Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that the China Virus Restrictions are NOT a valid reason to give people absentee ballots without identification!  Nearly 200 THOUSAND voters used the mail in ballots to declare themselves indefinitely confined in this election in Wisconsin. State law requires covid -19 restriction mail in ballots to be used by the elderly or sick. Republicans can now challenge those absentee votes of anyone who doesn’t meet the terms of that category. The pandemic does not exempt voters from proving identity. Therefore the mail in ballots are not legal in Wisconsin.

Seven states accepted electorals for both Biden and Trump. Those states are Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico. The GOP cast votes for Trump. If the house and the senate cannot agree on which electors to accept, and untested constitutional procedure could result in each state being given 1 vote which they would allocate to either Biden or President Trump.

So as we proceed and don’t concede, we the people are finding many illegal voting procedures pushed on states by Pelosi’s henchmen in the congress and the radicals in the states and municipalities. This is a giant web of voter interference, fraud, and Dominion is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the numbers of individuals behind the fraud at all levels from top government officials to vote hustlers who commit fraud for money, those working in the polls down to the grunts transporting ballots to and fro in the streets with the major crime of foreign intervention!  DOMINION voter machines and ballot harvesting was rampant in the 2020 election and no one knows for certain who actually won the votes to fill their seats and who did not. This is more than a vote fraud against the presidential seat between Joe and President Trump, this puts every elected position on the ballot in question of voter fraud!

It is looking like the only answer is to hold another election, but until those who committed this crime are brought to justice, nothing will be accurate. We the people are the ones who elect our leaders, not a vote fraud machine, and not a deep state, globalist cabal!

Dianne Marshall

Story Source Lou Dobbs – 12 -15-2020
12-16-2020 – at 44 minutes in you will hear in the Senate discussion that 200,000 mail in votes in Wisconsin were fraudulent. Serious voter fraud committed, regardless of how much the progressive deep state yells there was not. There was.


Joe Biden attacks Donald Trump’s refusal to ‘accept the will of the people’ ?? What part of the WILL OF THE PEOPLE is he not seeing? Can he not see his little circles of six versus over 80,000,0000 people who are very angry at the Dominion Fraud canceling out their vote? They didn’t vote for Joe, they voted for President Trump! Joe says, ‘It’s time to turn the page’. Patriot’s say – you’re right on that Joe – turn the page and let’s accept the fact YOU CHEATED, YOU GOT CAUGHT, YOU LOST!

I keep seeing pop ups here and there of Joe selecting his imaginary administration in his imaginary elect game and at first I was outraged, but now it is comical. Especially when you see who he’s putting in positions. I swear someone is going to jump out and yell, IT’S SATURDAY NIGHT! It’s all like an opening monologue for a comedy act. I won’t say you can’t make this stuff up because actually somebody did. It was all preplanned. But, it isn’t going to work. Dominion audits and foreign election interference is rampant and the deep state can yell no evidence all day long, we all have eyes to see and we still have our comprehension skills. They are not going to get away with their gaslight tactics. Those days are over.

Patriots are being patient as the truth is being exposed. I mean the evidence is all over the place and our highest court the “Supremes” are singing like it’s the sixties – missing in action!

It is painful to watch this clown show! Meanwhile…the only thing to do in the middle of all the frustrating chaos is laugh – it helps relieve the stress and makes for a happy attitude. Smile.

Will the last one out of the Biden show please turn out the lights. Thank you.

Dianne Marshall


Joe Biden attacks Donald Trump’s refusal to ‘accept the will of people’ ?? What part of the WILL OF THE PEOPLE is he not seeing? Can he not see his little circles of six versus over 80,000,0000 people who are very angry at the Dominion Fraud canceling out their vote? They didn’t vote for Joe, they voted for President Trump! Joe says, ‘It’s time to turn the page’. Patriot’s say – you’re right on that Joe – turn the page and let’s accept the fact YOU CHEATED, YOU GOT CAUGHT, YOU LOST!

I keep seeing pop ups here and there of Joe selecting his imaginary administration in his imaginary elect game and at first I was outraged, but now it is comical. Especially when you see who he’s putting in positions. I swear someone is going to jump out and yell, IT’S SATURDAY NIGHT! It’s all like an opening monologue for a comedy act. I won’t say you can’t make this stuff up because actually somebody did. It was all preplanned. But, it isn’t going to work. Dominion audits and foreign election interference is rampant and the deep state can yell no evidence all day long, we all have eyes to see and we still have our comprehension skills. They are not going to get away with their gaslight tactics. Those days are over.

