Cruz legislation Attacks Home Schooling – In Lockstep With United Nations One World Education!

Senator Cruz is at it again saying one thing and pushing a secret agenda. This time it involves you and your kids. His Proposed Bill, S306 “Enhancing Educational Opportunities for all Students Act” offers what is called Title 1 Money to all parents who home school. What he isn’t telling you is – all Title 1 Money comes with a string attached….that string is Federal Control over your choice in how your child is educated.

We are now learning that every thing Cruz presents needs to be lifted up and looked under, as well as shaken up to see what might fall out or crawl out because he sure isn’t going to tell you.

In a nut shell Ted Cruz’s Federal Education “Choice” is a deceptive term that really means your choice to home school will now fall under the classification of “private school” with all the Federal bells and whistles tacked on the end, including the United Nations mandates of cooperation for world education. (more on that later)

Now that we are aware of how Rafael Cruz always announces his seedy hidden agenda programs as though they each were the staff of life….we know how to read between the lines. But in his case we now know to always check the amendments he tags on to the end at the last minute. 


“The rich and middle class have had school choice from the beginning of time,” said Sen. Cruz. “This fight is about ensuring that every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, or zip code has the same opportunity to choose the school that best fits their needs and will help them achieve their very best. I am proud to work with Sen. Lee and Congressman Messer on this legislation to give more and more kids hope and opportunity for a better life.”

The Enhancing Educational Opportunities for All Act would:

  • Allow Title I funds to follow low-income students to any public or private school of their choice.
  • Remove contribution limitations on Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, the lone tax break available to parents for K-12 expenses.
  • Expand “529” Savings Accounts to cover K-12 elementary and secondary education expenses, giving families yet another option to pay for K-12 educational expenses.

Sounds good, but by now most all are aware of how Rafael Cruz always announces his seedy hidden agenda programs as though they were each the staff of life. We all now know we must read between the lines, and when it’s a bill, we must always check every word and the amendments he tags on at the end.

Now please remember last October Cruz said in an interview on Beck’s The Blaze, “I’m not remotely pushing for homeschool to be reclassified in any way, shape or form.” If this is so Cruz, why didn’t you explain about Title 1 funding?

I’ll explain it.

In an amendment at the end of the bill Cruz attaches S 306, Section I, Title I Portability under ESEA are state plans for standards, testing, and accountability which is referenced in Sen. Ted Cruz’s bill. A Title I child accepting funds to implement a federal education program is considered a recipient of federal financial assistance. (This will effectually mandate Common Core to every private school accepting the enrolled Title I funded portability child and any child home schooled.) So now how do you like his Title 1?

Read the entire bill and the amendments made by Cruz here:

With the additional proposed Bill, S 306, Cruz forms a tight fist of Federal control over all private, religious, and homeschools, and dictates Common Core Equitably to ALL schools in America .

But, when you read what is stated on Sen. Ted Cruz’s website, as always, he paints a different picture:

Sen. Cruz Joins as Lead Cosponsor of Messer-Lee-Cruz Bill to Expand School Choice EVERY CHILD MUST HAVE HOPE AND OPPORTUNITY FOR A BETTER LIFE.

January 29, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today joined as lead cosponsor of the Enhancing Educational Opportunities for All Act, which was introduced by Sen. Mike Lee, R-Ut….

“The rich and middle class have had school choice from the beginning of time,” said Sen. Cruz. “This fight is about ensuring that every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, or zip code has the same opportunity to choose the school that best fits their needs and will help them achieve their very best. I am proud to work with Sen. Lee and Congressman Messer on this legislation to give more and more kids hope and opportunity for a better life.” 

The Enhancing Educational Opportunities for All Act would: 

  • Allow Title I funds to follow low-income students to any public or private school of their choice.
  • Remove contribution limitations on Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, the lone tax break available to parents for K-12 expenses.
  • Expand “529” Savings Accounts to cover K-12 elementary and secondary education expenses, giving families yet another option to pay for K-12 educational expenses.

Cruz’s interest in education equality are the same goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development goals for education for the 21st century. (Agenda 21).  The original bill by Messer did not have the mandates, Cruz added to it. It seems Cruz has a pattern of eyeing others work and adding his poison pen ink at the end.  Either to make an awful thing pass, or kill a good thing.  What else could you call it?

His tight control over what is taught at home and in all schools, religious, private, public are in lock step with the US participation Obama has linked America to as a member state to serve as ‘Champion Countries’ for GEFI. Their role is to catalyze political and financial support for education among governments.

The Youth Advocacy Group (YAG), comprised of young people from around the world, promotes the priorities of youth and GEFI activities and messages.

As the GEFI Secretariat, UNESCO provides overall support to the Initiative

“The future belongs to young people with an education and the imagination to create. If we want America to lead in the 21st century, nothing is more important than giving everyone the best education possible – from the day they start preschool to the day they start their career.”  –  President Barack Obama

As a Champion Country for the Global Education First Initiative (GEFI), the United States puts education at the top of the public agenda, to advance quality education for all as a driver for socio-economic opportunity, peace and security. It joins other governments and partners to promote strategic investment in education, expand the use of educational technologies, and drive initiatives that enhance global citizenship.

In order to bring the world together under one umbrella, the agenda is to start with our youth at home and insure they all learn the same things and above all learn not to question and only to memorize what they are supposed to be taught. Yes it does sound a lot like a brave new world, but isn’t that what globalist are creating?

Well, here is the proof in the pudding, so to speak for we see President Obama’s Equity Plan called for each and every child: A STRATEGY FOR EDUCATION EQUITY AND EXCELLENCE. See Link:

“The time has come for bold action by the states—and the federal government—to redesign and reform the funding of our nation’s public schools. Achieving equity and excellence requires sufficient resources that are distributed based on student need, not zip code, and that are efficiently used.” – President Obama

The World Bank’s new Education Strategy lays out a ten-year agenda focused on the crucial goal of “learning for all”. (yes you heard that right), World Bank is also involved in your educational goals America. Think Goldman’s Robert Zolieck, former head of World Bank, who Heidi Cruz was his Special Assistant when he was Ambassador Trade Representative in the Bush Administration, and her boss at Goldman Sachs. The bottom line: Invest early, invest smartly, and invest for all. The strategy draws on consultations with governments, development partners, students, teachers, researchers, civil society, and business representatives from more than 100 countries.

To the UN youth are a resource to be harnessed. So they can build their empires and have their labor force. A happy labor force.

Where this all sounds very good….the danger is in mandates, control, and human herding, i.e.: Creating a world of memorizers – not thinkers. Government control over the minds of our children directed and controlled from the cradle to the grave is not a better world. It is a world of worker bees for those who allow themselves to think….and not be categorized among those who are only allowed to memorize. Mainly two class distinctions. Those who are of privilege and allowed to think, and those who are human functionality task performers only allowed to memorize that which shall enhance their assigned careers.

For those who are not aware, the United Nations is now in charge of all textbooks for every nations educational system, class room and online, including the United States. McGraw Hill is the writer for the New World Order Educational system.

The United States is also a contributor and Board Member of the Global Partnership for Education and the OECD DAC, actively promoting aid effectiveness in education and playing a role in the monitoring and evaluation process. The world is all learning the exact same thing and following along in the exact program to direct the masses.

Which brings us full circle back to Cruz and his marvelous bill “Enhancing Educational Opportunities for all Students Act”.

“Accordingly, this commission believes the time has come for bold action by the states—and the federal government—to redesign and reform the funding of our nation’s public schools.

…and develops mechanisms that allow the federal government to MONITOR and ENFORCE the ongoing performance of its new equity and excellence investments to make sure those investments are, in fact, enhancing student achievement.”- Senator Ted Cruz 

In closing I have one final thing to say. It is much easier to screw over America and deceptively push a globalist agenda when you are foreign born and have desired to rule the world from your youth, than if you are a natural born citizen.

Dianne Marshall

Another article just out.  He refers to a couple articles that took some flack, and he is writing his own opinion….guess he too agrees Cruz does not have the best interest of home schooling at heart.

139 thoughts on “Cruz legislation Attacks Home Schooling – In Lockstep With United Nations One World Education!

