It should be readily apparent to any rational person that the coronavirus vaccine is a global depopulation bioweapon that’s designed to injure, kill or make infertile billions of human beings. Anyone who takes the coronavirus vaccine is begging for vaccine-assisted suicide.” stated Mr Petrovsky. From the Article titled, “The coronavirus vaccine is a global depopulation bioweapon | HIV protein fragments intentionally added to coronavirus vaccines” December 11, 2020 by Mike Adams. (Natural News) The coronavirus vaccine is a global depopulation bioweapon. People injected with covid-19 vaccines are suddenly testing positive for HIV.

Australia ends COVID-19 vaccine trials after participants develop  antibodies for HIV, World News |

Mr Petrovsky told The Australian the problem with the use of HIV was clear in the ‘hamster and mouse data’ but his advice was ignored. He said  the early data suggested the vaccine itself was quite unstable.

Covid’s spike proteins, like most surface viral proteins, are fairly unstable. To ensure that the vaccine induced the right immune response, the clamp chosen comprises two fragments of a protein found in HIV, as those fragments provided the greatest stability to the vaccine.

This gives the appearance that they’re using HIV components in the vaccine on purpose and this is why it’s triggering the HIV “positive” test results. In other words, they aren’t false positives at all. They’re detecting the HIV components that are being deliberately put into the coronavirus vaccine.

Technically, it would be accurate to state that the coronavirus vaccine is using “HIV protein fragments” as a deliberate component of the vaccine.

Although the study was retracted after it attracted heavy criticism from experts on social mediaLuc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize winning French virologist himself confirmed the conclusions of the study.

The study concluded that it is because of these 4 new AIDS like insertions in Coronavirus that the virus jumped to humans originally known only to infect animals.

These proteins are critical for the viruses to identify and latch on to their host cells and for viral assembly. Since surface proteins are responsible for host tropism, changes in these proteins imply a change in host specificity of the virus. According to reports from China, there has been a gain of host specificity in case 2019-nCoV as the virus was originally known to infect animals and not humans but after the mutations, it has gained tropism to humans as well.Australia Scraps Billion Dollar Coronavirus Vaccine After Participants Test HIV Positive | GreatGameIndia

So people who are lining up to be injected with the coronavirus vaccine may be volunteering to be injected with HIV protein fragments.

But anyone who mentions this will of course be instantly deplatformed on all the social media platforms, even when it’s 100% true!

The last number of vaccines that I’ve heard that are in the works to give to the 7 billion on the planet was 116. None of the Big Pharma makers of these have any responsibility to the recipient of the vaccine if something goes wrong and/or if the recipient has a crippling side affect or death. The vaccines are paid for by governments and will be given/mandated to their citizens. It may start out by choice, but if Gates and Fauci get their way – they will be mandated for every person or you will not be able to be a part of society. At least that is what it sounds like for you won’t be able to travel or have a license to drive your car, go to work, buy groceries, be in public, etc.. That is the doomsday scenario for those who resist and decide not to take a vaccine that is not proven to help you but now proven to cause HIV in those taking it in Australia. Among other bad side affects in other areas of the globe.

But fear not, the Australia Government threw out the Billion Dollar Coronavirus Vaccine after participants tested HIV Positive.

As reported via Great Game India:

Australia Abandons Local COVID-19 Vaccine After False Positive HIV Results  | HuffPost Australia
Australia’s Minister for Health Greg Hunt (left), Prime Minister Scott Morrison (right) and Australia’s Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy (centre) during a press conference in the Prime Ministers courtyard on December 11, 2020 in Canberra, Australia. Clinical trials of a COVID-19 vaccine being developed by the University of Queensland in partnership with biotech company CSL will be abandoned, after the Federal Government had committed to purchasing, and agreements had been made to secure 51 million doses of the vaccine.

The Australian Government has scrapped a billion dollar coronavirus vaccine agreement with Australian biotech company CSL Limited to supply 51 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by the University of Queensland after several trial participants returned false positive HIV test results.Australia Abandons Local COVID-19 Vaccine After False Positive HIV Results | HuffPost Australia (

So as we await to see who shall be the first to get the vaccine, what you can expect from it is a type of universal grab bag. Will you have Bells Palsy like some have experienced, or will you test HIV positive? What’s in your vaccine is a mystery and you aren’t supposed to ask. You are supposed to line up and take the injection and then they will watch you like a lab mouse in real time.

