Donald Trump returns to stage with speech at North Carolina GOP convention  - ABC News

President Trump spoke at the North Carolina GOP Convention on Saturday June 5, 2021. He looks and sounds better than ever! Poking at all the flaws of the left with the same bold directness that patriots have come to love! He is the voice of We The People and his message is right on target!

“We must never forget that Joe Biden and his family took millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party, they bought him off, he flagrantly lied about it to the American voters. If you remember it was a big deal at the time and all of a sudden it was canceled. They didn’t want to talk about it. The big tech and the fake news media didn’t want to talk about it.”

My favorite line in Trump’s speech when he describes the left’s failed five year long witch hunt….”Ah sh>> we failed”, he mocks as the crowd applauds and cheers.

“Remember, I am not the one undermining American Democracy, I’m the one trying to save it!” stated Trump.

Trump speaks at North Carolina GOP convention

Trump rips the fake administration and calls them out for their stolen election and points out Biden’s horrible policies that destroy America!




President trump walked you all through it…did you take heed?

President Trump asked, “What’s the thousand points of light about….has anyone ever figured that one out?”


Four months after President Trump asks the question…there is a funeral for the Thousand Points of Light Beamer Bush …letters get passed out….

Six months later President Trump visits the Queen the second time.

Remember on his first visit a year earlier, he walked in front of the Queen.

Thousand Points of Light Conference….WHO was it for? Was it about secret plans for humanity? Plans we were gaslighted with and then…. fell asleep listening too as we marched into sustainable development for the 21st Century?

2018 Points of light held in November 2017. The same year President Trump made his world tour and visited the Vatican.

United Nations:  2020 UN International Day of Light: MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL

Light is life. Without light, life on our planet would not exist. In studying light through astrophysics, we delve into some of the deepest mysteries of the universe. In exploring optics and quantum optics, we plunge into the heart of matter itself.

It is therefore unsurprising that, across cultures, light is a universal symbol of life, inclusion, and renewal. Light is associated with illumination, or spiritual awakening. Light is seen in opposition to darkness, which represents ignorance and intolerance.

Although light symbolizes knowledge, we are still blind to many of its everyday applications. The high broadband speeds we use today could not have been achieved without fibre optics. DVDs and Blu-Ray discs could not be read without light. Solar energy is a source of heating. Light-based technologies are essential in healthcare, where optical instruments and tools are used for analysis and imaging, and ultraviolet light sources are used for sterilization. These technologies are also essential for sequencing genomes – like that of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, currently wreaking havoc around the world.

It is these exceptional properties that we celebrate every 16 May, on the International Day of Light. This year, as the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope that this event will also be an opportunity to shed light on unprecedented global challenges.

—  Shamila Nair-Bedouelle – Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, on the occasion of the International Day of Light 2020


The Memorial Day now… a three day weekend… pointing to the evil points of light the Cabal have pushed all along the way.

There is no room for Memorial Day in the Biden Stolen Election Thousand Points of Light Regime to RESET the Globe.


President Trump asked us to figure it out. How many did?  How many even thought about it?

The RESET is for the light of Lucifer it is not the light of God.

Today, more than half of humanity – 3.9 billion people – lives in cities. By 2050, cities will host 2.5 billion more urban dwellers, making the world almost 70% urban.
UNESCO is committed to enhancing the sustainability of cities through policy advice, technical assistance and capacity building, drawing on its longstanding normative and operational experience in the fields of education, sciences, culture, communication and development. Thanks to multi-disciplinary cooperation among all its sectors, as well as its broad network of experts across the globe, UNESCO has become a leading agency in the effective implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development(link is external).

 The UNESCO Cities Platform gathers eight UNESCO networks and programmes, and reflects the transversal approach the Organization’s work with cities towards implementing the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. It includes the following programmes:

The UN does not hide any of their light projects…. They only hide the real intent behind them.

UNESCO for Sustainable Cities

RESIST THE EVIL LIGHT OF LUCIFER AND PRESS FORWARD INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD! We are at the fork in the road it is either GOD’S KINGDOM or enslavement. I read the BIBLE….GOD WINS!






As you know, The Marshall Report has been under a hack… I didn’t misspell it…that is my name for attack. A hack attack…and my great IT man Nik explained it…but I will spare the details. The good news is he has been putting a new domain together for the past two weeks… and God is watching over us for he started this in motion a week before we had any sign of attacks (except the occassional trolls).

The new site will be called “Dianne Marshall Report”. It will be when it is ready. I am told all of the subscribers will be transferred over and most everything will operate the same way, it will have a new look and a table of contents to access different reports. So that is something people were wanting and it will have that.

Sample page of articles to choose from.

I am learning a lot about cyber land and security and how things work/don’t work and Nik is going to do an interview where he will update us on what we need to be careful about with aps, hacks, and emails. If you have any questions you want answered about cyber safety and protection…hackers, and software…please write them in the comments. I will include your questions in the article and have him address those questions directly.