  1. phil fan says:

    ” It is much easier to screw over America and deceptively push a globalist agenda when you are foreign born and have desired to rule the world from your youth, than if you are a natural born citizen.”

    Ain’t that the truth? You think the founders had divided loyalties of those not born in the US (even of two citizens) in mind when they specified Natural Born Citizens only for President? I do and this is a perfect example of why the founders did so.

    Why this man is allowed to run along with Rubio is unbelievable…and sickening. Globalists want to rule and do not give a damn for our Constitution, culture or values. Limbaugh, Levin, the RNC, the media, etc do not GIVE a DAMN. I really do not understand or recognize America anymore sadly.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Debbie Tummins says:

      Nobody could recognize America anymore. That is why Ted Cruz is running, and YES HE IS eligible to run. He DOES care very deeply. These propaganda rags like this article are so very wrong about Ted Cruz. In Fact….Ted Cruz is very much in favor of home schooling especially the way the schools are not. COMMON CORE is DUMBING DOWN our kids. It is part of the New World Order. And it is teaching our kids anything BUT the truth about our history. They are pushing CC in all the schools where the kids are exposed to and EXPECTED to learn Muslim ways, Muslim religion, and even are made to conform to that in some schools and expelled if they refuse. What Ted is trying to do with the legislation is to STOP the government from DEMANDING that all kids go to public schools where the government can and does force the common core project. Ted is trying to make sure that the home school students are given the same treatment (as to what the schools get in the savings project and book and supplly fees as well as food for each day at school) that the kids in public school get, but LEAVE THEM ALONE about common core and allow the parents to teach their kids as they see fit and teach them the required courses in the general subjects that are required for graduation. Nothing more and nothing less. Ted Cruz wants people to be able to teach their young children at home, and spare them all the Common Core and Muslim influence being taught which is VERY MUCH against the Constitution. Please …..Stop listening to these people who are spinning things into something they certainly are not.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. s.c. says:

        Debbie, all you have done is re-hash the advantages of home-schooling, without mentioning the clause Cruz threw into the bill that makes Home-Schooling subject to the Control and Whims of Common Core. Address the truth about the “Ted Cruz Version” of home-schooling, and we will discuss and engage with you on that topic. Otherwise you have wasted your time….We don’t believe you.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Rags like this article? Really? You obviously need to read the rag again and click on a few of the substantive links. Especially the link that contains Ted’s bill. Here, I’ll make it easy for you. You will see that he has very cleverly hidden his real agenda…….yet it is right in your face. Note his bill to amend the legislature by Messer- which did not have this amending ax hidden with in it, has now made home schooling under all the mandates of a private school. NOTE:

        (C)Private school.—

        For purposes of this section, the term ‘private school’ includes any home school that meets the requirements of State law applicable to such home schools, whether or not such school is deemed a private school for purposes of State law.

        His amended bill contains many hidden mandates- all which must be adhered to under – Title I of the ESEA portability of which now home schooling would be classified as a private school and subject to all requirements. Even subject to federal inspections on a regular basis. Do not be deceived by the lies. Read the fine print in the devil’s contract.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. On the outside Ted wants you to believe it is in the best interest for equality etc. Messer’s Bill was all those things until Cruz added his bill to amend Messer’s bill. By adding S 306, Section I, Title I Portability under ESEA is “amended by adding to the end” of which are state plans for standards, testing, and accountability which is referenced in Sen. Ted Cruz’s bill. A Title I child accepting funds to implement a federal education program is considered a recipient of federal financial assistance. This will effectually mandate Common Core to every private school accepting the enrolled Title I funded portability child.

        Why? Because Cruz also included within his bill a clause specifically pointing out that home schooling would now be as any private school.

        From his bill: (C)Private school.—

        For purposes of this section, the term ‘private school’ includes any home school that meets the requirements of State law applicable to such home schools, whether or not such school is deemed a private school for purposes of State law.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. His Proposed Bill, S306 “Enhancing Educational Opportunities for all Students Act” offers what is called Title 1 Money to all parents who home school. What he isn’t telling you is – all Title 1 Money comes with a string attached….that string is Federal Control over your choice in how your child is educated.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. phil fan says:

        Cruz is a Canadian citizen NOT eligible to run for President. You support a fraud and would have us do so. Cannot take anything you say seriously, indeed it is therefore highly suspect. Fail you, fail the Canadian

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Debbie, Your most loving Cruz has just screwed you and home schooling over while giving you a kiss. You are typical of the average person who believes and doesn’t look at the fine print then after the time comes to read the fine print….you have already been screwed. In this case you were Cruzed.


      7. Ted Cruz is a wolf in sheep’s clothing – nothing more – and certainly nothing less. He is an opportunist who is creative at twisting the truth and hiding agendas into bills he says he does not support but his wording proves otherwise. You say you do not recognize America anymore – well on that one statement we totally agree! Everything else is smoke and mirrors! No one recognizes America anymore because people like Cruz and the rest of the cabl want to turn it into Amerika. He and the rest have NO HONOR and are ALL sold out to special interest and the puppet masters. Wake up and open your eyes – Cruz is a monumental POS who cares for nothing and no one but himself and his puppet masters. Before you respond – follow the money – see who it is who is financing his campaign. Maybe then you will see that your “lotalty” to this liar and cheat are grossly misplaced.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Carol says:

        Debbie, you are SO right.
        Parrots can’t back it up with actual FULL facts. Like Micheal Moore, chop & hack till you get your lie to seem almost possible. It never ceases to amaze me,when presented with real facts, they hold their ears or just flat out don’t care.
        Just fabricated crap from a failed journalist blogger.


      9. KATHY says:

        Debbis Tummins. Boy have you been PUNKED… You did not do your research when it came to Cruz…

        B-1 VISA’S:


    2. hbaird says:

      Home School Legal Defense Association supports this legislation! It is a pro-homeschool bill.

      “This is where Senators Mike Lee (UT), Ted Cruz (TX), and Mike Crapo’s (ID) bill, S. 306, comes into play. This bill defines homeschools as private schools, only for the purpose of allowing them to use Coverdell ESAs.

      Because Coverdell ESAs do not use government funds (your own money, in your own savings account, remember?), HSLDA wants homeschoolers to have the same tax-free savings for qualified expenses as every one else.

      In other words, S. 306 seeks to treat homeschoolers fairly.”

      Get the whole story, please, before you attack legislators trying to fight for homeschool education! For an accurate account of this bill, please read more at this link:

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The Home School Legal Defense Association supported the Messer bill. It was a good bill. See if they have seen the Cruz bill that amends the Messer bill, that is being revealed here. I do not think they do….if they do then question if the establishment has infiltrated them as well. Time will tell if this passes what problems will arise.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. KATHY says:





        B-1 VISA’S:







  2. Mike says:

    Couldn’t have said it better myself!

    What is becoming of the country is discusting!

    And the fact such a high percentage of the citizenry is either in the dark or denial is hard to fathom.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Dianne, you are undoubtedly one of the best researcher/bloggers on the web and I am doing everything I can to promote your efforts. This is amazing. I deplore Common Core, Collectivism, and Ted Cruz and his entire evil family. His poor children! Our poor children!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. G Easley says:

    Superbly done Dianne, as always! This example of Cruz’s duplicity would make a great campaign video. I sent it to Trump as well. Trump needs to focus more on policy for now and let Cruz and Rubio destroy each other. Trump will need a landslide victory just to defeat the GOPe fraud that is yet to come. What we saw in Iowa is just the tip of the iceberg and no one will go to jail for it. It’s our race to lose as well. This is our last chance to save the nation.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hmmm…the way I read it- it is still a choice. Parents can continue to educate their kids the way they are now, be it sending them to a private school or Public and even homeschool. Those in poverty are already in Public Schools and those in Private Schools- parents can afford it. I homeschool mine and do not plan on getting any funding. Please show me where in that bill that the gov plan on controlling homeschoolers?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Note his bill to amend the legislature by Messer- which did not have this amending ax hidden with in it, has now made home schooling under all the mandates of a private school. NOTE:

      (C)Private school.—

      For purposes of this section, the term ‘private school’ includes any home school that meets the requirements of State law applicable to such home schools, whether or not such school is deemed a private school for purposes of State law.

