FEAR NOT…. GOD IS MOVING THE MOUNTAINS! Every person on earth will watch the world system crash and alI people involved in this massive criminal act against humanity will be held accountable to their actions!

PEOPLE are aware of the death and injury vax due to their own family members suffering and death. The news can no longer hold back the truth and the lies are exposed for lies. The GREAT PUSH BACK is starting.

GENERAL FLYNN has given the green light for “AMERICA TO TAKE ACTION & GET INVOLVED!!!” The Rallies are going to start!

Frontline Doctors, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Patrick Byrne, General Flynn and all on the front lines of defence, all know that COVID IS A SCAM TO DESTROY the nations and take over the governments. This is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN THE WAY THEY WANTED!


General Flynn’s Speech narrated. The children of light and the children of darkness. That is where we are.

Sidney Powell shared this video…now if America will rise up in the same manner! Amen! Pray for it!


It will not be safe for any of these vax pushers to walk down the street alone. Their own left groups will go after them. They will eat their own…that is how it works. Stay calm and stay safe. DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE. Listen to the real professionals and stop listening to the fake news.



  1. Our American Life says:

    Unfortunately, General Flynn is NOT giving the green light to military involvement in restoring America! He believes that by people attending rallies, town hall meetings, and county government meetings, somehow we can enforce the 2020 election results. We can’t. That takes the military; the Deep State will not let go of power that easily! He knows better than this, and I think he is just leading us along like the Pied Piper . . .

    On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 1:44 AM THE MARSHALL REPORT wrote:

    > The Marshall Report posted: ” FEAR NOT…. GOD IS MOVING THE MOUNTAINS! > Every person on earth will watch the world system crash and alI people > involved in this massive criminal act against humanity will be held > accountable to their actions! PEOPLE are aware of the death and injury” >


    1. debjbalk says:

      …Or… Gen Flynn is addressing the public persona, supporting the masses with concrete steps to take, while a host of other white hats are beyond the scenes scheming against the evil Cabal.. To me, both the public steps addressing the masses (us) & the unseen steps are equally valuable and equally important. Both have an impact on the outcome for change.

      Liked by 5 people

  2. mrsj67 says:

    Mum and Dad took the Astra Zeneca on Friday. They refused to listen to their conspiracy theorist daughter. I have now got to face the very real possibility I may lose my parents in the near future. I prayed so hard for him to intervene. Sadly it did not happen. 😦

    Liked by 8 people

    1. debjbalk says:

      Mrsj67, I’m so sorry for this battle you’re in. My husband took it too, but I refuse to let the enemy lay a hand on him. My husband belongs to God, not Satan. So, here’s what I’ve been doing & I encourage you to try it. Get out your bible, turn to Psalm 91, and say it, pray it OUT LOUD…. but, change it to the “first person,” applying your parents name where it fits. Do battle, Mrsj67… Go up against the enemy with your full armor on… Claim victory & protection over your parents. Peace will flood into your heart… And when doubt tries to enter in, rebuke it in the powerful name of Jesus. Go Warrior sister, fight!! Amen!!

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Thanks Deb. I stopped what I was doing and said that portion of scripture over all the loved ones I know who have taken the vaccine.

        The notes in my NIV Bible say:
        “God is a shelter, a refuge when we are afraid. The writer’s faith in the Almighty God as Protector would carry him through all the dangers and fears of life. This should be a picture of our trust — trading all our fears for faith in Him, no matter how intense our fears. To do this we must “dwell “and “rest” with him.”

        Liked by 2 people

      2. debjbalk says:

        Ohhh… That is such a precious picture depicted by your bible notes.. Love it, & will hold it in my heart. Thx Christine. I’m so grateful to be here fighting side by side with my brothers & sisters in Christ.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. As passionate as her rant was, I couldn’t help but call her out on being a cowardly parent and allowing the adults in her children’s lives to abuse them, she should have been standing against masking her children from day one, THAT is what a truly concerned parent does!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. debjbalk says:

        Can’t stop crying over the evil I just read in Epoch Times. Michigan’s wicked governor, starting April 28th, is requiring 2 year olds and older to wear masks. This is beyond sickening. I feel nauseous and am praying Psalm 91 right now that parents will refuse. Wicked Whitmer can mandate whatever the heck she wants, keep mandating until the cows come home. The key is… Parents MUST rise up. This ball is in the parents’ court. They must respond for the sake of their children. #NoMasksBreatheFree

        Liked by 2 people

      2. rakey64,
        I can understand your opinion and reasons for writing that. However, by making a public announcement about it, this brave woman has alerted thousands of other mothers not to just follow along anymore. Sometimes it takes a group to get points across and to create change in policy – especially in a public school environment.

