Cruz Birther Issue – Obama All Over Again!


“At present, all FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests filed in search of any U.S. citizenship documents to confirm the true official U.S. citizenship status of Ted Cruz have been denied access. All citizenship records for Ted Cruz are sealed unless and until Ted Cruz agrees to allow any such records to be released by either U.S. or Canadian agencies.

As a result, there remains no authentic evidence to support the claims that Ted Cruz is either a “natural born” or “naturalized” citizen of the United States.”

Read More Here:

I sure can’t speak for the rest of you, but, I do not want to go down the same road with the next president as we have with Obama.

If Cruz is legally eligible, and has nothing to hide – he must produce the documents required to clear up any question of his eligibility.  Why has he sealed his records?

AMERICA – DEMAND SOME PROOF HERE!  Words are cheap and anyone who has sealed their birth records must have done it for a reason.  How many of you, who are registered to vote in this election have went out and had your birth records sealed?  How many who are citizens have ever had their birth records sealed?  ANSWER ME THAT, THEN ANSWER ME DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE?

I challenge each Cruz supporter to demand Cruz to unseal his birth records so the public can see for themselves that he is who he says he is in his eligibility.  So far it appears he isn’t even legal to be in the senate.

Dianne Marshall

Also Read:

37 thoughts on “Cruz Birther Issue – Obama All Over Again!

  1. Dianne,
    I have been saying for a while now, that Mr. Trump should simply “post” copies of both his long form birth certificate. and his college transcripts. He wouldn’t have to add a singe additional note of challenge to any of his “competition”. By virtue of just existing in Mr. Trump’s media galaxy, the other “occupants” would be forced to follow suit, or get centrifugally cast off to “deep space”. He could fit the “links” into a half of a “twitter” thing, I bet

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Billy DuBose says:

      John you are a wuss, and a jackal, all rolled into one! I really have a hard time even tolerating your whiny voice! You are so wrong it is scary! Trump is brilliant, and I know he has done his research, or he would have never entered the race himself. His key to winning was so simple, it was brilliant, and the fact that it was heart felt , made it God’s avenue for his success. He needed to plug into the populous, and find out the common threads that “We The People” are most concerned about , and make them his platform ,without apology. He did so! He genuinely wants to save America from socialism and globalism. He genuinely is wanting to Make America Great Again, at a big financial cost to himself. He knew that if he could just establish himself as the only one looking after Americans, that Americans were angry and scared enough to certainly rally to the cause. As a result, he was right, and we all are blessed that a true humanitarian and American Patriot, still exists, and that he took it upon himself to answer , what I believe to be, God’s calling for his life. I am not sure that even Trump realizes this, yet, but it was for this moment, that God prepared him for. This story is so unlikely , in today’s society, but here it is playing out before our eyes. Our backs were against the wall, as Americans, and a beacon of light shows up….Trump! We can consider ourselves blessed as a nation, that we have a God who looks after us , even before the need arises. Reminds me of the questioning verse in the Bible, “Lord, who am I that Thou art mindful of me?” Trust your instincts…..God is leveling the mountains on our behalf…..Vote Trump. He seems to be the only one running that understands the stakes…he is the only one looking like a possible “Gideon” for America and Christianity. Never in my life have I seen such an important election. It will decide our Fate!


    2. Billy DuBose says:

      Vote Trump! Trump is brilliant, and I know he has done his research, or he would have never entered the race himself. His key to winning was so simple, it was brilliant, and the fact that it was heart felt , made it God’s avenue for his success. He needed to plug into the populous, and find out the common threads that “We The People” are most concerned about , and make them his platform ,without apology. He did so! He genuinely wants to save America from socialism and globalism. He genuinely is wanting to Make America Great Again, at a big financial cost to himself. He knew that if he could just establish himself as the only one looking after Americans, that Americans were angry and scared enough to certainly rally to the cause. As a result, he was right, and we all are blessed that a true humanitarian and American Patriot, still exists, and that he took it upon himself to answer , what I believe to be, God’s calling for his life. I am not sure that even Trump realizes this, yet, but it was for this moment, that God prepared him for. This story is so unlikely , in today’s society, but here it is playing out before our eyes. Our backs were against the wall, as Americans, and a beacon of light shows up….Trump! We can consider ourselves blessed as a nation, that we have a God who looks after us , even before the need arises. Reminds me of the questioning verse in the Bible, “Lord, who am I that Thou art mindful of me?” Trust your instincts…..God is leveling the mountains on our behalf…..Vote Trump. He seems to be the only one running that understands the stakes…he is the only one looking like a possible “Gideon” for America and Christianity. Never in my life have I seen such an important election. It will decide our Fate!


