General Flynn was a guest on “His Glory Ministry” and offered the group and all their listeners an update on where America stands.

General Flynn offered hard truths and encouraging words to Americans

“Our nation is in a massive transition right now. It’s historic. And it’s not unlike other transitions our nation has faced in our past, transitions after great wars. We have been in great depressions. We have been in great tragedies that our country has gone through to include assasinations of presidents and such. Those type of monumental and historic events that cause us to reflect on who we are as a country. And what I would offer to this group and to all the listeners today, that as we face what it is that we are about to endeavor into, here in the next few weeks and next few months, and probably years, we have to reflect on what it is that we believe in.


“What do we as individuals believe in? In my case, I believe that we stand for, above all, above all the God given freedoms as individuals. Our constitution is not based on collectivism. It’s based on individualism, and it’s based on individual liberties.

“As you highlighted there Jim, you raised the constitution itself. Very few people even read the constitution these days. Schools barely talk about it. We’re lucky if we have a public system, and I’m not sure if private schools start the day with the pledge of allegiance to this country, which is a way to culturalize the students at the earliest levels in something to believe in that’s greater than even the education that they’re gonna get on that particular day.

“But our Bill of Rights as it was written, as it was documented and bled for, that bill of rights and our basic constitution is based on individual rights that we have. Those are not collective rights. Those are things that I, as a citizen of the United States, are God given Freedoms.


“The one thing that nobody can take from an individual is his or her ability to think for themselves, Right? That is a God given freedom that we have. Whether we’re chained up somewhere against our will, or whether we are deciding to step into the path of a bullet to save the life of a fellow soldier or fellow Marine, or whether we are stepping into the now, witnessing the very sort of political machinery that is happening in our country.  And we have a lot of people in our country, million, millions, tens of millions that have woken up and now see that we cannot take for granted anything that we’re given.


“We can’t take our freedoms for granted for the kinds of things that we get up every day, and that I like to say, that we breathe the fresh air of liberty. In order for us to continue to breathe this fresh air of liberty, we have to be prepared to fight for that fresh air of liberty. We have to be prepared to, what I say, go to the gate, so to speak. What I mean by that, I mean getting involved, Getting involved at every level. This conversation is a way to get involved. Pastor David, he comes out and he gets involved. He serves his community. You all have served your communities in many ways over many years. One of my passions right now is to try to get out to America and really start to talk to Americans at the grass roots level. And get those 74 or75 million people that stood in line to vote for Donald Trump and you can no longer just stand in line and vote. You’re now going to have to get out of that line and you’re gonna have to participate. You’re gonna have to participate at the precinct level. You’re gonna have to participate at the county level. You’re gonna have to participate at the state level. And to a degree with the right talent sets, the right resources participate at the national level.


“And that’s what I’m going to be asking America and Americans to do in the coming days, the coming weeks and the coming months because we are at the edge of a cliff here.

“I always like to take it back to … I’ve been saying the Apostles Creed for so many years as a young person and as a Christian and when you say the Apostles Creed, it never occurred to me that after Jesus Christ was crucified and he suffered, he died and he descended into hell and then on the third day he rose again, right? So when he descended into hell, where did he go? And why would it take him three days to rise again, right? I mean, what was he doing? And I asked a priest that I know that is a theologian and he gave me, I’ll mess up the history or the theological history about it, but essentially Christ at that time stood at the abyss. He stood at a place called the abyss. According to some in chronological history, for three days and while he was in that place, that is referred to as the abyss, he had to contemplate a whole range of things for the world for all of us.


“And I have felt for the last four years that I was in that abyss with him.  And without him, and without the American people coming to our side, coming to my family and my side and also knowing what the real truth was, we find ourselves in that valley. That Psalm 23 valley. We find ourselves in that abyss and I actually didn’t pay any attention to that prayer for probably, I don’t know…50 years? 55 years of my life.  And now all of a sudden I was reading it one day and I read that and I said, Oh my God. Why did he go for three days there? Where did he go and what did it mean? Well, it meant…America, to stretch a metaphor of sorts; America is sort of in that abyss. And now we have to decide how we’re going to get out of it.

