Many have been asking – “What Bible should I read?” This question has arisen out of a firestorm of questions regarding dispensationalism and all the Bibles with other men’s names on them. Other mens names on the Bible does not mean the verses are altered today. It means the commentary of the person’s name on the front is presented within the King James Version. It is a very slippery slope.

However, there are a few who have inserted and altered a few words in the Bible and one of those is John Nelson Darby.

This video on dispensationalism explains how it happened, when it happened and why it happened. It is for each to discern, and for each to pray and ask the Lord where to go from here in their learning. No one can ever take your salvation out of God’s hands and never let anyone tell you differently.

During the years I wanted to know everything I could, so I purchased many Bibles to find what all these celebrity pastors had to say on the interpretations, for I wanted all the truth. At that time in my search I was blind to all the deception. I was merely being a good Christian and learning all the things I was supposed to learn…or so I thought at the time. For many years now I was shown the truth. It was not by a pastor, nor by any man…it was through the Lord leading me through the Holy Spirit for I had no one to show me.

I ended up searching the way Jesus said to search all along and hadn’t heard it from the pulpit. That was to read the scriptures for myself and let no man interpret for me. Or shall I say, I never got permission from the pulpit to do it for every time I did I was told I was not a theologian, nor a pastor, and not understanding what I was finding. Repent Dianne….and listen to what we are telling you was always the consensus. Along with the famous….”Women should be SILENT in the church and be taught at home by their husbands.” I always wondered what widows and single moms were to do? I guess shut up, sit down and remain silent. Now that is censoring in the most highest regard…”Thus saith the Lord be silent Woman.” Yet, the first to see Jesus after he was risen was Mary of Magdalene of which my Lord told her to go and tell the others he had risen and she did.



  1. Yes Dianne women should be silent in the assembly but not at home 🏡 or when with family and friends
    In the assembly (church) women should where a head covering too BECAUSE of the angels 1 Cor 11:10


      1. 1 Cor. 11:7-10
        But a man should not wear anything on his head when worshiping, for his hat is a sign of subjection to men.
        God’s glory is man made in his image, and man’s glory is the woman. The first man didn’t come from woman, but the first woman came out of man. And Adam, the first man, was not made for Eve’s benefit, but Eve was made for Adam. So a woman should wear a covering on her head as a sign that she is under man’s authority, fact for all the angels to notice and rejoice in.*

        Women, have a different role than men. God used the womb of a woman to bring the God’s ONLY BEGOTTEN SON into this world to shed his blood for our sins. A Woman anointed JESUS for HIS burial!! We are special, but MEN are suppose to LEAD!! God chose 12 MEN to be apostles not a woman!!


    1. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

      katamanti61….your statement is why I left religions! It’s no wonder religions of the sort that you speak of have that “mind set”, when even after Christ was risen He was shown to Mary Magdalene, yet they believed her not. Again in Luke it speaks of other woman whom He appeared and spoke to. But to the aposties thought it as idle tales, and they believed not. Hence why I left religions!

      God has used many woman in several passages throughout His Word to teach in the assembly of The Word (the True Church).
      In the physical world there are many “laws” that man puts on man, yet in the Spiritual there is only ONE Law…Jesus Christ; Whose Blood is the covering of all who are His chosen.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. j4King says:

        Eva was from Adam. We are from Christ. We are woman sitting and hearing the living Word of God in His congregation. Any one who is empowered by the spirit of Son of God, speaks in the congregation as a son of God in Christ, no more woman. When we go out to the world to speak the good news, we in appearance of woman speak as courageous man.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. In the kingdom of God there is neither JEW or GREEK, Slave or Free, Male or Female! We are all ONE in Christ, But we have different “roles”. We are all equal, We just have different roles. There is so much false teaching in the church. Just read your bibles!!

        Liked by 2 people

      1. debjbalk says:

        Perhaps you’re witnessing a version of the “fluid” gender identity agenda that’s being marketed by the enemy, Dianne. But this time, the attack is on the Word of God where the context of male/female is being totally askewed by this poster. Believers, keep on the full armor of God…high alert and discernment are the orders of the day.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. When Anna prophesied in the Temple I am sure she wore a head covering. Scripture says when a woman prays or prophecies in church ⛪ should cover her head because of the angels and a man should not cover his head. 🌝


    2. rakey64 says:

      Really? I am not a women’s libber, I don’t support females in church leadership, I will never support a female president and I don’t support females stealing male jobs and sports, but I don’t believe we should be hidden under a vail or burqah or…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am not into liberation either. I am into each in their role. And it was custom for the Jews to honor their wives and exclude them from Temple duty because they already had a heavy burdon of running the household and raising and teaching the children. A good Jewish friend explained to me the duties of the woman were heavy and they did not want to add to their burdon duties of the Temple. Yet, those who did not have duties were allowed to participate in Temple. Remember Jesus was blessed as a babe in the Temple by Anna the “prophetess” who was of elder age (Luke 2:36) who proclaimed him as the messiah. In Luke she was explicitly described as a “prophetess.” So much of the hooplah on women…was not as a predudice but more it was a custom. An women were highly revered.