  2. There is no American records, only his Canadian Birth Certificate and Canadian Renunciation Document which proves he is only a naturalized citizen and not a Natural Born Citizen which is one of the three Constitutional qualifications to become President and Vice President…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. katiedid2810 says:

      My previous post was intended toward Cruz. NOT Donald Trump. Cruz is NOT a natural born citizen. Trump IS a natural born citizen! @ The time Cruz was born in CANADA his Mother was a Canadian Citizen. Canada didnt & doesn’t allow Dual Citizenship. So because she remained in Canada, she forfeited her American Citizenship. Cruz’s father was a Cuban Citizen.


      1. GLisehora says:

        Mother was born and raised in Wilmington, DE. She has always been a US Citizen as have I who lived out of US for 3 years. Did you find Cruz’s Naturalization Certificate? Yet he has a US Passport. How can that be? Oh yeah, he’s a natural born citizen. He has been a US citizen since birth. Immigrants must be naturalized to get a US passport. Cruz was never naturalized because he was a natural born citizen already.


      2. Alice says:

        Cruz is natural born of Canada, not America. He was born in Canada to a Father who became a Canadian citizen before Ted was born. There is a good chance that he was actually born to two Canadian Citizens as his mother may have become a Canadian citizen naturalized through the Spousal naturalization clause. Because Ted has sealed both his and her records for the time they lived in Canada, that information remains hidden from us. Why does Ted feel that he must keep those record hidden from “We the People”, yet he wants us to trust him to be our leader?


    2. All countries claim the child born in another country to one of their own citizens as their citizen as well. Canada and the US are among the few that also extend citizenship to the child of a foreigner who gives birth while on their soil -most countries do not. But the fact Canada does this is IRRELEVANT in determining whether Cruz is a natural born citizen or not. Canada’s laws have nothing to do with that. Cruz is NOT a naturalized citizen. A naturalized citizen has to be GRANTED citizenship, has to APPLY for it and doesn’t have US citizenship before that. You may not realize this but no one is born without citizenship. Cruz was ENTITLED to it immediately at birth. A citizen doesn’t give birth to a foreigner. The minor child of a US citizen can travel on their parent’s US passport no matter where their child was born. All they need in order to do this is the child’s birth certificate which proves they are the parent of that child.

      Cruz’ mother had no problem and no hold-up at the border and was immediately allowed to enter with her son and the date and time are a matter of public record. There are NO “citizenship” papers. He has the same document that proves your citizenship you have -and you require nothing else either. A birth certificate. Which he released. And for good measure, he released his mother’s just to make sure people had no doubt his mother was a US citizen, therefore he was as well. He did not apply for it, he was ENTITLED to it as a natural born citizen. You want a do-over 40 some years later -not going to happen. Cruz entered this country on his mother’s US passport as the minor child and natural born citizen of a US citizen.


      1. Cruz was born in Canada and his birth certificate says Canada. Try taking your USA birth certificate to Canada and telling them you are Canadian because your mother was born there. It doesn’t work that way.


    1. georgiafl says:

      NO – he’s NOT a natural born citizen by any means…even in his own words.

      From this link:

      In a campaign interview during his freshman senate race, a GOP Texas State Committee member sat down with the young candidate to ask a few poignant vetting questions, and here are the questions and answers from that interview… (Redacted information is to protect the witness at this moment, but the witness is willing to offer sworn testimony)

      Interviewer: “Hello Mr. Cruz, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is (redacted). I am a (redacted) County GOP Precinct Chair and you have my support and vote. I have one question for you if I may?”
      Cruz: “Sure, go ahead.”
      Interviewer: “What is your understanding of how one becomes a natural born Citizen?”
      Cruz: “Two citizen parents and born on the soil.”
      Interviewer: “Not exactly, but as I don’t have enough time to fully explain how one does become an natural born Citizen, based on your understanding, would you agree that Barack Obama is ineligible to be POTUS?”
      Cruz: “I would agree.”
      Interviewer: “So when we get you elected, will you expose him for the usurping fraud he is?”
      Cruz: “No, my main focus will be on repealing Obamacare.”
      Interviewer: “But Mr. Cruz, if he is exposed as the usurping fraud he is, everything he has done will become null and void. Everything!”
      Interviewer: “At that point, Cruz reiterated his main concern, so it was obvious the conversation was over as far as Cruz was concerned. I thanked him for his time and wished him success in the runoff.”