 “And I do believe, I do believe there is a faith in God that we need. Our nation was founded on Judaeo Christian values and principals and we should not fear who we are as Americans. We should not fear that this country was founded upon the constitution by a group of really brave courageous patriots and it actually goes back 200 years prior to 1775 into the 1500’s the 1600’s, where people were running because they were being persecuted because of their belief in something bigger than they were.

Image result for new england colonies religious freedom

“So right now, our nation is facing this transition and that transition is either one of two things. Either we dive back into being a individual rights constitutional Republic which means people are going to have to do more than just wake up and sit and talk about it at their dinner tables or on the block somewhere. They are gonna have to now stand and do. People are going to have to do more now and get involved at the local grass roots level.”

If you haven’t already viewed the video, please go back to see what else General Flynn had to share.


David Scarlett, Founder of His Glory Ministry  has just partnered with  Floyd G. Brown, Founder of Western Journel , to bring Breaking stories, compelling video and exclusive interviews provided by The Western Journal, to their program. The Western Journal is a news company that drives positive cultural change by equipping readers with the truth.  His Glory Ministry is excited to add this exciting feature to their already popular ministry programing and will be announcing more information on this joint partnership soon.

The Marshall Report congratulates both ‘His Glory Ministry’  and ‘Western Journel’ and wish them God’s speed in getting more truth out to the people. 

This joint effort is a strong example of how God’s people are coming together to make a difference. The truth shall set you free!

God bless every one and this great nation called by God’s name.



  1. Dianne: Again, this country was not founded on judeo Christian values but only Christian values. (((Them))) and the Catholics had nothing to do with the drafting and signing of the Constitution but the Protestants did. In this time and space, that canard is so lame it should not need a retort and yet, it does. You know who the greatest man to live in the last 600 years has been? That’s right, Martin Luther baby. And only the Protestants had anything to do with setting this country on a course of freedom. I am a direct descendant of Roger Williams, founder of the first Baptist Church in America and the first Governor of Rhode Island. It’s in my blood.


    1. You are wrong Sir Luther would never have existed if it were not for Catholicism. All Protestant religions come from this one Religion. Judaism all so played a part because Judaism existed before Catholicism. You need to put your thinking cap back on


    2. Sam says:

      Cannot agree more. The “Judeo”-Christian fallacy was invented by the Cabal to garner the support of Christians in the US (and the world) for their Israel.

      Protestanism, which came to be after King Henry VIII’s divorce was the machination of the (Jewish) Venetian Oligarchy. King Henry’s courts were infiltrated and many Jewish Rabbis served as his sex counselor. They convinced him to divorce his wife – which not only ended the alliance England had with Spain but also weaken the Church. See the strategy involved below:

      “What was Venice’s strategic objective? — It is now the 1520s.According to the Venetians’ profile of the Spanish Hapsburgs,the major vulnerability of the Hapsburgs was the strategic shipping lanes across the English Channel.Spain needed the Netherlands for massive tax reve­ nue that these holdings brought,in order to maintain the Spanish army.The problem was that the Spanish were also very much aware of the strategic need to have good relations with England,and the Hapsburg monarchy married Cather­ ine to Henry VIII to ensure such an alliance.For Venice to succeed,Henry had to be broken from Spain.”

      Click to access eirv21n16-19940415_015-the_venetian_takeover_of_england.pdf

      The Jewish rabbis involved in King Henry’s divorce:

      We must understand here that after the War of the League of Cambrai – which opposed Papal States to the usurious and war-loving Venice – the (Jewish) Venetian Oligarchy was nearly destroyed. IN a last minute deal with the Pope, they managed to pack and move north with their wealth. Once north, they continued their ways of infiltrating, corrupting and destroying society. I invite you to read all about it in Webster Tarpley’s “Against Oligarchy”.

      A divided Europe was easily controlled. They did so with King Henry’s divorce and the case of Luther was not any different. He was picked up, groomed and supported by the Venetian Oligarchy to weaken the Church.

      “Venetian public relations specialists were responsible for picking up the small-time German provincial heretic Martin Luther and raising him to the big-time status of heresiarch among a whole herd of total- predestination divines.”


