When all the cyber land goes down there will never be days of darkness for those who live in the light of the Lord. We have a direct communication from our thoughts to him. From our hearts to him. From our voice to him. From our inner being to him. We have a super power in the Holy Spirit and a supernatural connection directly to the Lord.

Karen Wheaton Ministries | In Passionate Pursuit of Jesus

When I heard this “Meet me for a boat ride” video of Karen Wheaton, her words prompted me to open up my eyes a bit wider and see a part of me I had not thought needed any polishing.

For you see, there are times when I have gotten into the habit of saying, God knows what I’m going through, God know’s what I need, God Knows what is bothering me…. and a host of God sees and knows phrases that somehow because I’ve known that he knows and sees all things …that was going to be enough. Well, that is not enough.  God wants you to speak to him in prayer. He wants you to spend time with him. Hear what he has to say to you. And hear what you have to say to him. Not just that you know he knows.

Karen Wheaton has a magnificent way of sharing simple truths so they click. I hope you enjoy this video of hers.

The Cry of Faith.

The sound of your voice crying out to the Lord is your sound of faith and the Lord responds to the sound of the faith in your voice!

Mark 6:34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.

Psalm 18:3-6

3 I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

4 The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid.

5 The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me.

6 In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.

The works and the word of God – The King Jesus

Psalms 19:3  There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

Psalm 20: 5-6  We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the Lord fulfil all thy petitions.

6 Now know I that the Lord saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand.

Quite simply, when you cry out to the Lord…cry out with conviction and faith! When you feel the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s presence, dwell in it. Listen and speak to him. When he is done and it is time to go…you will know it. When he makes a surprise appearance…don’t miss it.

Keep praying even in the darkest hour…through every storm.


Undercover Human Trafficking Operation Results In Six Arrests – Tennessee

Who’s party affiliation do these chums resemble? Not the type you see at a Trump Rally, that’s for sure!

In Sweetwater, Tennessee, undercover special agents with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s Human Trafficking Unit led an undercover operation leading to the arrest of six men seeking illicit sex from minors.

Over a two-day period beginning May 26th, as part of an undercover investigation aimed at addressed human trafficking in the region, authorities placed several decoy advertisements known to be linked to prostitution and commercial sex cases. As a result of the operation, authorities arrested the following men and booked them into the Monroe County Jail.

  • Matthew Jason Cohen, DOB: 6-14-1978, Maryville: Trafficking for a Commercial Sex Act
  • Steven Lawrence Kobylski, DOB: 09-07-1987, Decatur: Soliciting Sexual Exploitation of a Minor
  • James Stephen Stinnett, DOB: 03-27-1984, Madisonville: Trafficking for a Commercial Sex Act
  • Anthony Cornelius Baylis, DOB: 11-23-1983, Harriman: Trafficking for a Commercial Sex Act
  • Joshua James Thomas, DOB: 3-31-1989, Tellico Plains: Trafficking for a Commercial Sex Act
  • Pedro Juan Berenguer Torres, DOB: 11-30-1970, Powell: Trafficking for a Commercial Sex Act

Read full report here:


Human trafficking is a widespread issue: Here's how you stay safe - The  Daily Gamecock at University of South Carolina

BUYERS AND SELLERS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKED SEX SLAVES walk among us seeking who they can devour for their own pleasures. Every city and every town has a fair share of such while Biden’s open borders is wide open to welcome a fresh supply of trafficked parcels.

Want to save the children? How child sexual abuse and human trafficking  really work

A common misconception about human trafficking is that it does not happen in the United States. This is false, as the United States is ranked as one of the worst countries globally for human trafficking. It is estimated that 199,000 incidents occur within the United States every year.

The National Human Trafficking Hotline has one of the most extensive data sets on human trafficking in the United States collected through phone calls, texts, online chats, emails, and online tips received by the Hotline. While this information is some of the most comprehensive available, the data does not define the totality of human trafficking. The number of cases presented is only the cases that are reported.

