Kim Clement interprets his vision of America and the Python – a royal serpent of suffication – a must watch. Please click link below.

Kim.TV | House of Destiny

Kim.TVhttps://www.houseofdestiny.org/watch-kimtv/?video=PR_Kims_Vision_Of_America_2012&fbclid=IwAR0o88WWYrWlOBuz9ThuPvEeZ4AOo0LoOXhuzS_7HeovrVaRwbpTT5NEq5o | House of Destiny

This is a real eye opener and right on target with all we are proclaiming! God has a message for each one who watches the video above on Kim’s Vision of America….so I will let you view it and receive the message meant for you. I know the one I received and cherish it.

The vision is sure and the interpretation is true.

Kim.TV | House of Destiny

Stay strong!

It’s hard to see through this misery, but I can see a dawn that’s breaking! Amen!




    Do not ask when or seek a date on man’s calendar. Wait. Wait and listen for the Lord. Knowing, God does not operate on man’s time. Wait.

    As we wait, let us gather our strength to continue this battle. Let us sing and dance songs of praise. Rejoice! Let our hearts soar, filled with the Holy Spirit in love, happiness and strength. “God, has got this!”


    (Isaiah 40:31)

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Jean says:

      Amen, Wait I say on YAHUAH! We will mount up with wings as eagles. We will run and not be weary, we will walk and not faint!
      HE’s got this! HE has everything under control! Keep The Faith!
      HALLELUYAH! Praise YAH!!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. debjbalk says:

    When Kim talked about NOT TOUCHING THE SACRED THINGS OF GOD…. I loved this part of his message and it caused me to reflect on so many people whose lives are a sacred offering to God during all of this ordeal…loads of people. But, bringing it down to the “here and now”…. I believe God’s sacred touch is on Dianne for this moment in time, and she is doing as God instructs, leads, and provides. I’m amazed by God’s protection on her….here we are in the midst of a major “online” censoring event, a cancel culture, and God’s hand of protection has been (and continues to be) on Dianne and her work for Him. I just want to praise God and give Him glory. I don’t take this for granted for one second…. Many times, after reading her posts, I find myself in awe of how God is giving her a strong voice, a platform, and a following….all for His glory…and it’s not getting squelched like so many other voices. Praise be to our King, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Servant of God, Ms. Dianne Marshall.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh Deb, I have praised that same thing from the start. I saw his hand on this when I was off Twitter, Facebook ousted me and groups back in Sept. 2018 for no reason, except I was with a ?Trump page that had 588 thousand followers. That was the reason, but they took off my other groups Marshall Report, my authors page, Days of Noah, and personal page…all in one fell swoop. Gone. For no reason and couldn’t get back on under my birth name. Smile. Then a year later, I was hacked on Twitter and lost all my followers and had to start over. I had a small very small I think 600 following. Any more and Twitter would take them away. Then the story of Kracken…I wrote and a guy popped up on twitter and said…BINGO. On the story, he said quote, “Wow I wasn’t expecting a story like that from you. You are so quiet.” (He really meant you have no followers.) He pushed it on his page for me and it went viral in four hours over a million. After it already had 1.3 mil, Lin Wood sent it to Sidney Powell who sent it to Trump who retweeted it and it hit the rest and reached 4 million. I told him God used him to get the message out and Trump flicked it with his finger and it went boom. He was floored and didn’t know what to say as he hadn’t been one to talk about God on Twitter. He watched it go to almost 4 million in 48 hours. He said God did do that. I said yes he did. If each of that four million went to ten that was 40 million. and if each of those went to ten that’s 400 million…..so God got his message out. Then he kept nudging me to do more and more ….and several went viral. The numbers I am counting are just from my stats…the readership was huge. It has been amazing to watch him tell me what to do and then watch the change in direction people take. It truly has been a God thing…not a Dianne thing. Amen.

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    2. Oh…and I had thought this won’t last…long. As some others were waiting for me to get taken down and expressed it. Then, I realized it would last as long as God says it will last…not man. It’s his voice….not mine. Amen. You can always tell the difference when I’m filling in for him versus when he says write. Smile.

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      1. debjbalk says:

        Oh my gosh… I had no clue of your incredible online journey.. This is an amazing testimony, Dianne!! It makes me super excited to see what God is doing (& has already done) through you. Also, it’s very inspiring and gives all of us the assurance that when we give ourselves as a love offering to Him, He will work miracles. Simply beautiful.. Thanks so much for sharing. God is beyond good.. He’s creating beauty from ashes. Amen!

        Liked by 1 person

    3. I agree totally debjbalk, Dianne has taken on the job of the church, for all of us seeking truth. Her posts are blessings and being given to her by God. Kim was so gifted and it is a spirit lifter to know that Dianne cherishes his prophecy, as many of us do. Thank you for the encouragement .. In God We Trust!

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    1. debjbalk says:

      Are you okay, Dennis? You’re right… there are a lot of clueless folks, refusing to see our enemy & the devastation. But then there are those of us who have our eyes wide open… we see the forces of evil in China on America, the war crimes, and the havoc it wreaks on us. And yet we still “choose” (yes, it’s a choice) to have hearts of hope and promise as we look to God to defeat our enemy. We know He is bigger, stronger, and omnipotent over them. And it doesn’t mean we are inactive and not acting against our enemy… We act as God leads. Also, we refuse to fear and to live in despair.. Oh no…not now, not tomorrow, and not into the future. I hope you’re not mistaking our faith walk for ignorance or cluelessness. If you’re willing, please let us know that you’re okay.. I can hear how difficult this is in your words. And, I agree with you.. It’s beyond awful what we’re going through. Hang in there, Dennis. I’m glad you’re here with us.

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