June 11, 2021From Title 10-ARMED FORCESSubtitle A-General Military LawPART I-ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL MILITARY POWERSCHAPTER 13-INSURRECTION
        §254. Proclamation to disperseWhenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
        The Game is Still in Play People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        12 Days and counting

        If we go into 10 days of darkness you will know the end is near


      95. robertgboensch says:

        Not sure if you are promoting meat bad and wheat good or just pointing out man’s crazy interference with the food God said was good to eat

        Its just where all the parts Go
        Years ago before all of the synthetic materials were implemented
        The buttons were made from the cows blood
        look the the color of them and you will see this is true

        And as a researcher in all things
        Producing more Does not mean better
        Science can change everything very quickly
        And our God Given Bodies can not
        And this God created vessel is being transformed into
        something He could never Imagine
        In farming this is the bases that we together get our substance from
        I am not promoter all of these changes just for the greed of money
        Our substance should be base on being a good Stuart to his Planet
        To our families and to our neighbor
        The Biggest Drug Crises in the world is Cash Money
        laundered money and money under the table
        If we would Quit worshiping money how free would we find our self’s
        Money is control
        We find this in our 501C3 churches -trust funds and in all these participants
        In my life and in everything that people see that I own and have previously owned
        that the State of Michigan Stolen From Me and to all of the Government
        Agencies Employees that participate in these actions
        And Neighbors I say again Neighbors
        They failed to considered the fact that I was joint Owner With some one else
        God he is the ultimate owner of all things
        For all of the thief’s in the night or in the light that Stole from us
        God will remember and Judgement Day is Cumming
        He will remember it all
        all the harm that was carried out by the evil one and his followers
        To all of his People on Earth
        Then and Now
        In the catholic church the priests many times stated the Jesus
        will forget our sins
        Logic says that he will also forget every time we followed Gods Teaching
        People where will we Be in the end
        In searching this post
        and looking in the different bible texts
        all I see is multiple loop Holes
        Is it our Quest
        To enter his King Dome through one of these
        I have no desire to enter Gods King dome of Heaven
        If its going to be populated this Way
        Maybe we will meet Again?


        God will send Me to My Next Job
        He will Chose It
        I will freely Go



      96. Robert G Boensch says:

        The Book of Enoch

        103.5 Woe to you, you sinners, when you die in your sin, and those who
        are like you, say about you: “Blessed were the sinners they saw their days.
        103.6 And now they have died in prosperity and wealth, distress and
        slaughter they did not see during their life, but they have died in
        glory, and judgement was not executed on them in their life.”
        103.7 Know that their souls will be made to go down into Sheol, they
        will be wretched, and their distress will be great.
        103.8 And in darkness, and in chains, and in burning flames, your
        spirits will come to the Great Judgement. And the Great Judgement will
        last for all generations, for ever. Woe to you; for you will not have peace.
        103.9 Do not say, the righteous, and the good, who were alive: “In the
        days of our affliction we toiled laboriously, and saw every affliction,
        and met many evils. We were spent, and became few, and our spirit small.
        103.10 We were destroyed, and there was no one who helped us, with
        words, or with deeds. We were powerless and found nothing. We were
        tortured and destroyed, and did not expect to see life from one day to
        the next.
        103 11 We hoped to become the head but became the tail. We toiled and
        laboured, but were not masters of the fruits of our toil; we became food
        for the sinners, and the lawless made their yoke heavy upon us.
        103.12 Those who hated us, those who goaded us, were masters of us. And,
        to those who hated us, we bowed our necks; but they did not have mercy
        on us.
        103.13 We sought to escape from them, so that we might flee, and be at
        rest. But we found no place where we might flee and be safe from them.
        103.14 We complained about them to the rulers, in our distress, and
        cried out against those who devoured us, but they took no notice of our
        cries, and did not wish to listen to our voice.
        103.15 And they helped those who plundered us, and devoured us, and
        those who made us few, and they concealed their wrongdoing, and did not
        remove from us the yoke of those who devoured us, and scattered us, and
        killed us. And they concealed our slaughter, and did not remember that
        they had raised their hands against us.”

        104.1 I swear to you, you righteous, that in Heaven the Angels remember
        you for good, in front of the Glory of the Great One, and that your
        names are written down in front of the Glory of the Great One.
        104.2 Be hopeful! For you were formerly put to shame through evils and
        afflictions, but now you will shine, like the Lights of Heaven, and will
        be seen, and the Gate of Heaven will be opened to you.
        104.3 And persevere in your cry for judgement, and it will appear to
        you, for justice will be exacted from the rulers, for all your distress,
        and from all those who helped those who plundered you.
        104.4 Be hopeful, and do not abandon your hope, for you will have great
        joy like the Angels of Heaven.
        104.5 What will you have to do? You will not have to hide on the day of
        the Great Judgement, nor will you be found to be sinners. The Eternal
        Judgement will be upon you for all the generations of eternity.
        104.6 And now do not be afraid, you righteous, when you see the sinners
        growing strong and prospering in their desires, and do not be associated
        with them, but keep far away from their wrongdoing, for you will be
        associates of the Host of Heaven.