        Liked by 4 people

      2. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

        Katamanti…What I am reading of your words you speak of the “physical flesh”. HOWEVER right from the beginning there was and still is the “spiritual”….EVEN BEFORE the flesh! The dogma of the covering is NOT worth arguing over. Just say in the Word and Truth will always be revealed.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Dogma? In the same chapter we read how to participate in communion! This chapter starts off with headcoverings and then instructs us on communion! The church only embraces what they want to embrace!


    3. j4King says:

      Who is the head of the assembly (church)? What is the purpose going to church? Aren’t the believers the wife of Husbandman of Christ? Do we, all as spiritual woman, have any thing we do understand to speak in front of the Husbandman and the audience of angels? Being silence (NOT being silenced) and covering simple head (Proverbs 30:2-3) is a willing soul yawning for Wisdom/Righteousness. Where is your spiritual home? Who is your Spiritual Husband? Indeed Paul’s teachings are the firebomb to rid our mindset of the two thousand-year thick straws.


    1. Ken McDonald says:

      Well here is the issue. What is your authority? Is it the inerrant word of God? Or is it man’s own noodle? (Brian).

      You see, if I have to rely upon the opinions of men who are just as wicked as myself, then I am in a mess. Rom. 3:4 “…let God be true, and every man a liar.” Every man, includes me. I cannot trust anything man says!

      By the way. There are no original autographs around today. The originals of any book of the Bible are not available. So either God preserved His word in-errantly for us today or He didn’t. If He didn’t then He broke His promise of Psalms 12:6-7. If He kept His promise then where are the in-errant words of God today? You see, I am going to stand before God one day and give an account to Him, therefore I must know what God said. Not what a liar thinks He said.

      The AV1611 is the in-errant words of God.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. txvet33 says:

        exactly why are you so upset? God, I Am is the word. We don’t need to worry over authority. God is the final authority. Pray up sir, u think times are hard now, wait a few months. Praying for you

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      1. The great deception to believe a lie…if it were possible even the very elect….so here we are. The same ones shouting a great falling away are blind to understanding that 90 percent is the bulk and the 10 percent is a remnant.

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  2. Juanita Walters says:

    The Hebrew, The Septuagint, and The King James were all written to be beautiful to the ear. I prayed for help and God sent me a rocket scientist who studied the Bible his whole life. After I studied his commentaries on five major books, I suddenly could read it for myself, and had understanding. It is a marvelous blessing.
    Every time I tried to go to church, someone bad chased me off.
    At 17 a pastor shut my Bible in my hands and told me I would go to hell for asking questions. I had asked why he told people they had to go through him when in Matthew it told me I could go into my closet.
    When my children were young I decided to take them to church. On the 3rd Sunday the pastor yelled across about 100 people in the foyer to not come next Sunday without my husband ~ so I didn’t.
    For His purpose in my life’s plan I am a pure Christian in that I have never been taught man’s doctrines.
    Throughout my career, employees, vendors, customers, and even family members have come to where I work, i to my office, closed the door and asked to talk to me about my amazing faith ~ not religion. He always put the words in my mouth.
    I am thankful and blessed beyond measure.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Juanita Walters,
      It is so sad the people who these modern day Pharisees have harmed and chased off. They will go down, those who do such evil are the ones that either will be last and not first, or sadly, be told…depart from me I never knew you.

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    2. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

      Juanita, You sure got the “hammer” to the side of your head letting you know that man’s building was NOT where you are going to get truth that sets us Free. I got a “shock” to my cheek from the Holy Ghost while standing in man’s church leading me OUT!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ken McDonald says:

    In regards to dispensationalism.

    “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
    (2 Timothy 2:15)

    If you want God’s approval then you are going to have to study and rightly divide the word of truth.

    Some of the Bible is written to Israel and some is written to the body of Christ. Some is written to Jews under the law and some to Christians under grace. Some is to be applied during the tribulation and some during the millennium.