      His amended bill contains many hidden mandates- all which must be adhered to under – Title I of the ESEA portability of which now home schooling would be classified as a private school and subject to all requirements. Even subject to federal inspections on a regular basis. Do not be deceived by the lies. Read the fine print in the devil’s contract.

      S 306, Section I, Title I Portability under ESEA is “amended by adding to the end” of which are state plans for standards, testing, and accountability which is referenced in Sen. Ted Cruz’s bill. A Title I child accepting funds to implement a federal education program is considered a recipient of federal financial assistance. This will effectually mandate Common Core to every private school accepting the enrolled Title I funded portability child.

      Senator Ted Cruz supports “CHOICE” as a Presidential candidate, and he would allow “CHOICE” Title I funds to “follow the child” to any public school or private school. But this is phony choice! It is government-controlled choice! It means that a private school must accept a “low income” child with federal Title I funds in their ESA. In the past a private school could refuse Title I FUNDS. But now the money “follows the child.” If a private school refuses the child with the federal funds, that school will be sued under discrimination according to Civil Rights laws. Is this what Sen. Ted Cruz meant by choice being a “Civil Rights” issue? Everyone must comply to Common Core? It is exactly like the New World Order education.

      The hidden restrictions within the act are many and very cleverly disguised. Truly another Trojan horse.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Liz Eisele says:

    I just posted this on facebook after I read it. I am telling you, they are all in it together, which I really don’t get. Don’t they see what is happening in our USA? No wonder they hate Mr. Trump! I am also on Gary Forbes email and just got news that they were warned last week by a watchdog group about voter fraud. They have a letter from them but they are not sure about posting it because they are afraid it would damage voter moral
    for Trump. This is really a war! For my part, I am ready to fight. I already offered my services to them and am willing to do whatever I can to help. I may only be one person, but if ALL the one persons that are behind Mr. Trump stand up to do something, you can never tell what could happen!
    We cannot afford to lose this election to them. The “elite” republican establishment are right up there with Obama….Traitors in my book! Liz Eisele, Cape May County, NJ

    Liked by 2 people

      1. phil fan says:

        Cruzbot doth protest too much me thinks. Cruz supporters may be intentionally stupid but dang there are a lot of them.


    1. It is not false. Sorry but fact checkers are not always right. His Proposed Bill, S306 “Enhancing Educational Opportunities for all Students Act” offers what is called Title 1 Money to all parents who home school. What he isn’t telling you is – all Title 1 Money comes with a string attached….that string is Federal Control over your choice in how your child is educated.


      1. Remember for years fact checkers denied their was any New World Order….it was all conspiracy. At the very same time it was on the United Nations website and our own Presidents were talking about it. I wonder if fact checkers is still denying it today?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Texasthinker says:

        Hi Dianne,
        Wondering why a home school family would fall into the controls of Title 1 if the family pays for their own supplies etc? If a family does not use Gov funds then wouldn’t they be exempt? I am no fan of Cruz or CC.


    2. Lorietta, you are free to believe Cruz. I am free to research. I have found he says one thing and cleverly crafts another. As he did in his bill to amend what was once a great bill. Now homeschool is the same as private school to receive federal funds. Those that do so will be mandated to abide by federal mandates to receive those funds. If the amended bill passes that Cruz wrote, home schoolers are screwed if they accept the funding. If not, they are still screwed because the Federally run education system has many bad things ahead. Like SAT scores, college acceptance etc. What needs to be abolished is common core…not slick willy amendments that abolish the nuts and bolts of home schooling.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. iampatrickhenry says:

    Show everyone who Canadian Ted Cruz is

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lowell says:

      The facts of this matter are quite simple. Cruz is a natural born citizen on the basis of his mother’s American citizenship. The very first Congress set the standard, and many of them had been members of the convention that WROTE the Constitution. They set the “natural born citizen” standard, and Cruz qualifies.

      What is not so simple is understanding why people who seem to oppose the policies of our current President are using his bogus disqualify-the-competition tactic, which he employed to get elected to the Illinois legislature. It reveals either an ignorance of the Constitution (like the Prez’s) or a willingness to deceive to achieve a political goal (also like the Prez’s). Get informed, folks, from good sources, and check your motives.


      1. phil fan says:

        Nonsense. Cruz is at best a “citizen at birth” due to assumed citizenship of his mother (no proof) at his birth abroad IF (no proof) she filled out required paperwork w/ US embassy in Canada to report his birth to US authorities. Where is the proof this happened? You are trying to justify Cruz supposed eligibility based on no evidence and contrary to the constitutional definition of Natural Born Citizen = Child born on US soil to 2 US citizens. I will not make such assumptions nor should anyone else.


    1. So they are saying that the Tital 1 money provision is neutral to home schooled children? They had best look again. He specifically stated in his bill that home schooling is now classified as Private school. Just saying, that is what his bill states.
      C)Private school.—

      For purposes of this section, the term ‘private school’ includes any home school that meets the requirements of State law applicable to such home schools, whether or not such school is deemed a private school for purposes of State law.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. His Proposed Bill, S306 “Enhancing Educational Opportunities for all Students Act” offers what is called Title 1 Money to all parents who home school. What he isn’t telling you is – all Title 1 Money comes with a string attached….that string is Federal Control over your choice in how your child is educated.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Or maybe they haven’t seen his amendment? Just the Messer bill of which Cruz, as usual jumped on to co sponsor after it was written. Taking the credit for Messer’s work. As he has a history of doing. Then putting his poison pen amendment at the end of it. You will see. The hard way.


  8. Benecia Fowler says:

    HSLDA’s Position:

    A Coverdell ESA is an investment tool for parents seeking to save money for their children’s education related expenses, such as tuition, books, and supplies. This type of account is advantageous because its interest and distributions (withdrawals) are tax-free.

    Unlike various government voucher programs, Coverdell ESAs are personal savings accounts that do not use government funds. Instead, a Coverdell operates analogous to a Roth IRA. That is, after-tax money is placed by an individual in their own account, where the money can grow, collect interest, and be withdrawn for eligible education expenses without additional taxes being paid.

    The Coverdell ESA can be used to pay for a child’s eligible education expenses. Currently, eligible expenses only include public and private school expenses. This means that only homeschool students in states which define a homeschool a private school can use the Coverdell ESA for educational expenses.

    S. 306 would open Coverdell ESA accounts to homeschool families by including homeschool expenses as an eligible educational expense.



  9. phil fan says:

    The Cruz efforts to subvert the US continue with the fraudulent election in IOWA where he should NOT have been allowed to run.Election trying to be stolen by Cruz with assistance of Rep. Steve King and the RNC. These results should be voided. Now weasel Ted the Canadian wants to destroy our right to choose home schooling as we have known it. Disgusting and disgraceful. Cruz is an evil man, a foreigner our founders warned us about and specifically EXCLUDED from attaining POTUS. Cruz is engaged in Sedition (undermining US Constitution) which carries a capital penalty.

    Cruz and his minions are funded by globalists. who want to destroy this country, culture, language, borders. BEWARE of their LIES

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The main premise of this article is completely correct. Did you read your link? It states specific problems that will disadvantage home schooled children who are not taught common core. And specifically those who opt to not participate in the funding….those that do take the funding will be at the federal regulations in the future. It stated: “there is no such protection for families who have enrolled their children in programs that receive federal funds, especially those who are using virtual charter schools that are run through the local public school for their home education.”

      It goes on to also state: “We fear that the Common Core will eventually impact homeschool and private school students by affecting college admissions standards. Institutions of higher education are being pressured to adapt their standards for college readiness to the Common Core standards. The National Governors Association, instrumental in writing the Common Core, compiled a guide for states to use while implementing the Common Core. The document emphasizes that the Common Core standards for college readiness will be used by institutions of higher learning to determine whether a student is ready to enroll in a postsecondary course.4 Achieve, one of the main organizations evaluating the Common Core, even exhorts institutions of higher education to revise their curricula to create “seamless transitions” from K–12 to postsecondary schools.