Saturday Night Live' celebrates Biden win, calls Trump 'loser'

Patriots are being patient as the truth is being exposed. I mean the evidence is all over the place and our highest court the “Supremes” are singing like it’s the sixties – missing in action!

It is painful to watch this clown show! Meanwhile…the only thing to do in the middle of all the frustrating chaos is laugh – it helps relieve the stress and makes for a happy attitude. Smile.

Will the last one out of the Biden show please turn out the lights. Thank you.

Dianne Marshall


In just seven weeks, Food Network host Guy Fieri worked to raise more than $21.5 million dollars to help unemployed restaurant workers! Many are now praising him as having done more than Congress to help struggling restaurant employees during the last trying months. Many businesses are still suffering under tyrannical anti-constitutional Covid mandates that the Governors and Mayors have illegally imposed on the people while others have had to close permanently with no restitution.

These are the Portland restaurants Guy Fieri visited on 'Diners, Drive-Ins  and Dives' - oregonlive.com

Guy Fieri, the TV host of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, made personal pleas with large corporate sponsors, including PepsiCo, Uber Eats and Moët Hennessy USA, to support his Restaurant Employee Relief Fund. Fieri started the fund on March 27 as the COVID-19 pandemic was rapidly spreading through the U.S. and much of the world. The group has helped more than 43,000 restaurant workers “who have suffered financially due to the COVID-19 health and economic crisis,” particularly through $500 grants to restaurant workers in every state.

Read more about Guy Fieri: Guy Fieri Raised $21.5M for Restaurant Workers, Praised for Doing ‘More Than Congress’ (newsweek.com)

We now know that Pelosi and her congress is NON-ESSENTIAL for America has survived an entire year without having them do anything for the people. The only thing she has been busy with is pushing her treason packages and coup to overthrow the United States Government while sticking it to WE THE PEOPLE. Last February she tore up the State of the Union Address and has worked tremendously hard ever since at tearing up the entire nation from sea to shining sea. She might as well have stood up and ripped the constitution in front of our face for she is doing it behind our backs. The do nothing congress has sat on their hands making sure no Cares Act Monies were released while Mad Max Governors and Mayors mandated tryannical lock downs and mandates forcing small businesses to close permanently. Those who have managed to survive have spent thousands of dollars on plandemic fake covid gear to reopen, only to be shut down repeatedly, then opened back up and then shut down again. Enough is enough. Many businesses like gyms and salons still aren’t able to open.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Ice Cream Cache - Show & Tell - YouTube

So while the Pelosi led Congress has tied up Cares Act money and more or less said “let the people eat cake” while she licked her ice cream, Guy Fieri said, enough. Imagine where the nation would have been if Pelosi and her bang-a-langs had been working for the people instead of fighting to tear the nation apart?

The Restaurant Employee Relief Fund (RERF) is helping more than 43,000 restaurant workers who suffered financially due to the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. We also want to thank our partner and industry icon, Guy Fieri, and the more than 50 companies and organizations and 15,000 individual donors for making RERF possible. Together, we raised more than $21.5 million for RERF and showed the nation just how important restaurant workers are to our industry and the communities where we work and live. Find out more about the RERF here: Restaurant Employee Relief Fund (rerf.us)

Thank God for Americans like Guy who when they see the need come forward to do whatever they can to help in a time of crisis. I hope President Trump acknowledges this great American!

Dianne Marshall


With the resignation of A.G. Barr, the new acting Attorney General will be Jeffrey A. Rosen. Rosen has a solid background in the Founding Fathers and their interpretation of Foreign Interference. Imagine the timing of such a changing of the guard…nothing is by chance.

In August Jeffrey Rosen spoke of 2020 election interference and the impact if it did occur. The Founding Fathers and their intent to protect the nation and influence of propaganda, pressure tactics, and censorships in all of its’ forms.

It will not fare well for all the propaganda, fake news, social media censorship, and all the many fake influences such as imaginary elect gaslighting attempts. Now with the evidence of Dominion Audits it all makes for a nice package in the lap of the new acting Attorney General.

Read full audit on Michigan voting machines here: Antrim_michigan_forensics_report_121320_redacted.pdf (dropbox.com)

Have faith America and stay strong. This is just beginning and truth shall prevail.