    It is all true. The confusion comes when scripture is misapplied. Like taking a truth for the tribulation and applying it to the body of Christ.

    If you will ask who is the one writing and who is he writing to then you will begin to see the proper divisions.

    God bless
    Jn 9:4

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Beth H says:

      Yes, and also find out what was the reason for what was being written. For instance, Paul wrote to several of the churches because he had heard that things were going on there that he needed to correct them on or to praise them for their faithfulness, or whatever. We can absolutely apply many passages to our own lives as guidance, but sometimes not, for example when he told Timothy to no longer drink water but to drink wine (1 Tim. 5:23). Gotta read the context.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. copperheadcitysaloon says:

      We are still under the law Ken. The law is love, be gentle and live in the garden. Jesus did not do away with the law he just fulfilled it. If we as Christians real or imagined just focus on those three things daily, we would soon bring Heaven to Earth. Jesus said his yoke was light, those three things are the yoke.


  4. John832 says:

    Dianne, thank you for your commentary on the various Bibles, particularly those with men’s names on them. I too fell into that circumstance years ago, and the Lord finally led me back to just His word, and His word alone. He taught me to read, pay attention to the words, and ask: who, what, when, where and why. Every day, with a spiral notebook to copy a verse or two that really hits home on that day, patterns began to show up in the stories, common personality traits began to repeat in the different characters, and the circumstances of those times were suddenly revealed as the same kind of circumstances we live in today.

    I also realized that in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, in Matthew 1, there isn’t one woman listed — no, there are actually FOUR women listed, and I believe they are not even Jews, they are all GENTILES. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth (the great-grandmother of David), and Bathsheba. Does God have a plan of salvation which includes women AND gentiles? Of course He does.

    That really made an impact – a Jewish genealogy of the Messiah, the Son of God, recorded by a Jew, which included the names of four women who were not even Jews. It helped me pay closer attention when God used other great women like Rachel, Deborah, Jael, Esther, and many others.

    Dianne, your work is incredible, and thank you for the earlier video links for Pastor Jeff Durbin, which I am just starting to watch.

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    1. John…there is so much we are just beginning to see….about the evil and the cabal of Baal. By exposing it…that is what God said to do…expose them and come out of her my people. And the sin is not a simple computer chip to refuse it is the cup of the wine of Babylon that over flows. And it is flowing like the mighty Mississippi!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. debjbalk says:

        Exposing has equalled push back here. I haven’t fared as well as I had hoped. The darts have been zinging from several directions. But, I will not let the enemy ridicule or condemn my errors in judgment. I am covered by the blood of Jesus. And it is Him I will go to, always, by the convicting of the Holy Spirit. There, I will lay it all down through confession, and receive full forgiveness for all ungodly attitudes, remarks, etc. Restoration, joy & peace follow. Love can flow freely once again. “Thank you for what you did at the cross for each of us, Jesus.” Amen

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      2. Deb….you are a vessel filled with love and joy, compassion, and emphathy for others. You feel peoples pain and suffering, yet your past history that you shared of being a first responder going to death scenes is one you courageously performed at the time. You are our Pollyanna and nurturer and you are valued, appreciated, and I dare say loved by many on this blog. I have watched Buddy come out to guard you….and others they come fast. But you don’t choose wrong words so your attacks generally come by defending my words. And so….in that I am grateful for all…but, saddened that it is that way at the same time. But…God is watching all things and taking a stand is never easy when you go against the majority and what they believe. It’s going against fake news. It never fares well, but truth is truth.

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      3. debjbalk says:

        We’ve received reminders from Dianne & others about potential violence and chaos in the streets, maybe this summer. If & when it happens, we are best to go inside, close the door, and let the scourge pass over us. That’s to keep us protected & safe. What about the spiritual battles, like the ones we are witnessing here? We may need to do the same thing. We may need to go inside, pray, and let the push back pass over us. I’m not saying, though, that we should let Dianne or any one individual stand alone against the fiery darts. No, not at all. We are to stand arm and arm, supporting each other. But, if you are battle weary, then tuck away in prayer, recharge, and rejoin when ready. Perhaps by the time you rejoin us, the spiritual attacks will have passed over us. #Strongr2gethr4Christ

