As the invisible war continues and the heroes have disappeared from the main stage of the so called show we are supposed to get popcorn for and enjoy, we are tired of watching the holding pattern and waiting for different results. So we have turned our full time attention to building our faith. As we check back every few days, we find everything is still in a holding pattern despite the border mayhem that the stolen administration is denying. While we keep hoping for news, it now appears to resemble a boring soap opera. One that no matter how long you are away from the show, when you tune back in, the characters are still doing the same things and you haven’t missed a thing. Which leads us to change the channel and watch an hour of Juan O Savin’s feet and sometimes see the ring on his hand. Which seems to be the highlight as we listen to his inside scoop which by now most have memorized. But hey, most keep watching because we hope he may be JFK Jr.

Which leads us to tune back into building our faith and into the book of Enoch that fully lays the ground work for dealing with those who worship the fallen angels and seek to have Lucifer come out into the light, which, like it or not is the goal of the global cabal. We’ve explored the shape of the earth and the reasons why it is important to understand how and where things are positioned as the Global Cabal and those manipulating humans and hiding their forbidden secrets all well know exactly how it looks, and it’s not a spinning ball. So while we have become preoccupied with deeper understanding of the truth and why that is important, we begin to see many other ways we have been deceived.

Charlie Duke's Meaningful Walk

Which bring us to the council of Nicaea, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origen, Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian who all had valid opinions that supported the Book of Enoch. They pressed hard to keep it in the Bible, but, they were out voted. So today, when we speak of a book that was not included in the Bible, we get a distorted view of what that book is. No one goes back to consider all the bon fires and burning of all the books by those who wanted to end the teachings of Jesus. Nor all those killed for teaching his truths. Nor all who were killed for believing he was the Messiah. Yet all of that took place and not just over a week or so of quelling some sort of religious uproar. This was done for centuries by Roman Caesars. It was taking place up to the council of Nicaea in 325, and even continued after. Later, tortures were performed by the church itself when someone didn’t do something in line with what they mandated to be taught, thought, and repeated. It was unorthodox for anyone but a theologian to teach the word of God and the church body was not allowed to own a Bible nor even possess a written scripture. So we had the protests which led to a massive uprising resulting in the protestants leaving the church with many marytres put to death and dying for our freedom to read the word of God. All after a thousand years of the grand results of the Council of Nicaea and their grand council of deciding what we could read. (It’s always progressive. Starting first with a small ban of what is unorthodox then little by little more things are forbidden until a man’s will can bear no more and rebels against the tyranny.)

Navrang India: 35 Brutal facts of Goa Inquisition (Christian Terrorism) —  Portuguese Colonial period | by Jayaraman KN | Medium

So, when we look at these great God inspired councils, I have to say…help me out Lord, this just doesn’t sound like what really took place. How is all this divine? Help me out here. And I have done just that. I must say, I was shown an entirely different set of tribulation and hell and not the divine set of standards by gracious men of renown. It smells like someone stepped in a pile of something and spread it all around, when trying to shake it loose, causing a big stink.

AirTalk | Audio: Adam Schiff On The Impeachment Senate Trial: What's Next?  | 89.3 KPCC

I look at these councils of men like Congress…..just because they get their votes counted and pressure others to agree does not make their ruling true or right. It just means they got what they wanted in order to push their agenda. If we have learned anything looking at our governing body and all the corruption in governing bodies throughout history, and all the ideologies like communism, Marxism, Leninism, etc., we have learned these bodies rule with ulterior motives and not always for the good of the whole. We can also look historically at all the man-made dogma’s and their abuses in all authoritative seats of power.

Separation of Church & State – View From The U

Church and state have never mixed, it was always as iron and clay. One of the reasons for the freedom of religion of our founding fathers was for that sole fact. For it had cruelly run amuck over God given liberties and mankind’s freedom to exist with the power of free thinking. Which are under attack today as much as they were in the days of the founding fathers. And smelling a lot like a council of Nicaea arising.

Whereas a governing body needs to adhere to a basic set of fair and balanced laws to uphold civilization; the freedom of individual choices over one’s body, education, career, opinions, self-defense, religion, what they believe, choose to read, invent, or pursue, and especially their thoughts is not up for governing by a national council of law makers.

We are now facing the most egregious abuse of power in the history of our nation by those who have stolen an election, and more serious than that charge is the name it is really called and that is treason, for these have devised a coup to overthrow the government. And they give the appearance that they have succeeded.

Watch Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez Perform at Biden Inauguration | Pitchfork

As citizens we are told to remain calm and get involved with the next election at the voter polls and even find good candidates to run for office. To me, and to many others, this is the most pathetic announcement of what we as a people can do to remedy an overthrown government that I have ever heard. It is so lame it would stink as a plot in a movie. NO decent producer would even consider sinking a dime in this as a film. Why? Because besides being lame, it would be unbelievable and dull. Definitely without thought and a lousy plot. But, we are not only playing this stinking plotless show out, we are watching just how unbelievable and lame it is.

So what is the plot arc? Have we reached it yet? Will we know when it has peaked? So far in this story, we have fallen in love with the main characters, the heroes, and then we watched as they went on their heroes journey, only to find they have all but disappeared….and the plot from the villian has slinked along at a stinking lame pace where there is no action except an old man with dementia falling on a stair ramp. It is a thoughtless virtual reality show that follows a boring old man around while the news broadcasts peaceful borders, and zombies standing in line for vaccines.

Joe Biden speaks with Pittsburgh's Action News 4 in one-on-one interview  during train tour

At what point does the hero return and the other characters in the plot take action? Or do we just continue to watch Juan O Savins boots and guess who he is? I got lost in the show when the star players disappeared behind walls some place important but secret and everything else is censored. This does not make for a great movie. It all stinks.

So…I say it is time to shuck the film, don’t even bother taking it to edit, stop the action now and find another script. This one stinks.

So in the meantime, and at all the times from the very start, we have taken the only direction that ever builds courage and holds hope and that is putting on the whole armor of God, seeking His will, building our faith and keeping our eyes focused on the Lord asking for discernment in understanding his written word.

Stay Strong! Keep your eyes on the Lord and pray unceasing!



  1. mledux says:

    I can’t put any more faith in mankind. If anything has been a positive note on all this. It has been strengthening my faith in Jesus. Something I should have been doing long ago. I don’t think an article could have described my feelings better than this one. Well written Dianne.

    Liked by 16 people

    1. Robert G Boensch says:



      Are we looking in the wrong place

      As the invisible war continues and the heroes have disappeared from the main stage

      Reverse your first line

      I this is the way I see Today

      As the Real war continues and for the invisible heroes We need to pray for more than ever

      AND The way My Friend up Stairs See things


      Liked by 5 people

      1. Robert G Boensch says:


        you really covered a lot of bases in this post
        seek to have Lucifer come out into the light
        and burning of all the books by those who wanted to end the teachings of Jesus

        or was these burning to erase the truth
        This was done for centuries by Roman Caesars
        as is today

        Later, tortures were performed by the church itself

        Research Galileo Galilei and the rack
        Who Died on it before Galileo for speaking Gods truth what was it about
        Did Galileo challenge the church in this and pledged his life for the truth

        Whereas a governing body needs to adhere to a basic set of fair and balanced laws to uphold civilization

        The governing body should be in each and every one of us

        What God him self teaches us shows lets us and gave us free will to chose

        When God looks at his children He should be looking at a strong reflection of him self

        As citizens we are told to remain calm and get involved with the next election

        We gather here—At least I do to change the channel

        Gods mission is for us to walk in his light

        We do this my not repeating any thing that goes against this

        We do this by joining together and take control of today


        From my friend upstairs


        Liked by 5 people

      2. RGB,

        You just reminded me of my dear Dad who used to always say, “the Man upstairs” when referencing God. He sadly passed away at age 72 in 1995 from mesothelioma. But he did accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior months before!