Dianne Marshall


Who knew that CHINA AND RUSSIA were working TOGETHER ON BUILDING LARGEST PORT IN THE WORLD during the Ukrainian uprising. Nothing here to see folks, they were just pushing forward while the opportunity knocked. Recall how the Obama and Biden administrations were busy with Ukraine, and barely a peep was said about them as they continued their ISIS war on terror distractions as Russia and China bunkered down carrying out their port plans.

At home we heard ISIS beheadings and Israel’s red line with Iran. Meanwhile billions of dollars were prepared to go to Iran, while Ukraine was on fire, Crimea returned to Mother Russia, and Venezuela turned into a third world country under voter fraud elections using the same Dominion software that has been used in many world nation elections, including the USA.  Who knew?

Putin continued to speak out against the UN and scold nations who act like children set out to rule the world. Meanwhile Russia remains in league to build largest port in the world while McCain shouted Putin’s Russia is a gas station. The world applauded McCain as a war hawk keeping Putin in line while he secretly recruited mercenaries to join ISIS forces paid and trained by Obama’s US.

China now controls 10% of European port capacity | NextBigFuture.com

Meanwhile at the same time, Hillary doesn’t have to campaign for they have Dominion over the elections and thus doesn’t have to campaign any more than Joey had to in 2020. People don’t know about Dominion…but wonder why she isn’t campaigning and believe she’s on house arrest. Something is wrong with her that’s obvious, but what? No one suspects she’s busy making Clinton Foundation Deals with foreign nations.

 Meanwhile Burisma hires Hunter for his (lack of) experience in the Oil Industry but other skill sets? Big Guy gets his cut on all the deals and President Trump is elected and now we chase Russia, Russia, Russia and Impeach, Impeach, Impeach.

Oliver Stone releases his documentary “Ukraine On Fire” and “Winter On Fire” both are viewed and no one says a word about any of the US involvement. Even though both Biden and McCain are revealed as bad actors in the toppling of the Ukraine government along with other Obama administration officials. It’s as though it were a fiction flick and no one cared.

Recall during the campaign for 2016 many distractions enter in prior to Trump coming down the escalator, like the BLM land grabs with the Bundy Ranch in order to take the land for Solar Panels and Uranium (another Hillary Clinton Foundation scandal)…this again goes nowhere but keeps public and social media focused on Nevada. This scheme reallocated 2,400 acres of public land in Nevada for the use of Stateline Solar Farm Project (SSFP) and the Silver State South Solar Project (SSSP) to build corporate infrastructure within the state.


The role of the BLM was to secure this land for corporate interests and ultimately Agenda 21 initiatives in conjunction with other federal, state and local agencies.  Harry Reid is accused of helping his son acquire the Bundy land and surrounding acres of national land for Chinese solar panel company. Thus enter more China, China, China. But we are not aware and are told to look at BLM and nasty unfair BLM. But no one is mentioning the UN’s Wildlands Project that is the real culprit behind the buy outs.

Meanwhile rest of the world continues to receive ISIS refugees and open borders invade nations in European countries. Somalia has jihad and sends refugees to other nations. The refugee open border invasions play out. Citizens in nations that receive the refugees have street wars and their cities become unsafe. Trump campaigns on building a wall and Hillary calls him racist and everything else she can think of – thus his supporters become Deplorable and irredeemable. 

Finally Trump is elected and he returns all the national parks back to the states and decapitates the BLM monster, foiling the plans of China , Canada, Russia, Clinton Foundation and their cohorts.

 Fast forward to 2020 and Hunter Biden Email scandal. December 12 2020 and the leaked phone calls show Hunter and Joe were in on the back side with Chief China Spy to build China’s largest port in the world.

How does this all play into the China 2020 US election interference and Dominion? They needed to get Trump out of office. He was never supposed to win. Remember Obama made deals with Russia and Hillary and her Clinton Foundation were already involved in Uranium scandals with Russia and China through their Canadian based company. A shell game?  All of it hidden in the archives of headed investigations designed to go no where but hidden in archived vaults.

Fast forward to 2020 election and we see China still on track to complete largest port in the world with or without sloppy Hunter who is now under investigation. Russia and China are still a go in the South China Sea and Japan is still at odds with the situation.