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      4. Warring over denominations is the devils tool. The word of God…through the guidiance of the Lord through his Holy Spirit…is a gift we all have. When we follow a denomination and our questions are not answered and we are to follow and obey…this is not following the Holy Spirit. These are man’s ways and the entire controversy between Jesus’s message and the Temple was the same as we are having today. The different groups believed different things. Even among those of the Temple there were divisions – Sadducees, The Pharisees, and the Priesthood was no longer a lineage but had become political and an appointed position, the King was not in any lineage, he was politically appointed by Caesar. It was all stolen. The same as we are seeing this very day in our time. The sorcerous following of Simon Magnus, the Romans and their plethora of Gods, The Greeks and theirs, those that still worshipped the Peacock Angel, the Hindu, the hidden worshippers of Baal. There were multiple religious groups then, same as today. So…the Lord is setting up his kingdom for it has been building inside of us….and now we are being sifted to see his Kingdom together as one Kingdom and not the new world order religion that is a mocking of God’s kingdom on earth. The battle rages on. God is not mocked. His Kingdom comes and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. txvet33 says:

        Many will see and hear the truth. But like the Israelites building statues to false Gods, while Moses was on the mountain, many will not believe what our elected/appointed are and have been doing. The word andrenochrome will crush many. The coming months will be devastating to many. Food gas even water Will be disrupted. Pray stock up. A simple task light turning on a light will be missed. Arm yourselves for what is coming.
        IMO we should stay off the streets and let our Military and our Sheriffs. do the heavy lifting.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Fred says:

    The critical difference is an important nuance that appears as the key to enable the spiritualization of thought – the KJV, elevated with the style in the old English and with the manner it’s written has a tendency in places that would take the edge off of personal sense – not speaking to man as mortal, but as spiritual which is a sliver of light that has the effect of lifting conciousness above materiality. Its indespensible – little else comes close. Sadly, as opinion and personal sense has stolen its way into Biblical text, the demonstration of spirtual power has been lost.

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    1. The Holy Spirit is still in those who believe…we have not been encouraged or taught to receive it freely. The 90% churches have drilled, and drilled and ordered people into confusion. I recently watched a video where they were having an alter call….person after person who came were scrutinized and drilled one by one. The words to best of my recall were , “Why did you come? How do you know you are saved? When did this happen? What are you going to give to God? Do you know what you must do next? How do you know this?” I turned it off it was repulsive and not like Jesus at all. In Acts it tells of 5,000 coming to God at one time and there was no alter call. The spirit moves inside each. Man is there to throw water on the moment with the drill in the 90% church. Jesus never had an alter call. People believed and followed him to hear more. Who ever came up with the drill at the alter? It reeks of judgement and intimidation.

      Peter and John Before the Council

      1And as they spake unto the people, the priests, and the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees, came upon them, 2Being grieved that they taught the people, and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead. 3And they laid hands on them, and put them in hold unto the next day: for it was now eventide. 4Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.

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    2. Fred- the words do hit a high note in verse. I can’t read any other version and get a high note from it. The other is like reading a history book. With words that change the meaning and don’t inspire.


    3. Alegalcitizen Resident says:

      Fred, with all due respect the “spiritual power” has NOT BEEN LOST. It’s more alive NOW than ever before in my understanding of what Jehovah God is telling His children. It’s just that the hour of evil is so pervasive today that it gets lost. A glimpse of this was during the time of the “wicked and faithless” generation when Jesus was walking amongst a multitude, yet felt his “virtue” was gone from him by only 1 person. A great spiritual study of then, NOW, and from the beginning.
      “And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD. He shall not search whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it; and if he change it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed.” A super duper spiritual message there!
      “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength; and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.”
      “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.”
      “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city, For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie”
      Hear what the Spirit is saying…..


    4. Ruth says:

      KJB is written in old school writing. Hard to understand. I was even raised on it, but I understand the Living Bible way more. The Living Bible was written so we could understand the Bible. It’s so children can understand it.

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  6. Ezra Bailey says:

    I was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist and had many rules and regs. As I grew older and the Holy Spirit began to work, I like Dianne began searching and reading for Myself to show Myself approved. I was shown so much and many times felt the Holy Spirit allowed me to see and understand Moses, King David, Joseph and many more. I also began to understand how the great Deceiver works and “The Church” is a challenge he relishes. I believe our GOD works in mysterious ways and thru many vessels. To believe a woman has to be silent is simply arrogant and is a for sure “tell” if you can discern. In my my 35 yr career as a police officer, you become very intimate with evil( i saw demons every day) and initially did not know until GOD allowed me to discern them. They know you know who they are by your spirit and the person they inhabit becomes very unstable around you if you are spirit filled. I was saw and talked to my heavenly angel on patrol at 2:30am and she was a little black woman about 80yrs old dressed as if she was going to church in all yellow. She spoke over me and as dark as it was that night the light that emanated from her made me feel so loved, calm and at peace. I walked into the 7-11 to get a drink and felt the need to talk to her some more and make sure she was safe. She was no where to be found and it took me several days to understand the encounter. I believe and touch and agree with Ms Marshall that the signs are there and GOD’s remnant know them.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. debjbalk says:

      Ezra, Thank you! God sent you here, knowing the attacks have skyrocketed. The encounter you experienced all those years ago continues to bear fruit, and I praise God for your testimony. My heart is calmer now. Thank you, Jesus.

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  7. Ips Prez says:

    Yes, let’s ignore all the real issues facing the Church and start arguing about idiotic things that won’t make any difference AT ALL for those who are in Christ Jesus. KNOCK IT OFF DIANE!!!


      1. Buddy…thank you. Now IpsPrez was an example of direct attack. God had me ponder that remark a moment… so…I answered, excuse me? I didn’t know him and the Holy Spirit said he didn’t know him either. So he’s gone now. Smile.


  8. southern1952 says:

    ok, here we go, everyone has their own interpretation of the bible, i get it, i will say this….again, big, long words do nothing for me, it looks like another language, much less trying to pronounce them..i saw in a post above, alegal person says he has left a few religions, and that’s ok…as long as you keep your belief and your faith in the only God there is and not follow some fly by night hoopla ministry, keep digging in the word…my opinion is God knows your heart as well as every thing else…stay true to that because just because someone calls a building a church, doesn’t mean they preach the word of God, you have to write the scripture down and if it doesn’t line up, well you know what to do. i will say this, you can hardly find any bible preaching pastors these days, i am blessed, my pastor doesn’t preach anything he doesn’t backup with the bible, he tells us, don’t take my word, check it out for yourself. i didn’t intend to be so long…sorry…not sorry!

    Liked by 4 people

  9. southern1952 says:

    hi dianne, i just read on your post about altar calls, j.s…my pastor says if the spirit moves you, come on up and that to Him, stay as long as you like, if any of you needs prayer, prayer warriors come on up and pray for who ever asks. of coarse, he goes back and forth praying for the people that came up. he does not single them out, i know i have spoken about him before, but i promise, he is all about the bible and spreading the word. as a young man, he made his dog sit while he preached hell-fire to him. sadly, he lost his wife last may on the 18th. so if ya’ll don’t mind, keep him in your prayers please.

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    1. Southern1952 I forgot to say in that same video of the alter call…he had said ‘if someone next to you needs to come bring them up here”. And he kept saying nudge them to come…and you know what I mean….and i was not saying an alter call is wrong…I was pointing out two things. What not to do to people….and that you can receive the Lord and the Holy Spirit anywhere…any time. You don’t have to be in a church.

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      1. southern1952 says:

        oh no Dianne, i didn’t think that, i was just saying that my pastor didn’t try to make anyone come, but like you, i have seen it happen in other churches while we were looking for a church home, one church even took another offering up while the congregation was at the altar, they were money whores for sure. but no,i didn’t even think that.

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      2. Southern1952- Oh I know, I had meant to include that in the discription and forgot, I added it there…and it made it look different. But I understood that. I always cringed when they tried to get people to go up and rededicate their lives if there were no new people. I had a pastor question my first baptism as maybe I wasn’t saved then because i didn’t remember the actual date. Pushing and I say pushing because I do know the difference between encouraging and pushing…to get baptised again with my son when he got baptised. I’ve experienced it all. Trust me…my opinions are based on my first hand experiences when it comes to this topic. And they want to take their fists and beat you down. That is not of the Lord. I don’t do that to my friends who still believe in rapture. I don’t bother them… but family…I tell them to prepare the evil in the world is bad enough…and we are not appointed to wrath…but Jesus said we are all in tribulation. He gave us the armor of God for a reason and told us to pray unceasing….spiritual warfare is real. God bless you. The Lord is coming in great glory with all the armies of heaven and every eye shall see him. Right now we have to clean our houses and get oil in our lamps and prepare for any evil temptations.