Mom discovers missing daughter is alive after trafficker uploads images to  PornHub and Snapchat | The Bridgehead

The Human Trafficking Hotline serves victims and survivors of human trafficking across the United States. The Hotline is available 24/7, 365 days a year, and in more than 200 languages. The confidential Hotline helps any person of any age, religion, race, language, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. To contact the Hotline to report a tip, seek services, or ask for help, dial 1-888-373-7888. Hearing and speech-impaired individuals should dial 711. You can also send an SMS text to 233-733 or start a live chat on their website.

In 2019, the United States had 11,500 human trafficking cases reported. The most common type of trafficking was sex trafficking (8,248 reports), with the most common venues being illicit massage/spa businesses and pornography.

2019 Rural Human Trafficking Summit | Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health

States with the Highest Human Trafficking Numbers

Here are the 10 states with the highest rates of human trafficking:

  1. Nevada (7.50 per 100k)
  2. Mississippi (4.99 per 100k)
  3. Florida (4.08 per 100k)
  4. Georgia (3.85 per 100k)
  5. Ohio (3.84 per 100k)
  6. Delaware (3.84 per 100k)
  7. California (3.80 per 100k)
  8. Missouri (3.78 per 100k)
  9. Michigan (3.64 per 100k)
  10. Texas (3.63 per 100k)

REMEMBER THESE ARE ONLY THE REPORTED CASES. Human trafficking and exploitation happens every minute of the day. These plus the unreported numbers are the real viral epidemic…this VIRUS NEEDS EXTERMINATED and there needs to be an all out big JAB to take this out! Human Trafficking Statistics By State 2021 (



Fauci’s Number Is Up – Busted! Now What’s In Store For His Accomplices…

Isn't it just theater?': Rand Paul grills Anthony Fauci over continued mask  use among vaccinated | News 4 Buffalo

Rand Paul says he has exposed the truth about Dr. Fauci. First he funded the Wuhan lab that potentially created the COVID-18 virus. Then he lied to our faces, repeatedly, while he profited from the pandemic.

And this was met with retaliation. “They want me silenced FOR GOOD”, he says. “Just this week they sent an envelope with white powder to my house to terrorize my family. Reporters and celebrities are calling for violence against me. All for daring to question the status quo! This is beyond frightening, but I will not be intimidated.”

That is our message to stand and not be frightened or intimidated. As hard as that can be, we have the Lord within and the Holy Spirit guiding us…talk about SUPER POWERS!!!  Remember greater is he who is IN YOU than he who is in the world!

Fact-Check of US Confirming COVID is Man-Made | US Department of State Fact  Sheet Misrepresented to Claim 'COVID-19 Was Lab-Made'

Rand Paul said, “I will not stop fighting for the truth and exposing the corruption of these elitist bureaucrats who want to take away your freedom and profit from the pain they cause. Dr. Fauci will have to answer for the damage he’s done to this nation. Our government will have to be held responsible for their failures.”

I will add to this, all who are responsible will be held responsible for God is turning over filthy tables and searching every dark room!  Nothing shall be hidden that will not be exposed!”

Luke 8:17-18 (KJV) “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any- thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.”

Microbiological Analysis - EUROLAB
The question is…was it released to cover up the bigger story that the 5G Rollout was a huge oxygen zapping death wave that killed the real people who died of the so called COVID? Or was it the bioweapon… or both?

There is this little fact….I have said this from the start – it appeared to be 5G rollout and radiation! See early articles from last year!!

corona discharge is an electrical discharge brought
on by the ionization of a fluid such as air surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged.[1]

Much more significantly, there are also unseen (but detectable) coronas that are produced in lower voltage systems.  Some of the more common examples that follow, when viewed in the aggregate, represent the invisible sea of electropollution that every human being is immersed in from cradle to grave:

(i) widespread ambient electropollution indoors,
(ii) signal ranges of electromagnetic frequencies necessary for 3G and 4G networks (e.g. cell towers),
(iii) high-level radio-frequencies and microwave radiation emitted by 5G power grids (e.g. microwave towers),
(iv) stray voltage from both transmission lines and overhead power lines,
(v) generation and conveyance of energy from nuclear, coal-fired and hydroelectric power plants,
(vi) electrical substation and transformers.