In 2018 China took over Kenya’s largest port. They have little by little taken over many ports, waterways, and the Panama Canal. Not by fight but by coin and might while the world was watching Bush and Obama in the middle east.  https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2020/12/2/commander-alarmed-as-china-makes-inroads-in-americas

While we were directed to look over there (middle east)….Obama and his deep state operatives were busy over here (south America and Caribbean) helping China’s port dreams and Russia’s oil interests.

Over the years, many years going way, way back during the Clinton years, China has bought a lot of USA real estate and so have great merchants from United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Our news outlets were invested in and purchased. Others bribed for a coin and invaded.

It seems the focus is now and has been on the ports. Dubai is losing its’ foot hold on having the largest ports while China is gaining ground by great stealth. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/17/dubais-dp-world-is-delisting-and-returning-to-private-ownership.html

The entire world was hit with bio warfare, thus enters lockstep COVID-19. Lock downs and small business destruction in play while globalist governors enact unconstitutional mandates and refuse to open up the states. Resulting in grave hardships on individuals and closing of small businesses. The cure becomes worse than the disease which has a 99.9% recovery rate. Meanwhile the push for a vaccine and scientists and cyber tech giant Gates act like Presidents of the world dictating what the people will and will not do.

So you see the 2020 elections are complicated and there is good reason that those claiming to protect their democracy are shouting. For their democracy is a pass to have endless wars and conquer the entire world with back door deals doled out left and right. Yet, there is a nasty little problem and that problem is WE THE PEOPLE and DONALD. J. TRUMP. Add to that list the new faces coming forward such as Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and now Jeffrey Rosen among many more.

Pro-Trump attorneys Sidney Powell, Lin Wood urge Georgians not to vote in  Senate runoffs without changes - glbnews.com

Due to the vast amount of deep state sell out which have been treasonous acts against the people of the United States from within their own government, the super powers of the world have had a hay day making deals and back door bids for their favorite real estate choices and intellectual property that was easily data mined. Biden just makes the final sell out a cake walk, while President Trump is launching an all out defense launch to protect WE THE PEOPLE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  This is just the surface of the nutshell version, this does not include the layers of child and human trafficking, adrenochrome market, cannibalism, big pharma, GMO’s, poisoned water and clean water grab, and other war crimes against the people.

So you see it’s not just about Joe versus Trump and who will be president. This is about will there be a United States of America or will we become a colony of China with Russian (BRICS) and Globalist ties? Will we be the free cookie jar for the world dictators?

I say NO. Truth will prevail and Patriots will awake, stand strong and learn the truth from digital warriors and whoever dares speak the truth. But, there are many out there that are more concerned with editing finding typos than understanding the content of the matter and the urgency in creating public awareness. They point those errors out proudly and ignore the important information. Just ask me, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell who have all recently been scolded on the matter. As long as people are looking at true news and reports as something to proof read and grade, WE HAVE ENTERED INTO ANOTHER TYPE OF CENSORSHIP. So when all someone can say of a court order is….LOOK AT THE TYPO – that one who is shouting about a typo is in the way.  No better than an algorithm bot paid for by Twitter and Farcebook! However, pointing out without a sarcastic remark is always welcomed.

Applaud the people who are doing their best to get news out that is true and shove your red ink proof pens up your arses!  We are at war and in the end no one is going to ask if all the words were spelled correctly, they will be asking if you still have your nation and is anyone hurt!!!

So now enter Jeffrey Rosen…hold on to your seats this ride is just beginning and the way down will be a thriller!

Dianne Marshall


With the resignation of A.G. Barr, the new acting Attorney General will be Jeffrey A. Rosen. Rosen has a solid background in the Founding Fathers and their interpretation of Foreign Interference. Imagine the timing of such a changing of the guard…nothing is by chance.

In August Jeffrey Rosen spoke of 2020 election interference and the impact if it did occur. The Founding Fathers and their intent to protect the nation and influence of propaganda, pressure tactics, and censorships in all of its’ forms.

It will not fare well for all the propaganda, fake news, social media censorship, and all the many fake influences such as imaginary elect gaslighting attempts. Now with the evidence of Dominion Audits it all makes for a nice package in the lap of the new acting Attorney General.

Read full audit on Michigan voting machines here: Antrim_michigan_forensics_report_121320_redacted.pdf (dropbox.com)

Have faith America and stay strong. This is just beginning and truth shall prevail.