        Liked by 1 person


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jean says:

    Question: How can we trust our Doctors and Nurses with our Health when they themselves have no discernment about their own health, everyone of them that I have spoken to, have taken the jab! This is insane!!!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. JustTruth says:

      Yes, it is. They are fully programmed and ignore their hypocritic oath. Each person has to take responsibility for their own health and well being. Trust should not be given freely. It must be earned.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Polly says:

    If you hired a detective to do forensic examination of the facts would you look up history?? Or would you want pictures under a microscope. And function of what ever system they used to do things like a smoking ballistic report? You so far presented me with a statement about some sort of historical info you obtained. This tells you if a system is safe??? Pr is it hearsay? Who put this info out and what was their agenda anyway??? In the case of covid Germany got it under a microscope. You can see the live shots of live organisms. They dont even know the organisms they are looking at. You need to obtain several shots and get out a microscope. Tell me what you are looking at. Heck are the contents even the same from shot to shot?? Quit talking about non factual info and get forensics. Then test it on some poor animal and tell me what happens. I hear it killed 100 animals. But put your money where your mouth is. As far as voting machines go same thing. You need to get those out and do forensics before you listen to the manufacturer of a system that was originally designed for voting fraud. Instead you are giving them time to wipe the evidence. PERIOD!!! What the hell were voting machines doing online anyway. And you said you checked things about voting machines. Your analysis is based on what forensics anyway???.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Polly Craigs says:

    If you hired a detective to do forensic examination of the facts would you look up history?? Or would you want pictures under a microscope. And function of what ever system they used to do things like a smoking ballistic report? You so far presented me with a statement about some sort of historical info you obtained. This tells you if a system is safe??? Pr is it hearsay? Who put this info out and what was their agenda anyway??? In the case of covid shots. Germany got it under a microscope. You can see the live shots of live organisms. They dont even know the organisms they are looking at. You need to obtain several shots and get out a microscope. Tell me what you are looking at. Heck are the contents even the same from shot to shot?? Quit talking about non factual info and get forensics. Then test it on some poor animal and tell me what happens. I hear it killed 100 animals. But put your money where your mouth is. As far as voting machines go same thing. You need to get those out and do forensics before you listen to the manufacturer of a system that was originally designed for voting fraud. Instead you are giving them time to wipe the evidence. PERIOD!!! What the hell were voting machines doing online anyway. And you said you checked things about voting machines. Your analysis is based on what forensics anyway???.


    1. It is my understanding President Trump is NOT pushing the vaccine but rather, the FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
      It is my contention one must carefully consider what one is injecting into one’s body. Research what is in these ‘vaccines’ and whether or not it is beneficial.

      Vaccine Damage has been chronicled for many years – unfortunately, it has been hidden from the public – and now – the pharmaceutical companies have immunity from liability – therefore, if something goes awry and a person suffers vaccine damage – there is no accountability or recourse – moreover – your health insurance and life insurance are affected adversely.

      President Trump did not take a vaccine – he took Hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic before he contracted the virus and Regeneron when he became infected – no vaccines were available at the time.

      It is my understanding these (3) major vaccines are not approved by the FDA – and they are ‘Gene Therapies’ – not ‘Immunizations’ – so where is the protection against contracting the virus in the future? Why does one have to get more than one shot?

      Ask yourself – what would you want a vaccine to do – and – if effective – how would that work?  What is in these vaccines that are beneficial to the immune system? How do we build immunity against disease? What is the best way to build immunity against disease? What did God implant in us when He created us?