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      3. southern1952 says:

        absolutely Dianne..I totally agree, while we were looking for a church home, we went to a church that was really something, my husband and i both went up front, i can’t remember if the pastor called the new mwmbers or what, anyway we went up and i bowed at the altar, as i started to rise, the man had his hand on my shoulder, i like, no way, i got up, so he started speaking to me, he said, let it out, you are fixing to speak in tongues..i’m like oh know, so i spoke up and said i don’t feel it and backed up and turned back to my seat. my husband did the same. when we got back to the car i said what was that! i went to different churches when i was growing up, they were all different, none too unusual, Baptist, Pentecostal and others. enough details tho. i know i talk about my pastor, he is human, but i promise you, just about all he does is study and research, he doesn’t have any other job, he is on satelite tv and has been for years, he doesn’t sit there and beg for money like most of them do. we all think the world of him, he also has a really small church in mississippi. our church is not big..ok, i will shut up, i just didn’t want my family on here to think my pastor was just another money whore, because he for sure isn’t..till next time!

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  10. Treasa says:

    Dianne, Why don’t you read the Bible – not written under any man’s name but after the place where it was written – from the writings of the Fathers of the Church, particularly St. Jerome.

    Bible: Douay-rheims Bible – Large Black | Mustard Seed … The Douay-Rheims Bible is an English translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible, a version universally used in the Church for over 1500 years, itself meticulously translated from the original Hebrew and Greek by St. Jerome (A.D. 340-420).

    Douay-Rheims Bible The Douay–Rheims Bible is a translation of the Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English made by members of the English College, Douai, in the service of the Catholic Church. The New Testament portion was published in Reims, France, in 1582, in one volume with extensive commentary and notes.Wikipedia Full name:Douay Rheims Bible Abbreviation:DRB Language:Early Modern English

    On Wed, 12 May 2021 at 07:14, THE MARSHALL REPORT wrote:

    > The Marshall Report posted: ” Many have been asking – “What Bible should I > read?” This question has arisen out of a firestorm of questions regarding > dispensationalism and all the Bibles with other men’s names on them. Other > mens names on the Bible does not mean the verses are alter” >

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Sparky says:

    I like to read a lot of different versions but when it comes to research I use the KJV. All my concordances and lexicons and such are keyed to the KJV. Another reason I like it is that when reading you know immediately if a word or words have been added to the translation, that were not in the original text, by the use of italics. Check out Genesis 1:2. See the word was. It’s in there twice. One is in italics. It is not in the Hebrew text. There was no word for “was” in the Hebrew. That tells you that the other word “was” is mistranslated. Look it up. You might be surprised how this word, translated as “was” in Genesis 1:2, is translated in other places in the Bible. Here’s a hint. It’s used in Genesis 2:7.
    There are errors in the use of italics though. In John 19:18 the word “one”, though not in italics, is not in the greek text.
    “Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst.” Now read it without the word “one” …. Compare Matthew 27:33-38 with Luke 23:33-38. Then compare Mark 15:29-32 with Luke 23:35-43. And what is so very odd about John 19:32,33?
    Now, why are women to remain silent in the churches? Look at the context. Your women. Whose women? Context! 1 Corinthians 14:29. The wives of the prophets. God instructs the wives of the prophets to remain silent in the churches. There were many great women of God in the Bible that didn’t remain silent.
    1 Corinthians 14:35
    “And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church” ….. what happens if they don’t have a husband? “Your women” are the wives of the prophets.

    God Bless

    “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sparky…when you do the transcribing…you find a new meaning to many scriptures. I used to watch Pastor Scotts wife do the break down in the original languages and it was amazing. I would sit and watch and take notes, rewind and take notes. We were never taught and if you said you did that…it was like get a ruler and smack your hands or sometimes a club in the head. Depending who you shared it with. LOL. Today…I am so glad I was hard headed for the truth. Bullys in many pulpits.


  12. Sparky says:

    One more thought on different translations and versions. If we didn’t check them out how would we ever have discovered the most accurate translation ever of Matthew 27:46 from the Lamsa Bible translated from Aramaic.
    “And about the ninth hour,
    Jesus cried out with a loud voice and said,
    Eli, Eli lemana shabakthan!
    My God, my God, for this I was spared!”

    You see there is no word “lama” in the Aramaic. It’s lemana and it’s translated “reserved” In Romans 11:4 – “But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.”