      1. georgiafl says:

        If the above has any credence, Cruz will not be the nominee and may lose his Senate seat.

        It is incumbent upon Ted Cruz to provide proof of his parents’ citizenship status at the time of his birth or leave the race. The Birth Certificate he provided only states where his mother was born, not her citizenship.

        As Cruz said, a legal ‘Natural-born Citizen’ is “Two Citizen Parents and born on the soil.”

        What makes one a natural born citizen?
        Born to 2 citizen parents (owing allegiance to no other country) on US soil (the only exceptions being military, diplomats and possibly missionaries.)

        Cruz, Obama and Rubio all fail this test.

        Cruz was given a chance to remove himself from the running and thus confirm the Consititutional requirements, to affirm the definition of a natural born citizen and what he knows is right and true:

        Letter to Ted Cruz from North American Law Center –

        Instead, Cruz has succumbed to the temptations put before him by big money donors and politicians.


      2. georgiafl says:

        Regarding the redacted source… I’m thinking this is Trump’s ‘Trump Card’ over Cruz and if so, that means Cruz will as gracefully and quietly as possible bow out of the race and possibly not seek re-election to the Senate.

        The letter from the North American Law Center was heartbreakingly earnest, begging him to stand for the Constitution… and he ignored their pleas.

        It seems the apple did not fall far from the tree. There are unanswered questions and some squirrelly stuff in Cruz’ father’s biography and church dealings.


  3. Frank O'Pinion says:

    Ted Cruz strikes a creepy facial resemblance to Valerie Jarrett. All kidding out of the way, it’s time to use the nuclear option on this triple Canadian, Cuban, and maybe U.S. citizen.

    Emphatically, make Cruz prove that he is a natural born U.S. citizen. The only way that can be accomplished is by having him produce a valid U.S. birth certificate. Once that is done, then have him prove that his parents were U.S. citizens when he was born on U.S. soil.
    Oh, you say he was born up there in Canada? O.K., then insist that he produce his required Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA).

    If Cruz cannot produce this CRBA, then he should have had a passport. If neither are produced, Cruz is an undocumented alien and an illegal U.S. Senator. If he has either form, Cruz is a statute citizen, whose U.S. citizenship falls under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Therefore, Cruz is a naturalized U.S. citizen, not a natural born U.S. citizen and ineligible for the office of the POTUS under Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

    Further reading:


    1. John says:

      CRBA is not mandatory.

      If they entered the US without ever filing it then they are required to file a different form inside the US.

      What you are really after but will not likely get is documentation with the name Rafael Edward Cruz on it, with his passport style photo, and the seal of the United States.

      If you are going to pretend to be lawyers, then apply the law as lawyers. In 1952 the prior acts were repealed and replaced with the 1952 act. Next apply the 1966 change. And stop. The 1972 change and later does not apply because Cruz was already born and the birth act was done.

      The citizenship was not automatic as it is from Feb 2001 and beyond, and as such there is no part which is automatic.

      Eleanor Married Alan Wilson, moved to England acquired British citizenship. England had no issue dual status. She left her marriage when her son died and moved to the United States, but long enough to immigrate to Canada where she and her new husband started a business. Since they did not have a business in the US and they did not report having partnered with a Canadian this leaves only one option left.

      Eleanor renounced both her US and Britsh Citizenships; the Britsh one is really the key since Canadian law permitted giving up the British one after one year, but the US alone would have required five years. It is estimated this occurred in 1968. Rafael being Cuban renounced his Cuban in 1973, but as he had to wait five years he started his permanent resident status also in 1968.

      Under existing Canadian law, the citizenship of the married parents looks to the father, who was a permanent resident, which sufficed to enable Canada to confer Canadian citizenship upon the child.

      On Dec 22, 1970 Rafael Edward Cruz was born to two Canadaians as far as the existing law of Canada was concerned which rendered the son Rafael a natural born citizen of Canada.

      Given the existing law of the United States and the part that Eleanor had immigrated to Canada using her British citizenship means that the is no connection to United States.

      If folks want to argue that Rafael, the son, now has a US passport then it is only by nsturalization, which for a minor requires an act on the parent.

      In Nov 1986 Reagan passed into law a grant of amnesty which created a path to citizenship for 2.7 million illegals then in the US from 1982.

