The only way the swamp can hold another impeachment without totally exposing their own evil doings and pre-planned orchestration, is to hold a lunatic style, illegal proceeding that has all the bells and whistles of Alice and Wonderland’s Red Queen shouting – “OFF WITH HIS HEAD!”

If anyone thinks this is all normal then let me remind you, nothing is normal at this time. Let me further remind the world, that no matter how many times the news says it was fair, the evidence that stems from a CIA raid in Frankfurt Germany, where people were shot and the CIA Director was arrested to secure the Dominion voting servers did take place.

No matter how many times the news and the dems shout it was fair, it was the biggest election fraud in history and involved many nations, all who have been caught red handed. So, as the puppets of the cabal continue to gaslight and deny it, there was a stolen election and when thieves steal something, the police go after the thieves to catch them and to get the stolen merchandise back. In this case it was an election. Now, there are around 80 million Americans who are not happy that their vote was stolen, and they are just as unhappy as if their car was stolen, or a thief robbed their home when they were out! Who wouldn’t call the police?

Might I also add that it is not in the DNA of Trump the man to allow dimwitts and thieves to have their way with him and drag him through the mire publicly without punching back harder. Especially when it involves his integrity, family name and brand. He didn’t fight to restore America, day and night, for the past 5 years only to watch voter fraud in the elections, that involved both foreign and domestic interference, by a global cabal and domestic dimwit treasonous snakes. Nor will he allow the congress and the senate to continue their lawlessness without hammering back. He will even their scorecard!

The  D.C. impeachment trial moves forward with Democrat Senators spouting their Cabal orders to go against the constitution and attack President Trump anyway.

Durbin and Democrats argue the trial can go forward even though Trump is out of office.

“The fact that President Trump is no longer in office does not change things,” Durbin said. “I want to put the evidence on the record once and for all, for this generation and future generations, as to what actually occurred.”

And indeed, Durbin shall be putting evidence on record of a preplanned event that will open the eyes of the world forever. What will be exposed is their own party’s plot to blame innocent people in their own booby trap. Live footage has proven the event was staged and not by supporters of the President who came to protest the election fraud. Have they forgotten why the people gathered to hear the president speak? Have they forgotten the election was stolen? Have they forgotten there is a first amendment in the constitution?

Or are they admitting that the President is still the legal bearer of the title of President, for they cheated and committed election fraud? Did they shout to use the 25th amendment to rid the president who already left? Or did they shout to use the 25th amendment to remove the president from office because he was still in charge?

Why are the so called experts still debating whether they can or cannot impeach the president after he has left office? Is it because they have overthrown the office and they have to get rid of the man so they can reclaim the military? Or are they just willing to commit another treasonous act that goes against the constitution? Why are they even wasting time with this if they have control of the military, the house, and the executive office? Why aren’t they celebrating their win and gloating in our faces instead of debating how to get President Trump out of office?

So while we are all watching a live theater performance of Alice in Wonderland/ 1984/Independence Day, of which “We The People” are unwilling participants, we must trust in God and ask for wisdom to be a critical thinker.  

This isn’t a football game where we all know the guy cheated but the coach called it fair and we shuffle our feet and sit down quietly. This is our nation, our constitutional rights, this is election fraud and there are laws to deal with those who commit voter/election fraud, and election interference for both domestic and foreign. There is an executive order in place that explains exactly what happens with those who break such laws. We are not in Alice and Wonderland and the Constitution supercedes the Red Queen Pelosi’s lawless court.

Dianne Marshall

Look what I found….


    1. TAC says:

      Thanks for your insight, Ms. Marshall. I am hoping that the reason for all the fencing and military troops in Dc is to keep the traitors in when they mass arrest Congress for treason and insurrection. Perhaps when they vote in the Senate – or even before that, the chambers will be locked from the outside. The handful of Patriots in the room will have been warned and will be absent.
      Once locked in, the tribunals will begin. It would be GLORIOUS! (I need to check my imagination sometimes!) Praying that God protects the white hats and sends His justice down on the guilty.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Eileen Trent says:

      I posted mos ago that McCaine had been xecuted 4 treason, and so had George Bush Sr….those envelopes that were givn 2 certain ppl at Bush’s funeral said, “I’m sorry!…They hav it all!”…George Bush jr gav up everythin’ ….OFC 2 sav himself!!…hahaha…

      I blieve John Conyers and Elijah Cumming’s were also xecuted 4 treason….how many more of which we don’t know hav been xecuted?!?!

      4 all y’all who r complainin’ nothin’ is happenin’ and no arrests r bein’ made, u need 2 pay closer attention!!