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Sparky says:

        Good morning!
        He did die. He had to die. Hebrews 9:22. Here is another subject people would not like to hear the truth on …. except those who like to see the Bible fit together without any contradictions. Jesus was in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights (Matthew 12:40). Man says he was in the grave for three days and two nights. I’ll put my money on God being right. If he was first seen on Sunday morning that could be anywhere from sundown Saturday night to Sunday morning. The new day started at sundown. Scripture states that he was crucified the day before the sabbath. But look at John 19:31. Look at what is in the parenthesis. Now look at Mark 15:42. What preparation are they referring to? Could it have been the Passover, which was a high sabbath …. and could fall on any day of the week? The passover lamb was to be killed the afternoon before sundown of the passover. Jesus died at the same time the passover lamb was killed. 1 Corinthians 5:7. Earlier references to the killing of the passover lamb was just part of the ceremony where they selected the lamb and prepared to kill and eat it. Did Jesus eat the passover with his disciples at the last supper? Jesus Christ fulfilled every law to the T. At last supper they were sitting down to eat. The passover was to be eaten standing up.

        So if Jesus was first seen on Sunday morning, and he was in the grave three days and three nights, and he was put in the grave just before sundown, that has him bein risen on Saturday (the regular sabbath not the high sabbath) just before sundown. That has him being crucufied on Wednesday while all Israel was preparing and killing the passover lamb.

        I’m pretty sure I’ll get “booed off the stage” by some for this. Tradition has done so much to discredit God and His Word. Tradition has turned so many people away from God. Why would anybody want to trust a Book that has so many errors and contradictions in it. The devil has down a jam up job of making God’s Word look silly in the minds of unbelievers. All he has to do is to try to destroy the integrity of God’s Word in people’s minds and he has done his job. The Bible after all is our ONLY source for truth on this planet.

        God bless. Keep the articles a comin’.

        “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”

        Liked by 2 people

  13. copperheadcitysaloon says:

    Dianne: I think the law of unintended consequences comes forward with these types of articles. Instead of coming together, egos come out and the quotes battle games come forward. Many people would rather go to the lecture on Heaven then go to Heaven. In recovery it says to keep it simple. Well it is. LOVE BE GENTLE EAT FROM THE GARDEN. It’s that easy.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. I’m proud of all of you that study the word of GOD, stay in the word of God, teach and share the word of God, and try to live by the word of God.
    I believe you will be and should be blessed much more than I.
    I have been lazy and shamefully caught up in the meaningless things of this world.
    I certainly dont have the intellect or education that many of you have so I use it as an excuse .
    I know everyone can spend time alone with GOD, read his word and ask for guidance and HE will show you the things of the heart that you need.
    Sometimes keeping it simple is keeping it lazy, at least for me it is.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. debjbalk says:

      Hi Best Buddy, when I look back over the years in some of my bible journal entries (when I was into journaling), ya know what my biggest struggle was? It was always that I knew I needed to spend more time in my devotions with the Lord. I can relate to what you’re saying… I’ve let the busyness of life be an excuse. But, God gives us fresh starts every day. Together, we can start anew. Being here has been motivating. Hope we both can do better. Blessings to you, Buddy.


  15. Polly says:

    the religious debate you all are having is making me want to cry. If we all try to dot our eyes and cross our Ts with scriptures that differ. The love that if first and foremost what I believe Jesus or simply religious study is/was about. Then we are dividing ourselves. Where does love even h go in the case of dot our religious I and cross our Ts ? Love doesn’t seem to be able to exist where meticulous right and wrong is. Also I believe every one of us has a different version of God. We are all our own filters of truth. I took a latin class in junior high school. My teacher was on a team trying to start from the earliest known complete bible. (This was in the sixties). She told me ( she spoke various languages)
    She said that in some cases there were no translations because there are words in the originating language she was translating from that do not exist in English. She said the others who were translating with her argued about how yo handle this. In the end so they could finish the project. They simply made up a story. Which version of the bible they wrote i dont know but this means to me that ALL translators had the same problem.
    “The Marshall Report has turned into a bit of a gathering place for those who Love The Lord from all walks of life. This was never my intent…but it happened. You are so lucky to have us difference of opinion on here. Hope we stop this judgement and input love.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. GeneralCarlosQ17 says:

    If You truly want to study The Scriptures and truly know The Words of Our Creator and His Son You MUST throw out the Window all of Man’s Teachings and Programming.

    Then gather together every version of The Scriptures You can find Online and several Concordances and multiple Dictionaries then go into Sincere Prayer asking Our Creator and His Son to lead You into THEIR TRUTH and not that of mere mortal Man.

    When You do This also try if possible to take a Year off of the Ways and Practices of Men.

    The Scriptures are NOT to be understood as a Book or Novel but by SUBJECT.