Healthy Computers: How To — Impact Association Management

I am learning some things are server issues, computer issues, and there are a list of types of what he called WAN, Land, computer and email issues and what to look for that is normal…meaning it’s your computer…and what to look for that could be a threat. He explained many things that happened with people working from home…and things we need to remember to stay protected. So, please ask your questions.

While the world is shaking and cyber attacks are hitting all the truth tellers, and critical thinking opinion holders, we are still pressing on exposing all the facts and clues available…praying for our nation and encouraging one another.

We are learning how to lift our voices in faith to the Lord with a shout! Like in the days of Joshua when the walls of Jericho tumbled down. In spite of all the propaganda, and all of the naysayers…we are winning! God is smiling and his Son Jesus is at the narrow Gate waving his hand for us to come through it! God’s Kingdom is coming and it is indeed within us!

Stay strong and keep things fun!



We said this from the first moment it happened. But, the evil fake news and liar Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell paid cabal puppets lied and bore false witness! We all knew the reason they went to the underground bunkers is because they had paid thugs to bomb the Capitol but those weapons of destruction had been intercepted – but the evil coup plotters did not know this. Their evil plans were foiled and laid bare for all to see who had eyes to see and ears to hear the truth that they saw with their own eyes on the day this transpired!

But it is well to hear that now FAKE NEWS CABAL can no longer lie against the truth!

The Question is…why did it take so long to look at the truth instead of the fake narrative? Especially when during the time of its’ importance there were hundreds, if not thousands, of eye witness videos and reports? Why were those voices squelched? Was it because the cabal was so powerful? Or was it part of a broader plan?

Eye Witness Account Of January 6th Riot Says Cops Fired On Crowd, Used Gas, And Tried To Bait Protesters, But They Stayed Peaceful

According to a new report from the Gateway Pundit, one of the publication’s readers has put together a video made from the images this person captured on the day of the siege along with his own personal observations.

Eye Witness Account Of January 6th Riot Says Cops Fired On Crowd, Used Gas, And Tried To Bait Protesters, But They Stayed Peaceful | Republican Insider

I suppose we should just be glad that at least now they are pointing out that the videos and testimonies of patriots are true.

Stage 1:

When I arrived at the building, I was approximately 30′ from the front edge of the crowd.

The police had an ideal defensive situation, as the Capitol building sits atop a 35’ vertical limestone wall.  To access the Capitol building from my location, you first needed to enter the courtyard 35’ above.

  • The only route to the courtyard was through a single narrow stairwell.
  • The cops needed only to defend the stairwell from above to contain the crowd.

Instead of staying on the high ground, the police defied all tactical logic by going to ground level and directly engaging the peaceful crowd.

  • Then, without warning, police began firing flash/bang grenades, tear gas, and pepper spray into the crowd.
  • Prior to this attack the police made no attempt to communicate with the crowd; they did not declare “an unlawful assembly” or ask the crowd to leave—they simply attacked a peaceful crowd.
  • A tear gas canister struck me in the head, knocking my eyeglasses to the ground.

The police continued to abuse the crowd for 30-45 minutes, allowing the media to get the pictures and video showing the police “repelling” the supposed attack.

It is worth noting, that the police appeared to be baiting the crowd to counterattack because the only visible police were 5-10 very skinny, very unintimidating officers, (definitely NOT the Alpha-male, linebacker types you expect to be riot troops) in front of a crowd of tens of thousands.  You will see a larger police presence at a local high school football game compared to what I saw on the West side of the Capitol building.

When the media had their images and it became clear that the crowd was not going to attack the police or the building police tactics changed.

  • The police behavior suddenly changed from “repelling the mob” to becoming tour-guides allowing the people to climb the stairs, enter the courtyard and even enter the building.
  • Obviously, had the protesters stayed on the ground below the courtyard stairwell the narrative of the storming, violent mob overrunning the police would have collapsed.

WITH GOD, TIMING IS EVERYTHING…So that being said, let us rejoice that the Gateway Pundit did this great freeing story and may we know that Justice is on the way!

Read full story here: Eye Witness Account on January 6th: Police Fired on Crowd, Gassed Crowd, Baited Crowd but Protesters Remained Peaceful (VIDEO) (





God’s ways are not man’s ways. God sent his son to die once and for all who have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.  He has laid out a plan of forgiveness that no one should perish but all might have everlasting life who believe on his son and receive him as their savior, and in so doing they all receive freely the gift of the Holy Spirit to comfort and to guide them in their every moment against the evils of the darkness that deceives them.

 Man keeps track of one’s sins and uses each one for condemnation and judgement.  Even from childhood as the world watched and witnessed in the case of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and the Presidency of Donald J. Trump. When there are no obvious sins to present, hearsay is the weapon and an onslaught of bearing false witness.  Bending, twisting, and presenting fabricated motives within false scenarios to condemn while upholding evil as a banner in the name of manmade justice.

Did God Create Sin?

