States have rights, Cities have rights, People have rights, how many know what they are?

COVID-19 PLANDEMIC  was a proving ground and a threshing floor. The cabal used it to crush the nations into submission with their chosen appointees leading the evil path to destruction. Corrupt rulers of nations were in league to RESET the world for their masters new global order where they rule everything and depopulate the earth of the nasty people who think they have God given liberty and freedom. Natural law was all but erased, at least from the minds of any people, including the USA, Inc. Most only understood common law and civil law. They had no idea of natural laws of God, nor the God of nature. That was a conspiracy told by those who had no idea what they were talking about. These people were crazy.

President trump told us what needed to be done, he showed us all along the way what the constitution said he could and could not do. He explained the state constitutions via the stolen elections…Rudy went to the state legislatures and exposed how corrupt they were in the states that went against the vote of the people. Who had eyes to see it? 

Patrick Byrnes, who was on cyber detail on his own dime, was appalled for he saw deception in Dominion, as we all did. He wrote an article that railed against Rudy for pushing his state legislation and showing dead people voting.

All had a purpose and the purpose was to open the eyes of the people to see the power is in their hands not in the hands of attorneys, politicians, and not even in the hands of a president.

Trump was shouting…look what they are doing to me and it is you they are really after. We cheered but how many understood the depth of trumps warning? Not many. For as soon as he left, it looked as though he was doing nothing to end the stolen election. The people felt he had the power to do so much for us all and didn’t follow through. This is when the hard testing began.

Many shouted, “Look he abandoned us! He could have called the insurrection act, why didn’t he do that? We were all duped. Woe is me.” (Yet, no one knew for certain whether he did or did not.)

The people attacked Lin Wood, for giving false promises and hyping up faith and showing this was 1776 all over again. Wood went through severe persecution and still is being persecuted but he has not given up his support, his efforts, nor his faith that America will win this battle.

Sidney Powell experienced the same. The people wanted to watch all the swamp get arrested in November, in December, and on January 6th. Each day growing more weary and moaning. Then again we waited to watch for arrests on January 20th. When that did not happen people threw in the towel and began denouncing once again.

Few understood that Trump was telling the people all along that the power was with them, not in him alone. His warning to a people waiting for someone to drain the swamp was in their hands as well as his. When he disappeared without telling anyone exactly what he was doing…people were outraged others said trust the plan. Others said what s the plan? Some yelled we are all doomed.

And then, there were others who said, keep the faith, it is in God’s hands and God’s timing. Many gave that a backlash, but the majority said – we are keeping the faith, amen.

Little by little peoples hopes were dashed against the rocks as the Biden regime continued and did not explode and no mass arrests were visual and Pelosi continued as speaker and Biden started writing his executive orders.

Biden's first week: flurry of executive orders and frustrations of  governing | Financial Times

Many were waiting for Trump to save us all, they failed to see freshmen reps standing up for their states on day one. The focus was on arrests, not the proccess. Freshmen representatives were busy going through the process of calling out the corruption like representatives who are serving their constituents are supposed to do. They did not succumb to the bully tactics of being told they are freshmen, shut up and do as you are told. Nor did they adhere to how things were done in the corrupt house of Pelosi. Instead they went against the storm and boldly denounced their lawlessness. We watched as they were drug throught the mire by the media, but they stayed the course. Sadly, the people were too hung up on waiting for President Trump to save them, that they failed to support Greene, and Boebert with encouragement, but that came later. Thank God they had faith that they could make a difference and did not give up early on, in the midst of the fire storm attacks against them.

We watched as horrible EO’s were written and rolled out. Still shouting…where’s Trump – why did he allow all of this?

Meanwhile, state governors and attorney generals pulled out their legislative powers and wrote stern letters of intent threatening to sue USA, Inc. for their lawless practices if they did not cease the madness. Those with eyes to see, were seeing that indeed therein lies the power. It was ours all along, while others scoffed…nothings gonna happen with that, it’s all a show.

Yet,we all watched as the congress sent home for an entire week. A week when there was so much for the new congress to do, yet, they closed for a week? Why? Therein lies some hidden power at work. Wait and see.

Trump was showing everyone that the power is with them, not the president. If We The People want their country back, they will have to stand up for it. We have a constitutional process that can work if we work it.

Without knowing how to exercise the rights of We The People, and without so doing, I ask you all, just what would happen to America if something happened to Trump like it did to JFK?