      The mother would at that point renewed her US citizenship from the date filed and filed paperwork for Rafael, the son, to get Citizenship by derivative process, which precludes the citizenship class, oath, for the reason of being a minor, also from that date forward and applied for the US passport for him as well.

      By all means be certain to verify all which provided.

      But as far as I am concerned Rafael Edward Cruz was born to two Canadian parents in Canada and the mother had renounced her citizenship years before. Rafael Edward Cruz is therefore a natural born citizen of Canada. If you feel I am in error then tell Rafael to unseal his records and that of his mother and publish it, as it pertains to the public to know this information, unless his role in all this was never ever to actually occupy the office of POTUS nor VPOTUS.

      IF this last part is true, then it really begs the question of why all the charades in this nefarious act of pure deception?


  4. Frank O'Pinion says:

    It’s time to use the nuclear option on this triple Canadian, Cuban, and maybe U.S. citizen.

    Emphatically, make Cruz prove that he is a natural born U.S. citizen. The only way that can be accomplished is by having him produce a valid U.S. birth certificate. Once that is done, then have him prove that his parents were U.S. citizens when he was born on U.S. soil.

    Oh, you say he was born up there in Canada? O.K., then insist that he produce his required Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA).

    If Cruz cannot produce this CRBA, then he should have had a passport. If neither are produced, Cruz is an undocumented alien and an illegal U.S. Senator. If he has either form, Cruz is a statute citizen, whose U.S. citizenship falls under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Therefore, Cruz is a naturalized U.S. citizen, not a natural born U.S. citizen and ineligible for the office of the POTUS under Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

    Further reading:


  5. Frank O'Pinion says:

    The Framers drafted and adopted the Constitution and its natural born citizen clause in 1787. The Constitution does not define the clause. We therefore need to look to see what their definition of the clause was then, unless there is some evidence that the clause was ever amended by a duly ratified constitutional amendment. The only constitutional amendment that defines citizenship is the Fourteenth Amendment. Both Minor v. Happersett (1875) and U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark (1898) have both explained that the meaning of a natural born citizen is not found in the Fourteenth Amendment. Hence, Article II’s natural born citizen clause has never been amended by our Constitution.

    Our U.S. Supreme Court has informed that one way to learn what meanings the Framers gave to terms or clauses they put into the Constitution at that time is to look to the state of things and meanings that existed at that time. Both Minor and Wong Kim Ark have explained that one significant piece of evidence to look at is the common law that existed at the time of the Framing. Both Minor and Wong Kim Ark defined a natural born citizen under the common law with which the Framers were familiar when they drafted and adopted the Constitution. The unanimous U.S. Supreme Court explained in Minor that that common law defined a natural born citizen as a child born in country to parents who were its citizens at the time of the child’s birth and that all the rest of the people were “aliens or foreigners” who needed to be naturalized under Acts of Congress or treaties. Minor even added that “there have been doubts” whether children born in the United States to alien parents were even “citizens” under the Fourteenth Amendment. Since Virginia Minor was a natural born citizen and a fortiori a citizen, there was no need for Minor to address and answer the Fourteenth Amendment question. Wong was not a natural born citizen under the Framers’ common law, but he was born in the United States. Wong Kim Ark had to therefore to address and answer the Fourteenth Amendment question of whether he was born “subject to the jurisdiction.” Relying on the colonial English common law as and aid to interpret and apply that clause, it held that children born in the United States to alien parents who were permanently domiciled and resident in the United States and neither foreign diplomats nor military invaders were also “citizens” of the United States from the moment of birth by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court did not need to nor did it hold that Wong was an Article II natural born citizen. Hence, not only did Acts of Congress and treaties make more citizens of the United States of people who would otherwise not be citizens, but so did the Fourteenth Amendment. And Wong Kim Ark informed that persons born in the United States to qualifying alien parents were included at “citizens” by the force of the Fourteenth Amendment.