 The Lord forgives all who believe upon him – those past sins now have no justification, we receive a full pardon, yet, man guided by self -desire and evil whispers in the head go forth to kill, steal and destroy for they follow the path very wide that no shepherd has laid down their life to guard.

I am the Good Shepherd | Understanding the Gospel

The path enlarges, forever widening with every false whisper of fame, fortune and power. For these gods and goddesses offer illusion in order to find all who are willing to give up their soul for small promises, the devil only paying the minimum price the lost soul will take for his soul to be among the pack of wolves, bears, and hungry vultures.

These are just a few of the idols of the wide path that whispers to those without the good shepherd.

Spiritual Authority and Power – Bethesda Bedok Tampines Church

In God’s Kingdom there is righteousness, glory, peace, love and charity. There is a gathering of others watching out for the defenseless and ready to help their neighbor as they, themselves would want to be helped. There is a love of God Almighty the creator of all living that leads them to see the good in all through their gift of the Holy Spirit. This is not a weakness, it takes a great strength to keep and to hold onto it.  For evil forces send out battering rams against its’ walls daily, attempting to break down its’ resolve  to forgive and hold to a lasting love for others.

It takes more courage and strength for a lone sheep to stand up against evil knowing you will be tortured and killed for doing so than it does to be a bought cabal soldier paid to sleigh others with weapons of hate and war.

How 17 Saints Fought the Devil and Lived to Tell the Tale

Therefore, God has provided each the power to call upon the Lord and to shout for the sending out of his mighty angels to fight the battle we have before us.  Call out in faith, call loud and with deep conviction that God HAS HEARD YOUR  VOICE AND HAS YOU IN HIS MIGHTY HANDS! NO BATTLE CRY IN THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL GO UNHEARD!




We have all been listening to the great song by Billy Falcon titled, “Never Surrender” and many have said this should be played at every patriotic event! We love the words, the sound, the music, and how it gives our very soul much hope and it inspires the heart! So, I felt it would be good for people to also meet the man behind the song.

Billy isn’t a newcomer on the music scene, he has been around a long time and is a talented, and very humble American icon. He is a musician, composer and music producer. He released rock albums throughout the late 1970s and 1980s, as well as appearing on The Way International‘s “High Country Caravan”. He is currently active in the Nashville, Tennessee area with the band The Sowing Circle.

He signed his first record contract with a major label at age 18.  Falcon, a prolific writer, considers himself a “reporter” of his life experiences in lyrics and melodies.

Pretty Blue World, released in 1991, produced Falcon’s highest-charting single, “Power Windows“, which broke into the Top 40.  The same album contains “Heaven’s Highest Hill”, which articulates the pain of having to tell his three-year-old daughter that her mother had died, echoing the true-life event of the loss of his wife Myla to breast cancer.

He signed a deal with Mercury Records after Jon Bon Jovi contacted him about working together in the early 1990s.  Falcon has co-written over thirty songs on several Bon Jovi albums. “Give in to Me”, co-written with Falcon’s daughter Rose and Elisha Hoffman, is featured in the Sony Pictures film Country Strong and performed by Faith Hill on the film’s soundtrack. Other songs he has written have been covered by Stevie Nicks, Cher, Manfred Mann, Sherrie Austin, Meat Loaf and Trace Adkins.  Over his career, Falcon has released a dozen albums.

Falcon has lived in Nashville for the past 19 years. Over the past four years, he has performed with the band The Sowing Circle and continues to write, perform, record and produce albums for artists, including his daughter Rose Falcon.

Click to check out Billy’s Music Website: Billy Falcon | Biography & History | AllMusic

Power Windows - Billy Falcon - YouTube

Billy Falcon

The Marshall Report was EXTREMELY HONORED that Billy Falcon put our banner in his video “Never Surrender”, and extremely humbled that he thanked us in his video “Hold On” among the likes of Lin Wood and fellow patriotic Americans. He has inspired the readers and friends on The Marshall Report with his music and we are appreciative that he has allowed us to share it with the world. Thank you Billy Falcon – from all of us who have found a gathering place at the Marshall Report!



Lauren Daigle song “YOU SAY” REACHES 212,977,123 Views!!

Is anyone else noticing the off the charts rising in Godly inspired songs?

Lauren Daigle – Rescue (Official Music Video) 34,083,081 views

How Great Thou Art (feat. Lauren Daigle) 6,216,051 views 


Fauci’s book SCRUBBED from online stores! They are six foot distancing from it.

News from the darkside is FAUCI’ THE BIO RESEARCHER AND FAX JAB PUSHER is looking a bitter shade of pale after his emails were released with damning information. His new book an 80 pager Titled: Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward was removed from online book sale stores. Although the book was removed immediately after the scathing emails went public… national Geographic said the release was prematurely released and therefore removed. However, when you see the writing on the wall for the globalist RESET munchkin named Fauci…it may have to have an entire rewrite.