      It continues to express more concerns:

      “This concern is being realized in multiple states, including Illinois. In a 2012 policy brief, the Illinois State Board of Education emphasized the need to seamlessly connect high school and college education by streamlining the curriculum taught to high school seniors and college freshmen according to the Common Core.6 Though Illinois encouraged state universities to share with state high schools what kind of material students will be expected to know in their first year of college, nothing indicates that homeschools or private schools would be privy to the same information. This movement to standardize post-secondary academic standards reveals that the Common Core’s emphases and methods will permeate American education beyond elementary and secondary public schools.”

      Then comes more concerns:

      “The alignment of standardized tests with the Common Core may not seem alarming, because homeschool students consistently score much higher on standardized assessments than public school students. However, as information about the content of newly designed curriculum begins to surface, it is becoming clear that the Common Core’s focus on informational texts makes it easy to accentuate particular schools of thought.

      Students taking the redesigned SAT, ACT, or the Iowa Tests could soon encounter progressive ideologies including social engineering and alternative lifestyles. As Common Core expert Dr. Mary Brynes reminds us, “people who control the standards and control the assessments—the assessments are the key—they control education.”13 If private or homeschool students are not adherents to the Common Core, they could find themselves at a significant disadvantage come test time.”

      It is a growing cancer….when it gets big you will feel it, see it, and woe it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Those that accept the federal funding will have to abide by the federal mandates for education. Those that do not…will suffer from the long term side effects. There should have been an amendment allowing tax funds without federal guidelines for schools. There could have been, but Cruz specifically included home schools as private schools and smiled sincerely as he told everyone he was helping them. He LIED. HE DOWNRIGHT LIED!AND SCREWED HOME SCHOOLERS. He is bringing them into the fold.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. This post is wrong and doesn’t understand how amendments to laws work. The bill is amending 2 different laws. One law deals with Title 1 funding and the change has no impact on homeschoolers. The other change modifies how private school is defined in one section of the IRS code that deals with a tax advataged savings account. This change would make homeschooling expenses eligible for the account. So the things we buy to homeschool would be treated the same as if our kids were in public schools. It does not propose any strings or conditions. It would not and does not subject homeschoolers to common core or anything that this post suggests. And Cruz is a co-sponsor of the bill in the Senate. Messer introduced a similar bill in the House. Cruz isn’t amending anything. He and Messer introduced similar bills in different chambers. Cruz is in the Senate so he can’t amend a bill that is before the House.


    1. Oh Lordy… his bill. It specifically state at the very beginning:

      A BILL

      To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to encourage the use of 529 plans and Coverdell education savings accounts, and for other purposes.

      It is a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code …..that will allow the use of funds….. At the end of his own bill….he lists the amendments.

      ( b)Conforming amendments.—

      Section 529 of such Code is amended by striking “qualified higher education” each place it appears in subsections (b) and (c) and inserting “qualified education”.

      (c)Effective date.—

      The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2014
      The language in between explains the Title I of the ESEA portability which is the use of funds and the new rules he is amending. One which should trigger your attention is this:

      Title II

      Further Clarification of Coverdell Education Savings Accounts

      Sec. 201.Allowance of home school expenses as qualified education expenses for purposes of a Coverdell Education Savings Account

      (a)In General.—

      Paragraph (3) of section 530(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

      (C)Private school.—

      For purposes of this section, the term ‘private school’ includes any home school that meets the requirements of State law applicable to such home schools, whether or not such school is deemed a private school for purposes of State law.

      You will notice it states….”any home school that MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF STATE LAW APPLICABLE TO SUCH HOME SCHOOLS” of which this bill has now made your HOME SCHOOL A PRIVATE SCHOOL thereby to receive funds you must abide by FEDERAL MANDATES to receive such funds. That is the kicker. Those who do not accept funds are free to continue their education at home without having to adhere to the federal mandates.


      1. Bwitherell says:

        The funds would be funds that you the Coverdell account owner deposit. It’s not talking about federal money. A Coverdell is like a Roth IRA for school supplies. It has nothing to do with federal funds or federal manates. I’m not a supporter of any candidate, I just think, to quote Jefferson, “a well-informed electorate is a prerequisite to democracy.” And this thread isn’t well informed as it is inaccurate.


      2. I applaud your quote. Now please read the bill. I suggest you ask slick Cruz what federal funding is and why he made the amendment to include it in the bill he just wrote. Why did he even have to bother with writing it in the first place if you get all that. Hello??????


      3. Bwitherell says:

        Plus homeschoolers are not entitled to federal funds. So I’m not following how you are connecting the two. The bill omits good for us, not bad. And I take issue with this type of spreading of misinformation and lathering people against something that isn’t true.


  11. Lowell says:

    I read the bill, the whole bill, and what you are saying is not true. Re: homeschoolers, Cruz’s amendment merely allows money from Coverdell education savings accounts to be spent for home school expenses. That is not government money, and it comes with no strings attached. I don’t know what your agenda is; I have read several of your pieces and you seem to be very pro-Trump, and perhaps you see Cruz as his biggest challenger. Whatever your loyalty, your piece on this issue is wrong, slanderously wrong, and should be corrected/retracted.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. phil fan says:

    But Dianne Cruz trolls come on everywhere and assure us there is nothing to see, no need to worry. What’s the problem? sarc/

    Luckily we have your analysis to get the facts out to us! Good job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so done with Cruz bots on this topic. They fall for Cruz because they either are blinded or they have no comprehension skills to understand what they are reading. They will read a page and just like those who have selective listening…they do selective reading and it is to their folly. I don’t have a horse in this race as far as home schooling…I sometimes question if it allows for social interaction and the skills needed to get along in the real world. In this I mean, I have witnessed well adjusted home schooled teens in situations with big communication gaps. But, with today’s common core, bully issues and some schools having out right battles zones I understand it. I am for getting rid of the corruption in our school systems and restore us to the educational system before children became wards of the state and Horace Mann started the Prussian school system of which all of this is the end result of. It is a fact that our educational system is not designed to teach critical thinking, it is designed to breed memorizers. Of which I am finding many good examples of that in both Hillary and Cruz supporters. What is needed is to allow our children the opportunity to think, of which home schooling allows that very wonderful freedom to do. Homeschoolers that I have seen are skilled in critical thinking.


      1. What? You are completely misinformed on the topic of homeschooling! Why even post about how Cruz is going to destroy it and that we should all listen, if you don’t even agree with homeschool to begin with? Also, as far as social skills go, I believe yours could use some fine tuning: Is it really necessary to argue with every poster who disagrees with you? Why not be an adult and let your work speak for itself?

        Also, there’s an entire generation of grown homeschoolers out there and they’re doing just fine. Your ignorance on the topic is understandable, since you haven’t quite researched or fact checked it, apparently. I’m married to a man who was homeschooled, so please don’t even try to tell me that I’m wrong.


        Also, I cannot stand Ted Cruz, I don’t need this to tell me who or who not to vote for.


      2. You did not read what I said. I also said I know of two girls who were great with it and one became a foreign exchange student. My reference was not a statistic. It was that I knew of two from my clients, and two from my grand daughter’s friends. I also spoke of my own grandson’s trial of it due to bully reasons. I said I personally left it up to each to decide. Myself, I wasn’t for it but I understood why others were. And in cases where things are bad I am for it. I mainly believe it to be a case by case, and or personal preference decision of which I value that freedom. Do not take that to mean I am anti-home schooling. I did not say that. I am not a vegetarian, I like meat. But, I am not anti-vegetarian. There is a web of nice looking packages that are coming together very rapidly and it all has to do with sustainable development goals and new world order. Today the US signed us into TPP in New Zealand..this too is part of sustainable development goals. I am not for this as most who like America and its sovereignty are not either. All these things are coming together and they are being allowed by those who are presently in office. Cruz was responsible for only having to have 51 votes to get fast track pushed when he said he was against it. I can see where his new handiwork on this bill just undid what the Messer bill did without adding that home schooling will now be private schools and go by federal laws pertaining to them. I would love to be totally wrong on this. But, the facts are there in the article, links and all. Each can decide…this is a blog not Fox news. However, probably more factual and less spin that Fox would give it. The UN is already a part of home schooling. So…we will see what takes place. Abraham Lincoln one of the greatest president was self taught…not even home schooled. I am not nor ever did put down home schooling. NEVER. I love success stories where people defied the odds and won against the norm. I love this kid who is a young teen now who was told he would never learn. They had him in special ed. (the public school system of which I am not for common core at all, nor no child left behind)….anyway the kid quit and home schooled and started to think instead of memorize and learn and he is a genius. Brilliant. I was so excited at that I shared the story with my grandson who is self taught in many things. I love those who have acquired and achieved against the corrupt dummy down system and not another brick in the wall. When my son was getting his BA I kept telling him….memorize for the test, but never forget what the real facts and truth is. I am for truth all the way. Am I always right? No. Am I giving facts? Yes. Can anyone draw their own conclusions? Yes.


