Something Doesn’t Add Up With Gowdy…


I have been a Gowdy admirer for a long time.  Something just doesn’t look right here.  He is not winning his committee cases and has a record of never losing a case in his prosecutor career.  He is a loyal guy from South Carolina and agreed the confederate flag should come down.  He is supposed to be one of the staunchest conservatives there is and now is supporting and going on the campaign trail for RINO Rubio who by all means isn’t a legitimate citizen under the rules to be president and definitely not conservative, not to mention his voter absenteeism is the worst in the Senate.

Does anyone have a clue what is going on here?  Is he being threatened or is this who he is?

Dianne Marshall

Another side note: First, Gowdy voted for Boehner as Speaker of the House.
Then Gowdy introduced the nomination of Paul Ryan as the new Speaker of the House.
Now Gowdy is backing the gang of 8 Amnesty Sponsor Rubio for president. The gang of 8 was McCain, Lindsey Graham and Rubio pushing to give blanket welfare checks, and grant citizenship to, an estimated 30 million illegal alien lawbreakers.

Note: All the above are recent decisions.

116 thoughts on “Something Doesn’t Add Up With Gowdy…

  1. Kate says:

    I’m not a conspiracy theorist. Just a retirement aged woman who has had only a mild interest in politics for the past 20 years, because they all suck (and I was too busy dealing with company politics while working my whole life). Both sides are taking us for a ride while lining their pockets. They aren’t building their wealth on government salaries. However, even with my limited knowledge as to the inner workings of our government there seems to be something very wrong. Someone, some government, some organization has something on us, owns us, is controlling us. For Gowdy to turn I think in his new position he was made privy to what is going on and did what he had to do. Judging by the increase in Islamic presence in our government and the push for acceptance of Muslim Syrian refugees while ignoring the persecuted Christians is suspect. Have we been sold?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. All part of the plan. Look up “126 people that rule the world” Not conspiracy theory, Fact. Once you have done that, look at the tri-fecta. Your earlier reading will bring you to that. Take you search from there. The news will look a lot different
      to you.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Bobbylee says: army ranger…. How Obama is killing the USA. this is new one ..agenda 2030. They just got this past sept 15!!! Check it out

      Wake up Americans …..
      Listen to the Bushs wanting the new world order plus Obama , Clinton joe Biden… Agenda 21 UN they all signed us up…. Jeb will also… Everyone should than find out more of new world order – agenda 21. They want it in this year…. Benjamin Freedman 1961 new world order expose.…than look around you … War 3. Riots, religion , Muslim and Israel , disease , turning people against people… If you don’t believe after see this… I hope you are right…. But if you believe….tell everyone.. Lindsey Williams new world order exposed… He is a pastor and have lived with the elite……….The more you dig and look around The more you will believe…please watch!!!
      Taking of our guns was in gov 1961. Watch this post….. Watch this one as it is what Obama has been doing UN facts behind all the people behind agenda 21 new world order this guy was working for them until they they looked at his family…really interesting… Civilian contractors getting money big time… During war… That is how all the big company’s get paid big… Every war costs ten times to thousand dollars more because they are paying contractor big bucks…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kathryn Taylor says:

    it’s called being ‘bought off’! As they say – everybody has a price! It’s happened before with many of our ‘prized’ politicians who just simply seem to change direction ‘mid-stream’, so to speak. Unfortunately, there is a power behind the scenes and money is no object and anything to blackmail will be used or fabricated, in order to get their way!

    Liked by 1 person

    Voting and Registering to Vote |
    Find the steps for voter registration, voting by absentee ballot, and how to avoid voter fraud…. See More… See More… See More
    Voting and Registering to Vote |
    Find the steps for voter registration, voting by absentee ballot, and how to avoid voter fraud.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Billy Masters, yes all of us need to vote, but what bothers me is that (terrifies me, really) is that the voting data is sent to Europe – I think to Germany – to be counted there. The company that does the the tallying is a SOROS backed/owned company. Of course at first glance you don’t see that but digging deeply you find his wicked claws around it the more research you do. I will try to find everything I dug up back in the 2012 election when suddenly the numbers switched and barry won.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Chrissie Keffler says:

    Keep this up and the Democrats will win in ’16. You can’t demonize every Republican who says or does one thing you disagree with. Knowing President Reagan’s record, you would call him a Rhino. I have five rock-solid conservative kids between the ages of 21 and 30, and they refuse to listen to all the negativity from folks like you. They and all their conservative friends deserve a conservative Republican Party as positive as President Reagan was when he was our leader in the ’80s. Trump, Cruz, and Paul are so negative they are going to sour young, conservative, Republicans on the political process. Ryan, Rubio, and Gowdy are the future of the Republican Party and they are all good for America. Their core principles are in line with long time conservative Rebublican core principals. It You continue to demonize the Republicans who you don’t agree with it will be the demise of the Republican Party and the Democrats will be permanently in power.