The book, retailed at $18 for preorders and was set to release on Nov. 2. National Geographic Books, developed the book in connection with an upcoming National Geographic Documentary Film about Fauci. Wonder if the documentary will have a rewrite as well?

Especially since the description of the book read. “Those looking to live a more compassionate and purposeful life will find inspiration in his unique perspective on leadership, expecting the unexpected, and finding joy in difficult times.” Boy isn’t that off kilter?

Very few are buying the Fraudski totalitarian liar’s stance these days. The little weasel is bound to get a fancy ankle bracelet soon to match his bandit mask. If the Fraudski we are seeing now is even the same guy. His voice has changed and all of a sudden he doesn’t have the irritating graveled courseness in every word. But, then again, maybe that is just part of Expecting the Unexpected? Of which he is now beginning to experience.

Fauci headlines of being scrubbed from major online retailers made headlines earlier on Wednesday June 2, 2021.

Meanwhile you can still purchace these Fauci Titles….

Tony’s Virus: How Tony Fauci became the most powerful man in the world by exploiting a pandemic Paperback –

by Steven E. Greer MD (Author)

September 7, 2020

Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Paperback –

By Charles Ortleb

March 23, 2020

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) by [Robert F. Kennedy]

The Real Anthony Fauci:

Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) 

By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Kindle Edition






In today’s trivia to keep our minds free from propaganda and to let out some hidden stress…I thought it would be nice to have some fun with some light thinking time. So here are some interesting photos…feel free to Caption it….

“Your days are numbered…..”

Trump said “Fauci has been in position for 500 years.” Was he being funny or did he know something we don’t know? Just wondering. (Trump Slams Fauci As A ‘Disaster’ Who ‘Has Been Here for 500 Years’ During Campaign Staff Call – Trump Slams Fauci As A ‘Disaster’ Who ‘Has Been Here for 500 Years’ During Campaign Staff Call · The Floridian (

When the double goes to wrong wardrobe room….
Nancy Pelosi | TheHill
I need some more……of the ….the stuff. The stuff ..I’m out of stuff!
That look when it’s not funny anymore…
When name calling is appropriate…
Trump Campaign Fundraising Off 'Pencil-Neck' Adam Schiff T-Shirts | Talking  Points Memo
Sun TZU Art of War…Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.
Wait upon the Lord…Timing is everything…
Planet of the …….??
Opinion: Trump Calls Out Swamp Turtle McConnell! – The Northwest Connection
When you are too far gone to be a RINO… you become a……
A double so bad, even the press is choking….
Sun Tzu…Be Where Your Enemy Is Not…..
Tha…tha….that’s…. all..all folks. Folks.




In a dramatic storm scene from the book, “The Spear of Destiny – The Journey Begins”, we have a scene where the followers of the way have fled Jerusalem which is in chaos. Romans are not happy with the fact they have escaped as they are quite a batch of priceless lineage in the boat. The Romans have orders to pursue and God has other plans. Please enjoy this scene that shows how God takes what the devil intends for evil and turns it into good.


After hours of riding the horses hard, Longinus slowed his horse and addressed the others, “We have made a good distance, let us stop and rest our horses here.”

     “You have served us like an angel of the Lord,” stated Joseph in a deep, sincere tone as he got down from his horse.

     “The Lord has truly sent him to us,” said Mary, the mother of Jesus.

     “Angel of the Lord or sent, I am impressed!” shouted Khalid.

     “You would make a great bounty hunter, but you would need to find a good dog like Vitali,” he said as he poured water in a cup for her.

     Longinus held the reins of his horse and stretched his legs. He looked back toward Jerusalem and studied the horizon.

     Mary went over to him and asked, “What is it that you see?”

     “I was thinking of my dream and wondering how long it will be until we see the distant dust from horses’ hooves.”

     Mary looked at the horizon for a moment. Then she turned and went over to Mary, Jesus’s mother, who motioned for her to come.

     She brought out a loaf of bread from her haversack and said, “Mary, go and give the others some bread. They need to be nourished.”

     Mary smiled and took the loaf. She pulled apart generous pieces and gave to them all.

     It seemed as though they had just stopped to rest, and it was time to mount up and travel some more. No one complained. They were all very thankful.

     They traveled until the night was beginning to set in. Longinus knew it was time to find a suitable place to make camp. Both the people and the horses needed to sleep.

     “There is a wooded area that I stayed when I came to Jerusalem, not far from here.  We should reach it soon. We can camp there.”

Now miles ahead of the Roman army, Longinus and the others had made a nice camp, and John had prepared some smoked fish and bread.

     Longinus looked at Mary and said, “This is very fresh smoked fish.”

     “And at a price cheaper than Gaza,” said Mary with a giggle.

     Longinus was slow in understanding, but as he thought, he broke out in laughter, remembering Josiah.

     “They are having fun,” John said to Khalid.

     “They laugh at things that make no sense. The fish is good. I’ll have another,” said Khalid.