    3. D Higgins says:

      Hemp4Shemp…..I think the “Judeo-Christian” term refers to the incredible use by our founding fathers of the OT, especially Deuteronomy in establishing principles of righteousness in government. Then, Isaiah 33:22 for the branches of government. God gave the 10 commandments to Israel…..and any nation that adopts them can be blessed?
      As far as Protestant…..1% of the pop. during the Civil War was Catholic (I live in Mary land…..they lay claim by virtue of the Ark and the Dove seizing this area). Still, in 1830 Samuel Morse, the artist, later known for Morse Code…..discovered a conspiracy by Jesuits to infiltrate American government (Lincoln knew of their nefarious plans). Sadly…..our SCOTUS and Congress are heavily run by those still “under” OT teachings, with a fraudulent priesthood and daily “mass”acre of Christ anew (mimicking animal sacrifices).
      Christ spent 3 days in Hell, why?
      Well why did God take 7 days to re-create in Genesis 1? Why did He rest (not known until Moses wrote it (Eze 20:20)?
      Creation week shows Gods plan…1 day = 1,000 years. Christ showed up on day “4” of history as the Sun was made on day 4!
      And Christ descended into Hell, to dump my sins (and yours if you are saved) into the pit, then set the captives free from Abraham’s bosom (Luke 16, NOT a parable). The “seed” was in the Earth and sprang forth on day 3 of creation week. Those in Christ are part of the new creation (2 Cor 4:6)……and after 2 days Israel will be restored (Hosea 6:2)…”two days” shows up (12) times in Scripture…..12 being the number of Divine government.
      Baptists are not Protestants…..they did not proceed from the Roman whore and have nothing to protest. I believe my mother can be located in Galatians 4:26, yet I was raised Catholic, much of my family remains such.


      1. Virginia says:

        I am not being sarcastic. You are brilliant, D.Higgins! You should join resources with Diane. You are both outstanding!


    4. Ri-chard says:

      I agree Hemp4Shemp,
      I believe there was overall a protest against the Pope, and his Church, for interpreting his Bible as the ultimate authority.. Protestants believed the Bible itself as the ultimate authority. In short, they protested “the false authority of Rome, and her false gospel” the Pope was not infallible when speaking in matters of the church and Bible. We must remember the claims that were also made in the Pope’s Papal Bulls as sick and crazy claims of owning everything including us..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

        Richard, ya know years ago I started wondering WHY is God’s Word called the Bible, or the Holy Bible???? After much soul searching and innocently looking in His Word I was led to Genesis 11:3-9. Everyone’s interpretation is different from another; yet the Spirit is Truth and only our Lord God Jehovah can open our eyes to see it. Leviticus 27:29 – 33.


    5. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

      Hemp…With all due respect you sound like one of the multitude that was with Jesus when he was speaking. Jesus WARNED them…To beware of the leaven of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. Both from man’s religion. Before you judge another look in the mirror and take the plank out of your eye. It’s the blood of Christ, not man, that is the First and the Last!!!


  2. Sam says:

    “… an update on where Americans stands…”

    In my opinion, the best indicator of where we (collectively and not just as Americans) stand is to look at the Covid hoax.

    It’s not going away, governments keep pushing the “vaccine”, imposing fines, new laws, etc to force people to take it. I see it as a sign that the NWO Cabal is not weakened in any shape or form and that they continue ruling.

    And now, we have a glimpse of the next hoax: Climate (aka Global Warming, aka Climate Change, aka Green Deal). Just look at what’s happening in Texas.

    I read private banking advisors refering to Covid as a “Wave” and Climate as a “Tsunami”. That alone should tell us what’s in the works. Basically, it will make Covid look like a walk in the park.

    Anyone interested to know more about the Climate Change hoax should read the following report. If you don’t have time or don’t wish to read, you should knot that it’s been in the works for decades. The goal is to depopulate Earth and shift trillions from the currently bankrupt financial system to a new economy called Green.