Dianne Marshall


DEMOCRACY is only as strong as protecting it, stated Kamala. What Democracy is she referring to? Why do these people never declare the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? They don’t because it doesn’t fit their narrative. The joy the two elect are having now will be short lived.

As these two proclaim their victory over the constitution and the obvious destruction of the right to vote via their Dominion voter fraud machines WE THE PEOPLE wait for truth to prevail.

Let them play imaginary president and imaginary vice, for this is nothing but smoke and mirrors to deceive. The games have begun and their mascarade is just that…a mascarade.

For any who have the curiosity to watch, this is the nightly news brought to you by the fake news who are so proud to do their part in this imaginary win.

The real news is taking place behind the scenes as the Dominion voting machines having been audited prove that fraud was rampant and investigations are not over…they have just begun.

The more they continue the deeper in the snare they go.

Hold the line, this sham is just what it is…a sham. Add an “e” and we have “SHAME”.


The real peoples vote of this nation will be heard and the fraud shall be exposed as it already has been and now we await for the proper channels to prevail.


Dianne Marshall


BOOM! Busted in Antrim County, Michigan – the Dominion Voting Systems machines used in the Nov. 3rd election were examined by cyber teams and found to have concrete proof of massive cyber election fraud, according to CDMedia.

A forensic audit of 22 Dominion Voting machines was authorized on December 4, 2020 by an Antrim County judge after finding the machines flipped 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden.

GAG ORDER – since everything that reveals truth seems to be censored these days, it was no surprise that on December 12th, another judge allowed Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to block the results of this forensic audit.  That didn’t last long because the findings were leaked to CDMedia, who published it as soon as they got it.

Gag Orders in Family Court Overturned with Constitutional Law | Fix Family  Courts

It was found that the voting machines had been connected to the Internet (which is illegal in the United States) and that fake ballots were sent in batches for “adjudication” in either Germany or Spain. “Adjudication” is a Dominion override function that is meant for a marginal number of ballots – not for 106,000 ballots, as was the case in Fulton County, Georgia.

CDMedia’s source, who took “great risk” in getting out this information said, “The evidence of fraud was not where we were looking. It was cleverly hidden in the error rate.”

The error rate for ballot verification was set to 1000s of times the legal rate and then massive amounts of fake ballots were sent to Europe, where they were “approved” and tabulated.

Click on link below to watch video. It is, of course, censored on YouTube.


Visit Salty Cracker’s website at Salty Cracker – Let’s watch the crazy go down! (saltycrackermerch.com) He is following this story and has an archive of other information – spoiler alert – salty language goes with the territory. Smile.

Salty Cracker –reports that, “Now, this information is in the hands of Gen Flynn and his team!”

“These BLM people (working at the polls), they scanned the votes into the machine and the machine was like, ‘Error! Error! Error!’ and so they said, ‘OK,’ set it off to the side for adjudication, all of these errored ballots, which were dumped into these places.

“These errored ballots went over to Spain, went over to Germany, probably through our CIA and they worked out the math. They needed to make sure that there were enough stolen ballots…that wouldn’t be too easy to catch – but we broke the algorithm.

“So they panicked and they adjudicated hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of these bullshit ballots into the system for Joe Biden. And now, it’s all breaking! We got the f***ing machines! We audited 22 of these machines, we’ve got the receipts! It’s all breaking out!

“This is why they put a gag order on us, this is why they silenced us!..This is why the censorship is skyrocketing up! This video can’t even be on YouTube, even if I wasn’t banned on YouTube right now. There’s no way this video would be allowed on YouTube. You’re not going to be able to talk about this on Twitter, you aren’t going to be able to talk about this on Facebook.

19 Gag order Synonyms. Similar words for Gag order.

“FFS, yesterday, Donald Trump put a tweet out – they banned the likes and the comments section for his tweet!…

“The ‘Safe Harbor’ deadline (YouTube’s justification for removing all videos that refer to election fraud) don’t mean sh**. The Electoral College on the 14th – that don’t mean sh**! The 20th – the Inauguration, at this point – I don’t think that means sh**!

“If Donald Trump declares war on China and identifies Joe Biden, Dominion, the DNC, all of these poll workers…as enemy combatants, you’re not gonna get a f***ing Inauguaration on the 20th! None of these deadlines matter when you’re in f***ing war!