     After a good serving of food, they all rested. They had plans to get up before dawn and make their way to Joppa. It wasn’t far. Longinus believed that they would be at the ports by the afternoon as long as they got an early start.

The Missing Mariner

Longinus and the others finally arrived at the ports in Joppa. Longinus led them all to the ship of the Mariner, but the ship was not there. At the dock, he asked a fisherman, “Where is the Mariner’s ship? The man from Aksum?”

     “Oh, they sailed out yesterday. Planned to bring in a big catch.”

     Longinus knew that when they planned for a big catch, it meant at least two weeks at sea. Now what do we do? he thought.

     Joseph and the others heard the report. They looked at one another. Mary spoke up, “The Lord has not led us here in vain. He will show us what to do.”

     Longinus was concerned and said, “We have no seaworthy ship. We must go from here.”

     Then Khalid spoke up, “We can get a boat. We have men enough who can row oars.”

Longinus thought and answered, “The old fisherman. He had many of such boats. Khalid, come with me. Mary, you and the others wait here. We will be back as fast as we can.”

     Mary nodded.  

     Khalid looked at Vitali and commanded, “You stay here and guard the women.” Vitali barked in agreement.

     Khalid added, “First, we find the fisherman, then we get the boat, then we sail.” Vitali barked again, and Khalid and Longinus galloped away to see the fisherman.

     When they came upon the bones, Khalid asked, “What does a fisherman do with so many old bones?”

     Longinus answered, “He sees in these the day that the dry bones will awake and become a great and powerful army for the kingdom of heaven.”

     Khalid shrugged his head and rolled his eyes and decided not to ask any more questions.

     As they neared the entrance of the cave, Khalid saw the bones on the outside of it formed the image of soldiers. He wondered at it. Then a voice was heard and they turned and saw the old fisherman coming, pulling a boat on a makeshift cart. It was tied very securely and did not move one little wobble.

     “I had expected your arrival a little later, but I see you made good time.”

     Longinus smiled as he saw the boat and said, “What do I owe you for this?”

     The old fisherman said, “There is no coinage due for obeying the word of the Lord. One simply does what they are told. Rewards come later. But for now, it is my pleasure to help in any way. Take the boat and the provisions in it. Go now, you must not tarry here.”   

     Longinus held up his spear and shouted, “Look upon the first of your Lord’s great and powerful army!” He then pointed the spear at Khalid and shouted, “And look upon the second!”

The old fisherman smiled and said, “Go now, for the Lord has shown me that the Romans come at you with great speed. They are no longer detained.”

     Longinus nodded, and Khalid grabbed the ropes of the cart that held the boat and shouted, “I will lead, you follow behind to make sure the cart does not lose the boat.” “Agreed!” shouted Longinus, and they rode off as fast as they could, being careful not to topple the boat from the cart.

     John and Joseph saw Longinus and Khalid coming with the boat tied to the cart and grabbed some knives to cut the ropes that bound the boat. As they cut away the ropes, Mary, the mother of Jesus, said, “The Lord has blessed us with this boat, may he keep us safe as we sail.”

     They freed the boat from the cart and together the men lifted it down and carried it out past the shallows of the water. The women waded after them, carrying all the haversacks except for one.  Vitali carried Khalid’s holding it tight between her teeth.

     Once past the shallows, the women, Joseph, and John climbed into the boat, while Longinus and Khalid held it steady. Then they lifted themselves up into it. They grabbed the oars and began to row. They made their way out to sea and the ports of Joppa began to look smaller from the distance.

     As they continued out to sea, Longinus tried hard to remember all he had learned in maintaining his direction with the sun. If only I had something to navigate with, he thought.

     As they got further out to sea, John decided to rummage through the provisions that were provided by the old fisherman. He came across a strange-looking object. Holding it up, he shouted to Longinus, “Do you know what this is?”

     Longinus looked as he oared, then shouted, “An astrolabe!”

     “Indeed it is!” exclaimed Joseph, “It’s God sent!”

     Longinus quit oaring and moved over to John and took it from him.

     “That old fisherman has blessed us with an astrolabe. With this, we shall be able to navigate our boat. We will not lose our way.”

     They continued to row as fast as they could until the only thing that was seen from every side of the boat was the horizon line.

     Joseph was skilled in the celestial patterns of the stars and would entertain himself using the astrolabe, both during the day with the sun and at night when the stars filled the sky. He shared his knowledge of the stars and their patterns, with the others, on how they traveled and never lost their course. All of them were now learning how to navigate in the waters through the direction of the sun, the moon, and the stars. Longinus learned so much from Joseph who was a great merchant and traveled the seas a lot. The two of them bonded instantly through their shared fascination with that astrolabe.

Tempest at Sea

After a couple days at sea, in the early dawn, Longinus awoke in the boat and spotted a fleet of ships on the horizon. They were Roman biremes.

     “Oar fast as you can!” he shouted to Khalid. Khalid grabbed the oars and began to row. He looked on the horizon and saw the Roman biremes.