    Click to access 2019-eir-special-report-co2-redux-is-murder.pdf

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A.R. Roberts says:

      I appreciate Diane’s optimism but it doesn’t look like the Cabal is getting weaker. I agree that we are under Marshall Law, and we have been for a year now. They built the fence and military presence to in DC intimidate us. It’s all kabuki theater. This is exactly what a communist regime does when they take over. They can’t rule by policy because the majority doesn’t believe in what they’re pushing. Trump was thrown out in a coup, simple as that. Our military isn’t going to save us, General Flynn even admits it when he says it’s up to us to take back our country from the ground up. Well, it’s a bit late in the game now that the totalitarian cat is out of the bag and it appears we have paid off Chicom and globalists traitors infiltrated top to bottom ruling us with an iron fist. All this mask wearing nonsense and poison vaccine BS isn’t going away because it give them almost absolute power and commie tyrants will never give up power. They (Time magazine) even gloat about how they stole the election, without mentioning all the unconstitutional chicanery and Chicom owned voting machines with fractional votes. There are no fractions when calibrating votes! If we ever want to get a fair shake at the election booth we have to get rid of those machines and get overseers from each party to supervise hand counted ballots. Mail in ballots only for those with real medical conditions and voter ID’s or no ballot!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ri-chard says:

    Dianne, you said , “”What do we as individuals believe in? In my case, I believe that we stand for, above all, above all the God given freedoms as individuals. Our constitution is not based on collectivism. It’s based on individualism, and it’s based on individual libertie” Couldn’t agree more.
    A reminder for this is to have knowledge of our American history from the beginning and what was the chosen Colonial Law? All Thirteen Colonies considered this to be the final bases for all law in America or ever to be in America… “the colonies were so impressed with the idea of an overruling law of nature that the laws of God and so-called natural laws were regarded as the true laws, and all temporal legislation was considered to be binding only in so far as it was an expression of this natural law” James Wilson, the foremost lawyer at the Constitutional Convention, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a man who was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1789 and was well familiar with this legal principal stated above called Natural Law and stated; “Parliament may, unquestionably, be controlled by natural or revealed law, proceeding from divine authority”.
    It seems many of the Colonist knew of the words in Genesis about the Tree of Life and mother earth and all it’s creatures upon it and it’s waters as the provider of all our needs as all good, We are to rule over this dominion as the care takers and cultivators – not the Kings and Queens..
    Our President Trump knew this when he told us and the whole world, “the people of America are sovereign, the people rule, and I was elected to give the power back to the people where it belongs”. But will we as a collective act on it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

      Richard, Please read God’s Word. Mother earth?????

      And why did even Peter ask Jesus, “Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?” Even His disciples perhaps thought they deserved more….

      And tell me WHY did God have a repentance of heart that He made man on the earth? I would suggest that it’s because God sees the heart and man only sees the flesh.


      1. Ri-chard says:

        Answer is within Genesis for what was done and not done by Adam and Eve. The original contract is an easy read. The first chapter of any event is the most important – it’s the foundation for what is to come..

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Gee, I was hoping to hear him say our military would help us defend the constitution from tyrants.
    They strip us of our GOD given rights and we’re supposed to volunteer at the local and county level?

    I would hope to hear volunteer for the citizens military and he would lead us.

    I’m just going to sip on this communist cup of piss and try to get used to it and enjoy life to the best of my ability.
    Call me if I can be of meaningful service.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Mich Kealey says:

        Maybe we should define “return”. It may not mean “win court cases” or another run at re-election, but it might mean “not out of the picture.” Perhaps he will still carry massive weight to influence the future of the GOP. Perhaps he feels he can accomplish more as a private citizen that as POTUS. He led the charge and now he is trusting that more able men/women will pick up the baton. One report had it that Melania was informed that the Donald would likely be JFD-ed, which might explain a few things. Time for him to duck?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. On 2/5/21 General Flynn did an interview with Doug Billings

        at 46:00 he talks about a bottle of wine, something is up and would join him for that glass
        He is back in the DOD with a secret clearance , never tell the enemy your plans unless that is the plan

        Liked by 3 people

    1. Ri-chard says:

      I believe if you put the US Constitution in it’s proper context, it was We the People that gave these instructions, guidance, rules, laws to those that are to represent us as THEIR employment contract. Yes, they are our employees, we are the employer, and we as a collective have not taken that standing. And they, those that are supposed to represent us know that. Therefore, our silence is viewed as our acquiescence.

      You must always know what happened is the first chapter of any event having good deductive and comprehension skills. As their CYA Act (IMHO) in 1789 the Very First Act of Congress created an Oath law that instructed all for purposes of taking the oath of office to repeat the words “the constitution of the United States” however, there is no document to be found anywhere in law or at law with that title. words mean everything especially when you change a word and delete others from it’s organic title.