YouTube Has Been Cracking Down On Coronavirus Hoaxes, But They Are Still  Going Viral

Because every resident of Earth is exposed to all of these types of EMFs and EMR to varying degrees, each individual will develop some level of electrosensitivity over the course of their lifetime.  Some unfortunate folks will even experience full-blown Electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome.

Once the city of Wuhan, China was established as an official 5G Demonstration Zone, all of the residents became exposed to the highest levels of radio-frequencies and microwaves necessary to activate a fully operational 5G network.  Not only that, Wuhan was also being set up to be a model Smart City as it was undergoing an accelerated urban build-out of the Internet of Things.  In point of fact, their exposure to all sorts of electrical coronas were reaching unprecedented levels, but it was the 5G activation that really set them ‘aglow’.

Corona = Radiation

Then we have this informative article-


by Silviu “Silview” Costinescu

There’s no way the intelligence communities from at least 4-5 countries didn’t know of this. Not acting on it is participating in it.

Click link to read all the Fauci document files: LEOPOLD NIH FOIA Anthony Fauci Emails – DocumentCloud


So You Won't Take Down Lies?”: AOC Blasts Mark Zuckerberg in Testy House  Hearing | Vanity Fair
I swear he looks like he was already turned into a Cyborg or some empty possessed vessel of mind control.

Fear not and call out the liars! The TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!

There are ways to get the radiation out of the body. Take brown seaweed, Spirulina (blue green algae), ground flax seeds, are a few good things to add to your diet. These absorb the minute structure of radiation and engulfs it and carries it out of the body.

See the source image

With all the electromagnetic fields we are exposed to daily…we should all be taking these in our diet daily!

Stay Strong and Fear Not! Press Forward With The Lord God At The Helm Into The Kingdom!



The present spiritual war is the same warfare of the mind that Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Paradise. The evil spirit of Satan entered in and started to lie. Eve reasoned that the Lord God said of all the trees we can eat, “But of the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Genesis 2:17 KJV.

Learning from the Temptation of Eve | Answers in Genesis

The sly serpent so sincerely looked at her and said … you shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And then, I’m sure he added a few more lies on top of that and Eve listened to the liar and disobeyed God. Then she gave to Adam and he followed along and did the same just like her. Now what a mess the outcome of that disobedience did. They even knew that God said the outcome was death…and they did it anyway. And who’d they blame? Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the Serpent.

Both had free will to choose… and now we see the nature of the “good and evil” knowlege was to blame others for your own actions. And why not? If the Serpent hadn’t lied to them, then they would not have done it. Right? Or did that just bury them deeper? Whether they ate it out of curiosity to see if they would be as gods knowing good and evil or because they always wondered what it would taste like, or because the Serpent just deceived them, they disobeyed God’s one command that had a death sentence attached to it.

What if they went to God first and asked him….saying, “The serpent has entered the Garden and he said that we won’t die if we eat of it? Is he telling us a lie? Or is he telling us the truth? I wonder what God would have said to them? I imagine the mere act of questioning him on whether he was telling the truth or the Serpent would be enough for some strong correcting…but what if Eve had just told the Serpent, be gone with you. I will not disobey my Lord God. And what if Adam said to Eve…I will not disobey my Lord God? Then, the Serpent would have failed.

As it was in the Days of Noah – Clothed With Power Ministries

This scenario is much like the one we are living today only we have liars coming at us from all directions like in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah. Our nature of free will is we are all responsible for our own decisions. The very same warfare is being played on our minds tempting us with all manner of lies left and right 24/7 and we are no different in nature but to look for some one or thing to blame for our poor decisions.

Now, if the Serpent entered the garden and he plucked a fruit and shoved it in Eves mouth and made her chew it and swallow it…then she could justifiably tell the Lord God…the Serpent forced it upon me. But, she could not, and neither could Adam.