        Liked by 5 people

    2. Corner Stone says:

      “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
      Joshua 1:9 (KJV)

      Liked by 7 people

    3. txvet33 says:

      Truth is sometimes bitter and hard to swallow – IMO tiQ-tQq is dead along with American Dream…

      March 29, 2021
      No Storm, No Reckoning, No Nothing
      By Brian C. Joondeph
      For years we have been hearing about a coming storm. It was to be biblical and would bring pain to members of the deep state ruling class who, after exposure, would not be able to walk down the streets.

      The storm was to begin with spygate, a coordinated effort among top officials in the nation’s justice and intelligence agencies, to prevent Donald Trump’s election; then after failing, to undermine his transition, cripple his presidency, then stop his reelection, the latter goals achieved.

      Then there were crimes against humanity: child abuse, trafficking, and the like, all to be exposed via the Anthony Weiner laptop or the Jeffrey Epstein cabal. Both seem distant memories now. In fact, we are now going in the opposite direction with the Biden administration suspending FBI background checks for migrant children caregivers.

      We have lived in the “calm before the storm” for years and to this day it remains calm. There are no storm clouds building, nothing on the horizon. The forecast is for sunshine and a light breeze, only enough to supposedly knock President Biden to the ground three times while he feebly attempted to ascend a short staircase.

      Many of us, myself included, thought there would be an eventual reckoning. We believed this was one of President Trump’s primary goals as president, to drain the swamp. He made it clear before he was even elected what his intentions were. From a speech in October 2016,

      Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

      This is not simply another 4-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government.

      For them, it is a war – and for them, nothing is out of bounds. This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. This election will determine whether we are a free nation, or whether we have only the illusion of Democracy but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system.

      So, what happened? Was Trump blowing smoke? I don’t think so. Or was he hopelessly outnumbered, enemies everywhere, within his own political party and even among his inner circle? Was he Gulliver tied down by a bunch of Lilliputians, each one ineffectual but in unison enough to keep Trump the giant pinned down?

      Those claiming to be in the know have been promising big things ahead. From Sean Hannity’s incessant “tick tocks” to ace reporter John Solomon’s constant predictions of indictments from John Durham, both as US Attorney and then as Special Counsel.

      In July of 2020, John Solomon reported, “DOJ activity indicates John Durham preparing indictments.” Last May, almost a year ago, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) said on Fox News he expects Durham’s report in “two to three months.”

      Let’s see, that would have been last August. Any report? Any indictments? The only reports were from Dr Fauci and the medical establishment arbitrarily deciding how many masks we should wear and how many feet we need to be apart from each other.

      This past January, Solomon told us, “Durham is building a small number of indictments.” Maybe yes, maybe no. Such “building” is going the way of American infrastructure, crumbling while politicians of both parties promise to rebuild it, instead only building an unsustainable national debt.

      This is not to bash John Solomon, one of few genuine journalists in the country, unlike the court eunuchs of cable and network news who act more like Democrat press secretaries than actual reporters. Perhaps Solomon’s sources were from the enigmatic and now vanished Q group.

      This group, supposedly a small gaggle of military intelligence insiders, were providing a glimpse behind the Trump curtain, explaining current events, and predicting future “storms”. Was this group ever real and legitimate or just an intelligence community psyop to keep Trump supporters hopeful and distracted from the soft coup of the past four years?

      Now it’s the left chasing the incorrectly termed “QAnon”, with an HBO special and serving as a bogeyman hiding under the beds of CNN anchors. If Solomon and others forecasting a storm from Durham, basing their predictions on Q drops, that would explain why there was no pony under the Christmas tree, despite assurances to the contrary.

      Even President Trump is questioning the exalted John Durham. Just days ago, Trump asked, “Where’s Durham? Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?”

      Good question, one many of us have been asking. Attorney General Barr, who appointed Durham special counsel, believes spying “did occur” on the Trump campaign. Barr retired with his bagpipes and spying was swept under the rug.

      The spygate coconspirators are all running free, with university teaching appointments or cable news gigs, some worming their way back into the Biden administration, like John Carlin, who lied to the FISA court, and is now back at main Justice.

      The sole indictment was Kevin Clinesmith, a low level FBI attorney who fabricated evidence, and only received probation. Some reckoning.

      There is no shadow Trump government, controlled by the military, under devolution or secret executive orders. Deep state actors are not at Gitmo or appearing in public as body doubles or CGI creations. No one is wearing an ankle bracelet.

      Biden and the Democrats are running the show, his feebleness of mind and body on full display, mocking Trump and his supporters as losers to a Chauncey Gardiner president. They opened the southern border floodgates, transforming America as Obama promised, pushing the great reset with little if any pushback from elected Republicans.

      The longer this goes on, damaging and socializing the country, the harder it will be to stop or reverse. Are we still to “trust the plan”?

      Will Trump run in 2024? Who knows? As Hillary Clinton would say, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” If the ruling class stole an election from a sitting president, and is in process of changing election law to make their cheating entirely legal, what chance does Trump have running against a deep state incumbent?

      Did Trump “let this all happen” as some claim to wake up the population, the proverbial “red pill”? Was it his intention to allow America to be destroyed to make a point? Will the ruling class ever give up their newfound power? To paraphrase Q, where Democrats go one, they go all.

      Tom Clancy said, “The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.” Fiction is a coming storm, Trump and the military riding to the rescue along with a slew of Durham indictments. There is no evidence of this happening and it doesn’t make sense. Reality is Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and Fauci in charge, and as depressing as that is, it makes sense as it is today’s reality.

      Brian C Joondeph, MD, is a physician and writer. He is on sabbatical from social media.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Robert G Boensch says:


        Thanks Thanks Thanks

        God can never be over taken

        Or his Followers or solders

        He has it under control be Patience


        look back at previous posts


  2. Grace Bruno says:

    I may have it wrong but I still say we can’t leave it up to God. He’s waiting for us to help ourselves. If we just wait for a sign from the Lord we will be led off to slaughter like good little sheep. They intend to enslave every man, woman and child on earth…exactly what John F.Kennedy stated in his speech in 1963. He said he would expose all of them before he left office and 7 days later he was murdered.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think it may take an uprising. I’m to the point that all I see is our military working against the people and our constitution. Perhaps there will be a divide within our own military but it’s not looking good.
      I don’t think we are going to vote or legislate our way out of this.Kemps new laws in Georgia can be overruled at the federal level. I don’t know what it will take for the masses to fight for their freedoms. Certainly GOD uses people to fulfill his prophecies. I seek his will, I think about the incinerators and the horrors mankind is capable of. Maybe we’re called to be persecuted. I know it’s hard to wait, it seems the globalists have a choke hold on our nation. CIA, FBI, MILITARY, MEDIA, It’s hard to overcome. Look what they did to a sitting president and a 3 star general. We are certainly witnessing a treasonous takeover of our country.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. trnathens says:

        Show me anywhere in the Bible where Jesus fights back against the Deep State of his day.