The Swamp would just continue to rule over the people and shred their constitutional rights. Trump was showing people their history. He was showing them how to stand up for their rights and take their constitution back. Fight back legally. The power is in the people not in one man. We The People, called by God’s name, chosen for such a time as this are the real heroes. Are you standing among God’s wheat? Or are you grumbling with the tares?

Now I ask you this, do you really believe that President Trump left D.C. without doing anything to counter the cabal and the stolen election? How many EO’s did he write even up to the last day in D.C.?

 How many still do not realize President Trump never conceded? How many looked at everything and studied the situation? How many still have not connected all of President Trump’s administrative actions and seen he has built an alliance of nations? How many still do not understand the importance of Secretary of State, Pompeo’s work with nation building? We are so used to wars that we don’t always see the signs of building alliances of sovereign nations. Those who are still, not yet seeing, have attacked this truth as nothing but bull crap.

So while the President and his administration did their job, Trump kept telling the people to stand up for themselves. He stood in the gap and did his part and he also told the people they will ramrode all of you unless… stand up for yourselves. What a wake up call.

He showed us through an entire year of COVID that state constitutions had to be honored so he could not just order them what to do. After being told millions would die, he issued a two week shut down and left it up to the governors of each state whether to follow or not.  All the governors shut down non essential businesses and decided what was essential and what was not. All but one.

When things were looking abusive, President Trump told the people they had rights and to use them. They were to report abuses to A.G. Barr. Many people did, and he made a few visits, but things continued to escalate. What ever happened with Barr? We all watched in horror as some states went full blown NAZi control like New York, and Michigan; California; just to name a few. And the Mayors of big cities like Chicago’s Mayor Lightfoot (now known as Mayor Beetlejuice).

We watched as nursing homes were told to deal with it by Coumo in New York. CNN pushed his propaganda and Trump sent loads of supplies to the NAZI styled Governor, even building hospitals and sending Navy Hospital ships to both him, and to California’s governor Newsum. Never used any of it.

Today, Cuomo is underfire for all the nursing home deaths, with headlines reading they are double the already horrific numbers he reported.

All the states shut down except one. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem kept her state open. They did just fine.

Meanwhile, We The People were confused. They did what they were told by their governors and kept the businesses closed and wore their masks and suffered. Many businesses closed permanently. Yet, South Dakota did fine and the people of that state did not suffer financial ruin. They were allowed to govern according to their people because that is what the constitution allows. Those with eyes to see understood the problem was with their own state governors and legislative body. It was with their own city Mayors and city council. Others blamed Trump for COVID and their state problems because that is the lie the media shouted. Few saw it was a governing issue that they had the power to change. They thought they were powerless. They had a constitution and a state constitution and they had the power to recall and remove ALL OF THEM if they united. But, they were governed by fear, new poverty, and poor health looming over them. Karens shouted wear your masks, isolate, you want to kill grandma and made any who had eyes to see the farce as an enemy. The division was successful by the RESET coup, the very same deep state swamp creatures behind the entire destruction of America from within. The ones propping up the new CEO of their precious corporation. Yet, together these same people held the power to overturn the corrupt, unconstitutional mandates.

The lies and abuse continues in many states to this very day, along with the lies from the CDC, Gates, Fauci, Birx, led by traitor Pence, et al.

Imagine if we had all been awake how differently  things would have taken place? The scripture is so true, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”

So what have we learned through 2020 up to this day?  Many have awakened and taken a stand. We are watching as many have stood up to support Gamestop, and My Pillow, taking a stand against the corporate cabal stock market games.  Using their own casino hedge fund against itself. Wall Street Games of shorting good companies to take them down are being intercepted by a savvy group of new traders playing the Wall Street games and exposing their corrupt manipulation. We watch on and learn how the corporate thieves use the markets to collapse competition and cash in, get bailed out and then buy back in. We now see the scams of the fiat dollar right in our faces. The games of the same cabal who own the central banks are furious that they are being exposed for the evil they do to manipulate markets and how easy their casino games have been to rob the working class of their IRA’s and how many times they have stuck it to them with their crafty thefts. 

It is happening now. We are all watching as the bubble is about to burst. Soon, there will be no air to keep the FIAT scam floating. “We The People” took hold of  the power to play the game and undo the evil central bank schemes. The power is now in their hands to go back to a gold standard.