    Senator Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a U.S. citizen mother and non-U.S. citizen father. He cannot be a citizen under the common law relied upon by the Framers to define a natural born citizen. He therefore does not meet this constitutional common law definition of a natural born citizen which would a fortiori make him a “citizen” also. Nor can he be a “citizen” of the United States “at birth” under the Fourteenth Amendment, which status is reserved only for children who are born in the United States and “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” and who, not meeting the requirements of the common law which defines a natural born citizen, are not natural born citizens. Rather, he falls into that class of persons who at common law, because they were born in a foreign country, needed to be naturalized by an Act of Congress or treaty. Since he was born out of the United States, although to one U.S. citizen parent, Congress saw fit to naturalize him as a “citizen” of the United States “at birth.” Without such naturalization act, Cruz would be an alien at common law. If Cruz needed such naturalization act to be a citizen and if without such act he would be an alien at common law, he simply is not and cannot be a natural born citizen, for such a citizen does not need any positive law in order to be a citizen. See Wong Kim Ark (considered children born out of the United States to U.S. citizen parents to be naturalized by acts of Congress and explained that under the English common law, only children born in the King’s dominion and under his jurisdiction were natural born subjects and that any child born out of that dominion needed an act of Parliament to naturalize him or her); and Rogers v. Bellei, 401 U.S. 815 (1971) (both majority and dissent said the same as Wong Kim Ark which was that children born out of the United States to U.S. citizen parents become citizens of the United States only through the grace of Congress who made them citizens through a naturalization Act without which those children would be aliens). It simply defies logic and good reason and renders the natural born citizen clause a nullity to conclude that a person who would not be a citizen at all without a naturalization act of Congress is a natural born citizen. Including such a person as a natural born citizen effectively reads the natural born citizen clause out of the Constitution, but does so without constitutional amendment.

    In short, Mr. Cruz is a “citizen” of the United States “at birth” by virtue of a naturalization Act of Congress since his birth in 1970. As such, he is not and cannot be an Article II “natural born citizen.” Since he is neither “a natural born Citizen, [n]or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,” he is not eligible to be President and Commander in Chief of the Military.

    For my response to Neal Katyal and Paul Clement article, see Mario Apuzzo, A Response to Neil Katyal and Paul Clement on the Meaning of a Natural Born Citizen , accessed at .

    Credit: Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

    Marco Rubio is an anchor baby. He was ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ of Cuba when he was born of Cuban citizen parents. Rubio only acquired his U.S. citizenship when his parents naturalized as U.S. citizens.

    Rubio and Cruz are defrauding Americans on their POTUS candidacy. These two are not natural born U.S. citizens, but statute citizens, instead.


  6. Frank O'Pinion says:

    Ted Cruz strikes a creepy facial resemblance to Valerie Jarrett. All kidding out of the way, it’s time to use the nuclear option on this triple Canadian, Cuban, and maybe U.S. citizen.

    Emphatically, make Cruz prove that he is a natural born U.S. citizen. The only way that can be accomplished is by having him produce a valid U.S. birth certificate. Once that is done, then have him prove that his parents were U.S. citizens when he was born on U.S. soil.

    Oh, you say he was born up there in Canada? O.K., then insist that he produce his required Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA).

    If Cruz cannot produce this CRBA, then he should have had a passport. If neither are produced, Cruz is an undocumented alien and an illegal U.S. Senator. If he has either form, Cruz is a statute citizen, whose U.S. citizenship falls under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Therefore, Cruz is a naturalized U.S. citizen, not a natural born U.S. citizen and ineligible for the office of the POTUS under Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

    Further reading:
    The Framers drafted and adopted the Constitution and its natural born citizen clause in 1787. The Constitution does not define the clause. We therefore need to look to see what their definition of the clause was then, unless there is some evidence that the clause was ever amended by a duly ratified constitutional amendment. The only constitutional amendment that defines citizenship is the Fourteenth Amendment. Both Minor v. Happersett (1875) and U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark (1898) have both explained that the meaning of a natural born citizen is not found in the Fourteenth Amendment. Hence, Article II’s natural born citizen clause has never been amended by our Constitution.