        No where.

        In fact he avoided areas that he knew were “dangerous”.

        John 7:1
        After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.

        Not because he was afraid of “death”, but because he wasn’t done with his mission.

        Fighting back is based on the thinking that our existence on this Earth is necessary to be US. To be WE. To think that we can “fight” to achieve our true Spiritual selves.

        John 12:25
        He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

        John 15:19
        If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

        1 John 2:15
        Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

        THIS existence is NOT REAL.


        To try to FIGHT for this existence means you don’t have Trust in what God has told us.

        Once you fight, you are no longer under God’s Spiritual protection.

        You are then playing by THEIR rules, so you are subject to THEIR consequences.

        THEY want us to fight. THEY are goading us to fight. Because when we fight, we are hypocrites, just like them.

        Matthew 16:11
        How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?

        Luke 12:1
        In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

        If you “lose” your “life” to uphold what you know is true, then you gain your true Spiritual life.

        If you fight to protect this material, human life, then you will never attain your true Spiritual life.

        Did Jesus fight back against the Romans? Or the Jews?

        John 18:36
        Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

        Why is it SO hard for a rich man (not just money rich, but life rich) to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

        Because they are unwilling to have the Faith necessary to know that this entire material, mortal existence is AN ILLUSION. The rich man will not GIVE UP this life that is seen, felt, and “real”, for what is unseen and unknown with human eyes.

        And if you fight for an illusion, then you will die. And never achieve the true Spiritual reality.

        So fight away. But know that you will be subject to these human, material rules.

        Rather, Love God. Trust God. Respect God.

        And focus on the Kingdom of Heaven. Not Earth, or this world.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Robert G Boensch says:


        We are certainly witnessing a (((Simulated )))treasonous takeover of our country.

        God and His Believers have it in the Bag

        They have it under control be Patience


        Liked by 2 people

      3. Robert G Boensch says:


        Show me anywhere in the Bible where Jesus fights back against the Deep State of his day.

        Where does Satin Dwell who is he

        It he who moves man to do evil things

        The is a Time to Wait and a Time to act


        Liked by 1 person

      4. txvet33 says:

        IMO, to change what is taking place, blood will have to be spilled. Like our forefathers who took on England.


    2. txvet33 says:

      Yup. Like the man on his roof in the flood.
      IMO it’ll take blood being spille like our forefathers did. Many signers of the constitution died poor men as they lost everything for OUR freedom.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. debjbalk says:

      Let er rip, sister!! You blow me away with your ability to capture many of our sentiments. You always give us a safe place to express our righteous indignation over this fiasco.. And I’m glad you expressed yourself here. I can relate to every word. We’ll all move on… But, we also need moments like this when we “call out” the evil chaos for what it is. Amen, Dianne!!

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Mary HH says:

      TRNathens, I agree with everything you say, but is there anyway to show that this existence is an illusion, meaning more than just temporary and probably a test for the real life to come?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. ellemy says:

        This scripture comes to mind
        2Co_4:18  While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

        So then, we have received an anointing by the residence of God’s spirit within us to recreate us from the earthly image to the heavenly (spiritual image,) from carnal to spiritual. Adam was a “figure” or type of the one to come, who is the Lord from heaven,the last Adam, the life giving spirit, the pattern and blueprint. When Adam disobeyed God, he fell in his thinking and has been creating the world around us according to his own logic and self hood under the influence of Satan. Man has made god into his own image and that is the illusion.But God has another plan and wisdom that shall not fail as determined by the counsel of his own will before time began. It has been said that time is spirit energy slowed down.This understanding is what the Lord gave to me of His “big” picture that He is working in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. When we come to the realization that “in Him do we live and move and have our being” then the world, the devil and ego flesh lose their pull on us and in our very thinking heart. Our focus has shifted from the things of the world to the spiritual.This is the metamorphosis process prescribed by God to change our earthen vessel.

        This message was given to me by the Lord in 2016. He is calling His children to come up higher and out of the confusion and babel of the world and it’s hopeless fallen institutions. In the eternal, there is not time, no lack, no evil, only life and we can experience this here and now. TODAY is always now. Unfortunately most of the church looks to the past and to the future without the realization that God exists as spirit outside of the time realm. That is where He is calling us to meet up with Him. This world’s systems aren’t going to be fixed according to God’s plan, it’s illusions are going to be destroyed and changed. He is creating the new heaven and new earth according to the pattern, Jesus Christ and His seed in us.



        The true matrix is Jesus Christ who IS the I AM, the first fruit, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (full circle – eternal) …. He who IS, WAS and IS TO COME. The ever-present realm of now, omnipotent, omniscient creator.

        In the BEGINNING:

        The first three Words of the scriptures reveal Christ! It is “IN” Him:

        BDB Definition:
        1) first, beginning, best, chief
        1a) beginning
        1b) first
        1c) chief
        1d) choice part

        In the first principle, the head, the first fruit, — in other words, IN CHRIST JESUS — elohim created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1: 1

        Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
        Joh 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.
        Joh 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
        Joh 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

        Joh 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
        Joh 1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
        Joh 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
        Joh 1:13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
        Joh 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

        Col 1:13 who hath delivered us from the power of darkness (our carnal man, the old heavens and earth), and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
        Col 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
        Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the FIRSTBORN of every creature:
        Col 1:16 For by (dia – THROUGH) him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: ALL THINGS were created by him, and for him:

        Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

        Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding ALL THINGS by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

        All things came into existence out from God, IN a Spoken WORD (LOGOS), WHO
        Manifested in the Physical creation as the man JESUS CHRIST, in order that by
        His divine enabling through the spirit all things are returning to glory. ALL THINGS
        be ALL IN ALL when ALL enemies shall be made his footstool. This is the sum of the
        whole purpose of God in creation, which clearly indicates circularity, circuitry, revolution
        and sphericity instead of Western linear, two-dimensional thought structure which
        focuses on itself or earth as the center of the universe.

        Eph 1:9 making known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself,
        Eph 1:10 for the administration of the fullness of the times to head up all things in Christ, both the things in the heavens, and the things on earth, in Him,
        Eph 1:11 in whom we also have been chosen to an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of the One working all things according to the counsel of His own will,

        What came out of God is returning to Him, He owns the vineyard! The mystery is hidden
        within as CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of glory. Why do we keep looking to outward
        evidences and arguments? Jesus came preaching the KINGDOM! The kingdom does not
        come through outward observation. It is not earth centric but rooted in Christ, in the
        spirit, in the “heavens” of our renewed minds! The sun (SON) of RIGHTEOUSNESS
        (Christ) SHALL RISE with healing in His wings! The heavens and the physical earth are
        the type and shadow of the reality in Christ. All things point to Christ and the new
        creation man, the new heavens and the new earth, joined as one IN CHRIST, IN SPIRIT!

        Heb 11:3 By faith we understand the ages to have been framed by the Word of God, so that the things seen should not come into being out of things that appear.