      For those that believe their government wouldn’t do anything intentional like lie, here is another CYA Act more recently made law. It’s OK to lie to Congress 18 U.S. Code § 1001. Statements or entries generally, see Subsection (b)

      What I stated above are not my words, they are the words of our undisciplined employees with their signatures.. How could this be? Our collective silence allows it.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Larry Mac says:

      He is learning to be a politician… Promise and build hope… then put the burden on the people to change it. Pardon me while I pull the Generals knife out of my back.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. A.R. Roberts says:

      I agree, they pizz on our heads and tell us it’s raining. We watched a coup in real time and anyone that even questions the in-our-face election fraud is an enemy of the state. That kind of language only comes from commie tyrants. They call ALL TRUMP VOTERS ENEMIES OF THE STATE! As DJT became more popular it went from deplorables, to irredeemable, to enemies of the state. Why? Because we appose these stumbling demented child-kings and their royal decrees. They are going to put the screws to us. There is no opposition now. The “conservatives” who are supposed to oppose this criminal regime are on the other side now. And don’t hold your breath for our oath breaking military. Who’s going to hold them or any of the other blatant traitors accountable? These globalist Chicom criminals are so drunk with power now they will draw first blood and think nothing of it, and their lapdog press will censor and suppress any news to the outside world of their murderous rampage. IMO we are on our own. Sorry Diane, I wish it wasn’t like this. I still have a small sliver of hope that there are some in our gov/military that are not totally compromised traitorous scum, but from what I’m seeing, it looks like the whole system is hopelessly corrupt beyond redemption. I think the reason the Cabal are so bent out of shape is because DJT exposed the entire charade. They know that we know they are criminals and that is what has them infuriated. No one except DJT ever exposed the breadth and depth of the corruption. Trump literally gave us a huge red pill. We have been unplugged and agent Smith is watching us. Agent Smith can make up whatever lie he wants to harass us. We saw what they did to DJT. Just imagine what our KGB agent Smith’s will do to us.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. hocuspocus13 says:


    35 Capital Police Officers under investigation after video shows them opening doors & gates January 6

    5 suspended

    Office of Professional Responsibility

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

      Personally I think they need to go “deep sea” diving! That’s where the big fish are and I don’t mean catch and release either. I can think of three that could use frying up!

      Liked by 3 people

  6. Terry says:

    Galations 1:4, “our God and Father”, sounds virtually like the words of Jesus in John 20:17, . . . “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, and to ****My God**** and your God.” Virtually ***all*** professing Christians do not know (Rom. 1:18) that Jesus, the head of the body, recognizes and acknowledges the Father as **His God** now in heaven. Please see John 20:17, Rev. 3:12, Eph. 1:3, 1 Pet. 1:3, etc.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Larry Mac says:

    Wow… he certainly has changed his tune!!! He was saying that 100% confident Trump would serve a second term.. Now… its US that are responsible for the turnaround that could take YEARS!!!! Maybe Flynn and Joe are suffering from the same ailment. Very disappointed.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. debjbalk says:

    Dianne, I wanted to acknowledge that your efforts to integrate a common theme in your recent writings has not gone unnoticed. I’ve clearly seen your gentle urgings for a “CALL TO ACTION.”. Whether it’s been in a statement to “contact our state reps” or in bringing General Flynn’s encouragements for our involvement, your attempts at moving us beyond a simple “wake up” call to action steps are coming through loud and clear. Personally, I’ve been in a massive soul searching expedition since the November election. I’ve made mental notes on what I’m doing, what I’m not doing, what I could be doing, and what I should be doing. I’ve thought a lot about my own community, the opportunities at my disposal, and where I might have the best impact. No matter how much or little steps I’ve already got underway, I want to challenge myself to press farther and do more. Thank you for trying to encourage, to press and to challenge us. Your efforts are not being missed. I will take them to heart, take them to prayer, and then take them to action. Together, we can make a positive difference and never surrender to the evil devices pressing in on us. When God is for us, no man can stand against us. May all of us continuously strive to do more.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. A.R. Roberts says:

      God only helps those who help themselves. The solution here seems to be, “keep praying, keep praying. Pray, pray, pray. Jesus this and Jesus that.” Praying without action will get us nowhere. We prayed for DJT while the enemy rigged voting machines, threw out overseers, 1.5 billion in bribes to politicians in key states, and their Chicom allies tabulating our vote count from overseas. I’m sure the God fearing Christian people of Russia prayed up a storm, too, and look how that ended up. Millions slaughtered in unspeakable ways. If anyone here wants a glimpse into what communists do to Christians they should read Alexsandr Solzenitzen’s Gulag Archipelago. “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition,” that’s how men like my father won WW2. Unfortunately most of our enemies are domestic now.

