All this winning. Thank God prayers are being answered!

Nov 28, 2020 A county board in northern Michigan approved a vote to impeach current governor Gretchen Whitmer 4-2 in favor. The resolution will be brought before the #Michigan State Legislature, who will have to decide Whitmer’s fate asGovernor.Whitmer’s unconstitutional executive orders. #Whitmer has ignored court orders. She has violated the citizens Constitutional rights and sent elderly into nursing homes just like Cuomo in New York. The governor’s handling of COVID-19 in nursing homes has been a target of Republican criticism. About 33% of the state’s deaths linked to the virus have been nursing home residents or employees, according to state data.

Whitmer has completely ignored due process and the legislature, and weaponized contract tracing databases to aid democrat campaigns.

After all the evil lockdown mandates, with more piling on top of an already oppressed state full of burning cities by Mayors who followed the orders in lockstep with Whitmer – who is now losing her seat as fast as she gained it. Elected in 2018 she was not good from the start.

Whitmer, a national co-chair of Joe Biden’s Democratic presidential campaign, has clashed frequently with President Donald Trump over the federal response to COVID-19. Trump has criticized Whitmer on Twitter and in media statements on her unconstitutional mandates on the people. A.G. Barr had frequently asked citizens in all states to report to their office any violations of their rights. In May 2020, A.G. Barr backed Michigan Businesses’ Lawsuit against Governor Whitmer’s Restrictions. Attorney General Calls For Review of Whitmer’s Restrictions (radio.com)

Finally on Thursday, Barr decided to do something about the alleged election fraud, sending federal investigators to Michigan to follow up on a startling admission from a Post Office whistleblower. The whistle blower demanded to know, “How are we going to have any integrity in this country if we are just going to let things slide?” The AG agreed and sent in the troops. FINALLY: AG Barr Makes His Move – The GOP Times

Michigan State Rep. Matt Maddock claimed that Whitmer had “Ignored court orders. Violated our Constitutional rights. Completely ignored due process and the legislature. Weaponized contract tracing databases to aid democrat campaigns. Caused the unnecessary death of thousands of our vulnerable elderly who died alone and scared in nursing homes,” when listing the reasons he believed she should be impeached. Michigan County Board Approves Resolution to Impeach Gov. Whitmer – Sara A. Carter : Sara A. Carter

Now who is waiting to see Cuomo, Beetlejuice, and Newsom? Tick Tock.

And let’s not forget Oregon Governor Kate Brown with her highly unconstitutional (to the point of enemy of the people) Snitch On Your Neighbors For Violating Thanksgiving COVID Orders

Oregon Governor: Snitch On Your Neighbors For Violating Thanksgiving COVID Orders

Then we have California Governor Gavin Newsom, (Pelosi’s nephew) who finally got a big slap and has been barred by a judge from overstepping his powers and making controversial coronavirus directives that could change state laws.

Since declaring a state of emergency in mid-March, Newsom has issued more than 50 executive orders over the pandemic — including ones on how people vote in the election, the Los Angeles Times noted.

On November 3, 2020 it was reported that Sutter County Superior Court Judge Sarah Heckman on Monday tentatively ruled that one of his orders — requiring vote-by-mail ballots to be sent to the state’s 22 million registered voters — was “an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power.”

Who will be next? And how will this end? I believe it will all be contained and one by one, in an orderly movement the tyrants shall all be removed. Especially those who were a part of election fraud to overthrow the government. You will know them by their works…any and all who oppressed the people through tyrannical mandates shall lose their seats in more ways than one. Watch and see.

God bless America and God Bless President Trump who has fought the good fight for each of us for the past four years! And is willing to do it for another four!

Dianne Marshall


  1. Terri Hughes says:

    We pray here in Washington State that Vampire governor Inslee receives scrutiny with election fraud here and with the many shut down mandates bankrupting and destroying the middle class.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Treasa says:

    That is good news about Gretch the Gritch. God gave her that face but she put that wicked expression on it. God bless America from friend in Australia. T.

    On Mon, 30 Nov 2020 at 17:15, THE MARSHALL REPORT wrote:

    > The Marshall Report posted: ” All this winning. Thank God prayers are > being answered! Nov 28, 2020 A county board in northern Michigan approved a > vote to impeach current governor Gretchen Whitmer 4-2 in favor. The > resolution will be brought before the #Michigan State Legislatu” >


  3. The speaker of the Michigan State House has stated Whitmer will not be impeached. He said they would pass laws to reign in her authority.

    I am reminded of the battle between the SCOTUS and Andrew Jackson when SCOTUS ruled for the Cherokee Nation against the united States. Jackson stated plainly, The Chief Justice has made his ruling now let him enforce it. Meaning legislation and Judicial rulings depend on the Executive to enforce said legislation and rulings.

    This person, who is the speaker of the house in Michigan, thinks he can make a deal with the devil and everything will be alright. Whitmer has already ignored a ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court where it concerns lockdowns. No one in their right mind would believe that Whitmer would obey any law passed by the legislature. The only resolution for her tyranny is impeachment, plain and simple.


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