    Enjoy Your Journey if You follow the Path above. I did just this in My late 20’s and am still on it Today and forever more. Isiah 8:20

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Juanita Walters says:

    In a church my husband and I visited, a proclaimed healer tried to lay hands on me, and The Holy Spirit inside of me pushed back. The healer looked at me in shock. I told my husband I would not go back to this church he wanted us to go to.
    After my husband died, I stayed with my sister-in-law, and attended her church a few Sundays. It was like a cult, and women were obviously second hand citizens. That is it for me. I study The Bible on my own still.
    I know God has a plan for my life, and a faithful purpose I am yet to fulfill.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. randwolfray says:

    It is true that sensationalists who tie Dispensational theology to the latest headlines do Dispensationalism a great disservice. But evangelists, pastors, and producers of videos who oppose the theology itself are greatly mistaken. Dispensationalism does NOT teach two ways of salvation. Darby believed in the pre-trib Rapture BEFORE 1830; read the biography “John Nelson Darby” by Max S. Weremchuk for proof of this. They accuse Darby and others of coming up with something new, which is the same argument that was used against Martin Luther for recovering justification by faith alone. It was in the Scriptures all along. If you want to know what Dispensationalism REALLY teaches, get the book “Dispensationalism” by Dr. Charles C. Ryrie, available on Amazon and elsewhere. Also, “The Rapture: The Pretribulational Rapture Viewed From the Bible and the Ancient Church,” by Ken Johnson. He shows that tenets of Dispensationalism were believed by early Church Fathers. And here is a PDF you can download and read right now: “A Defense of the Pretribulational Rapture in Matthew 24:36–44,” by John F. Hart –


  19. Michelle Perry says:

    It would be good to view a YouTube video “Bible Versions: Defending the King James’, by Dr. Michael McDaniel. This shows the origins and I think you will see the truth about the King James Version.


  20. GeneralCarlosQ17 says:

    Until You rid Your Mind of the Teachings, Meanings, Translations and Thoughts of Mortal Men You will ALWAYS struggle. As Our Creator plainly presents. He and The Son are SPIRIT and must be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth. Paul tells Us plainly. The Carnal Man or Carnal Mind cannot understand Our Creator. The Creator and Son have NOT changed since the beginning. Mortal Men have changed Them though to suit Men’s Own Ideals. This too is folly and enmity against Our Creator and His Son.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Spiritual Warrior says:

    Hello all, I just want for everyone to take a deep breath and relax; concentrate on this thought. First I can truthfully say “God is amazing”. Amazing because he created each and every one of us unique (“One of a kind”). No one with the same fingerprint since the beginning of mankind.
    As I read everyone’s comments, it is obvious that we all think differently.
    If you put every single person in this world face to face and have a conversation; It is a fact that not one person will agree with you on your point of view of every issue of this world. Its like chasing the wind.
    Getting answers from mankind will lead you astray and the adversary will take over and confuse you more. Counselors and psychiatrist cannot help either because they are like you and I (Lost Sheep). No one will ever be satisfied or going to fix this world because it is corrupt by pride.
    And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.
    Above written is evidence that we are living in the devils world which mankind cannot and will not ever fix it, however we an overcome it. The answer is “Jesus”. Yes, Jesus gave us the answer on what is truth. How to find truth and secrets about heaven and earth. The only way is by the helper “Holy Spirit”. Latin or Greek will not matter and never will be understand by mankind if you were not brought up with those languages, but the Holy Spirit will help you understand. The bible had great men and women mentioned of followers of God, however the world continue to be corrupt. The world we called earth is not our answer to fix, It is our spirit.
    I had a person today that don’t believe in God but in science and gave him these thoughts. If the world was created from nothing and suddenly existed (big bang theory), what good is it to try to save it when one day it gets old and becomes nothing again. Every word you used trying to convince everyone else to save it was useless and gone.
    I asked him why science is trying to figure out where we came from and not try to find out where your going. Also, try to find out how to stop death, because when death becomes reality and you don’t believe and anything else, your arguments are useless trying to solve everything in this world. Its like chasing the wind.
    Christians, Jesus was not here to save the world, but mankind from the world. The instruction was clear, save yourselves first and help others to get there.
    I am still alive, the vaccine did not corrupt my brain because Jesus is greater in me, than the world. The HOLY SPIRIT will lead you to the truth, everything else is like “Chasing the Wind”.
    Love you all
    Spiritual Warrior

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    1. Terry says:

      We will absolutely be completely unified with Jesus on His teachings and not be in conflict with His understandings ====> Mark 3:25.


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