        But MAN loves darkness rather than light and has created a world of good and evil
        according to knowledge of that tree, which is the carnal mind operating under the letter
        of the law. It is ego Man, the adamic mind, thinking he is the center of the universe,
        apart from God, thinking that he can ascend to be “like” God that has entered into a
        dialectic debate that is dualistic, diabolic and divisive, always trying to arrive at a
        consensus or synthesis of its own world and a humanistic, earthy image of
        consciousness. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith is the cure. Truth
        is a person, not a system of beliefs or opinion of what is good and evil. Faith is the true
        substance! Faith is Christ! When the true light is shining, darkness shall fade away and
        what good did the carnal debates serve? It is not by might, nor power but by my spirit
        says the LORD!

        Eph 3:9 and to bring to light all, what is the fellowship of the mystery having been hidden from eternity in God, the One creating all things through Jesus Christ,
        Eph 3:10 so that now to the rulers and to the authorities in the heavenlies might be made known through the assembly the manifold wisdom of God,
        Eph 3:11 according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord,
        Eph 3:12 in whom we have boldness and access in confidence through His faith.
        Eph 3:13 Therefore, I ask you not to faint at my troubles on your behalf, which is your glory.
        Eph 3:14 For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
        Eph 3:15 of whom every family in Heaven and on earth is named,
        Eph 3:16 that He may give you, according to the riches of His glory, by His power to become mighty in the inward man through His Spirit,
        Eph 3:17 that through faith Christ may dwell in your hearts, having been rooted and founded in love,
        Eph 3:18 that you may be given strength to grasp, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and depth and height,
        Eph 3:19 and to know the surpassing knowledge and love of Christ, that you may be filled to all the fullness of God.
        Eph 3:20 Now to Him being able to do exceedingly above all that we ask or think, according to the power working in us,
        Eph 3:21 to Him be the glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus, to all the generations of the age of the ages. Amen.

        Rev 4:11 Lord, you are worthy to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because You created all things, and through Your will they exist and were created.

        Rom 14:11 For it has been written, “As I live, says the Lord, that every knee will bow to Me, and every tongue confess to God.” Isa. 45:23

        Do we believe what God has said? Do we trust in His sovereignty and complete ability to
        accomplish what has been decreed from the beginning? Perfect love casts out fear.
        Knowing Christ casts out all fear, all doomsday prophets, death, satanic lies and takes no
        thought for its individual self-life as if existing apart from God. Every diversion and
        argument away from Christ is a lie and is soulish, rooted in the carnal mind of man. Why
        argue with the darkness? Why argue with the world? Do you not know the manner of
        spirit you are of when engaged in such strife? This is a carnal dialectic, debating such
        things that only serve the flesh nature that is bound up in the carnal reasoning mind.
        Come to the light and be free from all of the machinations of man through whom the
        prince of the power of the air feeds on the dust of such energy and fuels such earthy,
        soulish debates. TODAY IS the day we are to cease from strife and enter into His rest.

        Eph 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for through these things the wrath of God comes on the sons of disobedience.

        Eph 5:7 Then do not become partakers with them;
        Eph 5:8 for you then were darkness, but are now light in the Lord; walk as children of light.
        Eph 5:9 For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth,
        Eph 5:10 proving what is pleasing to the Lord.
        Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them.
        Eph 5:12 For it is shameful even to speak of the things being done by them in secret.
        Eph 5:13 But all things being exposed by the light are clearly revealed, for everything having been revealed is light.
        Eph 5:14 Because of this, He says, Arise, sleeping ones and stand up out of the dead ones, and Christ will shine on you.

        Eph 5:15 then watch how carefully you walk, not as unwise, but as wise ones,
        Eph 5:16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
        Eph 5:17 For this reason, do not be foolish, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

        Again, who is the center of the universe?

        Rev 5:13 And every creature which is in Heaven, and in the earth, and
        underneath the earth, and the things that are on the sea, and the things in all of
        them, I heard saying: To Him sitting on the throne, and to the Lamb be the blessing and
        the honor and the glory and the might forever and ever.

        Think on these things, brethren:

        Php 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say, Rejoice!
        Php 4:5 Let your reasonableness be known to all men. The Lord is nearby.
        Php 4:6 Be anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and by petition with thanksgivings, let your requests be made known to God;
        Php 4:7 and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
        Php 4:8 For the rest, brothers, whatever is true, whatever honorable, whatever is right, whatever pure, whatever lovely, whatever of good report, if of any virtue, and if of any praise, think on these things.

        True light does not impart doctrine or knowledge but the revelation and the life of the
        living WORD that is being formed in us to flow out from us. Christ is duplicating himself
        in us, making us fractals of His own nature and life. As we behold Him, we are being
        transformed into HIS image and likeness. He is the center (the beginning zero point), the
        circumference and the fullness.

        The matrix is the womb of the heaven, giving birth to life in the earth! There is only one
        true life, one true matrix, Jesus Christ, Lord, who is, was and is to come, ever present,
        both son of man and son of God, heaven and earth made one in Him.

        Selah ~


        Liked by 2 people

  3. ldetloff50 says:

    I have diverted my emotions, my eyes, and my head out of the situation for the most part, because it has been a heart wrenching roller coaster for too many months now. I have wasted too much precious time researching “what”?! I need to join the sheeples again if but for a few days to settle my nerves and get some equilibrium. How do you find some balance? Keeping up on “the news” is a full time job! I miss Juan’s boots and ring! I miss The Street Fighter’s enthusiasm! I miss Gene’s crazy Tall gray man. Well, maybe not that, just Gene. Help us, oh Lord! Help us know your Will and which Way we are to go! Thank you for all of these wonderful souls that spread Your Word and message and bless them! Amen!

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 3 people

      1. ellemy says:

        Bless you, Mary. I pray God refreshes your heart anew and opens up His Word in you. Here is another passage that may go with your original question where Paul discusses our inward groaning and how creation was subjected to vanity, but in Hope.

        Rom 8:18  For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 
        Rom 8:19  For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. 
        Rom 8:20  For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, 
        Rom 8:21  Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 
        Rom 8:22  For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 
        Rom 8:23  And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. 

        It is wonderful to really know that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Him. It is a done deal from God’s perspective. Can you imagine when the sons and daughters of God embrace this truth and the enemy will come and find no place to lie, steal or murder because we have shifted upwards into our true birthright and our whole being is light in Christ? I believe what we are witnessing now is the rumbles and shakings in the world as more and more come into the knowledge and reality of their true identity in Christ as the Lord of glory is appearing and rising within His called out ones. The enemy is defeated in US! Halle lu Yah!

        You might also find these messages helpful

        Liked by 4 people

  4. lbeasley252gmailcom says:

    This is one of your best. I feel as you do. No lights camera action from my vantage point. However God has a script.

    On Mon, Mar 29, 2021, 3:26 AM THE MARSHALL REPORT wrote:

    > The Marshall Report posted: ” As the invisible war continues and the > heroes have disappeared from the main stage of the so called show we are > supposed to get popcorn for and enjoy, we are tired of watching the holding > pattern waiting for different results and have turned our attentio” >

    Liked by 4 people

  5. rawk5150 says:

    On Mon, Mar 29, 2021, 3:24 AM THE MARSHALL REPORT wrote:

    > The Marshall Report posted: ” As the invisible war continues and the > heroes have disappeared from the main stage of the so called show we are > supposed to get popcorn for and enjoy, we are tired of watching the holding > pattern waiting for different results and have turned our attentio” >

    Liked by 1 person


    Debauchees display “aspirational” scenes and weave false narratives. Fanatically dictating, that which they deem necessary for us to see. By so doing, these immoral entities reveal their true ambitions.