Hey Joe – It looks like people are learning new tech skills to make money just like you told’em too. Remember your stupid remark while you wrote the EO’s to end jobs? You were right, making money in high tech is so much easier than a 40 hour work week! 

The people are waking up slowly and seeing they have the power to conceal and carry, they have the power to take their health care back, to refuse vaccines, to not allow big techs to censor their speech. They have the right to assemble peacefully and not be called a terrorist for doing so. They have the power to exercise the entire bill of rights and they have the power to succeed from the corporation that they did not sign on to. That action was treason, and now the people know it.

The people are not a part of a foreign corporation and they do not have to abide by a foreign corporation and its’ rules. Statehood has the right to govern itself, by their legislation and laws. Their own supreme court. We the people must take back our right to govern and choose who we want to govern over us. We have the power to recall corrupt leaders and in so doing show them all that they are not our leaders but, actually, they are our chosen servants to serve us in a legal capacity to protect our constitution, and to guard our Bill of Rights; and to base laws on those principals designed to protect and to serve our best interests.

The focus needs to be on building our infrastructure, such as good roads, schools, clean water, providing good emergency and protective services such as police, firemen, etc., and not to figure out ways to line their pockets by serving corporate greed. We have the power to impose term limits. We have the power to question all things, and to hold our public servants accountable. We have the power to do the same with our sovereignty.  We have the right to decide where our capitol will be and to remove ourselves from a corrupt corporation that does not serve our sovereign nation. Keep the fence up around the ten mile radias of the foreign land sold without our permission, and dare not allow it into statehood.

America is in the process of knowing who they are and taking back the power of We The People. The first step is uniting together as one people namely – WE THE PEOPLE!

Trust that while the people are waking up and taking back their powers granted in their constitution and Bill of Rights, President Trump and the Military have been fulfilling their promises and oaths to the people to preserve this nation and are fighting behind the scenes to defend her. We may not be privi to the strategies and the battles behind the scenes, but, those with eyes to see have seen the clues, the hints, and know it is all taking place. The world is shaking and the Cabal has lost its’ foothold.  The battle is between good and evil and God is on the side of Good. Cling to the Lord in these days of trial for they are here and there is only one way out, and that is through the hand of God. Do not desire to return to Pharaoh for the only thing left for you in Egypt is brutish enslavement. Watch the world for this is not about a presidential race. This is about ushering in a new kingdom and not the one Babylon the Great has planned. That old wretched Babylon is falling is falling. Come out of her my people, lest you suffer in her plagues!

Remember with so much corruption, it takes the testing and threshing phase before a complacent people can move into the appreciation phase. For the Lord is calling to his people, called by his name to return to him. In so doing, in a little while  you shall all reap if you faint not. For the Lord has stepped out from his sure place and is shaking the earth to do a new work. A marvelous work. Prepare the way, for God is not mocked and he shall bless all nations who shout – thus saith the Lord. For these are the days of promises kept to those called, chosen and faithful.  Remember, in the end of all the shaking, Babylon the Great falls and God’s people win!  Keep the faith and pray for all who are suffering for the Kingdom to come, for it is coming and nothing can stop it. Hold fast to the  promises to a nation called by Gods  name. Amen.

Dianne Marshall


    1. Joan Downey says:

      Intelligent overview of President Trump’s mission, & the impact I’m witnessing on We, the People.
      I pray the millions of us followers of President Trump stay united & reclaim our sovereignty, our Rights,
      our Constitution. We must not tire!

      Liked by 4 people

  1. Henry Acres says:

    And, here’s another one that needs to be dangling on a steep cliff, without a rope…the DS is gettng deeper and more exposed everyday…it’s going to take awhile, but hey, I’m stocking up the fridge with beer and the cupboards with popcorn…:)

    Liked by 4 people

  2. hocuspocus13 says:


    Have you seen Biden…

    Board AF1
    Fly on Marine1
    Ride in Presidential Limo

    Meet any World Leaders
    Review the Troops
    Saluted by any Troops

    Appear Outside on White House Grounds

    Hold an Outdoor Press Conference

    Make any Public Appearances Outside of DC

    Do anything but sign EOs?

    …me either!