      Watch the vid that was jus posted by andweknow:

      Liked by 1 person

      1. fireflamestoves says:

        Even though I still keep tabs on ‘truthers’ such as Juan O Savin, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward, I turn them off whenever they start making crazy claims about thousands of DUMBs with babies in ‘Matrix like’ adrenochrome farms, vast vacuum tunnels under the oceans which allow traveling the globe in under an hour and the supposed executions of public figures with clones and CGI replicas being used as temporary replacements. A few of your comments resemble some of their more ‘off the wall’ ideas, and may cause many readers to tune you out.


      2. fireflamestoves says:

        Dianne, it is a far cry from child trafficking and sacrifice, which has most definitely been going on for thousands of years, to the Matrix-like ‘farms’ hundreds of miles below ground, and all the fantastical talk of thousands of DUMBs across the globe, which are all connected together by a labyrinth of vacuum tunnels, deep under the oceans, which allow traveling the globe in under an hour and the supposed executions of public figures with clones and CGI replicas being used as temporary replacements.


      3. Its getting past the point of no return with the military in control. Arrests should have been made and announcements been made. Airwaves should have been taken over announcing the treasonous election. All the evidence is there. Several countries basically declared war on us and we should be positioning our military.
        Instead this is going on.

        January 6th is being used as another 9/11 event to ram through a new Patriot Act on steroids, one of beyond-dystopian police state controls and a boondoggle for defense contractors bidding on methods to turn the entire country – and cyberspace – into a massive virtual TSA screening area.

        And here to push this through on Tuesday was Robert Grenier. Grenier was the Director of the CIA Counterterrorism Center under George W Bush and prior to that, the CIA Station Chief in Pakistan, where he helped plan covert operations in support of the US invasion of Afghanistan, as part of the Northern Alliance Liaison Team which landed in Afghanistan 15 days after 9/11.

        Grenier wrote a New York Times article last week and was on NPR on Tuesday, comparing Trump supporters to al Qaeda and ISIS and how Trump voters need to be treated as an insurgency, requiring counterinsurgency tactics similar to those used in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

        In his article, Grenier wrote, “We may be witnessing the dawn of a sustained wave of violent insurgency within our own country, perpetrated by our own countrymen and without national action, extremists who seek a social apocalypse … are capable of producing endemic political violence of a sort not seen in this country since Reconstruction.”


      4. trnathens says:


        If I could go back to 2017, and tell you that in 2020 there would be a pandemic, and that the world ECONOMY would voluntarily shutdown, and that in the US there would be race riots, and looting, and billions in destruction, and the murder of civilians and police officers, and that there would be a heavily disputed election, and that social media platforms would do their best at bringing to life Orwell’s 1984, AND that there would be 30,000 National Guard troops brought to Washington to “protect” the inauguration of United States President (fake President, but REAL troops), and that 8,000 troops would remain for months after….

        You would not only say I was delusional, but you would probably recommend me for a psych-eval, and you would encourage anyone and everyone you know to leave me alone because I’m crazy.

        Think about that…long and hard.

        THEN, maybe temper your disbelief in the ideas of others who may have done more research than you?

        Just a thought.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Amal says:

    Yup, another very well thought out, logical, common sense post from DM!

    🙂 !BRAVO!

    President Trump accomplished so much and more than any previous President.

    He is very much in control, and if you question; how do you know?!

    To that I say, look at the screeching from near and afar.

    To see someone’s future, look at their past.

    When has President Trump ever given up?

    He got to where he is success ie financial status, because he Fights to Win!

    How the naysayers can regurgitate the same doom and gloom day after day means one of two things;

    they are trolls, or they haven’t learned The Art of War, OR both.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Mark Greenberg says:

      Amal…..when has trump given up? WHEN HE WALKED AWAY FROM US AND GAVE Biden and the commies the white house and the senate!


      1. Eileen Trent says:

        Dude!!…do ur own research…I hav…

        Papi Bush was nvolved n the assasination of JFK…and McCaine sold out his own guys when they were prisoners n The Hanoi Hilton, I’ve read sum of the guys h8d him..he also helped arm the terrorist Bagdadi…who’s ur dadi?!?!…hahahaha…

        War hero…phhttt…

        Do sum research on Conyers and Cummings…good stuff, there!!

        Re: When has Trump givn up?