“What was it? The Election of 1860 wasn’t settled until 1865? We might be in that situation, right now! We might get 12 more years of Trump, because it might take a while to work all this sh** out of the system.

“But there you have it. We have these people dead-to-rights. This is why none of the courts want to hear the information that we have…they don’t want to be blown up. We’ll take it to the military courts, to dudes that are used to being blown up! Who want to make sure that this country isn’t overthrown by these ChiComs.

“There’s a bunch of people that would rather fight China in a military tribunal…than on a military battlefield. And we’ll take it to those people – we’ve got the receipts!

Remember, on September 12, 2018, President Trump issued an Executive Order to impose sanctions for interference in our elections by foreign powers. It calls for the Director of National Intelligence, who is currently John Ratcliffe to issue a report no later than 45 days after the election, on December 18th, which is next Friday.

If a report is filed and Ratcliffe admits this evidence, the EO calls for the blocking of all property held in the US by those who committed the act, among other serious penalties.

They don’t want anyone to know this information…so you know what to do – SHARE -SHARE-SHARE!

Dianne Marshall

UPDATE: 12-14-2020 – Read the actual Audit Report: Antrim_michigan_forensics_report_121320_redacted.pdf

Antrim_michigan_forensics_report_121320_redacted.pdf (dropbox.com)


“Vaccines are shipped and on their way, FIVE YEARS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE. Get well USA. Get well WORLD. We love you all!”

Now Trump is known for strange tweets, but I have always seen them as truth tweets for those with eyes to see SO THEY WILL READ AND UNDERSTAND. And this one struck me as EYE OPENING. He meant something and he wasn’t talking about THE FAUCI GATES VACCINES or was he? Was he talking about his vaccine team or someone else?

Remember the COVID PLANDEMIC was part of “Lockstep” planned ten years ago. Trump has to have been made aware of this long ago for we have heard him speak out questioning vaccines long before he was president and he thoroughly does his research. When Trump was elected he took immediate steps to look into these and asked Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to look into it and he said yes. In an interview on Jan. 10, 2017 (video below) Kennedy Jr. talks about accepting the position to look into vaccines for President Trump on prior to his being sworn into office and before any COVID plandemic. I am sure President Trump is also aware of the documentary “Plandemic Indoctornation”, one that Lin Wood believed in so much that he became an investor to make the film.

President Trump is all in when it comes to looking at the science and questioning scientific integrity and was on this from day 1. He has all the docs on Fauci, Gates, WHO, CDC and Big Pharma. Only a fool would believe they could buffalo President Trump when he has been investigating this and many matters for decades. So, whatever vaccines he has sent directly to the military to examine the science behind….it may open a door to a safe vaccine without the extra poisons, or it may end up being forensic evidence he seeks. Then again, maybe he has had his own vaccine in the works for five years…after all, we were told it takes ten years to put out a vaccine and Trump did say he was five years ahead of schedule.

Heck, WHO states the same thing:

“It can take 10 years or more to bring a vaccine from the starting block to being approved by regulators. The FDA says, in this case, it will be flexible to accommodate approval for a workable COVID-19 virus vaccine. 40 vaccines for the coronavirus are in development right now, according to the World Health Organization.”

That being said, let’s take another look at Trump’s full tweet.

“Vaccines are shipped and on their way, FIVE YEARS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE. Get well USA. Get well WORLD. We love you all!”

Now let’s take a look at some patents for this COVID virus and who owns them. There is a list of patents taken out five years ago for coronavirus. Fauci owns four of them and Gates owns the other one. Five patents, five years ago, and Trump Tweets “Five years ahead of schedule” Along with an eerie “Get well USA. Get well WORLD. (all caps) We love you all!”

I trust President Trump and I trust Robert F. Kennedy Jr. but I do not trust WHO, CDC, Fauci, Birx, or Gates. Time will tell what President Trump meant in his tweet, but I believe it has a lot to do with the plandemic fraud death vaccine – especially when Trump didn’t allow the patent holders Fauci and Gates to create the cure. But, that doesn’t mean China has been working on Gates and Fauci’s patents…especially since Gates continues to brag that they need to manufacture at least 7 billion doses of the vaccine and distributed as soon as his first batch is ready to go. I see the stamp of CHINA APPROVAL all over it. Remember Trump fired the WHO (removed the USA from it) but the rest of the world is still under it. And our 330 million is a small number when you realize there are over 7 billion people in the world.