    Liked by 8 people

    1. isolatedinsmalltown says:

      Just curious…when is the inaugural ball? HAHAHAHAHAHA…..I remember Trump’s was breathtaking….and then I get horrible flashbacks of the obama’s in 2009….I was bowling, on a league…feeling pretty bad…I remember asking the owners to please put something else on the television…nope….I remember one of my league members fawning over the man in the white dress….whew…I’m sweatin’ now, breaking out in hives…..

      Liked by 3 people

    2. RC says:

      Amen hocuspocus !!!! May we never let this happen again !!! 2020 will end up being our best year ever !!! We WOKE up !!! Pray we never allow this to happen again !!! Thank you our Precious Gracious God & thank you for brining us & guiding our President Donald J Trump!!!

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Pashta says:

      I think he boarded Marine One to go to Walter Reed hospital. It was supposedly to “visit amputees” but hubby reminded me how absurd that sounds. One week after “inauguration” and he randomly hops over to “visit amputees”?? Nope… I noticed how much he’s been coughing and hubby thinks so did the military so they took him over there to get checked out.


      1. isolatedinsmalltown says:

        Let’s assume Pashta….that this is a body double we are talking about…methinks they invested in a bad apple. Was the old joe always this incoherent?
        Why wasn’t the video ‘scrubbed’ of him blatantly discussing the voter fraud? Many of my videos are scrubbed…just …..ain’t…..getting ….it.


  3. Dianne,
    As I have written here before, that the time of “healing” and “unity” will come when WE take the higher road, and extend the hand of fellowship and reconciliation to those who scoffed, insulted, and sometimes assaulted us.
    Remember, when this “plays out” our detractors will see their whole belief systems come crashing in. around them.
    Despair will abound. Many of the people who we love(d?) will be drifting, rudderless. It will be incumbent upon us to show forgiveness and TREAT OTHERS AS WE WOULD WISH TO BE TREATED.
    Gonna be hard to contain the “I told you so” urge. I’ll view it as a character building event.
    Thank you for all you do, Dianne

    Liked by 4 people

    1. debjbalk says:

      Skipper, I heard a wise person offer a suggestion that I may follow. He suggested exchanging our, “I told you so,” for a different question. He suggests we say something like this….. “Why do you suppose I saw it coming and you did not? What made the difference between our conclusions? How could you have reached a similar one?”. In other words, maybe we can help them to evaluate their own process of thinking and drawing conclusions. I’m watching people I love ignore evidence, look the other way, and go along with falsities. When all is revealed, those same people will need me to stand alongside of them as they process all of this in their own way and time. The question is…. Will I patiently and lovingly help them along the way? Thanks for bringing this up, Skipper. It’s important.


  4. Brian Johnston says:

    You are not doing yourself any favours by using, out of context, the term NAZI
    Hitler in his day rose up against the very Cabal you refer too.
    When the Nationalists first came to power in 1933 they created 6 million jobs in 3 years.
    The new German economy provide the Volkswagen – The peoples car. Germany boomed.
    Germany was destroyed by outside forces.
    Germany was forced into WWI & WWII
    Read David Irving – The Destruction of Dresden.
    FDR the supported Stalin. Sold out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Brian; Hitler got rid of the Masons and also abolished the property tax and he told ((((them)))) to get out as (((((they)))) were the ones responsible for the filth in Germany with pornography and the like.


    2. Gary Nemeth says:

      Great point Brian Johnson
      The truth about Germany is the one subject the
      Judeo/Christian is not interested in.
      The brain washing of America is never more
      apparent and thorough then when you bring
      into question the approved account of WWII
      Germany. As we speak, in Germany, it’s a five
      year prison sentence (mandatory). And, during
      your trial even your lawyer can be arrested
      and charged for introducing evidence based
      on the truth.
      In the New Germany the Courts are approved
      by the ((((Chosen))) where the Judge makes
      clear, from the bench “THE TRUTH IS NO
      The EU requires all members to adopted
      the Holocaust Denial Laws. And in them
      hides the seed of real tyranny.
      Likewise the slogan “Hate Speech is not
      free speech” Authored by the (((you know
      who))) who demanded the adoption of the
      Holocaust Laws. The Judeo/Christian seem
      totally blind to what this means for them.
      As well as true Christians – for now.
      But these EU laws are coming to the USA
      and most likely will be hidden in a Foreign
      Treaty. Where none of the political whores
      will read before they shove it down our
      FYI: A Foreign Treaty can subordinate those
      things True Patriots would fight to the death
      to keep.