So let’s fast forward to 2021. We are all responsible for what we choose to do. The Lord has fulfilled his promise to return and give his life for all who have sinned. He was crucified, descended into hell and conquered death and arose to tell that he had risen. He ascended to His Father, the Almighty God and was seated on his right side. Together they sent the gift of the Holy Spirit to reside in all who believe upon the Lord to guide, teach, comfort, and protect them for all their days and to have life eternal.

What does it mean that he who endures to the end will be saved (Matthew  24:13)? |

Meanwhile, we have the devil waging war throughout the earth telling us we now shall all die and we are nothing and there is no savior, there is no returning Christ so eat, drink and be merry. The same set of lies only more enhanced and more wicked. We are living in wickedness not just the evils of the serpent in the garden, but add in the evils of the days of Noah and top it off with the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah…and a bit of 2021 space based technology and we find we are in a total chaotic world whose sins have reached into the heavens and unless the Lord intervene to shorten these days… there shall be none saved.

Bible answers 13 - Our Lord's Great Prophecy

We can see the devil shouting, “It’s my world and after this there is nothing, so sign your soul over to me and I will make sure you have fame, wealth, and power to enjoy your one time around.” Or whatever lie he is conjuring that will specifically tempt you.

Maybe the wicked one is just keeping you blind and luring you to follow along with nothing more than a promise of being happy owning nothing…that does seem to be the new pitch the satans are throwing around. Mask up, take a toxic jab and fall in line.

The Holy Spirit within us is like having a super power. We must ask the Lord to show us how to use it. For we have for the most part been told the only ones who had the power to use it for miracles were the twelve apostles and those days have passed. WHAT A LIAR AND GREAT DECEIVER THE DEVIL HAS BEEN! The Lord said, he would not leave us as orphans, and he would send the Holy Spirit to comfort us.

John 14:15-21

15“If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. “A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”

Acts1:4 -8

And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me; for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

When we learn how to wield the full power of the Holy Spirit ….imagine how our lives will change and the Kingdom of God will appear through us so gloriously. For the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.” Luke 17:6



Where We Are Is Where We Need To Be? Where We Go From Here Is Where We Choose?

These are two questions and very valid ones. Why are we here now…and where do we go from here? Pray for discernment and TRUTH. Both are of the same and the Holy Spirit walks you into both….for we must discern first and then we see the truth. Truth always prevails and it is pure. Lies are not of God and they fall like dominoes when pushed against… push and press forward in truth!




QAnon followers think Trump will be back in the White House by March

Trump is telling people he thinks he’ll be ‘reinstated’ as president in August, according to a report by the New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman. She tweeted  this on Tuesday June 1st!Trump is telling people he thinks he’ll be ‘reinstated’ as president in August, according to a report (

Sidney Powell On Possible Overturning Of 2020 Election Results: 'President  Trump Should Be Moved Back In' : US : Christianity Daily

The latest propaganda against Sidney Powell is that she showed up at a QAnon conference in a biker vest and falsely claimed Trump could be ‘reinstated’ as president. And they (the fake news) wonder why no one believes their false reports? Fake news supports the stolen election making them participants in the overthrow of the election of the President of the United States and election fraud with no shame at all. Or is it a “we must win the propaganda war or we all go down” sort of coup banding?

Either way, it is time to press forward and expose all the lies. Never let up and never stop!

Echoing QAnon forums, Michael Flynn appears to suggest a Myanmar-style coup  should happen in the United States – Daily News

The lockstep folks are watching and they have to be shaking and cringing as the voice of “WE THE PEOPLE” GROWS STRONGER, LOUDER AND DROWNS OUT THE FAKE MEDIA!

In spite of all the censoring…FREEDOM LOVING AMERICANS are PRESSING FORWARD! They will not sit down and shut up! They will not be silenced by fake media censoring…if they need to …they will go door to door! They are a strong stubborn bunch and they all love freedom. Who’da thought?

Ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell accused of raiding nonprofit charity she set  up to contest election | Daily Mail Online




In the war on our minds, many have forgotten, or at least not kept in the forefront of the propaganda war that the nature of this COVID battle is the preplanned events the think tank placed in motion via their Lockstep Program. The key word here is “PROGRAM”. Mind washing programs to establish a global world RESET.

The plans were always to control all of us, and this is not of God. This evil plan is stripped of all free will and the end the devil and his minions have for us is not a good one. President Trump was never supposed to be elected. This was supposed to go into affect with no problems…now they have a BIG PROBLEM. We are awake, our mission is to come out of her my people and expose the evil plans and press forward into God’s will and not the will of man for us.

LOCKSTEP PDF – Rockefeller Foundation.pdf (

Pressing into the kingdom that is within us is our only option. There is no going back for evil plans are in motion and the only way to be victorious over such evil is to put on the whole armor of God with the Lord at the Helm! Remember always that “Greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world.”

2010: Rockefeller’s ‘Operation Lockstep’ Predicted 2020 ‘Lockdown’ | Principia Scientific Intl. (





In February 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and a number of his colleagues warned the European Medicines Agency about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections. He shares vaccines that have been suspended or recalled for the dangers of clotting and how it affects the veins in the brain to create a host of symptoms and illness. Professor Bhakdi explains the science behind the problem, and why in the long term we may be creating dangerously overactive immune systems in billions of unknowing people and what that means.

Professor Bhakdi referred to the analysis of control group trials of vaccine recipients as bull “sh__ _.” Severe side affects including severe bleeding and deaths are too many, especially since these were given to healthy people and many will never regain their good health again due to injecting the gene into the body.

The immune system is being trained to do something it can do better on its’ own. Professor Bhakdi stated, “This is so foolish it hurts.” He explains how the mRNA works, including spiked proteins, and genes for the spike itself along with how and what it does to the body.

Trust in the Lord and he shall lead you safely. Amen.



Sidney Powell is one amazing person with a history of winning…many people saw her as bigger than life super hero and she definitely lives up to all of it. Yet, Sidney’s story is one of “ORIGINALLY, LONG AGO, ONE PERSON”….it has been her faith in God and the Holy Spirit leading her to do what is right from her heart, lifting it up and out to all. Her lifetime of being “one person” has led her to do great things.

Dominion demands that Sidney Powell retract 'baseless and false  allegations' about voting machines. - The New York Times

We are each being asked to be “ONE PERSON” to go forth and do what we are able to do and to begin to make a difference. We each have had our own lifetimes (up to this very moment) of being one person making a difference in other peoples lives. We can all do our best to move forward and make a difference now. So many were waiting, wondering when they should begin to do something. Why? Because it is always fearful to boldly step out and speak the truth when there are people ready to destroy you for doing so.

Free Speech | American Center for Law and Justice

Social media has successfully silenced many and continue to falsely fact check all truth, censor, block, and boot those who will not comply. Why? They are afraid of just ONE PERSON influencing ONE MORE PERSON with THE TRUTH!

President Trump is one man. Look at the difference he made! Lin Wood is one man, look at the fires he stirred in the Cabal and the difference he made! General Flynn is one man, he was pulled through the mire, the wringer, slapped into prison falsely…but he never surrendered and he is now fighting for his nation and shouting for others to see their power of one man and one woman moving in the right direction with truth! Sidney Powell, one dynamic woman…now let’s add your names to the power of JUST ONE PERSON!

When we each stand up and say…I am just one person but I have been given the power to make my voice heard. I am just one person and my lifetime of overcoming has prepared me for this day! When we all stand up and step forward…with truth…God will open doors wide! The truth shall prevail and the falsehoods of the darkside can not stand in the light of the truth!