     “May the Lord protect us,” shouted John as he looked and saw the Roman biremes on the horizon.

     “The Lord will make us a way,” comforted Mary to the others.  It seemed that no matter how fast the men rowed, the Roman biremes kept coming closer.

    “They are so fast,” shouted Longinus. “We must keep going.” He looked at Mary and the rest who had their heads bowed in prayer and said, “Pray as you have never prayed in your life for a miracle at sea.”

     Khalid shouted, “You too, Vitali!” and Vitali bowed her head.

     “Well, I’ll be,” said Khalid with surprise as he watched her pray. For those words he spoke out of nervousness and not with any real intent.

      As the Roman biremes continued to gain speed, coming closer and closer, suddenly, out of nowhere, the sky turned dark. A tempest was brewing and the waves began to slash against the small boat, rolling it up and down in the water. The sky grew black, and no one could see beyond the boat. The roar of rolling thunder drummed in their ears continuously, and every few minutes, a flash of lightning cracked in the sky, thrusting a quick burst of light.

     The little boat raised up and down, hitting against the pounding waves. Longinus feared the boat would turn over or, worse yet, split apart. After a long length of time, their little boat suddenly became very still. Yet the waves continued to slash out and crash downward all around them. They heard the desperate commands of Roman captains shouting to their sailors ordering them to tighten sails and throw down anchors.

     Longinus wondered at the strange calm and stillness of their boat when all around them the storm was raging and showing no mercy to the Roman biremes.

     In the darkness, none could see that there was an angel of the Lord, guarding over them. The angel had his legs straddled over the boat, and all the water around his legs was still. His head reached up above the darkened clouds. He was an awesome sight to behold. Yet they could not see him.

     Mary and the others continued to pray. Longinus saw the miracle in the stillness of their boat and bowed his head and began to pray.

     Khalid said, “I do not know this God of yours, but he has answered your petitions. I will petition to him as well.” He bowed his head and began to petition.

     The sounds of ships falling apart at sea, amidst the roaring thunders, were deafening to their ears. Through the bellowing storm, they heard the shouts of men drowning, and the fearful cries of Romans shouting to pagan gods for help that did not come.

     The darkness continued to loom, then all of a sudden, their boat began to sail with great speed. They all held on to the sides of the boat and continued to pray. The boat sailed and sailed. After a great length of time, the darkness lifted, and they all wondered at what had taken place. They could not see the angel of the Lord bending over and taking his mighty hand and pushing their little boat across the water.

     Then suddenly, Longinus looked out over the horizon and saw a faint outline of hills. “Land,” he shouted!

     Khalid reached for his oars, but they were gone. Longinus looked for his and they too had been torn away in the storm. He feared that they would drift back out to sea and ordered Khalid and the men to row the boat with their arms in the water. They all reached over into the water and used their arms to row the boat, and it eventually came to the shallows. Khalid jumped out and began to push the boat from behind through the shallows; Longinus jumped into the water and helped. Then John and Joseph did the same. They pushed it along through the shallows and onto the shore.

     “I do not know where we are,” said Longinus, “but it is where the Lord has led us.” John and Joseph helped the women out of the boat, and Vitali leaped out and ran to Khalid.

     Khalid shouted with joy as he took hold of Vitali’s mane and shook her head with his two giant hands. “We made it, girl!” Vitali barked and barked.

     “Look!” shouted John. “Crates are drifting ashore!” Longinus looked, then shouted, “They are supplies from the biremes, come, we must get them.” The men followed Longinus and began to pull many crates to shore.

     Khalid began to open them to see what was inside. To his surprise, the first one he opened was filled with spices. He opened another and it had a small chest inside. He pried open the chest, and it was filled with coins. “Look!” he shouted. “Great riches!”   

     Mary exclaimed, “The Lord has provided us means for our travel ahead.”

     Joseph still had the astrolabe and held it out to study the position of the sun. After a few minutes, he exclaimed, “I believe we have landed on the shores of Gaul!”

     At the same time the followers were rejoicing on the shore, the Old Man, known as the Apprentice, appeared walking on the waters of the sea, looking down at the floating bodies of dead Roman soldiers.

     He looked as debris from a sunken bireme hit against the lifeless body of his precious Gaius. “There goes that one,” he said as he placed his foot upon Gaius’s head and shoved it under the water. He watched small air bubbles float upward as the lungs of Gaius filled with water. It wasn’t long and his body floated downward into the depths of the sea.

     “That cursed Longinus has learned to wield the power of his spear. No one can stop him now. I will think of other ways to counter the goodness of his spear. Great persecution and death of little followers is where I shall start. I go to Rome.”




So many are referring to the storm that is upon us. We all react differently when going through such trials. I have thought a lot about different Storm stories in my book, “The Spear of Destiny – The Journey Begins”. I would like to share a chapter and hope you can see the meanings within it as well as the struggle. How the Lord always provides a way when nothing looks possible but doom. Please enjoy it.