  5. Karen Dragoo says:

    I love reading your newsletters. You provide a thoughtful analysis of events and spiritual hope. I’m having trouble concentrating on this one though because I’m so disappointed that you’ve joined in the denigration of people named Karen.

    The reason Karens are now reviled by the whole world is an interesting story. A woman named Karen divorced her abusive husband. He decided to continue the abuse virtually and created a series of memes using the name Karen instead of the word bi***. He then flooded social media with those memes for months until broadcasters, journalists, and many people started using the name Karen in a derogatory manner. He has succeeded in abusing every Karen on a daily basis.

    Every time someone I respect uses “Karen” to refer to a reprehensible person, it’s like I’ve been punched in the gut, and I have no doubt that many other Karens feel the same way.

    Please, Ms. Marshall, help me stop this abuse of Karens by not using our name in such a cruel manner. Thank you.

    Karen Dragoo

    > >  >

    Liked by 2 people

    1. There was no offense intended against the name, I never heard that story. I only knew the ones who told on people not wearing masks. I understand the thought though as my niece named Katrina hated the negativity with Hurricane Katrina. Karen term is someone who simply doesn’t know and won’t listen, not reprehensible. But, I see what you mean.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Karen Dragoo,
      Thank you for putting a finer point on that (what I see now as a) derogatory reference. I must admit to using that “name” in a fashion that deep down inside, just didn’t seem right.
      I stand corrected and educated. I shan’t use it again in that negative context.
      Thank you, and I beg your pardon,

      Liked by 1 person

    3. isolatedinsmalltown says:

      I understand Karen where you are coming from. That being said, if I had a dollar for every time I heard a ‘dumb blonde’ joke back in the …80’s, 90’s, and well, up to 2009 when it wasn’t cool to tell jokes anymore, I’d be rich! I put myself through 6 years of college, moved back to a small town with husband and kids, and have worked in a bar/restaurant most of my life due to lack of jobs. Growing up in Iowa, on a farm, I had 11 siblings with two original parents, very Catholic (Aunt was a Nun on mom’s side, a Uncle that was a Priest on dad’s side)…When I moved to Denver in 1975, I discovered there were other religions. My best friend was Jewish, and my roommate’s boyfriend was Muslim. My friend said that Muslims hated Jews…I couldn’t understand this at all and from that moment on, I researched religions and Muslims. I considered a degree in theology, but ended up doing private research. Then came 9 11. Then came obama and political correctness and my thirst for knowledge of politics. Then came colin kaepernick. Then came the day my son had to go to Afghanistan. Then came the BLM. Then came the covid krap. Getting back to working in a bar….if people knew what men talked about! Many still say the ‘n’ word, many still see women for one reason only, and many just want to watch a football game. I remember one older customer (passed away recently) who felt that women should not discuss politics – as I taught him a few things, he couldn’t handle that I knew more than him. I won’t tell you’all about the porn on their phones as they giggle like school girls but I just go along with it because I can’t change anything. Many people around here don’t even understand the ‘Karen’ thing….and when they act horrible, sometimes I accuse them of acting like a ‘Muslim man’ which leaves them scratching their heads because they don’t know what that means. Many people don’t understand politics at all in small towns – they focus on stayin’ alive. We all know where people stand around here and the biden lover’s don’t come around much anymore or are very quiet these days. Don’t be too offended Karen, as this will pass just as the dumb blonde jokes have. The next time I hear one, I will ask them: did you vote for hillary or biden? Their reaction will tell me. (and I could say: “who’s the dumb one now”?) Have fun with it….tell people you changed your name to a C…for Caring….humor is always good in icky situations.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Brad - BTLR says:

    Quote from above, “Patrick Byrnes, who was on cyber detail on his own dime, was appalled for he saw deception in Dominion, as we all did. He wrote an article that railed against Rudy for pushing his state legislation and showing dead people voting.”

    Dianne, did you mean to say that Patrick Byrnes and Rudy Giuliani were fighting against each other or fighting for the same cause?


    1. trnathens says:

      Isaiah 41:14-16
      14 Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.
      15 Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.
      16 Thou shalt fan them, and the wind shall carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them: and thou shalt rejoice in the Lord, and shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel.