      Sorry, Diane, I like your positive attitude and I like reading your opinions but this is just how I see it. I think the only solution is a divorce from Blue cities and or states. Let them destroy themselves. We can’t, to use the neo-lib description, “Coexist” with their culture because they won’t allow us to coexist with them. However, they are fine coexisting with illegal alien murderers, Muslim extremists, drugs and needles and human waste on the streets, and pedophile scum. Isolate them. Let them have their open border utopia anything goes Babylonian Sodom and Gomorra while we eat popcorn and watch the show.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. We all must unite and stand together. When we put aside the things that are of little value such as arguing over small things…and join together against the giant out to oppress us, with the Lord at the helm, using the full armor of God, then there shall be a moving, a great moving. Then shall our nation begin to heal and change. We have a scourge approaching…be prepared for the Lord shall protect and pass over his sheep, his children. Amen.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ri-chard says:

        Dianne, unite and stand together sounds ideal. I see especially now in the inner cities of many States across America, generations of young people and adults that are products of government and union run schools that farm children for being dependent wards of the State, and deviants from moral society norms. Naturally add to that count their parents and grandparents that were taught the same fictions.. And they all believe it ok, that’s the way it is because the authorities said it was.. It’s not their fault, they were farmed before the age of reasoning.
        Being realistic, how do you debrief the millions? I have never had any luck with telling someone everything you think to know is a lie, could be a lie, maybe a lie or is and outright lie..
        Good grief people won’t even ask their doctors these questions about the Covid vaccine.
        Will this shot make me immune?
        Will I have to keep wearing a mask after the shot?
        If this shot harms me are you, the hospital, or the manufacturer libel?

        I trust those that comment here know the answers to these questions.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. The building blocks are the voters. They have the ability to make big changes. We need to redo everything that has been corrupted. Start by boycotting what is corrupted. For example…fake news. Build up the news channels…by making more of them that tell truth. Stop censored social media sites…no audience but the lost is what they will have, and they don’t censor them because they as you said are already lost and don’t want to be found. Start writing the books of true history and end their liar history. Start films that are truth based, family oriented with morals and values – stop going to films that are dark and full of propaganda. Start a new thing where the old has been tarnished…stop buying fake process food start cooking at home, start a garden… start undoing the evil that has been done. Home school, or start new private schools. We have the power and we never used it. Start local think tanks on how to better our own communities. City councils are mostly corrupt. Avoid them and start community projects….make sure the crooks are no longer on those councils. Get involved where you can. We can’t all do the same things..but each can do what they know how to do. Accross America the meek of the nation needs to get involved. I’m not suggesting to march into unsafe areas with a megaphone….preaching. I am saying find local talent and use it. Be it people skills, or other skills and use them in a bigger way. God will open the doors. Instead of saying…we don’t have any good places for our kids to go…we step out and make good places for our kids to go. Mentor programs with good people to help teach creative thinking and true history, true discussions instead of just saying our kids are brainwashed….let’s un brainwash them. That is the grass roots action I see building up. Just saying.