Do you feel safe America? Well, do ya? One thing is true, the poor Karen’s of the world will rue the day they couldn’t wait to take it. That I know.

Dianne Marshall


  1. John Smith says:

    This isn’t what Trump wanted, he wanted to rush it through approvals, but to use shortcuts that would lead to this kind of bullcocky or it even to be intentionable, sounds like a set up for sure against Trump and an actual setup for depopulation, in other words “Rigged” like our elections and many others around the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Australia is doing their own vaccine deals. There are over 116 vaccines being made at this time according to Dr. Tenpenny. Trump is not using any of those. And he is sending his to the military for them to examine them before any are released. The madness being reported is the rest of the world and Gates, WHO et al. Yet, the big pharma are making most all of them. I don’t trust any of them not even Trump’s. I hope he has the military do accurate checks. I am not taking any of it. It doesn’t stop you from getting sick so why take it? The pharma companies get to experiment on you with no compensation if you die. Of which 6 in the Australian testing have. I’m sure there are more. Nothing is reported accurately. It’s all censored.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Jan Palmer says:

      It’s made to appear as a setup. Trump is one of the enemy too. One of the enemy’s most favored tools is confusion. Keeping you blind to the truth.


    1. What they just proved in their defense statements is that testing positive for COVID doesn’t mean you have it either and the entire thing is a farce. But, what they aren’t telling is HIV pieces are used in the vaccine so you are getting injected with it and what they found are many people can’t fight it off. Read some of the links in the article- it is an eye opener.


    2. trnathens says:

      You guys, PLEASE watch THIS and SEND IT ALONG! It EXPLAINS what’s going on and WHY
      It’s a combo of religion and politics. CAN’T be avoided. Toxic combo, AND WE’RE SEEING WHY RIGHT NOW!!


      1. Jan Palmer says:

        There is no Jesus. There is only one God, the Father Almighty. Worshipping Jesus is idolatry.

        “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”  Num 23:19 (KJV)

        “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:”  Deu 6:4 (KJV)

        Isa 45:5  I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:
        Isa 45:6  That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.
        Isa 45:7  I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.


      2. Florida Gal says:

        John 14:8-10 Philip said to Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?


  2. John Smith says:

    Oh sh*t, that is an eye opener, I haven’t had covid-19, been tested in July as negative by my company, and definitely not taking a vaccine whatsoever either, thanks for being very informative Dianne, I appreciate your investigative journalist approach and your articals, many of us can’t find so much of this information, I just hope Trump changes all of that crap when he wins his second term and I also hope he gets rid of all crap that makes him look like a complete farce like SNL as well as other idiots and shiws that doesn’t give our president respect like any president deserves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. trnathens says:

      You guys, PLEASE watch THIS and SEND IT ALONG! It EXPLAINS what’s going on and WHY
      It’s a combo of religion and politics. CAN’T be avoided. Toxic combo, AND WE’RE SEEING WHY RIGHT NOW!!


  3. Linda Salerno says:

    Bobby, why would president allow his people to get this vaccine, this part I don’t understand, unless it is nothing but saline as mentioned in Ward video?What are your feelings on this.

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m thinking so the world will believe he’s going along, (disinformation) but when the time comes and the military examines them and finds the fault in them, he has evidence they plotted to kill Americans or scammed us and takes Big Pharma down.


      1. If he trusted the pharma co. he wouldn’t be sending it to military for examination first.I believe he has his own team looking at all this and he is playing Gates and CDC like a fiddle. They are so excited the sales are billions with no responsibility for side affects they are too stupid to look at the major bust about to hit them in the head.


  4. Bobby says:

    I had a barrel of shots in the Army in 1967. I don’t believe they were trying to disable or kill us back then at Ft. Campbell. I am worried about the tetanus booster I got in the early 1990’s though. I’ll never take another.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. shan says:

    I spoke with a Christian Rabbi today who told me they’re using witchcraft on the masses to induce them to take the vaccine. Something is going on because people are brainwashed and foolish. You try warning them and they act like YOU”RE the one crazy!

    “He who refuses to listen after many rebukes will suddenly be broken beyond remedy…”

    Liked by 1 person

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