    Our U.S. Supreme Court has informed that one way to learn what meanings the Framers gave to terms or clauses they put into the Constitution at that time is to look to the state of things and meanings that existed at that time. Both Minor and Wong Kim Ark have explained that one significant piece of evidence to look at is the common law that existed at the time of the Framing. Both Minor and Wong Kim Ark defined a natural born citizen under the common law with which the Framers were familiar when they drafted and adopted the Constitution. The unanimous U.S. Supreme Court explained in Minor that that common law defined a natural born citizen as a child born in country to parents who were its citizens at the time of the child’s birth and that all the rest of the people were “aliens or foreigners” who needed to be naturalized under Acts of Congress or treaties. Minor even added that “there have been doubts” whether children born in the United States to alien parents were even “citizens” under the Fourteenth Amendment. Since Virginia Minor was a natural born citizen and a fortiori a citizen, there was no need for Minor to address and answer the Fourteenth Amendment question. Wong was not a natural born citizen under the Framers’ common law, but he was born in the United States. Wong Kim Ark had to therefore to address and answer the Fourteenth Amendment question of whether he was born “subject to the jurisdiction.” Relying on the colonial English common law as and aid to interpret and apply that clause, it held that children born in the United States to alien parents who were permanently domiciled and resident in the United States and neither foreign diplomats nor military invaders were also “citizens” of the United States from the moment of birth by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court did not need to nor did it hold that Wong was an Article II natural born citizen. Hence, not only did Acts of Congress and treaties make more citizens of the United States of people who would otherwise not be citizens, but so did the Fourteenth Amendment. And Wong Kim Ark informed that persons born in the United States to qualifying alien parents were included at “citizens” by the force of the Fourteenth Amendment.

    Senator Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a U.S. citizen mother and non-U.S. citizen father. He cannot be a citizen under the common law relied upon by the Framers to define a natural born citizen. He therefore does not meet this constitutional common law definition of a natural born citizen which would a fortiori make him a “citizen” also. Nor can he be a “citizen” of the United States “at birth” under the Fourteenth Amendment, which status is reserved only for children who are born in the United States and “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” and who, not meeting the requirements of the common law which defines a natural born citizen, are not natural born citizens. Rather, he falls into that class of persons who at common law, because they were born in a foreign country, needed to be naturalized by an Act of Congress or treaty. Since he was born out of the United States, although to one U.S. citizen parent, Congress saw fit to naturalize him as a “citizen” of the United States “at birth.” Without such naturalization act, Cruz would be an alien at common law. If Cruz needed such naturalization act to be a citizen and if without such act he would be an alien at common law, he simply is not and cannot be a natural born citizen, for such a citizen does not need any positive law in order to be a citizen. See Wong Kim Ark (considered children born out of the United States to U.S. citizen parents to be naturalized by acts of Congress and explained that under the English common law, only children born in the King’s dominion and under his jurisdiction were natural born subjects and that any child born out of that dominion needed an act of Parliament to naturalize him or her); and Rogers v. Bellei, 401 U.S. 815 (1971) (both majority and dissent said the same as Wong Kim Ark which was that children born out of the United States to U.S. citizen parents become citizens of the United States only through the grace of Congress who made them citizens through a naturalization Act without which those children would be aliens). It simply defies logic and good reason and renders the natural born citizen clause a nullity to conclude that a person who would not be a citizen at all without a naturalization act of Congress is a natural born citizen. Including such a person as a natural born citizen effectively reads the natural born citizen clause out of the Constitution, but does so without constitutional amendment.

    In short, Mr. Cruz is a “citizen” of the United States “at birth” by virtue of a naturalization Act of Congress since his birth in 1970. As such, he is not and cannot be an Article II “natural born citizen.” Since he is neither “a natural born Citizen, [n]or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,” he is not eligible to be President and Commander in Chief of the Military.

    For my response to Neal Katyal and Paul Clement article, see Mario Apuzzo, A Response to Neil Katyal and Paul Clement on the Meaning of a Natural Born Citizen , accessed at .

    Credit: Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

    Marco Rubio is an anchor baby. He was ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ of Cuba when he was born of Cuban citizen parents. Rubio only acquired his U.S. citizenship when his parents naturalized as U.S. citizens.

    Rubio and Cruz are defrauding Americans on their POTUS candidacy. These two are not natural born U.S. citizens, but statute citizens, instead.


    1. 1gandydancer says:

      “Rubio only acquired his U.S. citizenship when his parents naturalized as U.S. citizens.”

      Wrong. He became a US citizen at birth because his mother did not require naturalization, and assuming she had not renounced her US citizenship. This was by statute, so he is not a natural born US citizen. But our Constitutional jurisprudence is so degraded that there is no chance that that provision will be enforced.


  7. I’m almost speechless. How could this be happening? When the voters of the American left blew off every single one of this administrations lies, abuses and crimes I watched horrified! I thought for sure they’d stand up against the abusive IRS actions, the brazen actions and executive orders in our already dysfunctional immigration systems, the outright, bald faced and continual lies concerning the ACA – and of course the list goes on – toppling Libya – ousting Mubarack – arming Isis, etc…etc.

