Ben Carson’s Anti- Second Amendment Stance Has Left-wing Liberals Drooling!


Ben Carson is a great surgeon and in like manner of his operating expertise to dissect, he has  with great precision taken apart the second amendment right to bear arms.

Carson views gun ownership as something unnecessary for all Americans.  Only those who live in rural areas far away from expedient 911 calls should have the right to own a gun.  But for those who decide to city dwell, there is no need for guns.  Gun ownership in big cities, he believes, only lead to more violence and gun related crime.

Does  Doc Carson even know what the second amendment stands for at all?  It appears whether he does or does not, he is bent on making sure that most Americans never have the right to exercise their second amendment rights.

Oh but one little issue like that shouldn’t make that big of a difference to voters now should it?  None at all if you are a left wing anti-gun activist which he appears to be attracting even though he is running on the republican ticket.  Guess we have another RINO conservative holding onto liberal values.

What would you call it?

Dianne Marshall

8 thoughts on “Ben Carson’s Anti- Second Amendment Stance Has Left-wing Liberals Drooling!

  1. John Robertson says:

    Sorry Ben but keeping the second amendment and my right to carry and defend myself should not be impinged in any way, no matter if I’m a country or a city dweller. Our police can’t be everywhere.


  2. Ed says:

    This is stupid and taken Way out of context . By now of you people believe anything from any of the media circus clowns then you’re helpless. Think just think …why do the media keep ting so hard to change his words ? THINK FOR YOUR SELF AND DO RESEARCH this site is a bulls hit media


  3. AK Johnny1 says:

    Sorry, but I saw 2 separate interviews a couple of years back, and this guy was waffling ALL OVER the place where the 2A was concerned. What…. so now suddenly he’s seen the light? Discovered the error of his ways? Please…
    It’s election season, and he will say whatever he NEEDS to say not to lose 2nd Amendment proponents. Me? I don’t trust him as far as I could FART him….


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