        The military r n full controll…Bidung has NO control ovah anythin’…he’s not even n the WH…he’s on a movie set , produced by CASTLE ROCK ENTERTAINMENT…if I can find the link 4 the vid 2 show u y’all r watchin’ a movie, I’ll post…shows photogs and producer rushin’ n the side dr, which the REAL WH doesn’t hav, and filmin’ fake pres Bidung, n the fake Oval Office, sittin’ at the fake Resolute Desk, abt 2 sign fake EO’s…hahaha…


        W8 4 the phony mpeachment 2.0….that will b a trip!!…dint know u cud mpeach a Pres after he’s left office… or r they tellin’y’all they know he’s still the Pres?!?!

        He’s still the Pres…

        W8 when the FBI testifies that they had nfo b4 the riot at the Capitol that it was planned by antifa/BLM…and it was all captured on video…it jus came out that the policeman that died wasn’t hit with a fire xtinguisher, like reported…he dint die of blunt-4ce trauma…

        Ocassional-Cortex claimed Ted Cruz tried 2 hav her killed n the seige, (yeah, she did!) and she was terrified…turns out she wasn’t even n the Capitol at the time..she was n her office…

        Can Trump lawyers call her as a witness, since I mean she was THERE, and traumatized (her wrds) wasn’t she?!?!

        Can y’all say liars?!?!

        The whole Capitol seige was pre-planned, and choreographed by Pelosi and gang…

        As Sen Graham jus told the dims, if u call even 1 witness (they will!)…we’ll open up Pandora’s Box on u!!

        SOOO much more comin’ …this will b a way 4 Trump 2 get out the fraud of the election…Pres Trump can call any witness he wants and bring 4th any evidence…shud b interestin’ 2 c how far this goes…

        Pres Trump’s attorneys r xperts n Criminal Defense Law, not Constitutional…

        The mpeachment 2.0 is gonna make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show!…hahahaha…


        NO ONE!!

        MUST C TV!!!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. txvet33 says:

        eileen trent all true every word, tiQ-tQq y’all pussy comi’z gonna b classic take down. Maybe pukelosi and coQaoc can fight off the truth, but when those deputized NG prison guards come at them with handcuffs that will be the arrest that shocks the world????
        These comi-dimz are stupid…..
        WWG1 WGA


      3. Amal says:

        Mark Greenberg, troll much?

        President Trump fought the entire Judicial system that refused to hear his cases, hence the Military in control.

        You suggest he gave the country away to Biden and friends is what a troll would suggest.

        President Trump has won numerous legal cases, let me guess that you’re unaware of that FACT.

        He is still fighting to this day.

        Are you aware Ghislaine Maxwell being caught, or Epstein, Donahue from Chamber of Commerce has ‘stepped down’ as did Bezos, Angela Merkel from Germany, The Pope, Kelly Preston (John Travolta’s wife) has died; but not from what they are reporting, along with so many who have been arrested: DEAD

        Catholic Bishops
        LA music producer Phil Spector
        British Billionaire David Barclay
        Hillary’s Chinese friend Lili Luo
        INXS Manager Chris Murphy
        Nigerian Billionaire Bolu Akin Olugbade
        Pennsylvania State Senator Dave Arnold
        CNN Exec Chris Cramer
        Steel Magnate Billionaire Eric Samson
        TV host Larry King

        Yet you screech he walked away?!

        And for those that claim nothing is happening, try doing your homework instead of being spoon-fed lies.

        So much is happening that it’s mind blowing.

        Try to learn research and realise facts and truth;

        that you’ll never see on faux stream propaganda media.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. You forgot to mention that Time Magazine somehow wrote the facts on the Democrats “fortifying” the election (fraud) and how the Chamber of Commerce was involved in the cabal that fortified the election against President Trump, so now Tom Donahue, the CEO of the organization is stepping down. And CNN Finally acknowledges the story that the Media spread about Officer Sicknick’s Cause of Death isn’t true…looks like media has been given some new orders. (not from their masters).


      5. txvet33 says:

        They are still singing, can you hear that? Black mail goes both ways, why why why are all those actors, elected officials and captains of industry stepping down???? R U kidding me, they like little boys and girls, now there is sick mfkrs. dam.
        Now back to our real ENEMY. china must pay, china and [sleepy] attacked our homeland with a bio-economic weapon. It nearly destroyed our economy. Plus we know who the fuQ’n sheep are now. Take that mfk’n face diaper off. It’s the dam flu. I had it, I’m 65 years old with asthma and HPB. I survived, it’s the God dam flu. Act like Americans dammit. Now back to china. Never again should we fuck with anything china. We must insist our so called “ALLIES” MUST not do anything Chinese. We should arm the Chinese resistance immediately. We need to aid them every way possible. God dammit fuQ’n ass holes mfkrs.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. If they already have all the evidence and proof they need to convict the crooks then what is the holdup? Don’t tell me that they can’t just tell the public what these people are guilty of because we can’t handle it. The people it will affect the most are adults. We don’t need the government deciding what we can and can’t handle. We don’t need the government playing like they are our mothers and fathers. We can handle this just as well as the people putting out this information. The people who will freak out will get over it. I would rather know that when these people were found to be involved in these crimes they are accused of that they were arrested and imprisoned and awaiting trial. Not running our government. There are a lot of holes in this plan and many things said that turned out to be false. I hope for all of our sakes that this psyop is real and not just another sick experiment by the government. It’s hard to tell fact from fiction. We know for a fact that the democrats are crooks and have committed enough crimes already to be arrested and sent to prison or tried for treason. The only thing we don’t know is if this whole plan to save the world and Q and the anons are real. I believe that if this turns out to be a big joke or experiment there are going to be millions of us who are going to be very angry about being made fools of. I really want to believe but I can’t until I see some of the alleged evidence of the crimes the people are being accused of or hear a confession.


    1. Abraham Sarabia says:

      To the best of my Knowledge. TRUMP did Not listen to the Advice of General Flynn, Sydney Powell , Patrick bern Etc. Instead He Caved to Bad Advice given by Rudy G, Mark Meadows , Pat Cippolone Etc. Flynn and Company Advised Truml to Implement the Insurrection Act and Follow through with EO13848 Ex. CONFISCATE Voting machines. Trump FAILED and Caved to listen To Good advice. Rudy wanted to go through the Courts and did not want to use Forensics from the Voting machines Pat C. Didnt Want Trump to Use the Military because He told Trump it Would Not be Good Optics and the main stream media would tear Trump apart also Pat C and Meadows What they really wanted was to Get Trump to concede.
      There is No insurrection Act and The Military has No Authority to Act on there Own. Trump had His Chance and He Failed..Very Sad to Say but its Reality!


  3. Tammy Emmich says:

    On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 1:52 AM THE MARSHALL REPORT wrote:

    > The Marshall Report posted: ” The only way the swamp can hold another > impeachment without totally exposing their own evil doings and pre-planned > orchestration, is to hold a lunatic style, illegal proceeding that has all > the bells and whistles of Alice and Wonderland’s Red Queen shout” >


  4. trnathens says:

    Thank you for being you. For providing calm, in a storm of new, and sometimes overwhelming information. Thank you, Dianne.

    Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

    John 3:34
    For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.

    Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. txvet33 says:

    this is treason. the Constitution & our OATH demand blood be spilled, in the streets or at the gallows, no matter where, BLOOD must be spilled. Defense of the constitution demands a few GOOD men stand up and be counted. IF it is not defended well in the next week at the capital building, many GOOD men will stand up.


  6. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

    I just watched a video on the gatewaypundit with antifa/blm’ers at it again causing disturbance in the streets of DC and yelling “burn it down”…Perhaps this is their job today as a servant. I say go for it. DC is a dunghill. Funny though….no mace or tear gas from the police.

    Ya know, I never really liked the cartoon movie of Alice in Wonderland. Now it’s clear…. Thanks, Dianne

    We must Pray for our President and Pray that Truth gets exposed. We also must WARN parents of young children about the schools they are sending their children to in regards to that “Alice in Wonderland” tactic of race bating teaching. We must Pray for our young children.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Carol_E says:

    I am praying for God’s wisdom and guidance for DJT to surround himself with wise and loyal counselors who have his best interests at heart.


  8. My heart has been sickened since election. I had held up hope until our President left for Florida on Jan. 20th. Now, more hope is on my heart. Watching the evil has been so disgusting. It is difficult for me to believe he would not have something in place. But we have no leader figuratively that we see or hear; but I have faith that Our Lord has a plan and maybe our President is a tool. Having a timeline would ease my human fear, yet God’s Grace has to be sufficient for now. God Bless America.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Has anyone here seen the video of the Jan. 6th attack that shows (IMHO) that it was a false flag event?
    People are questioning why the female victim Ashli Babbitt hasn’t had more information coming out (ie funeral arrangements/cop who shot her identity etc.)

    I’m no expert in such things but the actions of the people involved (plus bystanders yelling, “they are actors!,” plus so many other things shown convinces me that we are not being told the truth!

    Please view it and share what you think about it!