    But nothing. Not a sound. Only defense of it all from the left. Through all of that, I thought surely, that that was one thing (among many of course) that truly distinguishes our voters from theirs. That we would not go along with outright lies and corruption even from the politicians from our side – when we could plainly see their corruption and lies.

    So now what? We’re just like them? Is this really happening? Cruz can run for president and gain a following while his citizenship and birth records are sealed and in question? When he may have defrauded Texans to become their Senator?

    I watch him on TV talking all his scripted talk about every subject imaginable – except this? This is the only question he should be being asked, until he answers it satisfactorily. It should be the only thing he is discussing – and the only thing we should be discussing about him!!! And yet the first time I ever heard of it is here – today. And I look, and I listen to the news each day and nobody even thinks or cares to bring it up. I seriously don’t even know how to digest this, or what to say. So I ask any, and all of you a question…..

    What can I or we do to bring this firmly and quickly into the national conversation? We are waking
    up to their trickery, and we CANNOT allow ourselves to be defrauded by them in this way again !!!
    Not now! Please help!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cruz MUST unseal his records. There is a lawsuit
      There has been an eligibility suit filed in Vermont citing the ineligibility of Rubio, Jindal, and Cruz.

      Vermont ballot eligibility challenge, Ted Cruz Rubio and Jindal not natural born citizens,H. Brooke Paige v State of Vermont Secretary of State James Condos, Complaint filed December 9, 2015
      Last Update: January 5, 2016

      Articles on Cruz (AND Rubio), post demanding that Cruz unseal his records. We Must create a lot of chatter online, so Cruz AND Rubio have to make their records available to ascertain legality for presidency.


  8. Frank O'Pinion says:

    Sorry about the duplicate posts.
    This website did not offer feedback whether or not first, second, or third postings took hold. Latent response.


  9. Thanks for your posts Frank. Even in duplicate. And being that you have a great deal of knowledge about this from which I am learning a lot – I ask as sincerely as I know – Why is this not public and present in the current campaigm discourse? And what can I, you, we, or anyone do to make it so?


  10. What’s a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ and why a U.S. President Must Be One, with KrisAnne Hall
    Please, read the complete post before you comment.
    Reason why Barrack Hussein Obama, II, was not eligible to be President and why Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are not eligible to run for the Presidency. By Fremont V Brown III

    Barack Hussein Obama II is not a Natural Born Citizen because his Father was born 1936 in the British Colony of Kenya and Protectorate of Kenya (1920-1963), and was thus born a subject of the British Crown. If as it appears, Barack Hussein Obama II was also born in the Colony of Kenya, then he too was born a subject of the British Crown. Even if he were born in Hawaii, he still would not be a natural born citizen, because his Father was not a US Citizen. So he is not eligible to be President of the United States.

    Rafael Eduardo “Ted” Cruz, was born in Calgary, Canada. Cruz’s father became a Canadian citizen during his residence in Canada. Once Cruz’s father returned to the US he renounced his Canadian citizenship.

    But, what is very important is that Ted’s Father became a naturalized US citizen in 2005 long AFTER Ted was born. It is not necessary that a person be born within the US to be a Natural Born Citizen. WHAT is necessary is that his parents must already be Citizens of the U.S. at the time he was born. Vattel understood that US citizens might be abroad in the service of their Country and their child might be born in the foreign land. Since children inherit, as a matter of natural right, the status of their parents, the Child is BORN a US citizen. That is why John McCain is an NBC. His father, already a US citizen, was stationed in the Panama Canal Zone. His Mother, already a US Citizen, was living with her husband. So their son, John, was BORN a Natural Born Citizen.

    Marco Rubio is not a Natural Born Citizen. Neither of his parents were U.S. citizens at the time of Rubio’s birth in 1971. His parents applied for U.S. citizenship and were naturalization in 1975, four years AFTER his birth.

    Location of birth is always irrelevant. All that matters is the citizenship status of the parents. Both parents must be U.S. citizens.

    Constitutional provisions:
    Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States, under clause 5:

    No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

    The Twelfth Amendment states, “No person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.”

    Citizen by Birth or Naturalization is not the Same as a NATURAL BORN Citizen!

    Note: The Constitution can be “voided” ONLY if and when it is replaced by another Constitution. Acts do not trump the Constitution. This means the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.