    Done under the pretense of “righteous” governing, these demonic agents of Lucifer have gone, too far. No longer will it be tolerated! For their veil, of secrecy and illusion, has been lifted.

    Their wickedness now stands in full light. We wait in faith; knowing the LORD will serve justice for all to witness. Doubt not, “GOD HAS GOT THIS!”


    (Matthew 7:15-20)

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Robert G Boensch says:



      go back to this post
      and pray
      for the day is coming

      The link is in my post above Grace Bruno


      It’s set up following’s Gods laws and mans Laws


      Liked by 2 people

  7. Nothing out there will save the person who perceives himself as separate and doesn’t see the beautiful tapestry of life being played out! It is up to each one of us who realises who they are, magnificent and powerful parts of god, love, consciousness to be the example of oneness, of grandness, of powerful creators❤️ Thanks for all your shadings Diane… keep focused on cocreating newearth❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  8. trnathens says:

    John 8:58
    Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

    This makes sense when you understand the difference and relationship between the Spiritual beings that we are, and the human “image”, or manifestation that exists here on Earth. AND when you understand that the human concept of time does not exist but here on Earth.

    Genesis 1:27
    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

    1 Corinthians 15:49
    And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

    2 Peter 3:8
    But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

    I ask that you suspend disbelief, and allow this explanation to include SOME human aspect.

    Imagine, if you will, the Spiritual Being, the Son of God existing in Space. He was “sent down” and born unto Mary, at which point he was manifested in an earthy form.

    “Yesterday” to the human form was…the day before.
    “Yesterday” to the Spiritual Being was one thousand years ago.

    So, when the human form, Jesus, says “before Abraham, I am”, he is fully aware of the “disconnect” between the Spiritual Being in Space and the human image on Earth.

    And so the Spiritual Being is in the present tense – I am – even though he’s talking about the earthly “past”. This is what is meant by “time” not existing, where past, present, and future all are the same. His earthly form did not exist at the same time as Abraham, but his true Spiritual self does, not did.

    Most of US, are NOT aware of that disconnect. That is what is meant by being “born again”, or coming to the realization that the human image is NOT our true selves, but instead we are Spiritual Beings as well. We are “born” into that understanding.

    Most of us believe this earthy image is the totality of reality, when in fact it is an image, a reflection of our true Spiritual selves.

    Matthew 19:24
    And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

    For those who depend on earthly concepts to define themselves, especially wealth, the disconnect is even harder to understand and overcome. It is almost impossible, because it seems SO REAL. But it is not. Neither is time.

    Time is a totally human construct based on the idea of the Earth rotating on its axis, and circling around the sun.

    If you could get on a space ship and leave this solar system, then you would no longer use earth as your reference point. You wouldn’t reference earth as your source of understanding time, if you lived in another solar system, or another universe.

    If there ARE other beings in the universe, and I believe there are, all God’s children, then THEY do not use the earthly rotation and orbit as a reference to help them understand time.

    Time does not exist when you exist away from earth. That is why life is immortal. There is nothing by which to measure time. Even on Earth, prior to 1500 or so, there was day or night, not minutes and hours.

    The more detailed one gets in keeping track of time, the deeper one is embedded in the belief that our earthly existence is real, and our spiritual existence is the “weird” concept.

    Focus on the Spiritual.

    Matthew 6:20
    But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Beth H says:

      You always explain things so well and show that the Holy Spirit directs your answers. Our hope should have never been in anything but Jesus and His promises as detailed in the Bible. Whether the book of Enoch is inspired or not, whether it was voted out by a corrupt council or not, is irrelevant when we have the whole counsel of God contained within the pages of His Word. He would not have allowed centuries of people to flounder in ignorance if it meant that their very souls would be lost. His Word is True.

      “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand…”

      Liked by 4 people

    2. debjbalk says:

      TRNathens, Thank you for serving up a satisfying helping of “solid food.” 🥩🍗 Sure beats a glass of milk only. 🥛 Your posts always fill me up. 🤗

      Liked by 4 people

    3. Perfectly said. Our true selves live beyond ‘time’ because we come from within The Ever-Living and we return therein. Actually, we may be just sparkles of His, sort of bungee jumpers.
      And one little thought: when was the last time (hm hm) when the Suez Canal had been closed? How many ships cross that route on a daily basis? How come that the ‘high winds’ blasted precisely at that ‘time’ over that EVERGREEN Ever Given ship? Floating again from today.
      Heard that they have an AFB around there, ever since ancient times. Records by Moses, Joshua, David and others enjoying air support in their endeavors. Time and ‘time’ again.
      The White Hats getting naughty?

      Liked by 4 people


    The video below, is a short (13) min, clear, visual explanation of how the “shot” controls the immune system, going forward. And, as such, your immune system will be unable to prevent other invading entities (virus, bacteria, even a splinter in your finger), after you have received the “shot”. You become a GMO person. Genetically Modified ! You could be rendered STERILE, TOO. You could pass that GMO condition to others, as well, including your offspring (if you live long enough with NO immune system, to have an offspring!).

    Liked by 3 people

    1. debjbalk says:

      American Warrior, I saw a headline today…thrilled about it. It said that in my state of Michigan, residents who want to take the J&J shot must be told that cells from aborted tissue are used. Thank you, Lord… and… brothers & sisters, keep praying.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. nieveslt says:

    Wow Dianne, I think you are 98% correct about everything. I disagree only with your seeming loss of faith in the perfection of the inerrant 66 books of our current Bible, but that may be accounted for by general distrust, discouragement over the current situation in government. I think the 2 are different. The US had its time and purpose but it had to wind down so the Church could put its eyes skyward to look for the Coming King. So I’m not disappointed, I’m excited about the Rapture! No gloom and doom, it’s thrilling for this is truly the Hope we’ve been waiting for.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. NievesIt says: Oh our Bible is the most important source we have. I was merely summing up the situation and pointing out historical nature of man and how the devil has come back at us full circle which there is nothing new under the sun. Councils have proven to always have flaws…as not all men are of the same mindset as we are witnessing in our own Justice Departments and Supreme court. The point was…trusting in man is fruitless…trust only in God.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. debjbalk says:

        Great point, Tim. And… I cannot imagine for one second a historical researcher, like Dianne, NOT digging into every resource available that reflects God’s Word. It would be like a detective omitting the assessment of critical evidence on their path of discovery…not gonna happen with Dianne’s analytical God-given skills. He leads, she follows…through the Bible, through Enoch, through Dead Sea Scrolls… wherever He leads. Thank God!!


  11. God is sending us messages – I believe – while we keep expecting ‘man’ to resolve the ‘issues of the day’ – He is waiting patiently for us to rely solely on Him to ‘Fix this Mess’ – so…I am

    Patience is a Virtue – A Virtue is a Grace – Put ’em both together – and you get ‘A Happy Face’!!!