On the ship bound for Greece, Mary and Longinus finally found some privacy away from Suzanna and Josiah. Longinus asked Mary, “What is for us in Greece?” Mary answered, “I do not know. But if that is where the Lord leads us, that is where we must go.”

     Longinus looked at Mary as she sadly looked back at the shoreline.

     Mary leaned forward over the bow, watching until the city had faded away in the distance and the last scent of olive trees had long passed. Her eyes had grown weary from gazing upon the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Longinus stood next to her and wondered at the things they had experienced and how the Lord had shown them their way. He wondered what the Lord would show them next.

     Longinus and Mary gazed out upon the waters as the moon cast a shine upon the waves causing them to shimmer as they rippled across the sea.  It was a beautiful night.

     They watched until their eyes were heavy, and they knew it was time to go to their assigned quarters and get some sleep. Morning would come all too soon.

     “We must tell Suzanna and Tobias good night. They have been so gracious to us,” said Mary, and Longinus nodded in agreement. They walked over to the other side of the ship and found their friends.

     Suzanna and Tobias were busy bickering about a many number of inconveniences one of them was sea travel and only stopped long enough to bid Mary and Longinus good night.

     “I can’t believe there is nothing to do but look out over this dreadful sea…oh, are you leaving?” asked Suzanna to Mary.

     “It has been a long day, we go now to get some sleep.”

     “Well, if you can…I hope you rest well. Tobias, tell me again why you thought travel by sea would be good, why I haven’t the slightest idea how you think such things?”

     “Suzanna, have some smoked fish…it was a good price,” he said as he tore a piece and put it in his mouth. “It is not fresh,” he grumbled.

     “The man told me it was fresh.”

     “Well, that is what you get from believing a merchant in the market.”

     Mary and Longinus looked at each other and shook their heads. As they walked away, the bickering faded into the distance.

     Longinus said, “They love being so.” Mary giggled.

     “How do you know them?” he asked.

     “Oh, I don’t really. I met Suzanna a few times in Jerusalem. Each time she talked and talked and told me what she thought of things. I only listened.”

     “But Josiah seemed to know you?”

     “I never met him before today. He was being cordial for Suzanna.”

      Longinus gave Mary a puzzled look and said, “All I can say is I’m glad he was cordial.”

      Mary and Longinus nestled into their meager quarters. There was not much room, but it was enough. They had to share the same sleeping space, and Longinus was careful not to touch Mary’s body.

Mary was pleased with his respect and thanked him. “Sleep well, and thank you for being so mindful.”

      “Ah…yes. Sleep well,” he said.

     The ship continued to sail, and the passengers were fast asleep. A warm, soothing breeze whispered through the air, over the calm waters. The night’s serenity was accompanied by the sound of gentle waves, rippling against the side of the ship. All was at peace in the Mediterranean Sea.

     Then, halfway through the night, the sky began to darken, and ominous black rolling clouds covered the moon and hid the beautiful constellation of the stars. The peaceful waters began to form slashing waves with foaming white caps.

     “There is a storm coming, slacken the sails!” shouted a sailor as he looked at the sky and watched the waves beating at the front of the stern.

     “Tighten the rudder rope!” yelled another. “It looks like a tempest. It came out of nowhere!” The sailors worked frantically to prepare the ship for the coming storm. They watched and wondered where this storm came from and how bad it would be. The boat began to rock and heave on the water. The passengers were all sound asleep. Then a bolt of lightning cracked in the sky and a thunderous roar followed in an instant. It is directly over our heads!” shouted the sailor.” I’ve never seen anything so fierce in these waters!”

    “Grab hold of the ropes and hold this lady in place!” shouted the ship’s captain.

      The heavy pounding waves fiercely knocked at the ship’s stern with great violence. The captain feared it would soon be broken up.

“Alert the passengers—awaken them!” he shouted. “It looks like it may be every man for himself!”

     Many of the people were already awake and coming out onto the deck. They slid as the boat heaved and rocked. Many were not able to get a sure footing for the deck was filling fast with water. Waves kept slashing over the sides and into the ship. Barrels and bins of merchant goods were sliding into the passengers as they waded through the water. They grabbed at anything that looked secure enough to hang on to.     Longinus and Mary awoke. They ran to the steps that led to the top of the deck and were met by a wave of water knocking them backward. They slid in the water.

Longinus shouted to Mary, “Grab my hand!” She took hold and he pulled her toward him and they made their way to the top. “Hang on to this!” he hollered at Mary as he threw her a rope bound to the side of the deck. “No matter what, do not let go!”

     “I won’t,” shouted Mary.

     Longinus joined the men who were fighting to hold the rudder in place with ropes. He fixed his strong hands around the rope and pulled with all his weight and might against it. He held it steadfast. The ship was making cracking sounds and the mast was weaving back and forth as though it might break into. “Steady her!” shouted

the captain through the sound of the roaring waves and the rolling thunder.