        Liked by 2 people

  9. Terry says:

    When Jesus came became man and entered into human history, all the people were expecting him to overthrow Roman occupation and have him as a new King. But God has his own plans and came not to change governments but to change peoples hearts. before things can change, men must change, quote from Jesus of Nazareth movie. If this is in Gods plan what is going on then, perhaps we should look at the the way God has done things before, being the same God. Our lives on earth being a journey to where we will decide to be for eternity. Perhaps we won’t be rescued the way we think or hope, perhaps this is a situation, (once again) for us to make a change and fight for goodness and truth, for Godliness. Perhaps many of us will be persecuted or become martyrs. But if we run our race well, we will be judged well. This is not heaven, we have to remember that when we get discouraged by not seeing justice and truth in this life.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Maybe and I hear you cause lets not repeat the same mistake twice but I hope this is the grand finale of justice.
      38:1 Parable the first. When the congregation of the righteous shall be manifested; and sinners be judged for their crimes, and be troubled in the sight of the world – Enoch 1
      38:4 From that period those who possess the earth shall cease to be powerful and exalted. Neither shall they be capable of beholding the countenances of the holy; for the light of the countenances of the holy, the righteous, and the elect, has been seen by the Lord of spirits.
      Rev3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars-I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
      The Most High has talked a lot about this period. It was important to him, looked forward to it. Finally

      Liked by 3 people

  10. Robert Hughes says:

    Do you have any info on the outcome with SCOTUS today ?? Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: THE MARSHALL REPORTSent: Friday, February 19, 2021 4:10 AMTo: blueshoc@charter.netSubject: [New post] GENERAL FLYNN SHARES HIS TRUTH IN SPECIAL INTERVIEW ON ”HIS GLORY MINISTRY” The Marshall Report posted: " General Flynn was a guest on “His Glory Ministry” and offered the group and all their listeners an update on where America stands. General Flynn offered hard truths and encouraging words to Americans“ "Our nation i"

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ri-chard says:

        FYI; Tuesday, March 2, 2021 No. 19–1257. Mark Brnovich, Attorney General of Arizona, et al. v. Democratic National Committee, et al.; and No. 19–1258. Arizona Republican Party, et al. v. Democratic National Committee, et al. Certiorari to the C. A. 9th Circuit. For petitioners in 19–1258: Michael A. Carvin, Washington, D. C. For petitioners in 19–1257: Mark Brnovich, Attorney General, Phoenix, Ariz. For respondent Secretary Hobbs: Jessica R. Amunson, Washington, D. C. For respondents DNC, et al: Bruce V. Spiva, Washington, D. C. (Consolidated—1 hour for argument.)
        HearingList-February2021.pdf (


  11. Ri-chard says:

    Dianne, you said “The building blocks are the voters” and our opponents say “No No it’s who counts the votes” and other say “No No it who prints the money”.. Our opponents want to farm more of our children by allowing 16 yr old’s to vote – who will they be taught/told to vote for?. We must learn to counter everything they do against us. They get to our children when they are young to program them. Isn’t more private schools a remedy for that?
    Maybe we need to tell more people to consider some reasons why they should not consent to masks, social distancing, vaccines giving them a free will choice they don’t know they have.

    My examples for how to counter some of the harms done to us.
    I personally choose to focus on educating our veterans with these truths because it is our veterans of America have sacrificed life, limb and family. This has caused children of past and present generations to suffer without fathers in their lives day to day, thereby distorting social structures and slowly transforming the foundations that were to bless us. I say, help us, help them, help the veterans and their families to receive what was promised and what should be, to correct the abuse that has been laid upon them by the persons claiming to care aka POLITICIANS. is another group I work with since 2015 doing legal research for knowledge about the American government people don’t know they have. Purpose is to legally seek freedoms that are recognized by the governments own laws. the bad guys tell us some truths never the whole truths or where to find them. At this point this group has about 4,000 opt ins, but are growing..

    The other group I work with is and old church group by introducing to them and their children what books were omitted by the Roman Empire, Holy Roman empire, Vatican and Holy See edited from the bible. This is now known to them as our human story having nothing to do with religion. Only what was written first.

    It’s a small part, but at 74 yrs old that is about as much as I can do.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ri-chard says:

        Dianne, how do we counter this. Part of the push for vaccines and the Great Reset is transhumanism. Merging man with machine to control thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. Don’t think it is real? AT&T already has an approved patent to tie humans with machines.
        DID YOU KNOW:
        There is actually a political party called the US Transhumanist Party. Here is a branch in California. Learn to read between the lines. SUPER LONGEVITY is on of their goals……think about how that is to be accomplished. They use wonderful sounding words to hide the true intent of this group. They try to make you think they are concerned with health and increasing longevity. That is the opposite of what they are all about. MACHINES live forever. They never get sick. They don’t need time off from work. They can work 24/7 for free. There is no pension, no health benefits. You must take EVERYTHING these communists say and understand what they really mean is completely the opposite of what they say. You will see mention to Julian Huxley. He was a flat out communist and a sick human being who believed in eugenics. This group pushes vaccines, many vaccines even if not proven to be safe.