I recently had a discussion with a family member and was sharing Sidney Powell’s information on the lawsuits and the rights we have to decline the jab, etc.. The family member said, “I wish someone would have told us how to do this a long time ago when it started.” My answer was quick and it was truth. I boldly said, “They did. From the very start! Few did what they were asked to do. That was reporting unjust mandates by Mayors and Governors. Standing up for your constitutional rights.” That got me more arguments and I reminded the family member….”Do you remember April 2020 when my daughter was closed down…indefinitely because she was a gym owner? What did we do?”

There was a pause. I continued, “She contacted an attorney. I put the info together presenting the case and forwarded it on to the attorney. The suit was filed against the state and personally to the Governor for enforcing the mandates, and to the city and the Mayor. This was told us to do by Barr and Trump. We did and it was set in motion. Next the masks were forced on everyone and she organized people to go to the City Council meeting to voice their truth. They did and none of them had ever done such a thing before. It was new, but they did it. It made the news and people, one by one got to speak their truth at the council meeting.

Coronavirus: Fort Myers votes down masks requirement

The city council cut everyone short because they didn’t want anyone to speak too much, but they said it was because there were so many. They were squirming because it was at this meeting that they were to vote on a mandate and there were over a hundred outside with one voice each. They tabled the vote and closed the meeting early, pushing the discussion and vote out, to be continued in two weeks because they no longer had the votes. (“It appears they thought in two weeks people will calm down and they could pass their mandate).

What are essential businesses vs. non-essential businesses? |

But, in two weeks the crowd that came was even larger than the one before. They did not have the votes to force the mask mandate. Why? The power of one person and then the power of one more person, and one more…and so on, spoke up! They moved together as one voice. Like they were told to do. Businesses began opening whether the city wanted them to or not because the state had lifted their non essential mandates. The governor back peddeled and said he was never for the mandates and opened up the state.” That governor was Ron Desantis of Florida. The family member had nothing more to say.

So never under estimate the power of one person moving forward. These people didn’t go home and rest on their laurals. They are still pressing forward. Now, they are pressing for their children against a corrupt political school system. The only thing to do is to keep going forward and keep pressing. Never let up and never surrender.

Despite Outbreak, South Dakota Governor Hesitant To Issue Stay-At-Home  Order | WAMU

Remember South Dakota? Governor Kristi Noem never closed down their businesses. President Trump left it up to the Governors whether they would close or not according to the constitution. She stayed open. Some states became tryannical. Some still are.

The point is…some people didn’t listen to the truth and instead they fell in line with the liars and the fake news fear. The same thing is taking place right now with mandates, and toxic jabs. The time for one to take off the blinders, then another, and another….and the power of one with the voice of truth is thundering across the land and it is getting louder and louder!




Good grief, fake news really believes We The People are as dumb as the people they hire to crisis act and vote four times!

Headlines like, “Trump’s Ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Calls For Myanmar-Type Coup In U.S.” with opening lies like… “It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.” (I am purposely not adding a link because it has been fact checked by Marshall Report Fact Checkers to be false information and pure horse droppings, full of big lies.)

These are lies, and The “For God and Country Patriot Roundup”…was not a WILD QANON CONFERENCE IN DALLAS FOR “PATRIOTS”.

Call out the liars ….if we fact checked them all….no one would get to do anything else!

General Flynn did not call for a coup! He answered a question as to why we can’t call a stolen election out like they did in Myramar. But, fake news took this and made it a full blown propaganda piece!

GENERAL FLYNN CALLED FOR LOCAL IMPACT ON LOCAL ISSUES AT CITY COUNCILS AND LOCAL ELECTED OFFICIALS. Now that is a far cry from a coup to overthrow a nation. He called for citizens to get active with their local school boards to protect their children from unhealthy and unconstitutional mandates regarding their children and their own lives!

His speech was to find your potential and maximize your potential! But TRUTH scares the liars to pieces! It also scares the devil for when people call on the Lord and move forward with faith…mountains move and giants fall!

Keep going forward and let your truth voice be heard!!!!!



General Flynn said he is done worring about and talking about politicians in DC. It’s time to get involved in our local elections and school board hearings!!!