    Liked by 5 people

  12. Karen says:

    You sound angry and discouraged and it seems like you’re forcing yourself into faith because you’ve got nowhere else to go! Faith isn’t something we fall back on – it’s the beginning of everything. Your site now seems like your own sounding board for your own frustrations and lack of faith. You need to listen to Dave at X22! Dave sounds a little like Woody Allen and he does say a lot of the same things over and over, but what’s important is that he’s positive. It’s as though his job is to lay out some of the things that are going on daily to help us to be patient and understand why it is so important to strike at just the right time. At all costs we have to avoid civil war! The deep state is pushing us into civil war or WWIII. I hear you about Juan O Savin, but even though you hear a lot of the same things over and over when you listen to him, there is always something new added, but more importantly, it’s good just to hear him say, “We’ve got this!”. We need to hear that! I If you look back at where we were last month and compare it to where we are today, lots of things have happened to help our cause. I believe that there are things going on behind the scenes that are making us stronger – even your own reporting has shown that. We all need to listen and believe men and women of God like Hank Kunneman and Kat Kerr, who God has put before us to help strengthen us. Yesterday, Noah of posted a prophetic Word from a lady who has such a sweet and genuine spirit and she said that God told her that 2 people in “America’s House” were going to both die in the same day – one in the AM and one in the PM. Then Noah tired that Word to a Word given by Pastor Hank in which he said that something is coming – it is a move of God and 2 major moves will happen in the same day – one in AM and one in PM. She didn’t know which house God was referring to when He said “America’s House”, but let’s face it – it’s got to be 2 black hats because that’s what’s filling the majority of America’s Houses today. The important thing is to pick up on the fact that God is claiming responsibility for this act. Most of the prophetic Words that are coming forward are all about what God is DOING. Look at it this way, the black hats have satin on their side and the white hats have God on our side – who’s got the power? We, the white hatted patriots of this wonderful country not only have “the power”, but we have the greatest, most powerful power that ever existed working on our behalf. All things are possible to those who believe! Blessings!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Perhaps the x22 report is a CIA psyop. to keep us waiting until it’s too late.
      We’re probably too late now. I’ve listened to some of their reports and Nothing has come to fruition. Are we supposed to wait on the second coming or is there a possibility that GOD will use his people to break the chains of tyranny.
      GOD Bless, time will tell.


    2. Karen, I have strong faith, the Bible is the most important source we have. I was merely summing up the situation and pointing out historical nature of man and how the devil has come back at us full circle which there is nothing new under the sun. Councils have proven to always have flaws…as not all men are of the same mindset as we are witnessing in our own Justice Departments and Supreme court. There is a lot going on behind the scenes, this I have repeatedly stated and shown when ever possible. The wake up call is to make the point that trusting in man is fruitless…trust only in God. Strengthen one another. Study the word of God call on him always.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Miss Dianne, there is a new lin woods video I just watched on rumble. I think it’s from 2 days ago. I’ll be waiting instead of fighting.I think you’ll like it if you want to post it. CIA is mentioned as well as the whistleblower. The interview was with pete santilli.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Karen says:

        Strong faith is important! I didn’t mean to imply you didn’t have faith, you just “seem” like. . . . because of how you seem to be impatient and annoyed. Sometimes we don’t realize how we’re coming off. We do need to help one another – AMEN!!!! I apologize if I offended you in any way.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. No offense was taken…I just needed to clarify. However, sometimes to get thought provoking…it is needed to put perspectives we are all seeing, and fighting off in front to view. That always leaves questions as to why the person is presenting the subject in such fashion. We all have felt it…few dare to express it. Smile.

        Liked by 2 people

  13. You are teaching some unscriptual opinions here, the main concern is your promotion of the book of Enoch, just from this one statement alone it is invalidated as scripture

    The book of enoch caims that Angels ,made men righteous not Jesus Christ which contradicts Genesis 6:5 and Genesis 8:21 and mostly Acts 4:12 and Acts 1 Timothy 2:5

    10.9 And the Lord said to Gabriel: “Proceed against the bastards, and the reprobates, and against the sons of the fornicators. And destroy the sons of the fornicators, and the sons of the Watchers, from amongst men. And send them out, and send them against one another, and let them destroy themselves in battle; for they will not have length of days.

    10.20 And you; cleanse the Earth from all wrong, and from all iniquity, and from all sin, and from all impiety, and from all the uncleanness, which is brought about on the Earth; remove them from the Earth.
    10.21 And all the sons of men shall be righteous, and all the nations shall serve and bless Me, and all shall worship Me.

    Please refer to this website for more error

    Also regarding a flat earth this is also unscriptural, please read the following link


  14. Mark Greenberg says:

    sick of hearing (not just here but elsewhere) god this and god that, have faithh, build failth! B/S! If god cared, he wouldnt have let this current administration steal the election! the only hope we have is civil war and that probably wont ever happen! All the guns the people have are nothing compared to what the government has! all they have to do is drop biological weapons and all the guns in the world wont help a damn bit! we are F*****!!!!! I partly blame Trump for walking away from us! Think about it! He could have done something with that EO he created in 2018 but he walked away and left us to suffer under the rule of this communist government! Thanks Donald!!!!


    1. Mark,
      This operation that President Trump has initiated is vast, the cabal is deep and worldwide. This operation is based in America, but you cannot just march the Military in here, there and everywhere and start slam dunking people to the ground and handcuffing them, look what happened in Myanmar, the main stream media would have a field day calling Trump a coup conspirator.There has been so much that has been accomplished wordwide against this evil cabal and we are in the final stages.
      We trust God not because we are waiting for Him to send Lightning bolts, but because He knows the end from the beginning and nothing happens that is not in His will.
      We believe he has heard the cries of thousands of people in this nation who have prayed and asked for help against incredible injustice.
      God tells us that
      God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
      He will honour His word.
      So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11
      All will be accomplished on not on our time scale but on theirs.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. debjbalk says:

      Mark, oh my yes, God cares… so much so that He gave us humans “free will.”. That’s how much He loves us…He doesn’t make us love Him or do things His way…we choose. This mess is on us, not Him.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. C says:

    It’s the “calm before the storm” our faith is being tested, remember the entire world is involved God vs Evil. (WWIII) .It took many years of planning, getting all the players in place to defeat Satanic forces. We are in the Holy days of Passover. When it’s time, JFK Jr. will be the messenger and will reveal to the world the truth. Dianne, you too are a messenger revealing the truth.
    I have been looking at postings from England, posted information over the weekend. (Important Pentagon meetings and satellite burning up in the atmosphere could be Italian Leonardo used to steal the election. ) Charlie Ward also has encouraging information from Spain. These people have intel and were put in place to help inform the masses, part of the awaking.
    Check out Monkey Werx overwatch, ( former Air Force military expert and Bible scholar) he points out all the military aircraft movement across the country and what it could mean and shows all the flights to Gitmo.
    There is a lot going on, I look forward to your daily messages as you too reveal truth!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. unholyjoe says:

      Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and Monkey Werx have all made numerous predictions and interpretations which, quite simply, have proved to be false. I have no reason to think that they were not made in good faith but, one way or the other, caution is advised.