     “We have to turn her around!” shouted Longinus. “Toward the shore!” The captain looked over and shouted, “Get her turned around, loosen the rudder ropes, and hold her steady!”

     The men fought to get the ship turned; finally, they were able to do so. The captain then shouted, “Hoist the main sail—hoist it now!” They hoisted the sail and the blasting wind pushed into it with such force; the men feared the sail might tear apart. The ship shot toward the shore with lightning speed, without any oarsmen, without any help. Parts of the stern were being knocked apart from the great force of the violent waves hitting it.

     Mary was holding on to the rope with all her strength, then suddenly, it snapped. She went sliding backward to the back of the ship slushing through the water, slapping into the wall of the stern. She grabbed hold of a bar and hung on tight.

     The captain knew he had to slow the ship down, so he shouted, “Lower the anchors. All of them!”

     One of the passengers tried to escape by lowering a lifeboat; he no sooner lowered it down with the rope and the wind caught it, sending it upward, straight out in the air. The rope holding it snapped like a tender twig, sending the boat hurling across the water as though someone had shot it from a sling.

     The men fought to keep the ship steady in the storm for hours; somehow, the ship held together as it continued to drive itself with

lightning speed toward the shore. The men held on to the sides of the ship and braced themselves. That was all they could do as the ship seemed to have a mind of its own.

     The shore was in sight and the ship was getting closer and closer and not slowing down. The captain shouted, “You can’t jump, she goes too fast. Shield your heads and hang on for your life.”

     Longinus looked over at Mary who was clinging to a bar at the stern of the ship. He shouted, “Get down, shield yourself!”

     Mary could not hear him. He shouted again, “Get down! Shield yourself, when this hits, the stern will break apart!” Longinus tied a rope around the mast pole, left enough slack to reach the stern, and then took the end and tied it to his waist, leaving a good length. He coiled the extra length of rope around his arm and made his way toward Mary. It was hard to move forward against the force of the wind and the speed of the ship, but he inched his way there. He saw the stern was breaking up. There was but a little window of time to get Mary to the front of the ship.

     He threw her the rope and shouted, “Tie this around your waist and take my hand.”

     Mary struggled to hang on and tie the rope at the same time. She finally did it, then reached out her hand to Longinus. He grabbed it and Mary let go of the bar just as the stern ripped apart, sending the bar flying. Longinus pulled Mary to him.      “Hold on tight to me!” he shouted. Mary clung to him as they fought the strength of the wind and made their way to the mast in the middle. He shouted, “If she hits the shallows at this speed, she could shake apart!” But before he and Mary could do anything more, the ship hit the shallows. Mary clung to Longinus. The ship was vibrating and shaking as it skidded in the shallows. It continued to skid past the sands on the shore, skidding and burying the bow deep into the sand. Pieces of the ship were breaking apart and flying in the air. The ship was slowing, but it was still sliding and burying deeper into the sand.

    Longinus looked out and saw a wall of canyon rock just ahead and braced himself and Mary for what he thought was a direct hit. Suddenly, the ship stopped two inches before it hit the wall of rock. The bow was buried so deep in the sand one could just step off it onto the ground.

     They looked around; miraculously, no one was seriously hurt. Then, a familiar voice was heard, “I paid good coin for this smoked fish and now it’s full of nothing but saltwater. Wasted, it is nothing but wasted!” It was Josiah.

     “Oh, stop your squabbling, Josiah, and go see what the captain is going to do about getting us to Greece!”

     “Greece? Suzanna, I will see what he will do about returning our coins! We paid for safe passage! This is not safe passage!”

     Longinus and Mary looked at each other with surprise. They looked over at Suzanna and Josiah who were safe and well. They seemed very content to stand and bicker. They looked back at each other and laughed. Mary said, “In the middle of the most dangerous life-threatening time, God has given us joy through our friends.”



As the people got off the ship, the captain was trying hard to keep some type of order during the chaos. “We will assess where we are and let you know how we plan to make passage. For now, the ship is buried deep and in need of great repair. Two at a time can come aboard and gather whatever belongings the sea did not take.”

     Longinus anticipated getting his haversack and hoped it was intact. As he waited for his turn to board ship and seek it, he looked up at the sky and the direction of the sun. He looked at the horizons. Then he looked at Mary and said, “Do you have any idea what shore we are on?”

     Mary answered, “I do not know. I only know this is the Lord’s doing. He will show us what we need. For last night, an angel of the Lord, whom I serve, stood beside me and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary. The powers of darkness have sought to sift you as wheat, but God has sent me to intervene. Know that God has taken what the devil meant for evil and has turned it into good. He has called you to return to Jerusalem. Your ship will be struck by a storm at sea, but God has graciously given you safety, and the lives of all who sail with you.’”

     Longinus was very amazed. He marveled at this thing that Mary told. He thought about it and asked, “So is this how the Lord fights for us against the principalities and powers of evil?”

      “Yes,” answered Mary.