      97. Robert G Boensch says:

        Robert G Boensch
        July 5, 2021 2:48 pm


        Hebrews 11:5

        By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.

        Elijah Taken Up to Heaven
        2 When the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal. 2 Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here; the Lord has sent me to Bethel.”
        But Elisha said, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.” So they went down to Bethel.

        3 The company of the prophets at Bethel came out to Elisha and asked, “Do you know that the Lord is going to take your master from you today?”
        “Yes, I know,” Elisha replied, “so be quiet.”

        9 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?”

        “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied.

        10 “You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said, “yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours—otherwise, it will not.”

        Who will Be taken Up and Not Die



    2. lavieduffy2796 says:

      I believe the China Us meeting was show….Blinken followed the Script….Biden has a China Handler,he usually is in the back of Mr.B….It was StageCraft.#ChinaJoe #SecChinaBlinken.That is why Russia is Being called back in as the Election Theft,The Killers etc…..Just my perspective!

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Robert G Boensch says:


      stands for
      Lawyers say
      they practice AT law

      you can be
      in the land
      in the air
      or in the water

      How is that the Lawyers say they are at these elements
      or Water

      Are they aliens


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mary HH says:

        Lord ,
        we thank you that You have equipped us with the full armor of God, that we may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. We stand therefore, with truth (Jesus), with your righteousness (Jesus), with the gospel of peace, unwavering faith, salvation (through Jesus) and the Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit. Thank you Lord. Amen

        Liked by 2 people

  2. bluecat57 says:

    We are on WE4 or WW5 depending on the host.
    3 was the Cold War.
    Jeffrey Prather calls it, I think, clandestine.
    It is a Cyber War, but it could go kinetic in a second with the buffoons running the country at the moment.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Leann says:

    Juan stated that Biden does not fly on Air Force 1, but newsmax stated he stumbled going up the steps on Air Force 1. He is not the legitimate President, so why would he be allowed to fly on this plane.?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. southern1952 says:

        i have seen this a number of times, some are laughing, i don’t think it’s funny. I am not a biden fan, i believe his knee went out, don’t know, i do think it was unkind of those men standing and watching without trying to assist him. with all the trouble he has trying to talk, it makes me wonder if in fact he is being drugged because it’s so bad everyone is talking about it, i think he has served his purpose and now probably harris is going to be in charge. please correct me if ya’ll think i am way off!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Actually, the whole thing is ridiculous, a lark. But, as far as not funny…when I watched it silent…the whole thing hit me as sad. He’s done so many bad things, but to watch his public humility over and over in everything he is shown doing…is a public spectacle in itself. Sad that he made history for stealing an election. Ask this…where are all the mouthy ones? They should be celebrating and gloating but not a peep. Just a few scattered cgi videos of nothing much. Everyone looks like a nervous wreck and no one looks healthy on the left side. C-Span shows congress in session with 3 to 5 people . Senate shows about 4 to 10 sometimes maybe 20. Not normal. Right now there is no governing taking place. I think it’s all military.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. southern1952 says:

        i only thought that the guys on the ground, it was just strange…i don’t feel sorry for biden. and why would he board a plane and not go anywhere? that is funny.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I think it was the white hats or someone putting it out to confuse. No way would Biden press puppets show that whole thing…they would have edited it out. To me…it was a signal we are getting closer. As Dan Scavino put one out with commentator sports announcer describing it, then he put one out with Trump getting on the real airforce 1 that shows the height and size was much bigger and the stairs was not for Airforce !. This is all for distraction.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. koreshlives says:

        Again, the military in charge is not a good thing as it means the death of the republic. It’s the republic and why we have which is why are country was once great. The military is not accountable to you then and the military is just another facet of the corporation. My father was in the military as a young man and I can tell you, there is nothing to glorify about the military the same as the police. Ask the 65 year old woman who was brought to the ground by the police. She should suit them out of existence.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Katherine Jernigan says:

      Monkey werx on YouTube watches all the flights. Air Force 1 has not been labeled as such since Jan 20. Biden flies, and on the Presidential aircraft, but it doesn’t have AF 1 designation. Harris does fly on af2 but so do many other high state officials.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. ncga52 says:

    He is what he is, a feeble old man in body and mind! God helps and guide us in Your Heavenly Path as we endure the destruction of our country. Gif Bkess the United States of America🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’ve read somewhere that our Lord COMMANDS us to be happy and cheerful.
    Not enough to fear not, even if that is the talking point.
    Because we need to rejoice in His Grace.
    How else are we to show our gratitude to Him?