  13. Might I also remind you that part of the main premise was to let you all know that the United States educational system is signed on with the New World Order sustainable development for world education and our children are being indoctrinated into that educational system. All the text books of the world are authorized by the United Nations in alliance with McGraw Hill. They have been since around 2010. This includes all college and University texts, online study courses, online college courses and everything in the cloud. McGraw hill was bought out by Rockefeller and then low and behold next thing you know….they are now in charge of the education of all the schools in the world. Welcome to a bold new world.


    1. I was doing a book signing for my new release in 2010 “Sly Foxes, Wolves and Men – Is Marxism Growing In America?” A college professor came up and looked at my book and then he pointed to a different book off to the side on a rack. It happened to be Glenn Beck’s book “???something for Dummies? I forgot the first part of the title, probably on purpose”. He pointed and said very firm and disgustedly. “What makes your book different than that?” I looked and said….(just to be sure) “Which book?” He said, “Becks.” I said, “Because I research and finish telling you the facts and everything I am saying is sited with a government source, link, patent, or historical proof. Personally, what I don’t like about Beck…he begins to tell you a thing, then doesn’t finish it with all the sources. He leads you in a direction he wants you to go.” The man looked at me and smiled. He said, “I want to read your book.” He then shared that he was a college professor that had worked for McGraw Hill for years developing and approving college textbooks. And recently just as he retired McGraw Hill was sold to the United Nations. He said, he had recently retired but was called in to help with the United Nations world educational system. He shook his head and said in a very serious tone, “What they are doing with education is absolutely sinister. I have grand kids and I worry for them and future generations.” I asked, “what are they doing?” He answered, “They are erasing history, distorting facts, and ….it is sinister. I only hope next election we can elect someone who will get our education out of the UN.” (that was two years away from 2012). He said a few more things about how disgusted he was and looked through my book reading a few things. I stood there quiet. He looked up and smiled and said…”Looks good. I’m buying it. Good luck.” He turned and I said, “Excuse me.” He turned back around. I asked, “Why don’t you like Glenn Beck?” He answered, “He’s part of the problem.” I wondered about that as he left. Today, I know exactly what he meant.

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      1. Oh …when I got home I googled McGraw Hill, and it was exactly as he had said. I did a deeper search and discovered McGraw Hill had been sold as a subsidiary to one of the Rockefeller corporations. I googled around and it was just as he said. Not good at all. Many of the new College courses that required text books were now on line and professors could edit and rewrite what they were teaching. So the online textbooks were based on views of college professors and not history itself. It was more an ideology of philosophy being memorized by students to get their passing grades. It was shameful and as he put it succinctly….very sinister.


  14. DJ says:

    This article is ridiculous. First of all, Sen. Cruz said that he isn’t pushing to have home schooling redefined because it’s true. If anything, he has made an effort to redefine “private school”, which is not the same thing at all. Secondly, he does NOT have a hidden agenda. He was NOT being secretive about this bill or the “poisen pen” amendent at the last minute.” He has been upfront and honest about this bill. He has never tried to hide any truth about it. Maybe you are not aware of it, but amendments to bill are often written “last minute” and added on “last thing” because that is the definition of what an amendment is. Maybe you should go look up the definition of an amendment since you seem to be confused about it. Third, you don’t even BOTHER to mention in your article that Sen. Cruz only acted on this bill after carefully requesting advice and consulting with the HSLDA and Heritage Freedom. Isn’t this something we would want and expect from a good leader? Someone who would search out and seek the advice of others who are supposed to be governed by their faith and their convictions? If we should be mad at anyone, it should be the HSLDA!!!! Furthermore, S306 is basically a dead bill and Sen. Cruz has not come forth at this point and said that he would at this time support another bill like S306. You should really consider doing a little more fact checking. You haven’t really proven anything or shown any concrete evidence that Sen. Cruz is in favor of government controlled home schools with your little rant.


      1. Seriously, and not in any form of anything more but to clarify. You said, “Sen. Cruz said that he isn’t pushing to have home schooling redefined because it’s true. If anything, he has made an effort to redefine “private school”, which is not the same thing at all.”

        By redefining home school to be classified the same as a private school, is what I thought the inclusion was, I am not sure if there is a difference in having it said differently? Whether a private school is now to include home schooling, or if home schooling is to now be included as a private school seems to be of the same, that the two are now as one. The mandates not belonging to both home school or private is moot as they would now be one and under the same? If there were any provisions to redefine what a private school now was going to be or include to be now different? I didn’t see those on the bill? I see some lawyers are now writing about this blog….and it has raised question for clarification as the bill raises questions that I have pointed out myself. If it can be shown it is all good. Then there should be no disagreement at all. I am not for common core, the same as home schooling is not. If this will protect home schooling then there is no problem at all. I am for it. If it does not….we need to speak up now or forever live with what the fine print really meant. Like Obama care.

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Christian Conservative says:

    Diane, may I suggest that you are misunderstanding this amendment? The key term is “For the purposes of this section.” As I read it, the section is ONLY dealing with eligibility to utilize the Coverdell Education Savings Account. It enables Home Schoolers to do so. This is a good thing. This is not a one-worlder ploy to trap homeschooling families into adopting a UN-mandated communist/atheist curricula, which NONE of us wants.

    I note that you have Donald Trump in your cover picture. Without wanting to appear cynical, could this be coloring your interpretation of the bill (which is over a year old and not law)? Is this an unconscious attempt to smear Cruz for an accusation of something that is simply NOT TRUE? Please read the actual US Code in addition to the proposed law Cruz sponsored in January 2015. The links to the bill AND to the code follow. Take a step back and evaluate it honestly. Context is important. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No. I am a Trump person, but if you open the link at the bottom of the page, and the other links in the article, you will find it is a shared interpretation and one derived at by others and myself as well. It is up to each person how they want to see it. I am only giving the information. But, when others call me a liar (note you have not but others have) or told me I am whatever they described…I will point out what it says and what it means. So it is what it is. Each can choose to believe what they choose. Sadly most have no idea of the establishment goals for sustainable development for a new world order, nor any idea that education is one of their sustainable goals. Or what it even is. Wait until they dig around and read the UN’s Rights of a Child. That will really shock them all. So while they sit back and sip tea and think that those like myself are sour grapes or whatever that makes them feel better…their world is caving in around them by establishment puppets that simply say…there, there darling worry not…let me pour you another cup of tea. Dianne is a fool don’t you see, listen here to me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Christian Conservative says:

        I don’t think you’re a fool, Diane, and I think Trump would be a great Secretary of State because he is a pragmatist and a great negotiator (there, I said it!). But I think we need a man with proven character and principles. Cruz is not the only one out there, but he is highly qualified and proven. Yes, I am aware of nefarious one-worlder characters who plot and scheme. George Soros, for one, is a real threat. And I am no legal expert or anything But from a plain reading of the documents in question, I do not think it means what you think it means. I encourage you to research Mr. Cruz (and Mrs. Cruz) — no indication of one-worlder tendencies in the least, from what I can tell. Here are some starters… Best wishes!