        The US Transhumanist Party website

        The TRANSHUMANISM PARTY BILL OF RIGHTS. After you read this there will be no doubt in your mind what this group is all about.

        The US Transhumanist Constitution. They have actually run candidates under this party in California.

        States that have an established party and allies

        Liked by 1 person

      2. My posts in March and April on covid reflect exactly all you say. In May and June too. It fell on deaf ears. But…I believe it has to get worse for others to see. God has this, so do the white hats in the military. I still believe there are things taking place we cannot see based on Pompeo’s work up to the last day in office. It will turn quickly and it will get ugly, but it will end well.


  12. Ri-chard says:

    Cognitive Dissonance is one of the world’s worse diseases, it feeds the useful idiots. some people will have to hit the bottom of the trash heap before they look up to see the light. Or the likes of Noah’s cruse ship will again leave without them.


  13. Cradles says:

    Our Founding Fathers were Deists, they knew the problems that religions have been responsible for in other countries.. America is a nation of all belief systems not just Christian & Catholics. We need to include all spiritual systems Instead of wasting time debating only the Christian religion
    and the Bible, Instead we need to stay more positive like DJT.

    INDEED,, POSITIVE THOUGH IS VERY POWERFUL. Concentrate on what we ACTUALLY have going for us. Stop the defeatist fear thinking,. Know that DJT understands very well – The Art Of War by Sun Tzu. . As well as prayer, apply more intent on what each of us can contribute to red pill the dark thinkers. Help a Dem. get red pilled with just a very few words; i.e. ‘Its not your fault you’re so ignorant–you’ve been socially engineered to choose dark side.’ & ‘EVIL HAS WITHIN IT SELF THE MEANS OF IT’S OWN DESTRUCTION.. Say no more, – walk away. But, If positive, have them ponder on the power of LOVE and the GOLDEN RULE. and read all one can by THOMAS PAINE. Especially AGE OF REASON and COMMON SENSE, a 47-page pamphlet. I have had to be patient but I’ve been able to red pill a few.
    Know that Deism is natural religion and the acceptance of a certain body of religious knowledge that is inborn in every person or that can be acquired by the use of reason and the rejection of religious knowledge when it is acquired through either revelation or the teaching of any church.


    1. Ri-chard says:

      I think if you study the founding fathers you will find they were much different men than you were taught. How many masters can one serve if the swear on the Masonic Bible taking the Masonic oath and have titles of nobility. King George received his title “Arch-treasurer” and “Prince Elector” from the Pope
      1781 General Cornwallis (33 degree Mason) told General Washington (33 degree Mason) what would become of America through the deceit of a false religion. This was the foundation for implementing Deep State. And Washington did nothing.. In fact he didn’t create as the winner of the war a Doctrine of Conquest claiming all the spoils of war the Patriots fought for. Therefore they lost the right to vote, own their lands with free and clear title, lost their choice of Rule of Law and the choice of banking, currency and commerce practices.
      Washington in fact allowed King George to dictate the terms for ending the war in his 1783 Treaty of Peace. And that Treaty was negotiated by Ben Franklin (33 degreed Mason and Esquire)

      The English snookered the Patriots and the Colonist that sought their true freedom from the Crown. So here we are today, a nation asleep, comfortable, complacent and compliant with the status quo.

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      1. Yes. It didn’t just start in 1871, It began with the first treaty and the Virginia Company, removing the British East India Company and making it the UNITED STATES, COMPANY. It makes me wonder if it was simply a name change and all East India Operations continued the same with a few adjustments? What we are undertaking now is the real revolutionary war…if we lose… I don’t even want to imagine it.

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  14. Ri-chard says:

    Dianne, don’t forget the business venture claims made by the King in his 1606 First Virginia Charter. He claimed a share of all the Gold, Silver and Copper found in America. This was never made void.
    Following the English money snooker, it is good to read the whole report but here’s a snippet.
    On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON.
    The petition for Articles of Impeachment was thereafter referred to the Judiciary Committee and has


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