      1. Eileen Trent says:

        Yeah, I jus saw that…like she was fast tkn that dwn…it was just posted abt 20 hrs ago, but I subscribe 2 fk so I get notifed when a new vid posts…there r vids from all of my fav presenters on fk…

        Simon Parkes, X22report, Scott McKay from the tipping point, Juan Savin, Mike Lyndell’s vid of the election fraud is still up…Amazin Polly, AmericanMedia Periscope…just go 2 the archives and search 4 the vids…


  10. Dawn says:

    On a personal note – my father reached out to Rep Matt Gaetz’s office shortly before good actor Biden was “sworn in”. My father praised him for backing President Trump, but also said, “Why doesn’t our President declare Marshal Law??!!” My Dad was so upset about the state of our nation. Well, Gaetz responded with words involving “thank you” and a link – a link that my father could not open on his flip phone. He had to wait until I looked it up on my computer. Do you know what that link was? A link to contribute to his campaign. Now, if Gaetz just won the 11/3 election, why on earth would he need to start raising funds again? Weird, huh? Why would Gaetz recently propose to his girlfriend at Mar-a-Lago? Why would Trump’s argument for throwing out this impeachment be that he is no longer in office? You cannot say something like that if it is not true. Why would General Flynn mention a while back that the military could absolutely run another election? Why would Biden (the good actor), state that Trump should not be allowed intelligence briefings anymore? Could it be that he is being briefed on the investigation pertaining to our election? Why would there be 60,000 troops in DC right now? More than there were on 1/20? Why is SCOTUS now making the news again? It is all about connecting the dots. Oh, and here is something interesting. We all know that President Trump is “by the book”. Many of us were led to believe March 4th was the original inauguration date. Our very first president, General George Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789. Maybe that was the “George” clue on the Mar-a-Largo map? Many thought it was the magazine JFK Jr did. Maybe it had a double meaning? Maybe that is why the progressive liberals do not want President Trump to start a Presidential Library? Maybe then the public would learn the truth of our nation’s history?? I think Mel Krell is right (the Mel K Show). She said her sources told her that the military is simply waiting for an acceptance of 70% of the public before they announce they are in control. That makes a lot of sense. Think of how crazy the liberals would have gotten if the same thing that happened in Myanmar happened here. My gosh, look at what they were already doing to beautiful cities in Washington and Oregon.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Caroline Olson says:

    I just took a look at creepy Simon Parkes’ website and today he shows a photograph of Joe Biden in the Oval Office with Nancy Pelosi and others. Simon captioned the photo as “the corner wall is coming apart on the stage set.” WRONG! If you look very carefully, you can see a brass doorknob by the lamp. The crack is from the DOOR behind the people that is partially open. There is a second door to the left of this group setting, not visible in the photo but seen in other photos of the Oval Office INSIDE the White House. Simon Parkes is notorious, as are others, for spreading false information to confuse viewers. Biden is at the White House, not on a movie stage set in California. Someone needs to give Simon a thump on the head for having zero credibility. Others who have websites and blogs should ALSO stop being FALSE in their narratives and photos and videos.


    1. Amal says:

      Simon Parkes is another wonderful person who so many of us greatly admire and enjoy his videos!

      What a fantastic man Simon Parkes truly is!


    2. debjbalk says:

      Yikes, Carolyn…. I took a look, as you suggested. I see what you mean by the gold-colored “door knob.” But, if your theory is correct, then the door appears to be about 10 feet wide and is made of the exact same design as the wall behind Joey. Hmm! Doors are usually only about 4 feet wide, and they actually look like a door, not like another part of an existing wall. Things don’t add up! Just saying!!


  12. gre81 says:

    There is nothing happening. People just don’t want to face reality. No one is doing anything. The coup is complete. They will use the military and all branches of government against us. The quicker people realize this the better. Prep now for what is to come.


    1. Amal says:

      Poor Gre81 <<<< NOT so great though lol.

      Read my above post, people have been arrested and too many to count are stepping down,

      Are you aware Ghislaine Maxwell being caught, or Epstein, Donahue from Chamber of Commerce has ‘stepped down’ as did Bezos, Angela Merkel from Germany, The Pope, Kelly Preston (John Travolta’s wife) has died; but not from what they are reporting, along with so many who have been arrested: DEAD
      Catholic Bishops
      LA music producer Phil Spector
      British Billionaire David Barclay
      Hillary’s Chinese friend Lili Luo
      INXS Manager Chris Murphy
      Nigerian Billionaire Bolu Akin Olugbade
      Pennsylvania State Senator Dave Arnold
      CNN Exec Chris Cramer
      Steel Magnate Billionaire Eric Samson
      TV host Larry King

      but according to you, nothing is being done.

      In fact so much is happening that people like you have to keep trolling.



      1. gre81 says:

        I am aware of all this but yet Biden is in charge. If all those things were true, why did they let him take over. Of course, I want some great plan to be in place. But we must face reality.


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