  16. The bill does NOT define home schools as private schools in regards to Title 1 funding. It simply doesn’t do that. It defines a school as “any school which provides pre-kindergarten, elementary, or secondary education (pre-kindergarten through grade 12), as determined under State law.” which would include home schools where state law allows home schools. HOWEVER!!!! It ONLY does so for the purposes of defining which schools, and what expenses can be paid for with Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). Coverdell ESAs are NOT federal grants in any way, shape, or form. They are privately funded tax free savings accounts.

    Whoever, wrote this was either very poorly suited to reading and understanding how laws and contracts work(in written form) or purposefully misconstrued it so as to serve as a hit piece.


    1. I am the poorly suited to reading and understanding how laws and contracts work in written form or purposefully misconstrued this article to serve as a hit piece to just dig in your craw and get at you. Give me a break. Glad you have an intelligent opinion. Hope that works out for you. Meanwhile the bill is clear on what it says. You cannot make it otherwise. You know a lot about the Cloverdale savings accounts…now ask about how the bill is going to affect you. How about starting there? Why was there even a need to write the bill if it were already available? Why would Cruz write a bill to include home schooling or turn home schooling into a private school? This is what Cruz did. So you were happy the way it was? So now ask him why he changed that for you…not me. I didn’t change that, he did. Now that he changed that home schoolers now in order to accept federal funding have to also accept federal mandates. Ask him why he is pushing a bill that does that. I want to know as well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The bill has not been passed yet. So at this point…it is good to look at it and ask the right questions. Find out what the fine print means. I merely am raising the awareness. Remember this is an opinion blog not the channel 5 news reporting.


  17. DGayle says:

    Very interesting article. I’ll be researching it further tomorrow. Just a note regarding your view of homeschoolers and their lack of socialization and “skills needed to get along in the real world”….I want to give you one example of a homeschooler who is fairing excellently in the “real world”. My daughter is the client relations manager of the communications and digital marketing department at Baker Botts, the highly-regarded law firm in downtown Houston founded by former Secretary of State James Baker III. After graduating from homeschool as a National Merit Commended Scholar, she earned her bachelor of arts degree (major in history, minor in music) from Texas A & M. She thoroughly enjoys her career in the corporate world, while also loving her roles of wife and mom.


    1. I have clients who have home schooled and they both have daughters who have done well. They explained to me of the ways they go to social events with other home schooled and have lots of social experience. I listened and it sounded great.To me it was like being in an ideal world like going to Christian events where someone is there to make sure all get along. My grandson had problems with bully’s and they tried home schooling for a few months. He was 12 at the time. Very bright kid. Very talented and artistic with art and music, plays many instruments and a writer already then. After two months, he told his mom he was ready to go back to school because he missed the environment. (Those were his words). He did and learned to stand up for himself in a positive way and he has grown a lot in understanding people and dealing with his convictions and diplomacy. It was a trying event for all of us. I am glad he returned to school. He went on to win talent contests and partake in drama and win main parts in school plays. He ended up in his junior high years winning the respect of his entire class, teachers and developed many strengths. He now is 15, and has won many awards in talent shows, best actor in plays, and wins big in wrestling. Things he would have never had the chance to do at home schooling. He also had me to teach him life lessons to make the cruel world work to his benefit and to learn how to think and not memorize. I hate common core and the system. But there are many values in learning to be your own person in a world that is full of sheep herding. It is tough, it takes a support group. Home schoolers need a strong support group too. I have talked to many kids who were home schooled and hung out with my grand kids that really, in their case, lacked social skills. It may have been their home structure and not the actual idea of home schooling itself. But they didn’t have the understanding of friend relationships. In they I mean the two I came to know. On the other hand…I know of two other girls who were awesome achievers, one of which I personally sponsored as a foreign exchange student. It is up to the support group in the family and the structured time devoted to it…or so it seems. I can see both sides. When I said I wasn’t a personal advocate…I am not. But I also said I understand why. I have seen good and bad in both. It did not mean I was against it. I just prefer to overcome the obstacles unless they are brick walls. In that case by all means get out and home school. That is my own personal experience. I am glad your daughter has done so well. Education is a must. Common core is very disgusting. No child left behind was a total fail. I believe the answer is – no Prussian based system. Until that happens …nothing will change. In my own family I do all I can do to teach critical thinking and stress to only memorize to get an A then know the truth.



        His Proposed Bill, S306 “Enhancing Educational Opportunities for all Students Act” offers what is called Title 1 Money to all parents who home school.

        Yet, in an amendment at the end of the bill Cruz attaches S 306, Section I, Title I Portability under ESEA is “amended by adding to the end” of which are state plans for standards, testing, and accountability which is referenced in Sen. Ted Cruz’s bill. A Title I child accepting funds to implement a federal education program is considered a recipient of federal financial assistance. This will effectually mandate Common Core to every private school accepting the enrolled Title I funded portability child.
        Rep. Messer’s companion bill does NOT have Title I portability included in his bill.

        Why has Sen. Cruz attached Title I portability to his S 306, targeting private schools and homeschools to receive ESEA Title I federal funds? Title I portability is a F5 tornado that pulverizes all schools and now he has made sure that it will sweep through homeschools as well. Why has Sen. Cruz added Title I portability to his bill when it is not in the Messer bill?

        On October 26, 2015, Andrew Mullins, Deputy Director, HSLDA Federal Relations, Home School Legal Defense Association, in support of this legislation stated:

        “In other words, S. 306 seeks to treat homeschoolers fairly.”

        Federal funding, Title I portability is designed to control. There is nothing “fair” about S 306. In a letter to Sen. Ted Cruz last November, HSLDA continued to support S 306.

        Title I portability is not a mystery. This is FEDERAL “CHOICE” which reforms how schools are financed. This means that Sen. Ted Cruz supports Title I funds that are “portable,” where all students are funded “equitably,” not local schools. What this means is that all public funding can be deposited into an ESA, education savings account. Sen. Ted Cruz’s title in S 306 makes the statement “ALL students” which includes private school students and homeschool students. S 306 knocks down the doors of every private and homeschool so that the Feds can sweep right in.



  18. CindyL says:

    If “Mr Constitution” Cruz truly knew the Constitution he would know that Federal education and the monies gathered by the Feds to secure them are wholly unconstitutional and that there are no enumerated powers given to any part of the national government to deal with education. That is the powers left to the States.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh and the day came when Horace Greeley helped change it all in a sly way to improve, as Cruz has stated he is doing…..our educational system. Horace spoke with eloquent words and persuaded the mothers of New York of a wonderful method of educating the youth, a mandatory thing for all. After all the world would be better, wouldn’t it…if all the children received the education only the wealthy could afford? Yes, they shouted…how do we do this thing? Oh Horace said, not just a thing…we must mandate this thing and allow all the children to learn it. It was called The Prussian School System. Quite simply it begins with that your child’s mind at an early age is a clean slate and from that clean slate we (government) can write on that slate what it is the child should learn and know. That in a nutshell is the Prussian School system. Thank you not, Horace Greeley the not so much of a father of education.

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  19. And might I add, the exact same father of mis-education that Mr. Cruz is offering to you. The same old hype that all children deserve the same, all the while shoving the wonderful, marvelous children into the mind control mesmerizing camps of deceit of common core and other horrid learning centers. All a part of mind control. But “Oh not Cruz…no more than in the days of Horace Mann”, they would at that time either never dare to accuse good old Horace of the same? Oh for heavens sakes no! Horace was a man of valor, of grace….just look at his values and breeding. Well, in this case today, don’t look at Cruz’s breeding nor his birthplace. It may give you a bit of pondering to do. And no one likes to ponder when their mind is already made up…so give it not a second thought. As it was then, so it is now. For, what you are not aware of….many doubted Horace Mann, and many did not like his ideas. Many thought he was infiltrating America with horrible Prussian mind washing ideas. Just so you all understand…that just because a man can rise above the truth with well covered lies, does not make that man honest. It merely makes him a successful liar.