  16. Tim says:

    I wish it wasn’t true but Mark may be right, How about some facts from the people like Juan O Savin , Charlie Ward and the dozens of them that are claiming insider sources while they sell interviews and books WHY hasn’t the US Military stood up and shut this down? They say they have it all they have evidence of foreign countries helping in a so far successful coup to overthrow our government!! WHERE IS OUR MILITARY without them we are done for!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. C says:

    Regarding my previous post, The best way to access the most current Monkey Werx overwatch (Air Force military movement & Gitmo)
    Go to YouTube and search Monkey Werx. He cannot use Biden or Harris so he has coded them – Flash Bang (Biden) Bob Marley ( Harris).
    Another site is X22 Report that interprets Q posts. These are all intel sites that are legitimate.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. bevanik says:

    After reading the reports ( twice) yesterday regarding Enoch and NASA, I too felt this morning’s report was appropriate. The only truth is through the Word and through God. I think he was seeing how long it took us to “Circle Back” to Him. As you say, “Stay Strong”. Let us finish this good fight of faith. He wants us to put our faith in Him. He anointed us a magnificent leader for 4 years, and according to Kim Clement, our fearless leader, will return. Kim has not been wrong and of course, neither has God. Thank you for your gift of eloquent writing and TRUTH, Dianne.

    Liked by 3 people

  19. Vickie DeMaagd says:

    Love your work. Opening my eyes, although sometimes frustrated. Also love the music. I would like to suggest some of the Gaither Vocal Band songs. Especially David Phelps. They have a powerful song: Let Freedom Ring that would be good to use. Also, David Phelps sing the BEST rendition of “O Holy Night. But “Let Freedom Ring” would be perfect for this. One powerful singer.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Mary HH says:

      Vickie, so funny to read your post, as I’ve been listening to David Phelps-over and over–today. IMHO, he has the greatest voice I’ve ever heard and uses it to God’s glory. His version of Gentle Shepherd, playing right now, is amazing. Listening to his music is worship and brings chills and tears. Just amazing.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Dianne,
    I certainly hear you about how difficult it is to wait. My group of hopefuls has now dwindled down to two. They like it when I share Dave’s X22 hopeful reports.

    Just a few random thoughts.

    1. The military needs to complete its mission. Then, it seems that Trump can make the decision when to bring out the great reveal.

    2. Mike Lindell recently stated that Trump’s new social network will launch in August. Maybe he’s only guessing. The thought came to me that maybe the MSM and cable networks might purposely black out any EBS message; therefore, Trump might need this established social network to get the word out? Lots of people have likely turned off most of the news. Many young people (Millennials and younger) ignore it.

    3. Kim Clement prophecies tell about a “strange July” twice. That might match up with the
    August reveal.

    4. The G. Floyd trial began today. That might need to play out? BTW, has anyone noticed that the photo of the man (likely crisis actor) with his knee on the neck of Floyd (some claim it’s a mannequin) looks nothing like officer Chauvin? Is this another false flag that needs to play out and eventually be revealed?

    5. Does anyone else recall the Chinese guy that was around biden after the fake inauguration and then near him at all times for a few days afterwards? Then, he was gone?

    6. I haven’t seen Jill around much either, but I don’t watch any news except Newsmax occasionally. Also heard that James Woods is playing biden with a mask. He has brown eyes and the ears match up.

    7. Durham has been mentioned a few times. Is he completely awol in his duties or waiting for the right time to reveal evidence?

    8. At Bush Sr. funeral, the culprits attending got notes “they know everything…I’m sorry.” How many are already in custody?

    9. Trump said many times, “we got it all.” Recall Mike Lindell’s documentary revealing foreign interference and domestic ballot fraud? GA changed voting rules so they can’t cheat again, and Kemp signed it. Then he appeared to be perp walked out. Should have had cuffs on! Now, several other swing states are reviewing the election fraud and results. Is it better that Trump is “out of the picture” while this is happening?

    10. The Evergreen barge being trapped in the Suez canal and stuff needs to be unloaded. What have they found there and when will that all be revealed?

    11. Does the 25th amendment need to be used on biden to get fake V.P. in? The media knows he’s a fraud but plays along thinking they’re fooling the public and winning?

    12. Trump needs to appear to be out of the picture for this to play out, however he does drop lots of hints (still mentioning election was rigged, he got 74 million votes etc.) that it ain’t over yet!

    I’m sure many others could add to this list!

    Just think. How much more has been revealed since the fake inauguration day? How much more will be revealed over the next few months? How many more people will get aggravated at this awful administration, regret their votes and wake up during that time?

    Here’s a hopeful statement. Dave at X22 mentioned that everything being done by the fake badministration can be reversed.

    Most important of all, remember that God has had His hands holding up this nation! We’ve gotten through many tough wars and situations where we KNEW that God’s mighty works helped us, and He has always been with us…through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Keep praying, asking for help, praising Him for His goodness and mercy, and wait on His timeline and answers to our fervent prayers!

    Liked by 3 people

  21. A friend of God says:

    Amen, Dianne. I get this post. It s one of your best. Pray it brings hope, joy, comfort and assurance to all who read it.

    I think it was Tertullian who is quoted as writing in the 2nd century AD:

    “The mind that is Heaven does not feel the chain about its leg.”

    The thing all tyrants, all totalitarians, all Satanists have feared throughout the ages are those who understand that though their bodies may be destroyed, do not fear; fear the one who can destroy everything (God). However, He tells us that “Perfect love casts out all fear.”

    The enemy is irritated to no end because it does not matter what they do to us. They will not win. They have no power of us. All have a judgment day, a day of reckoning. All will come to the grave.

    Even the protestant reformers, who killed more believers in Christ than did the Catholics, did not win. But their lust for power was used by God to awaken more people and spread the truth of His love even wider.

    “The blood of the saints is the seed of the church.”

    With love in Christ

    A friend of God,

    p.s. I don’t care much for CCM, but I did enjoy the music post you have on this article. Thank you.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. Sue says:

    Dianne thank you for all the work you put into your articles, you have opened many eyes and hearts that were once asleep and ignorant of what evil is running around everywhere. God elects leaders and I have NO doubt he choose President Trump with a specific purpose in mind and why he has spared his life despite many attempts on his life. On days I feel down and hopeless I remember that EACH AND EVERY KNEE WILL BOW IN FRONT OF OUR MAKER on judgement day and we will beheld accountable for what we have done with our life. On that day If you miss heaven you missed it all. Keep the faith and I look forward to your upcoming articles.

    Liked by 4 people

  23. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

    “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
    The more we continue down the wide path of looking for man to save, protect, guide, the further we are from the truth! He is the light that keeps our feet from slipping, He is the light that shows us the way, and He is the light of life. His shadow of protection. This plan has always been God’s for the saving of His chosen. His Word is the only way to our eternal life…which is far better than this one.
    “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain…………………………Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.”

    Stay in Spirit of Righteous and helmet of salvation!

    Liked by 3 people

  24. beachbumii says:

    Dianne, I have come to look forward to reading your words everyday! You always give me a new perspective, new hope, or your Heart. Your strength and determination shine a light that all Patriots need to see. You show us we are a gathering of people with a common goal and a Love for our Lord Jesus Christ. You share with us your deep knowledge and your deep frustration. A frustration we all share in when we view the world around us. For me and I’m sure all Christians, we feel your pain. and we love you. And we should all remember, Why should I feel discouraged, Why should the shadows come, Why should my heart feel lonely, And long for heaven and home, When Jesus is
    my portion, A constant friend is He, His Eye is On The Sparrow, And I Know He Watches Over Me

    Liked by 2 people

  25. Anita says:

    Yes this stolen election was/is egregious and treason but “conservatives “ will go out & find republican conservatives to elect in ‘22 & ‘24. How cynical & a slap in the face for over 80 million Trump voters who have been disenfranchised! So let’s move on & make believe “we’ll take the house in ‘22” just as the usurper thief China joe acts as if he is legitimate and that the duly re-elected president, President Trump, is not the legitimate president. These thieves committed TREASON! How appalling ! The home & land of the “ brave” and “free” ? Not when free elections are not conducted and a coup is conducted against President Trump which is ultimately treason and all these criminals, usurper thief China joe , corrupt kamala and all of his cabal should be dragged into gitmo in orange jumpsuits. Awful , just like the marxistdems media who trashed Trump daily with manufactured untruths. Many in the marxistdems media should be held accountable for their complicit and implicit involvement in the coup and treason.

