Beck Loses RADIO HOST STATIONS AND LOOKS FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO BLAME! Says Nevada Caucus Was Like Walking Into Ferguson?

dan 88

Really Glenn?  The Nevada Caucus and Trump supporters was like walking into Ferguson?  Really?  That was one of the remarks that you seem to make that is causing your RADIO STATIONS TO DUMP YOU!

You see Glenn, you just can’t keep going around saying stupid prejudicial things that hold no truth or weight and think you can get away with it because your name is Glenn Beck.  It was each person you insulted that paid your salary.  Without an audience you are just Glenn Beck the average guy.  Well welcome back to the real world where people don’t want to hear your junk!  You are back to the days at the barbeque where family members said, “Oh here comes Glenn.  I hope he isn’t drunk!”  Why?  Because of your insulting mouth that loves to fabricate opinions that are very distasteful and one sided to the extreme that the only way you can make a point is to compare a good person to one of the worst dictators in history.  And you don’t stop there.  You go on to make all the good people into fascist pigs while you are at it.  People who once watched you.

It doesn’t take long before those who once watched or listened to you realize you are either back on the bottle or totally out of your mind.  So sit there Glenn…ponder it.  I doubt if you will ever figure it out….but while you may have some free time on your hands….please sit there and understand that the donor establishment who paid you are the ones who encouraged you and you may as well have been drunk – at least then you could have blamed it on the booze!

Meanwhile….listen to the ones who fired you – TRUMP WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT SO SHUT UP!

Dianne Marshall

25 thoughts on “Beck Loses RADIO HOST STATIONS AND LOOKS FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO BLAME! Says Nevada Caucus Was Like Walking Into Ferguson?

  1. Screw this KOOK. I live in Battle Born Nevada , and I am going down to local radio station tomorrow and show them this video , his program sucked before Trump even announced he was running for POTUS. i mean Glenda Beck , who does she think she is. SMH , TRUMP2016

    Liked by 4 people

  2. JM says:

    American citizens are waking up to the fact that what is happening is a slow genocide of American citizens. We have nothing personal against Mexicans, Cubans, Canadians, Indians, Chinese, etc., etc. However, WE HAVE A RIGHT TO LIFE. This is our country, and we’re being pushed aside in employment. We’re being taxed to death to support foreign invaders. We have foreign protesters waving foreign flags, and burning US flags. Yet we are called “brownshirts” when we finally support a pro-American candidate for president. American citizens are fighting back in the most civilized way the world has ever known — at the ballot box.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. phil fan says:

      Well said JM. Our revolution, our fight for freedom is peaceful now. Heed our will and our voices. Yes this is our final plea and it is also YOUR final chance, you self appointed rulers. Cheat us, play us, enslave us, there will be trouble for ALL including YOU. Do You Hear Us Now? We will have Mr Trump as our leader and no other. Or else. Capice?

      Liked by 2 people

  3. V miller says:

    Becky, we watched you soiral into a mental breakdown on Fox, forcing you to go off in yoyr own little paranoid prepper world. Now, you resurface to back a proven liar and cheat. When someone bigger and better than you enters the room and takes the attention from you, you go back into mental meltdown again. Dude, is your tin foil hat too tight? The up side is, the first 5 minutes of this is a fabulous cure for insomnia. Can’t remember the last time I fell asleep so quick – and sitting up to boot! Its bedtime for bonkers Becky!💤💤💤

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Becky, we watched you spiral into a mental breakdown on Fox, forcing you to go off in your own little paranoid prepper world. Now, you resurface to back a proven liar and cheat. When someone bigger and better than you enters the room and takes the attention from you, you go back into mental meltdown again. Dude, is your tin foil hat too tight? The up side is, the first 5 minutes of this is a fabulous cure for insomnia. Can’t remember the last time I fell asleep so quick – and sitting up to boot! Its bedtime for bonkers Becky!💤💤💤

    Liked by 3 people

  5. God Bless You! Glenn Beck knows exactly why he has lost his audience. He was extremely disrespectful to Donald J. Trump, and all Trump Supporters. I warned him that there would be consequences if he did not cease and desist. Trump Supporters were forced to call a Boycott, and, as a result, he now finds himself, backing a losing horse, by the name of Rafael Ted Cruz. He was warned of this losing proposition, as well. Some people have ears to hear, but they will not hear. Perhaps this will serve as a reminder to him, in the future, to talk less, and listen more. KazmierskiR

    Liked by 5 people

    1. phil fan says:

      I’m no expert but if you can organize your friends in the area to threaten and actually BOYCOTT the station to where it hurts them financially he will be dumped

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Shela says:

    Thank God he’s gone! Thought he’d never get fired. Now let’s see how many of those encouraging him know him now…
    Oh please, please Lord let Megyn Kelly be next! Like tomorrow morning! She should never treat anybody especially someone as nice as Mike Hucklebee the way she treated him.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, oh, how did snotty Megyn treat Huckabee? I like Huckabee also. I also do not like how Megyn treated Trump, I have boycotted her show ever since that first debate. And Glen Beck is a whacko nut case, it’s about time radio stations dropped him.


  7. bonniebengal says:

    Whether you’re a Trump supporter or not, nobody wants to sit there and listen to a radio show that’s devolved into nothing but Trump bashing 24/7.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Also: 😦 Mark Levin.

    In any event, Trump 🙂 was on Hannity Monday night. “New Poll Shows Trump Dominates Nationally 49% – Donald Trump On Hannity ” “Published on Feb 29, 2016”; “Trump Vs mexico & the Border – Donald Trump On Hannity” “Published on Feb 29, 2016”; “Trump on Health Care & Israel – Donald Trump On Hannity” “Published on Feb 29, 2016”;

    REMEMBER: – “Friends: If you live in AL, AK, AR, CO, GA, MA, MN, OK, TN, TX, VT or VA, get out and VOTE on Tuesday! #Trump2016”

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Media’s Disavowal Harassment … – “ANDERSON COOPER ONE-ONE-ONE FULL INTERVIEW WITH MELANIA TRUMP (2/29/2016)” – Note: Among other things Melania Trump addressed the media’s disavowal harassment (approximately 6:00 – 6:45). “Well, he disavowed many times. He disavowed [at] press conference on Friday. So I don’t know why media needs to asking so many times” … “they were asking him about the groups and he said I don’t know about the groups what you’re talking about – the groups” … “So media just bringing up bringing up all the time”

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Anna says:

    Good news! Trump loves his country! He has given up so much and taken the worst attacks from every direction but the people Have chosen Trump. We ignore all their bullshit attacks and support him and trust that he will be America’s next president.

    Sent from my iPhone

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I couldn’t have said it better, Diane. Thank you! Reporter’s in Virginia this morning on CNN stopped a voter going in the vote for Trump. This reporter asked the voter if there was anything that would change his mind. The voter told him NO! Then the reporter said you would vote for a man that was endorsed by the KKK. After Trump has continuely disavowed several. They keep going back to the interview this week-end when he would not answer the reporters question. They are such liars & scum of the earth.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. John says:

    I’m disappointed in you Glen. At first I liked your program but not for long stopped listen a long time ago. Look at history and and see what brown shirts really did. Shame on you.


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