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  20. Education is awesome. Knowledge is power…so is why the new order of the world seeks to suppress it. Know this now and know it well and seek knowledge. First and foremost might I suggest to start with the King James Bible. From there move on in prayer to the man made things. Those things that one must look back at old reference dates to truly implore upon the most substantial things note worthy of learning. Might I suggest a few links to get you started on your journey of learning more of how the system worked then…and how it has continued to establish itself unto this very day? Here indeed are a few tit for tats for all with curiosity. Those who seek truth and knowledge are a true rare breed and one worthy of admiration. I salute all that do.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. BandGuy says:

    Does he really have to explain to people that if you receive federal funding, there will be federal mandates? I think people are smart enough to figure that out for themselves. This is not some grand conspiracy or secret cabal meant to take over the world. It’s just common sense. If homeschoolers don’t want to accept federal mandates, then they don’t accept federal money. It’s called freedom. But, you don’t get to take the government’s money without abiding by the government’s rules. This article is a mountain constructed out of a molehill.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. phil fan says:

      Yet commenters would have us believe that IS NOT what Cruz is proposing. Complete denial of what you point out is common sense. Why is that? Why the refusal to actually read the link Dianne proposes and face the written words of Mr Cruz? A mountain of distortion does not make truth make.


  22. When I was in 10th grade, out state had just started segragation. We only had two in the whole high school. One of them a girl in my class. The government was paying their parents to send their kids to school with the white. She was a very smart but bitter girl. She would speak or talk to any of us. I really felt bad for her.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Jeremy Newman says:

    So if you read the bill you can actually see pretty clearly that the inclusion of home schoolers applies only to Coverdell Savings Accounts and has nothing to do with Title 1 funding. Most legislation works this way. Just because it is in one section does not mean it applies to the other section. Title 1 and Coverdell Savings Accounts are entirely separate and do not impact one another at all.


  24. Gadsden Gurl says:

    This is all true about globalist snake Cruz. However, how can we trust this blogger who is obviously for another snake, Trump?


  25. Christy says:

    I was concerned about this and emailed THSC the Texas association that protects homeschoolers. I asked about the info in this article and also who they are endorsing for Homeschool Freedom and also Parental right. This was their response:
    Christy, thanks for your question! The Title 1 provision of this bill and the home school section are actually separate provisions, so the one does not affect the other. The section related to home school students only affects eligibility for Coverdell Education Savings Accounts. This link (below) includes some great information about how this bill works.

    THSC will be officially supporting Ted Cruz for president. Senator Cruz has long been a friend to home schoolers. You can see a full list of endorsements on our website at the second link included below, although the endorsement for Senator Cruz has not been posted officially yet.

    Click to access S306_FAQs_11-18-2015.pdf


  26. Dottie Linville says:

    This is all part of Agenda 21. The UN is over reaching into the America People. Stop funding Agenda 21!!!! Sustainable Development and ICLEI are against everything we hold dear in America. Stop it now!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Tammy says:

    This article is deceiving and extremely bias. I do have to wonder why? Because clearly you can see that is not the case they way this all works together. References below.

    “A common point of confusion for many people about S. 306 surrounds §101 of this bill. This section provides Title 1 federal government funding through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to brick-and-mortar private schools. However, since this bill defines homeschools as private schools only for the purposes of §201 (the Coverdell section), §101 will not allow homeschoolers to receive federal Title 1 funding.”

    HSLDA supports these changes. This would NOT entitle us to title 1 funding (because of the coverdell ESA).

    Read the full article here to understand better why this is a good thing for homeschoolers:


  28. Dianne – Based on your comments, you seem to support the Messer bill that he introduced in the House (H.R. 554). But I don’t think you read the bill he introduced and/or have not compared it to the similar bill that Cruz co-sponsored in the Senate (S. 306). The Messer bill does the exact same thing that the Cruz bill does.

    The Messer bill that you support states: “Section 530(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (C)Private school.— For purposes of this section, the term ‘private school’ includes any home school that meets the requirements of State law applicable to such home schools, whether or not such school is deemed a private school for purposes of State law.”
    It also provides for Title 1 portability just like the Cruz bill. All Title 1 portability means is that a low-income student in one school district could elect to go to school in a different district and any federal Title 1 money attached to the student would follow him/her to the other district. Homeschools and private schools are not eligible for title 1 funding. Title 1 funding is granted to public Local Education Areas (LEAs), not to private school. The LEAs make Title 1 services available to students within their service area. This bill makes it possible for funds to move with a student if he/she attends school in a different district.

    And don’t say that Cruz amended the Messer bill since we all know that’s not true or even possible. Cruz and Messer are in different chambers (one in the House of Representative vs. one in the Senate), so there is no way that Cruz could have modified Messer’s bill.

    I’ve read the Cruz bill, your post and the Anita Hoge link you provided. You and Anita are 100% wrong in stating that this bill imposes any type of federal mandate or federal requirements on homeschoolers. It simply doesn’t and it’s a conspiracy-theory mindset to think otherwise.

    I’m sure you will respond with some pithy comment like “Next,” “Read the bill,” or some similarly dismissive statement. What’s troubles me is that you claim that all you are doing is speaking “facts” about the bill. But you’re not. Not even close. You are misrepresenting the bill and what it does. And probably doing it knowing that you are misrepresenting what the bill does. That’s troubling because your actions create opposition to a good bill that does a good thing. Finding political support for homeschoolers is hard because we are a minority of the population. So when a Senator or Representative introduces a bill that supports us, we need to support them and how other representatives that we support those who support us. But your article and call to action does the opposite. It shows a Senator or Representative who supports homeschoolers that if they continue to ignore us, they don’t have to deal with a small, but very vocal, crowd of opposition and misinformation. This bill is going to fail, but the next senator is going to pause to consider whether introducing a similar bill in the future is worth the hassle and negative posts from blogs like this.


    1. I know what the goals for sustainable education are. I know the united nations is active in Home Schooling as well for America is part of the UN system and that includes our Home Schooling. Check out the web site. It is my concern that the home schooling is on the way to change that no one presently who is home schooling desires. I have seen all the other things and how that has been sugar on the outside, and full of bitter on the inside. Unless you are for a one world.

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    1. Thank you. Concerns need to be addressed. They need clarification.

      “Categorizing a family as a private school for the limited purpose of Coverdell concerns many homeschoolers. Education is a state issue. Some states may already define a homeschool as a private school, but education is under their jurisdiction. Any “help” the federal government provides for homeschool expenses could come as they seek to define “eligible education expenses.” Do home educators really want the IRS auditing homeschoolers and deciding if a Bible is a legitimate educational expense? HSLDA attorneys claims this will “fix” the discrimination, I see it as creating a regulatory nightmare based on qualifying receipts. ” quote from article, Karen Braun

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  29. ATTENTION: For all those who are claiming to have read the article above, and are stating that I am the only one writing about such things, claiming that I am lying only to promote Trump. You obviously did not open the link on the page….this one:

    This article was well researched and written by By Anita Hoge
    January 28, 2016

    After reading this article I did a bit more research and wrote my article on Feb. 3, 2016.
    If you read the article written on Breitbart by Karen Braun, she too raises questions to be clarified to assure this isn’t a misleading government step. My article is to raise awareness to all homeschoolers, especially in light of many of the other things that have come into question regarding the legislative process. I, for one, am tired of the “It is all good….we will have to pass it to find out what the fine print really means” type of legislation. And I really want to read the fine print whenever I hear a politician say….”TRUST ME”. I AM GLAD that this has raised awareness, and as I said in one of the above posts….I really don’t want to be right on this one…but it does need clarification to its’ exact meanings and otherwise implications as Anita Hoge has pointed out so boldly.

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    1. phil fan says:

      Beautifully stated position on this important question. More info is needed and it will not be forthcoming without demands for clarification such as this website is making. Attempts to obfuscate, deny, distort or blame the questioners here are simply not effective or appropriate. The UN agendas for world domination, subjection of sovereign nations, are very much alive and well in US politics and in US education. Those who would assure us “Don’t worry, all is well” have lost credibility and must still explain their positions and goals. If they dare.