      Isaaih 41:13
      13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Do you realize Jesus condemned religious virtue signaling which you do here almost all the time? To not be like the hypocrites that pray on the street corner. It comes across as reaction formation. Let me ask you; Oh religious one, do you wear a mask?


      2. debjbalk says:

        Trnathens, ignore the attack from you know who… God’s word is a lamp onto our feet and a light unto our path… Let it shine ever so brightly. I love every “living” word.


  7. Carol_E says:

    Awesome !!
    Thank you !!


    I pray every night for the Trumps, for the Administration, for God to continue to expose evil, for God to take care of the Bidens and deep state as He wills.
    I pray for many things of course.
    And I pray for the Chinese people to be protected from the CCP.

    God’s definitely doing a great work in the USA. We won’t be turned into Venezuela!


    Liked by 5 people

  8. Chris says:

    To comment on Patrick Byrne, there is an interview he did where he helped solicit a bribe from Hillary Clinton as part of an fbi sting. I think it was involved with someone from turkey but can’t remember for sure. He says that they successfully completed the bribe but they thought Hillary was going to win presidential election so they (fbi) said they would be putting the case on the back burner. I think he said it was going to be used if she overstepped her bounds. He was more involved than just the election. I don’t have the link but the interview was recent like late November early december

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I have felt a lifting of my spirit lately as fresh winds have blown in and encouraged me: the “We” expressing themselves on Wall Street and making lots of little voices very loud, Wyoming having absolutely NONE of what Liz Cheney has to offer and making that known, Ohio declaring their intent to have a Holiday, June 14, named for President Trump, Marjorie TG and Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Ken Paxton, six state AG’s all standing up for the rights of “We” and defending our rights in the way our noble President has shown us. Indeed, FIGHTING for our rights because it is that important. I am looking forward to continuing the fight with others beside me as these winds of liberty grow stronger and stronger. Any time I feel slightly adrift, I pray hard and listen to the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Mine eyes have seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord! Hallelujah!!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Gary Nemeth says:

      Wait a minute hemp4shemp
      I do remember Trump playing a
      righteous man when he went on national
      TV and said George Floyd was looking down
      on us from Heaven.
      You remember St. Floyd? He was the stupid
      dope fend criminal high on fentanyl. If that
      wasn’t bad enough, he was also positive for
      Covid 19.

      As a footnote: Proof Floyd was no mere mortal
      anyone else no matter how he actually died, if
      you test positive for the covid virus they list you
      as a covid death.


  10. Trump had the opportunity to put the dagger in the heart of the obscene corrupt by telling the country there was no covid 19 but instead gave the steering wheel to Fauci for the last ten months causing untold amount of pain and destruction. A righteous man would have yelled from the rooftops the people were getting scammed. Did Trump do this? Hell no he didn’t.


  11. T says:

    Can you all please spread a message via social media and your contacts for everyone to do an Esther fast and pray on Feb. 8-10. Esther and her people fasted and prayed for three days and were able to safe their people. We can fast and pray to safe the US and the world! Thank you for joining the calling!


  12. Leann Debolt says:

    Thank the good Lord for President Trump who was chosen by God to be his Trumpet and lead his people and so HE HAS! Now it is time for we the People to stand up and take our Country Back from the evil that has crawled in, to destroy our Nation better known as the Socialist/Communist Party! We owe it to all the men and women who have given their lives to keep our Country safe so that we may enjoy all that God has given us, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! Now it’s our turn to stand our ground and take it back, especially for our Children!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Carrie Hernandez says:

    President Trump is correct…Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. We must educate ourselves, read between the lines and pay attention to what is front of us. Dig for truth, some of it is blatantly in our faces, but we are so used to the lies that we see right past it. Tear away at the programmed mind they’ve worked so hard to cloak upon us, with true faith and push on. We can do it and we must do it…For we and all of our children, the children everywhere, have the RIGHT TO FREEDOM.
    Dig deep, hold true to your love of God, for he cradles us in his love. Fight for your country with knowledge, action and perseverance for the Good will overcome the Evil.


  14. freedom4evr says:

    In nearly every speech President Trump would impart some statement/comment that if you were really watching & paying attention; you knew he was making a point , or that it was important or that you should remember it.. and as I have said many, many times, one could not have watched his farewell speeches & still believe that he left us to go play golf & relax. NO way in the Good LORD’s green earth. THank you … loved this report & will be sharing it with many!!

    Liked by 1 person

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