      These are just my thoughts, Kym – I hope and pray something I have offered here helps answer your question. 

      God Bless You for asking!!!

      Liked by 4 people

  7. Polly craigs says:

    My guess about Trump is he has no back ground in science. Therefore he listens to his experts. Update on my blog. I worked on it more:

    If you hired a detective to do forensic examination of the facts would you only look up history?? Would you take the information right from the suspect (shot manufacturer) mouth as evidence as we are asked to do? Or would you want pictures under a microscope. And functional analysis of what ever system they used to do things like a smoking ballistic report? We are so far presented with a statement from the suspects (manufacturers) and sort of historical nonsense obtained from non participating by standers (Fauci) This tells you if a system is safe??? Or is it hearsay? Who originally put this info out and what was their agenda anyway??? In the case of covid shots, Germany got sample of shots under a microscope. (We need sampling of different shots from different locations) You can see the live shots of live moving organisms. We want forensics court ordered. Taken from front lines not what manufacturers hand over. Under the microscope the Germans dont even know the organisms they are looking at. We need DNA analysis done. We need to obtain several shots and get out a microscope. Tell exactly what we are looking at. Are the contents even the same from shot to shot?? And we want samples taken from Location to location? Quit talking about non factual info and get forensics. Then test it on some poor animal and tell me what happens. I hear it killed 100 animals. (Animal rights people might even want try to stop real animals being tested, because of possible dangers) But put your money where your mouth is.

    Another thing, Fauci says let science speak about the malaria drug being effective against covid. What is the forensic science, Dr Fauci. I hear a doctor on radio early used it in his patients. If given immediately he said it saved 450 out of 454 of his patients. What IS your forensic statistical science. Who died after early treatment with the added zink? Who lived? We want names. What did Trump get concerning his treatment? It is ok to give out untested shots that are experimental over tested malaria shots?? Fauci word over forensic evidence? Look up Fauci on internet. His words are finally being questioned.

    As far as voting machines go same thing. You need to get those out and do forensics before you listen to the (suspect) manufacturer of a system that was originally designed for voting fraud. Instead you are giving them time to wipe the evidence. PERIOD.

    I want to know who is protecting the American people against sick no back ground check of immigrants how about we test the covid shots out on them?? We want statistics. We want them provide forensic evidence and to get tracked.

    Liked by 2 people


    Let not the serpent’s poison pierce your body. Do not believe when they say, “trust the science.” These, are the words of liars, who dispatch venom in order to subjugate.

    No, trust not their science, for the rancid wine they serve is of unclean fruit. Rather, put trust and faith in the LORD. For our LORD, Jesus Christ tells us, He is the Vine…, He is the Light…, He is the Way.

    Yahweh El Elyon offers the cup of salvation; drink and thirst no more. Live with renewed confidence and faith; for the LORD is fulfilling His promise to this nation. “GOD HAS GOT THIS!”


    (Deuteronomy 32:32-33)

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Reblogged this on jmilamdeal and commented:

    People Are Waking Up To What Has Been Going On and That We Have Been Lied To And Evil People Have Been Pulling The Wool Over Our Eyes! Deep State Forces Are Being Shown For What They Are And The Truth Is Coming Out As Time Goes By!! We Need To Become Involved In Spreading The Truth That Will Change A Lot Of Things, As Well As People’s Minds!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. JustTruth says:

    Vax adoption has hit a wall, and slowing to a trickle for various reasons. Yet, they got 50% to take a jab. That is in line with annual flu vax rate of 51%. Half the country. Ignorant, compliant, programmed people turning their life over to demons running experimental gene therapy programs. sounds like Nazi Germany, doesn’t it?

    Liked by 2 people

  11. rawk5150 says:

    On Sun, Apr 25, 2021, 12:48 AM THE MARSHALL REPORT wrote:

    > The Marshall Report posted: ” FEAR NOT…. GOD IS MOVING THE MOUNTAINS! > Every person on earth will watch the world system crash and alI people > involved in this massive criminal act against humanity will be held > accountable to their actions! PEOPLE are aware of the death and injury” >

    Liked by 2 people

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