In an article titled: Why Does Fauci Hold Patents on a Key HIV Component Used to Create COVID-19 By Dr. Jerome Corsi|  Link:  https://c-vine.com/blog/2020/05/07/follow-the-money-fauci-holds-4-covid-19-related-patents/ it states:

The four patents on which Fauci is named as an inventor are the following:

  • Patent Number: 9896509, patent granted August 3, 2016. “Use of antagonists of the interaction between HIV120 and ?4?7 integrin.
  • Publication Number: 20160333309, patent application filed August 3, 2016. “Use of Antagonists of the Interaction Between HIV GP120 and A4B7 Integrin.
  • Patent Number: 9441041, patent granted September 13, 2016. “Use of antagonists between HIV GP120 and ?4?7 integrin.”
  • Publication Number 2016007586, patent application filed September 21, 2015. “Use of antagonists of the Interaction Between HIV GP120 and A4B7 Integrin.

In another article titled: “Bill Gates COVID-19 Vaccine And 060606 Microchip Are Satanic Plots Says Oscar-Winning Director Nikita Mikhalkov” Written by Lucas Cacioli (Link: Bill Gates COVID-19 Vaccine and 060606 Microchip are Satanic Plots says Oscar-Winning Director Nikita Mikhalkov – Fort Russ (fort-russ.com) it states:

Microsoft’s recent patent for a human powered crypto mining system based on sensors that convert physical or mental activity into computer power has generated a lot of interest and captured the imagination of the public, but perhaps some are looking at it a little too closely.

Nikita Mikhalkov, the Oscar-winning Russian director, recently unleashed his own conspiracy after taking a closer look at the patent number for Microsoft’s crypto mining system – WO/2020/060606. Appearing on an episode of ‘Besogan TV’, Mikhalkov was adamant that the patent is the first step in a satanic plan to microchip the entire global population and it was clear to him by the appearance of the devil’s number “666” in the patent application.

On the program, Mikhalkov was quoted, “The 060606 part is somewhat alarming. You probably understand this, right? Is this a coincidence or an intentional selection of such a symbol, which in the Apocalypse of John is called the ‘number of the beast’ – the 666.

Mikhalov’s Revelation

Bill Gates and his foundation have been popping up regularly in the media since the coronavirus pandemic began, determined to help the world by developing and distributing a vaccine to the global population.

In a blog post on April 30, Bill Gates wrote, “We need to manufacture at least 7 billion doses of the vaccine.” He said the vaccines should be distributed “as soon as the first batch is ready to go.

While Gates has been commended by most for his proactive efforts, Mikahlkov has claimed that the coming COVID-19 vaccination distributed by the Bill Gates Foundation will be a trojan horse for a microchip in an insidious scheme to enslave the world.

Trump hosted a vaccine summit at the White House to discuss distribution and details of the vaccine for Covid and did not allow the imaginary elect (Biden and Harris) to attend.

Interesting to note that executives from Pfizer and Moderna – whose own vaccine candidate is also up for approval from the FDA – were invited to the White House by Trump but declined.

The patents for COVID and a contract to 7 billion doses world wide is a huge motivation for globalists to invest in China and Gates who as mad scientists want to LITERALY STICK IT TO THE WORLD! I know Trump questions their pseudo- science and loves to SET RAT TRAPS. Does anyone smell cheese? I think a trap has been baited.

Fauci says the vaccine is fine because an African American made it. I thought we were done with that type of racist rhetoric. Remember the recent uprising over Aunt Jemima products? He said it because in the survey the majority of blacks are against the vaccine, well so are all people…but he wants blacks to have it first. Ask him why.

Gates vaccine is being made by Germany’s CureVac, a biotech with the backing of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  In September CureVac made a public offering on Wall Street priced at $16 a share. The stock soared nearly 250%, to just below $56, by the end of the day. We see who wants to buy stock but the real question is…who wants to take his vaccine?

Gates vaccine made by Curevac – avoid vaccine from Curevac. Follow the money. This one is loaded and will take an internet of things to see how it all works in humans. They will have fun playing you in their reality video game. Or so it appears.

One thing I know is President Trump doesn’t trust the CDC and he knows it needs an overhaul. His tweet was a message to those who think they are going to take over America and he was letting them know – GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR HORROR MOVIE…HE’S NOT GIVING IT THE GREEN LIGHT!

Dianne Marshall