    I don’t believe Juan O Savin is jfk jr nor do I believe everything he says; he keeps changing “the plan”. Simon parkes and Charlie ward fabricate feel good stories ( I listened sometimes but then stopped ). I’m really not sure what Kim said, implied or “prophesied”. For me, Kim’s messages seems vague but others understand him. Mel K is very repetitious and claimed the military knew everything about the fraud and election steal and they’re in control.

    Unfortunately, I don’t see heroes or heroines standing up to this willing to end this election fraud steal and treason.
    Rinos now complain about the border but where were they in November ?

    Pray for strength and courage to speak the facts and to end this farce. The constitution is clear about removing a government that works against the people ; living under a tyrant and tyranny is not for the people’s welfare.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. donbernes says:

      The ignition point will be the QFS installation and being fully functional otherwise the stock market crash can not proceed.
      Follow the money.
      Love to all


  26. The Holy Roman Empire was a Church and State Union. It began in 358 AD and received its deadly wound in 1798. (Same year (1798) as the birthright blessings were opened to Manasseh and Ephraim.) [1798 – 358 = 1260] From Missing Links, pg. 92-95:
    “The 3.5 Times Prophecy
    Daniel 7 is The Four Beasts Prophecy and the 3.5 times is found in Dan. 7:25. The entire chapter is an outline of world history from the Kingdom of Babylon to the return of Christ as King of Kings and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. This period began with the Babylonian Empire, and then comes to the present and the very near future. The four beasts represent the same world empires as the great image in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. (Dan. 2) The four World Empires were the Babylonian (606-539 BC), Medo-Persian (539-333 BC), Grecian (333-168 BC) and the Roman (168 BC – 476 AD). Western Rome fell when the Gothic Vandals deposed Romulus Augustus as the emperor in 476 AD.
    The three horns plucked up by the roots in Dan. 7:8 were the Vandals (429-476 AD), Heruli (476-493 AD), and the Ostrogoths (493-554 AD), which was the transition period to Papal rule or the little horn over the western leg of the Roman Empire. The first Pope appointed was Silverius, but he was imprisoned by Vigilius and died in 538 AD, then Vigilius reigned with the help of Theodora, the wife of Justinian I who ruled the eastern leg of the empire. Reigning wasn’t the only help Vigilius got from Theodora.
    Daniel 7:9-10 is the reign of Christ and the resurrections. Verse 11 is Daniel beholding the little horn speaking great words (Papal Ecclesiastical Dogma) and its future disposition. Verse 12 was the preceding three beasts passing away. Verses 13 and 14 describe the return of Christ and verses 15 and 16 set up the interpretation of the vision in verses 17-24. Verse 25 gives us a prophecy of what the little horn will do, that it will think to change times and laws and the saints will be given into his hands. The 3.5 times or 1260 years of Papal rule began in 538 AD and comes to 1798, which is the year General Berthier took Pope Pius VI captive, thus ending the church and state union of the Holy Roman Empire. Napoleon freed Europe from Papal domination but crowned himself as the King of Rome. This was the deadly wound in Rev. 13:3. The remaining seven horns transform into the seven heads, which the scarlet woman (false church) rides in Revelation 17, and is the same beast in Revelation 13 and 17. The seven remaining horns also represent the seven resurrections of the Roman Empire that follows:
    (1) The Imperial Restoration by Justinian I in 554 AD.
    (2) The Frankish Kingdom under Charlemagne in 774 AD.
    (3) The German Head under Otto the Great – crowned in 962 AD.
    (4) The Hapsburg dynasty under Charles V – crowned in 1530 AD.
    (5) Napoleon’s French Kingdom when he crowned himself King in 1798.
    (6) Italy, Germany, & Japan Axis – Hitler, Mussolini & Hirohito (1936-45).
    (7) This will be the last and final resurrection of the Roman beast that will become a global Church and State Union, which is also represented by the two legs joined at the hip of the great image in Daniel 2. The ten toes of iron mixed with miry clay represent a global alliance of weak nations (The Ten Lost Tribes brought low by the Almighty) mingled with a strong nation (the nation the Lord chooses that brings them low). It will be broken in pieces and consumed at the return of Jesus Christ. (Dan. 2:31-45, 7:9,26,27, 38:10-16, Rev. 18-19)”

    *This is the same 1260 years in Rev.11:3 as the two witnesses being the Old and New Testament surviving the dark ages. It is also the same 3.5 times in Rev. 12:14 that the true Church was persecuted by Rome. (See Documentary)


  27. CharityinTruth says:

    Thank you, Dianne. It is good to have a place to feel safe to share information and our thoughts.

    As we all know, we are in a battle against the devil and his minions. I still believe there are things that are invisible happening for the good that we do not see and many people are fighting the good fight.
    President Trump is still fighting the good fight. It is interesting to see what is happening with the human trafficking?ship Evergreen blocking the Suez Canal. Could this be a Red Sea moment to set all the captives free? Also, more discovery being uncovered about election fraud and Dominion Voting machines. If the Deep State actually controlled the US military, would most Patriots be already dead? I am not taking the experimental Covid shot. Will they force us?
    I just discovered this website with lots of good information for truth and freedom lovers:

    3.29.21: “AT the PRECIPICE” seems like an UNDERSTATEMENT. Hang on TIGHT! Stick together! Pray! (

    more discovery:

    3.27.21: When the DOOR is LOCKED…you need a KEY! The WORLD is WATCHING! Pray! (…you-need-a-key-the-world-is-watching-pray.html

    May God bring to light what is hidden in darkness; may Divine justice prevail. Praying for all those who are held captive to be set free soon.

    Let us always hope and pray. God wins!

    Remain in Christ,
    John 14: 6

    All Glory to God!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  28. southern1952 says:

    i’m sure all this biblical post are great, but my brain simply can not comprehend all the content, the post are just very long. nothing personal intended. just since my brain surgery i can barely get thru just looking at a magazine..goodnight ya’ll!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. debjbalk says:

      Southern 1952, I’m so glad (and thankful) that you join us when you can. I know what you mean in your comment. We all have an approach that works best for us. You’ve adapted a good technique. I tend to skim the long posts that contain loads of scripture, when I’m aware of those passages… Whatever you have to do to help in your adjustment since surgery is a wise strategy. Hope to see you soon. ;+) love & prayers!! Debby

      Liked by 2 people

      1. southern1952 says:

        thanks Deb..I know it’s been several years, but there has been no change as to what i can do, i can only tolerate so many words in my head. I have nothing against scripture, sometimes it’s just too much to take in! I love this blog..

        Liked by 1 person

  29. Mark Greenberg says:

    like i said, i’m so sick and tired of hearing god this and god that! have faith in god. god’s work is not done. god god god! WE ARE DOOMED!


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