    “The Naturalization Act of 1790 states quite clearly: a child born of a U.S.-born mother anywhere in the world is a U.S. citizen by birth and therefore a natural-born citizen,” Rafael Cruz said. – Washington Post, James Hohmann, August 31

    Here is the wording of the Naturalization Act of 1790 – Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States, which Oath or Affirmation such Court shall administer, and the Clerk of such Court shall record such Application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the United States. And the children of such person so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States: Provided also, that no person heretofore proscribed by any States, shall be admitted a citizen as aforesaid, except by an Act of the Legislature of the State in which such person was proscribed.

    U.S. Supreme Court, Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874)

    “The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.” Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162, 168.

    Note: The use of the word “CITIZENS” meaning both parents, not just one parent in the Naturalization Act of 1790 and U.S. Supreme Court, Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874) in order to be a natural born citizen.

    Do you think that the reason that LIBERAL Academians that claim Ted Cruz is a Natural Born Citizen do not wish the public to be reminded that Obama’s birth parallels Cruz’s – that is only one parent was a U.S. Citizen? And He, Obama like Cruz is not a Natural Born Citizen.

    For more on Natural Born Citizen see for more from Publius Huldah and others.


    If it’s important to anyone that we get back to following the US Constitution after Obama’s shredding of it, this is a critical issue. Our Constitution requires that our President and Vice President be Natural Born citizens; not just citizens, not “naturalized” citizens and not “citizens at birth.” Cruz knows the difference but voters don’t so the ruse is on. Obama got away with it so why not Cruz. Below is the perfect example of why our founders demanded Natural Born status for these two elected offices – loyalty to the nation you represent, not some foreign country. Is Obama loyal to the US? Lesson learned!

    Is this guy eligible to be President? Like Ted Cruz, his mother is a US citizen! So, to quote Cruz: “My mother is a citizen therefore I am a citizen at birth and a natural born citizen.” With the Cruz definition, so is Prince Hamzan of Jordan. – – Jeanene Van Zandt


  11. Why is Ted Cruz’s records sealed? Haven’t we had enough of this with Obama!! I’m getting a little nervous about Ted with this One World Order that I keep hearing about with Heidi Cruz. Now if Teds records are sealed i am wondering what is going on with the Cruz Family. I would like to hear some of my FB Friends opinion.


  12. Cruz has released his birth certificate -and then released his mother’s to make sure people could see she really is a US citizen too. I don’t know what other “citizenship” records you think exist but the only one he has is the same one all natural born citizens have -their birth certificate. Minor children of US citizens travel on their parent’s US passport no matter where they were born. That means if born in another country, they get to come back to this one on their parent’s US passport. They are not naturalized citizens, they do not apply for citizenship, they don’t take a test to get it -nothing but be born. The only thing the parent needs so their minor child can travel of their US passport is the child’s birth certificate. That’s it -that is all it took for Cruz to enter his own country. A birth certificate. Which Cruz has RELEASED. Cruz didn’t have to do anything to get citizenship except to be BORN. There are no secret “citizenship” documents and people sound pretty moronic thinking there is anything BUT a birth certificate or that he would even NEED anything else! Citizenship is something he was entitled to and had at BIRTH.

    The date and time Cruz’ mother came back to the US is a matter of public record and for some weird reason, the birther crowd seems to think getting back into the country with your child born while you were abroad is something dark, deep and mysterious with nefarious records buried in some kind of time vault. It is routine and happens many times in a single year. And it is so routine, there was absolutely no hold up at the border. Cruz has NO other “citizenship records” but his certificate and it proves HIS citizenship just as yours does. Sheesh.


  13. Raven says:

    Ted Cruz’s mother was born in the United States of America and has an American birth certificate. She became a Canadian citizen during her 8 years working in Canada with her husband. At the time Ted’s mother crossed from Canada to the United States no one checked any citizenship documents for anyone — you just crossed the border — I know, I have lived next to that same border most of my life and found it annoying when the laws were changed requiring passports to cross either way.

    The Canadian Mrs. Cruz crossed the border with her Canadian son Ted. She did not have to say she was Canadian or a U.S. citizen. Once back in the U.S. Mrs. Cruz had her birth certificate saying she was a U.S. citizen — even though she was not — and she did not report she was a Canadian citizen. Since she did not say she was a Canadian citizen, and since she said she was a U.S. citizen, and because of the fact that Lyin’ Ted was only 4 years old and started school in the U.S., people assumed he was a U.S. citizen. They are still assuming Lyin’ Ted is a U.S. citizen, even though he refuses to open sealed records that only he has the authority to open. If Lyin’ Ted is the paragon of virtue he claims to be, he needs to allow all his records to be seen. Until then all he is is Lyin’.


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