    Growing up on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain, learning Marxism-Leninism in school, mandatory, I can tell that this covid-nonsense makes 20th century communism look a bit mild. Although it was much worse living under it than reading Orwell’s 1984.
    The modern CCP seems to make a seamless marriage between international socialism (dilettante Russian driven kumbaya) and national socialism (evil perfected into a well-oiled German piece of machinery). It took WWII to bury the Third Reich. And it takes WWIII to eradicate the insidious Fourth.

    Now, read the paragraph above once again, and then one more time. Look left, can you see Darth Vader sharing the elevator with you? can you hear his breathing like a thousand pins through your brain? The elevator goes down, down, down, and that’s not downtown. Welcome to the one-year anniversary of the two-weeks ‘flatten the curve’ brave new world series. Season one done. Coming soon.. but hey!

    Fear will KILL you. This is not a movie on some screen. You can’t pause and play. Because you are caught in it. In this social network of fear, in this socialism of the 21th century, in this nightmare. But God has given you the remote control. Yes! so tiny and so mighty. Turns fear off at a finger touch.

    Tomorrow will be the equinox, days will grow bigger and bigger. Sunshine and gardening, or reading some book on the veranda, instead of watching fear-porn in the living.

    A teacher of mine just mentioned yesterday that reading books is a complex imaginative process. Not like receiving prefab images and emotions. Because the reader is engaging her mind in reconstructing from symbols, from words, a world that the writer imagined before converting it into a story. As a book reader, you are decoding the mind of an author.

    Decoding. Nice word. Where have we heard / read of it before?

    A deep dark world is being exposed.
    The truth won’t be for everyone.
    Have faith in Humanity.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Good advice, I love reading a good book ( although I can tell I’m not on your but it seems I never take the time to do it. They can do whatever they want but that can’t rob us of our joy. They can do whatever…but they can’t make me like it.
      I love the water and the sun and I’m going to enjoy life the best I can and chill.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. Mary HH says:

      Speaking of books, another timely one is Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. My husband and I had read it a few years ago. This morning he mentioned a “scene” from the book and I actually thought we had watched the movie because I could see that scene in my mind. No, never saw the movie, just the one I created when we read the book.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. irisheyes17 says:

    Dianne Marshall, the Holy Spirit jus ckd me…and told me 2 tell y’all the songs r awesum…r they orig?

    The guys r AWEMAHZ!!….pleeeze let them know!!!

    At this time when most of us r bein’ loct out of our church…pastors r even bein arrested!!!…and they won’t even allow parishoiners 2 sing or pray out loud n churches n Cali…the devil knows the power of song and worship…that’s why we’re bein’ silenced!!

    A baby I was tkn care of 1 time had a terrible ear ache and was n lot of pain, and I dint know what 2 do…and I hrd the Lord say, sing 2 her…and I thought ok, what do I sing?!?!…and the Lord said, ROCK OF AGES….so I placed my hand ovah her ear and started singin’ ROCK OF AGES..and mediately she stopped cryin’ and went 2 sleep…

    I know the power of song….

    Paul and Silas prayed at midnight and sang songs of worship, and the jail was shaken and all their shackles fell off…

    N Psalms it says 2 make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

    Psalm 150: 3-6

    Praise him with sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.

    Praise him with the timbrel and dance:praise him with stringed instruments and organs.

    Praise him upon the loud cymbals:praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.

    Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. inesnido says:

    I no longer wear a face mask ANYWHERE I go; supermarket, post office, Church (I never wore one in there anyway), doctors office, ANYWHERE!! Every one needs to do this and take back our constitutional rights. I’m fine. Then why are people and family members telling me that I’m paranoid?? Hello!! Idiots!! They are all idiots!!!!!!?????

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Maryann says:

      YES you are correct! Yesterday I was in the grocery store and I saw a man without a mask on his wife was wearing one below her nose. I asked him if the store ever said anything to him and he said they asked him if her wanted one and he said no. He told me he had never worn one anywhere. When I heard that I removed my mask (which I always wore under my nose). When I removed my mask his wife took her mask off and said. If we all take a stand what are they going to do. When I was in line to be checked out when the checker saw I had no mask on she stopped to put on gloves. RIDICULOUS. She took them off for the next makeshift mask wearing customer. These people are so deceived. Also as I was shopping someone came over the speaker stating masks were required in the store. I had never heard that message before. I believe someone must have saw us in there without the mask and told someone in management. I am finished with these masks. I am in PA where we have a Governor who purposely put infected people in nursing homes to raise the death count.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. debjbalk says:

        Way to stand up, Patriot Maryann. Woohoo!! ;+). Yesterday I tried a different approach at Dollar General. Huge sign on door to wear masks, clerks wear them, plexiglass is up at register, but they never question me about not wearing mine. They treat me with kindness & respect. So yesterday after I cashed out, I handed the clerk a little card containing an inspirational message & a scripture verse.
        I paperclipped to it some money and a note that said… “Thank you for honoring my freedoms & liberties by not asking me to put on a mask. You are a blessing and you’re helping people to live free. May God bless you.” When I handed it to her, I told her she was a treasure and I appreciated her. I prepared the note in advance, thinking that it might help to encourage the behavior I’m hoping to receive. She took a risk, too, by not following her stores policy… We need more clerks like ones at Dollar General. I’m hoping my note might trigger a domino affect. One small step at a time. #TogethrStrongr

        Liked by 3 people

    2. Jean says:

      LOL!!! Insenido, those who call you paranoid are The Ones who ARE Paranoid, I would think?!?
      Keep The Faith! Stay Strong! Keep trusting YAHUSHA! HE will Never leave you nor forsake you! AMEN!

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Henry Acres says:

      Good!! Was at Wally World today, got one dude looking my way, thought he was gonna turn into a Karen…but then walked on…another dude with a Darth Vader uniform on, including helmet, mask…he saw me and backed-up so quickly I thought he might have seen Odin..! I’m so sick of this stupidity..!!

      I did see one guy that could have been Jerry Garcia’s twin…after saying Hi Jerry! He turned and said…ZZ…how ya doin’…! Nice outing…I wish people would just see the circus for what it is.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. debjbalk says:

    I’m in a similar situation, Inesnido… not wearing mask in public nor getting vax. And…I’m getting push back from loved ones…like they’re “concerned” about me and also questioning my beliefs about everything going on. I spoke out a while back, and now they’re on my case and making me out to be “the concern.”. At first, I was in a mode of” I’m gonna tell everyone and make my position known, without regarding if they wanted to hear it or not.”. But… I’ve completely changed my position this week. I decided that if they want to hear my stand and beliefs, they know they can come to me and I’ll talk to them about all of it. Some of them are having little chats with me, so it’s a start. But what made me change my mind about “yelling it from the treetops” is Jesus. I got to thinking… He never pushed Himself on me. He waited until I opened up my heart and mind to Him, and then He was right there ready to share all about Himself. So, I’m going to try to do the same with my loved ones. I’m going to stop pushing my experience onto them and wait until they’re interested in hearing about it. It’s been a difficult time getting to this point… But, here I am. Hope you’re doing okay, Inesnido…it’s not an easy road. ;+)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. eze33 says:

      Don’t ware mask either! Not really enforced here in little Richlands, NC except county ABC Store. Even been in Post Office and nothing said. Was in Food Lion the other day at check out and a number of people were giving me somewhat of an evil eye. I asked “What do you get when there are three people standing in line wearing masks? They all looked at one another, probably thinking I was crazy, and as I was about to walk out with my bag I said, “6-6-6”. Then as I was walking out, I looked back and said loudly, “Come out of Babylon!” Should have seen the shock in those eyes then. Yawl feel free to use that one. I get some strange looks. One time, a man pulled his off and thru it on the ground! LOLGB+

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Losingit says:

    This is America it is your choice…. look at the retards driving down the road, by themselves with a mask on. lol. That’s there choice. They are brainwashed CNN viewers. It’s amazing how some 1 can be so intelligent but then again so stupid. I cringe at times with the idiocracy I see from people.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Sisyphus47 says:

    Reblogged this on Where do We go from Here? and commented:
    Oh I am not saying there won’t be other weapons…but the fear factor is the number one killer. People willing to do as told out of fear without a shot fired, only a shot given. Others will die physically from fear, weak hearts, heart attacks, gasping for breath via anxiety attacks, suicides, hopelessness, getting killed via rioting, shot for stealing, tresspassing, all manner of chaotic street wars due to fear of what is coming. Fear through hopelessness and being godless living for today for tomorrow we die attitude. For many, it’s selling out to be a street soldier for silver because there are no other jobs except those as a thug in the street.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. lobomom says:

    If the White Hats allow this to happen, and loved ones die from this and it could have been avoided, there will be so much anger toward the White Hats that I’m not sure reasoning will justify the means. There are those that already suffer from anxiety, depression and other emotional issues that won’t be able to handle or reason what is happening. I have 3 family members that suffer from depression, bi-polar symptoms, this game can push them over the edge.

    Liked by 2 people

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