  30. Karen Braun has been concerned with this issue and is a strong advocate of home schooling. She has been pushing for clarification of this since last October and years of advocating Home Schooling having home schooled six children herself. I do apologize if this article sounded like the writings of Glenn Beck attacking Trump, or if it sounded like the National Review spewing lies against Trump….or Megyn Kelly interviewing Michael Moore or if it sounded like Kelly File baiting up for attacks at the 7th debate. We all know how fair and balanced all of that is. So if I look like I am in support of Donald J. Trump…and if you took the time to read that this blog was for Trump…then gee, I was exposed for boldly being a Trump supporter, I am sure the wide banner was a dead give away, Yet, even in the article that was written, concerns were raised about a real and very important issue that resulted in an open discussion that needed to be out in the open. I am not an attorney nor a legislator, I am not pretending to be, nor never have. I am applying common sense and raising serious questions that should concern all home schooling participants. I am not for common core and not for world education one size fits all nations, but sadly the US is now participating in that. We also just signed a TPP agreement that must be approved by congress and the senate. We are at a point where any fine print must be read, fully understood and debated by those it will affect. Not by bureaucrats in Washington. I am glad that this little known blog….was able to do two things. First and foremost raise the awareness to home schooling participants. Number two, not be as hateful as Glenn Beck calling Trump Hitler and all his supporters NAZI’s.

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      1. A hit piece is what was done by the National Review. What was done to Carson was a real hit piece. What Beck has been spewing. Those are hit pieces. This raised questions, sited sources, and unfortunately the seated senator happened to be Cruz who has a history of saying one thing and doing another. Ask his peers.

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  31. Dianne, you are one angry (at Cruz) woman. I guess just doing your part to try and sway some votes towards Trump and in your attempt becoming just like so many others in the political realm, justifying the means by the end. As long as it helps Trump, being disingenuous and denigrating another candidate is just fine and dandy. There are many very good responses to all of your accusations on this thread, so no need to re-hash them, but I would simply add this one thing: Cruz has listed the USDOE as one of the agencies he wished to eliminate. He would then block-grant any fed dollars to states and let them decide the best way to achieve educational goals. That is not the approach of a NWO politican. Go ahead and promote Trump all you want, but try to do it without character assassination.


    1. You can trust who you will. After all the legislation that has been passed that attaches to this and to that, like Obama Care, TPA, and now looking at TPP – it is not about Cruz, other than he has pulled some real sly things in the senate of which that is what this is about. His past makes it hard to trust he will do what he says, especially since the entire subject is still one that needs debated and discussed…many people just don’t believe the words, “trust me” any more. Any politician who abides with, promotes and endorses sustainable development projects, whether they or you know it or not are involved with new world order projects. It is not a boogey man. It is clear. It is the “United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda for the 21st Century New World Order”. All those words together. Most call it sustainable development goals for the 21st century. Some call it agenda 21, others call it NWO all are the same thing. Just pieces of the real long title. Most all in congress and the senate are a part of this for we are a member of the UN and have signed onto these programs. Sustainable Development Agenda for the 21st Century Education is what we are already modeling our school systems after. We are a UN member of this, and home schooling is also. For even home schooling is mandated by rules of each state. Because our children were made wards of the state in the 19th century via Horace Mann and the introduction of the Prussian school system also known as the father of education and it wasn’t long and all children became mandatory to receive education and to make sure this was done children were made wards of the state. New York was the first state to advocate this and it wasn’t long and all the states did the same. Well, that sounded great – education for everyone…it wasn’t long and textbooks were changed, the Bible was removed, many historic things were altered…via the Prussian Trojan horse. When you realize there is nothing new under the sun, and you have already seen the impossible cheating and lies become possible with no repudiation…you then open your eyes and see what is underneath the wrapper on the bottom of the chocolate box, and you don’t wait until you are down to the last piece of chocolate. For then it is too late.

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    2. phil fan says:

      Nonsense, do not try to make this about the messenger Dianne Marshall or tie her support for Trump to the legitimate and serious questions about the UN mandate to capture US education, politics, culture, business and soil. Why is it that NOT ONE complainer here NOT ONE of you has even addressed the GLOBALISTS agendas I just mentioned. They don’t exist? You don’t see them? You are totally in favor of them? We are not children to be lectured, scorned or belittled by our would be parents. Do and say what you must but these questions must be answered and not deflected.


  32. steve says:

    “This bill in no way puts home schoolers under the purview of the Dept of Propoganda (I mean Ed). What it does is allow people who home school the OPTION to open a 529 plan and use pre-tax dollars to educate their own children. There is the concern that the Dept of Propoganda could require home schoolers to use a certain, accredited curriculum if they are using 529 money. However, if the DOP decided to do that, home schoolers could simply exercise their OPTION not to use 529 money, and thus be right back where they are today.
    While most in the GOP are as big government as the DEM’s, you can’t lump Cruz into that pot. That’s why most in the GOP dislike him so much.
    The DOE doesn’t oversee the 529 program. That is an IRS designation. The question of DOE is a hypothetical posed by the author of the article. Could the DOE try to get involved on the basis of the 529 program’s accreditation requirements? Sure. However, if they do, then, like I said, we’re right back to where we are now. The bill doesn’t “use” the DOE at all. The bill simply says since taxpayers are required to fund public schools whether they use them or not, those that homeschool should be allowed to use pretax dollars to pay for homeschooling supplies. Most home schoolers use nationally accredited curriculum anyway because most localities require it for truancy laws, so this is a moot point. The real problem is the fact that in arguing for this law, I had to dance around 3 other laws. I am 40, and Ted Cruz is literally the first candidate in my life time that I will have the opportunity to vote for that actually wants to reduce the size of government. He’s not perfect, but he is good. That’s more than I’ve ever had the chance at in my life.” Kevin Silver


    1. phil fan says:

      Ted Cruz facilitated the fast track of TPP sovereignty grab by being the primary force behind TPA. To say he’s for less/smaller government is ridiculous. Mr Cruz is for world government. He is a globalist married to a Goldman Sachs executive. Sorry your comment is not backed up by reality.


  33. This article is misleading and makes me question your comprehension of what’s actually there in the bill. I have read it. I am also a homeschooling mother, and would like to offer an article and clarification from the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) an entire legal defense team who’s been advocating for home schooling since 1983, one of two go to’s for those of us who home school in the state of New York. The other is LEAH (Loving Education At Home). The amendment does not redefine a home schooler as a private schooler. The amendment includes eligible home schoolers to be added and counted in along with public school and private school eligible students when GRANT FUNDS are being allocated to local state education agencies and advocates for them also to be able to benefit from optional tax exempt educational savings and investment plans as well.


    1. In addition, I am also NOT for Common Core, neither is Ted Cruz. I am home schooling my daughter this year (9th grade), but I also still have a senior and a seven year old in public school still having to deal with the Common Core standards. It is nothing for me to see facebook posts from frustrated parents trying to help their kids with homework when the instructions aren’t clear, so they’re not sure themselves what answers they’re looking for. I take very seriously my rights to home school and how, especially living in a state where the governor has just lost his mind on many issues, including Common Core.


  34. Well it appears another writer wrote on Cruz, titled, “Cruz bill will bring homeschoolers under Federal regulation”. Seems he too has concerns. Please everyone read. “At least two articles have taken hard swipes at this measure, and I share some of their concerns, though I think they have misread part of the bill also. They claim that the bill would allow homeschool families to receive “Title 1” funding which is federal grants and aid for education for the poor. I don’t think it does that, but what it does do is concerning enough to me.”

    And yes….I am one of those whom he mentions. Anita Hoge is the other. Looking on the comments on his stream….he is the third. And now they are arguing with the doctor and many are just in shock.

    Feb 9, 2016 by Dr. Joel McDurmon —


    1. Another independent blogger who, at best, only has things half way right. This was actually the first article I read when someone posted it, from there I went to reading the bill. Sometimes you really have to consider the source. Is this person a lawyer? Do they know how to read and/or interpret legal documents? I’m not saying it’s rocket science or that it cannot be read and comprehended by your average person, but I’m seeing a lot of bad summarizing. The Home Schooling Legal Defense Association is an actual legal defense team that has been advocating for Home Schooling since 1983, and yes, I trust their interpretation a little more.


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