When I watched this video my thoughts went to where we are as a nation of people. God’s people are coming together in a sort of human chain to grab on to each other to build faith. For each of the men in the video had to have faith that they would succeed in order to first begin. Once they began, God sent another, and another, until the amount of people to achieve the task had gathered.

Friends form human chain to save dog stuck in reservoir
It begins with one person willing to try! With faith, God sends the rest of what you need. That’s how faith works!

Some were more limber, some were stronger, but alone, the task would not have been achieved. IT TOOK ALL THE PEOPLE WORKING TOGETHER WITH CONFIDENCE THAT THE TASK COULD BE DONE and FAITH THEY WOULD COMPLETE IT! This is where we are my friends. Gathering one by one to encourage each other, together, giving hope and strength to the weakest link. And even the weakest link had faith the men would pull him through and they did.

But the hidden element is LOVE. Without love and compassion for God’s creation, and willingness to help your fellow man, this would have ended very differently. Possibly with bystanders shouting, “It’s impossible.”and “Give it up dude, it’s just a dog!”

Fear of getting hurt would also have a very different outcome. No one would have tried to save the dog and all would resign that as much as they would have wanted to help, there was simply nothing they could do.




  1. Robert G Boensch says:


    WE some time we need to reflect go back to a reset point
    and review a time of great hope in this country
    Start the movement over
    to Re energize

    The Battle Hymn Of The Republic – Trump’s Pre-Inauguration Jan 19th 2017

    Some times we have to look back
    To clear the Fog upon us
    To have hope to move forward


    Liked by 4 people

    1. Robert G Boensch says:

      Robert G Boensch says:


      WE some time we need to reflect go back to a reset point
      and review a time of great hope in this country
      Start the movement over
      to Re energize

      The point of starting the movement over
      I wasn’t clear on that

      The movement was for Our Faith Hope and Trust
      It wasn’t for a Movement to re elect President Trump

      He Is our President

      Be clear on that
      Walk out of the fog
      and into the light

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Robert G Boensch says:

        Go back to My posts here on March 18 2021

        President Trump Did invoke The Insurrection Act

        It is live as we speak

        10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse Text contains those laws in effect on March 20, 2021
        Jump To: Source CreditMiscellaneousCodificationAmendmentsExecutive Documents

        The link is here


        He still is The President Of the United States Of America

        Go back to that page and follow the links

        At least this part of the country

        The fifty States and Guam and Virgin Islands included as “State”

        everyone Start Blowing your Trumpet and the fog will lift

        Walk in the Truth and the Light of What you can See

        And not What others Rumor about and make Idle Talk about Just to Distract you From

        The light So that they can eat from your substance in keep you in Bondage

        Escape This Fog Now

        Step into the Light


        Liked by 1 person

      2. Robert G Boensch says:

        I put it here in case the other video gets taking down

        Trump Did invoke The Insurrection Act

        Proclamation to disperse Text contains those laws in effect on March 20, 2021

        It is live as we speak

        10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse Text contains those laws in effect on March 20, 2021
        Jump To: Source CreditMiscellaneousCodificationAmendmentsExecutive Documents

        God and Trump is in Full control
        WE need not loose Faith
        Pray For Man Kind
        Give thanks for all of GODS blessing and work he has done for His followers world wide
        Share This and Pray for all of Gods people

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Corner Stone says:

        Robert, speaking of the Insurrection act, did you see the first press conference that President Trump gave here at the start of the Dempanic Scamdemic?

        About the middle of it he leaned forward rather low addressing someone in the audience and stated:

        ” I’m a wartime president now.”
        – President Trump

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Corner Stone says:

        If you’re gonna fight, fight like you’re the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s Ark… and brother its starting to rain. – unknown

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Fed up says:

      I really wish that would work! But when the blind are following a puppet, can they read between the lines? I want to know how this whole scam worked and why our checks and balance system failed the USA, especially people. This is the only good thing about old and very ill, i will not see the outcome!!!


      1. Robert G Boensch says:

        Fed up
        Your being here is a great start
        Have patience The light Is coming

        When everyone Blows their Trumpet the fog will lift


        Liked by 2 people

  2. Robert G Boensch says:


    USNA Handel’s Messiah, “Hallelujah Chorus”

    He Shall Live Forever
    This country will Live Forever
    It was Built with Him
    IT will Stand With Him
    Don’t let the flame go out


    Liked by 4 people

  3. Diane,
    I follow you daily because I think your stuff is from heart searching for truth. But I am having trouble with your religious imput. First of all I worked for the “Cabal” under the Title GE. They said that they were going to accept all kinds of groups in to their groups. Then agree with them. Examples of groups are masons, mafia, unions . . . You name it. Then they figure we cant band together. We are already therefore a bunch that doesn’t talk together.
    Another problem I am seeing is that religions religious beliefs ALSO splinter the people/sheep. Lack of communication between the different groups also works against the lowly people/sheep.


  4. Tim says:

    I love seeing these videos, It gives you hope that love in fellow man is still very much alive in America. I believe that God and religion has been trampled on in America! When I was a kid the majority of people in small town America went to church every Sunday it was Gods day people worshiped good together everything was closed Families went to church, children to Sunday school then FAMILIES gathered for Sunday dinner. God was in most Americans lives people had hope and love of neighbors we had laws based on the ten commandments! Then laws were passed to allow businesses to open on Sunday and that was the beginning of the CHAOS we have today!! It was a much better world we lived in not too long ago!!! A lot of what we have now can be blamed directly on State and Federal politicians taking care of unions and corporation’s in stead of the American people!!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Spiritual Warrior says:

    This Catholic preacher will soon be let go for speaking “Truth”.

    All these are the beginning of sorrows.

    Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.

    And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
    And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
    And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
    But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
    And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Guys and gals, there are several articles that say Juan o Savin is part of a CIA psyop to keep Trump supporters lulled into thinking something is about to happen. One man claims to know his CIA badge number.
    I’m not posting link, you all research for yourselves. This was on duck duck go and one of the articles was from
    the site ” forbidden knowledge ” .
    To me all indicators to a resolution of this takeover is going to between GOD and We The People.


    1. Robert G Boensch says:

      If we run a Truth table on all of the facts that We know to be true
      The answer always comes up

      That President Trump is still President

      There’s no question to argue about it

      He said he was giving the country back to the people

      The first step in this to use a truth table

      And walk away from everything that goes against this

      Do not repeat, talk, or share what is not true or support those in telling it

      The the truth will be the only thing we will know and all will share

      If we all do this one thing we will lift the Vail of fog in our life

      President Trump Has Won

      Why are we standing in this fog

      When we can walk into the Light


      Liked by 3 people

      1. Robert G , The only thing I know to be truth is JESUS CHRIST. President Trump had an election stolen from him and so did We The People.
        And you say Trump is still president and there’s no question to argue about it.
        Are you kidding me, you want me to blindly follow mans word as I watch our country be overthrown by Marxists?
        I have a right to be skeptical, maybe we’re going to be drinking from a cup that we don’t like for many years to come.Im not saying dont love one another and pray with one another I’m saying use GOD`S guidance and not mans.
        Right now I see the rank and file in our military getting Marxism crammed down their throats.
        Show me where the military is doing anything to liberate us from this takeover and I will rejoice in that with you.


    1. Robert G Boensch says:


      Robert — There was stuff I wanted Trump to do like use the Insurrection Act

      Go back to My posts here on March 18 2021

      President Trump Did invoke The Insurrection Act

      It is live as we speak

      10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse Text contains those laws in effect on March 20, 2021
      Jump To: Source CreditMiscellaneousCodificationAmendmentsExecutive Documents

      The link is here


      Sorry I didn’t read your post yesterday


      Liked by 1 person

      1. ROBERT PILCHMAN says:

        Please note the following:

        McConnell Says For Trump To Concede to VOTER FRAUD – ASK WHY!

        “This morning (Sunday morning (12/27/2020)) I called up WABC radio “Uncovering the Truth with Rudy Giuliani & Dr. Maria Ryan” and tried to argue that the insurrection act must be used; I was like immediately cut off and both Rudy Giuliani & Dr. Maria Ryan responded that the insurrection act is not an option. So what can be done??? Trump’s personal attorneys INCLUDING RUDY GIULIANI are doing a horrible job representing him !!!”

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Henry Acres says:

    Seems we have come to a new era of propaganda only this time not it’s via radio as in Tokyo Rose, it’s via the Inet from who knows…WHO!!…Ho-hum..!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

    Right before opening my eyes this morning I heard the Spirit saying, “Nothing can be said in truth without the Spirit.”

    I enjoyed the video once again of the rescue of mans best friend. And yes, Love is the answer….. Thanks Dianne!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Hey Buddy the Book of Enoch and the Apocrypha were left out of the Old Testament. The Nag Hammadi library were left out of the New Testament. All 3 books were intentionally left out of the Bible pretty much banned at the council of Nicaea.


  10. Charliepc says:

    My take… I was thinking about, Why would Nancy be so venomously determined to impeach DT.
    Because she knew he was still the President however was caught in her own web. She couldn’t tell the people he was still the President.
    I believe truth always comes out,they are just like children trying to make as much damage on the way out.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. trnathens says:

    There are two types of people: those who love John Denver, and everyone else 😉

    Rhymes and Reason

    So you speak to me of sadness
    And the coming of the winter
    Fear that is within you now
    It seems to never end

    And the dreams that have escaped you
    And the hope that you’ve forgotten
    You tell me that you need me now
    You want to be my friend

    And you wonder where we’re going
    Where’s the rhyme and where’s the reason
    And it’s you cannot accept
    It is here we must begin
    To seek the wisdom of the children
    And the graceful way of flowers in the wind

    For the children and the flowers
    Are my sisters and my brothers
    Their laughter and their loveliness
    Could clear a cloudy day

    Like the music of the mountains
    And the colours of the rainbow
    They’re a promise of the future
    And a blessing for today
    Though the cities start to crumble
    And the towers fall around us
    The sun is slowly fading
    And it’s colder than the sea

    It is written from the desert
    To the mountains they shall lead us
    By the hand and by the heart
    They will comfort you and me
    In their innocence and trusting
    They will teach us to be free

    For the children and the flowers
    Are my sisters and my brothers
    Their laughter and their loveliness
    Could clear a cloudy day

    And the song that I am singing
    Is a prayer to non believers
    Come and stand beside us
    We can find a better way

    What did he know, and when did he know it?!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Robert G Boensch says:

    response to my post


    Please note the following:“This morning (Sunday morning (12/27/2020)) I called up WABC radio “Uncovering the Truth with Rudy Giuliani & Dr. Maria Ryan”

    from your post above look at the date “This morning (Sunday morning (12/27/2020))
    Who said what when and how many times

    What i posted is related to March 20 2021
    The United States Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is prepared by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the United States House of Representatives. For currency information, clic

    10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse Text contains those laws in effect on March 20, 2021

    Please remember
    direct facts are important



  13. ontheedgeofeternity2017 says:

    I didn’t think you would show this video if the dog got washed down the drain, lol. So i watched ,One courageous young man that was so persistent and would not give up, That eventually his persistence got people to come together for a common good and save this poor dog. There’s a lot to learn from this little video

    Liked by 1 person

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