Some days it’s like “What?” And others it be like… “ I can’t… I just can’t!”

It be like, “Live from New York – It’s Saturday Night and it’s a ___!” You can fill in the blank.

“Mayor Adams says illegal aliens could be used to fill New York City’s lifeguard shortage because they are “excellent swimmers.”  I can’t  I just can’t!

Then we have this…. Oh my head hurts. I can’t … I just can’t!

And then there is this one…

It’s more like… when you’re gone… you are gone and when there’s no coming back and enough people know it… you remove the double.  Out of sight… out of mind and people quit talking and move on? Is that the game here?

So, we have the man who has a 33 year history of doing the bidding of the deep state who also said “Trump has left us”,  with the one who shouted “I’m going to impeach Biden”, before Biden was inaugurated… (which in that she justified his presidency???) standing together as crime busters of justice?  I can’t… I just can’t.

This is another… you guessed it “I can’t… I just can’t.”

From the Breb Room…. I can see the real Flynn with the real Cohen. Can you see it now?

Back in the day… how long did it last? Do you recall?

And then we have this… why Flynn, why? However, I can see why  this… can you? 

I couldn’t then… and I can’t now. I just can’t!

I can’t, I just can’t do C.G.I. and or men in disguise, no matter how convincing they try to make it look. Oh my head hurts!

Yes, we heard him loud and clear and “We can’t…

“What’s willful blindness?”  So she knows these people and “we don’t”… oh I can’t… I just can’t. I thought I could but I just can’t!!!

This as hard as it is to believe…  “I can”.

From X – W.R. Schock, QBD @iontecs_pemf:

Clearly they’re using SBX-1s to crank up the tornadoes, what they use to force extreme oxygen into their DEW crucible fires that melt steel, glass and vaporize the concrete pads under the homes. Its incineration.

The SBX-1 is a mobile HAARP unit that charges up the skies above the area they want to start the tornado, then using powerful magnetic fields they steer them to the intended ground zero while DEWs overhead light the fires. Now the tornado vacuums in massive levels of oxygen to supercharge the fire to vaporize the targets. The tornado can move that fire across land to continue the Tara Cleansing.

Call for the Arrest of the Prime Minister of Israel?

Spare the “I can or I can’t”…. expose the entire show – the script is rotten and central casting has failed in their mission to mind control the masses.

Pull away from the propaganda and don’t say, “I can’t – I just can’t”…. YOU CAN DO IT!

It’s time for everyone to discern all things before the Lord and stop the he said it so it is so and she said it so it is not so and he and she are both saying it so it must be so…. Saying,  “Oh I can’t… I just can’t! “ is a phrase used by those who don’t want to look at the truth, and also used by those who are fed up with listening to the “lies and propaganda”!

For what it’s worth… there is no room in this war to hold onto a mind washed loyalty to a world stage player just because you have blindly followed the mind washers and believed the propaganda and double talk.

This is spiritual warfare and the philosophy of the serpent in the garden. The only way to find the truth is to ask the Lord and take all things to the Holy Spirit and be not deceived for the devil telling you his logic and shoving his whispers into your intellect! Follow the Holy Spirit gut feeling and rely on the Lord thy God.  Most of these people who are saying thus saith the Lord don’t even know what the Bible truly says!  That is proven by hearing all of their false interpretations and because most people don’t know what the scriptures are truly saying…because they have not read the Word of God  for themselves and asked  the Holy Spirit to show them what things mean, they have believed false shepherds…  and in so doing, they have  believe the lies.  Take all things before the Lord.



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