    1. Shirley says:

      I agree. Just an “unsuitable” position renders long-time conservatives a “RINO”. No possibility there is an understandable and reasonable explanation. No possibility the statement is out-of-context and/or long ago proven false. No possibility there’s more going on in that District of Cesspools than meets the eye. Mischaracterization of the position: anything short of mass deportation of illegals surely means they are in favor of “amnesty”, a loaded broad word that defines anything short of mass deportation. No explanation of a changed position or one that was criticized as being “wrong” is to be accepted nor will the author of the position ever be trusted. For those who list Cruz as the only one to be trusted, here’s a memo: he too has erred in contradictory statements he has made. We’re so cynical, we’re headed to where we were in 2008 & especially 2012: conservatives stayed home and elected Barry when the nominee didn’t suit them. This kind of rhetoric is all over the place and I’m sick of it for what it portends: each candidate gets labeled (often falsely), written off as (another label) and whoever gets the nomination, wears it into the general at our peril – Hillary wins.

      Most true conservatives are very well aware of the evil and evil people; their dastardly agendas, etc. Tuck all this info, suspicions, questions into your memory bank. Make a judgment based your DD and facts. As I will do with this thread and OP. It may have merit to some degree.

      I am extremely conservative but I don’t make knee-jerk pronouncements and pass along such until vetted over time. Certainly not a participant in posting declarations as to character, positions, etc. We will never find ANY candidate perfect but we will sure make certain the one who is nominated is carrying the baggage we load them with, accurate or not.

      I do not wish to start an argument and quibble over who is/is not to be trusted and why. Nor do I wish to criticize anyone or their concerns specifically. It is the principle and observations I’ve seen again everywhere that drive this reply and passionate plea to not shoot ourselves in the foot once again. Couldn’t hold back any longer.


      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sandra says:

    Maybe not bought, maybe afraid.Remember he wanted to quit after this term.I. cannot believe that I guy so talented before he hit Washington would allow what happened happened.You know that he will be stumping for Rubio, a rino and we know that Open Society ie, George Soros, is backing Rubio.He is pure evil and they say that our cell phones are being hacked by China, Russia, North Korea.What if they are collecting info for Soros and they are using things against Congress.Weren’t we all surprised by the. Budget vote?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bobbylee says:

    The elite are usually behind all the government.. Blackmail… Threats… Payoff… Really check the agenda 21 UN .. New world order and you can see every thing go down… Especially Benjamin Freedman… NWO exposed … 2plus hr one… Everything is planned from the Third World War ..Muslim and Israel …. Riots ,killing Christianity ….take our guns away… Pitting the people against each other… It is all in there … Before 1961 it has been plan… Check it out and pass it along… army ranger…. How Obama is killing the USA. this is new one ..agenda 2030. They just got this past sept 15!!! Check it out

    Wake up Americans …..
    Listen to the Bushs wanting the new world order plus Obama , Clinton joe Biden… Agenda 21 UN they all signed us up…. Jeb will also… Everyone should than find out more of new world order – agenda 21. They want it in this year…. Benjamin Freedman 1961 new world order expose.…than look around you … War 3. Riots, religion , Muslim and Israel , disease , turning people against people… If you don’t believe after see this… I hope you are right…. But if you believe….tell everyone.. Lindsey Williams new world order exposed… He is a pastor and have lived with the elite……….The more you dig and look around The more you will believe…please watch!!!
    Taking of our guns was in gov 1961. Watch this post….. Watch this one as it is what Obama has been doing UN facts behind all the people behind agenda 21 new world order this guy was working for them until they they looked at his family…really interesting… Civilian contractors getting money big time… During war… That is how all the big company’s get paid big… Every war costs ten times to thousand dollars more because they are paying contractor big bucks…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pashta says:

    He is retiring from politics. Remember that? Maybe he was just acting all this time or maybe you’re right.. He was threatened somehow and that’s why he’s quitting. But to agree with the establishment even though he’s leaving is puzzling. They must have something really bad on him.

    Liked by 1 person

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