A person on the blog, brought this post from June 6, 2016 to my attention. I looked at the comment I had made then and had to repost. For we are here now. 

“Sadly, it has been done. I do believe in all my heart that this time in history shall fulfill Esra where he states that a lion roars and makes the nations cower in the last days. He mentions borders that are not respected and all the lot we are witnessing this day. God has called a lion up. That is what I see, and in that so as in the days of Moses….he shall prevail.”

Once God called a simple peasant girl to deliver a message.  The girl answered and did as she was told. She did not understand why a simple peasant girl would have been called at all upon by God, given she was so young and could not even read nor write. Yet, she took on the task and delivered the message in an effort to save a nation.


More such messages were given to this young girl and she did as the Lord told her.  Her obedience, although full of rebuttals by those she was sent to help, resulted in the historic saving of a nation.  No I am not talking of Biblical Esther, I am speaking of Joan of Arc of France.

In the end, evil and jealous ones hated her so deeply and great they sought to kill her and shut her mouth up forever.   Of those who sought to kill her, especially came the rulers of England of whom Joan saved France from their clutches.


They won Joan as a prisoner by cooperation from a very weak  king of France.  The same man that Joan led  battles  against England for and won to secure his throne to make him such. Once he had what he wanted (his crown) he did not care if all of France was safe or not, nor if those hungry would ever eat.  He was only concerned with himself. He turned his back on Joan and his own soldiers at the battle of Paris, by not sending reinforcements.  He had his crown  and was foolish to think he could keep it without securing the entire nation. A defeated Joan returned asking why reinforcements were not sent. Her new King answered by shutting her up through imprisonment via a coupe with others. He sought to have her declared a heritech by the church and be done with her incessant pleas to help those starving and to save all of France via being granted an army to finish the task they had started.

joan of arc scherrerorleans

Now, the defeated in England sought out to kill the woman  famous for heeding the voices of God and the loyalty of her soldiers who rallied around her in every battle they entered.   These evil ones of England had a vengence to end her fame and allegiance from those who fought with her. They placed a big bounty on her head and indeed secured their prize. Next they bribed the so-called church to interrogate and condemn her…finally getting the lies they needed to properly burn her at the stake.  Now, I ask you all….what do you think God allowed?  The death or the coming home of the girl he had so entrusted?  God’s ways are not man’s ways.  Whose names do you remember?  The king of France she helped crown? NO. The Bishop who condemned her? NO. The King of England who had her killed? NO. There is one name in all of history that to this day serves as a message between doing what is right against all odds and what is wrong. That name is JOAN OF ARC!

Joan-of-Arc 1

In the end….evil never wins.  They are only heaped more coals upon their heads. This is why evil is never cheered on as a good thing.  Always booed as a bad thing. For in our hearts through out our soul, all know the difference between good and evil.  Even all who commit evil acts know they are evil, yet they delight in them.

The moral of the story is this:  A people undeserving of a servant’s heart, will never reap the one who is so serving to lead them. The undeserving shall always reap evil leaders and their folly. Forewarned is forearmed.

2015 Hank's Yanks Golf Classic

America awake, know the Lord will spare a city, a nation….even if there are but a few who follow.  Know also that all who do not heed shall be swallowed in the fire the same as those left in  Sodom and Gomorrah. Choose, and choose wisely.

I believe Trump was sent to serve God’s people in this end of days saga.  Time will tell.  I believe it is so.

Dianne Marshall


  1. tj says:

    – Joan, like William Wallace in Scotland – betrayed by “the self serving, endlessly greedy elite – of their own country.”

    may it not be so for President Trump!

    he MUST surround himself with like-minded, GOD fearing, eternity minded, populists.

    unfortunately – the insatiable greed of the “elite” – makes the very difficult election …the easiest part of the battle…

    Vaya con Dios

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sadly, it has been done. I do believe in all my heart that this time in history shall fulfill Esra where he states that a lion roars and makes the nations cower in the last days. He mentions borders that are not respected and all the lot we are witnessing this day. God has called a lion up. That is what I see, and in that so as in the days of Moses….he shall prevail.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. I am in complete and total agreement with you on this, Dianne. I have been studying many readings and prophecies which say the same. God bless Mr. Trump and God bless the United States of America.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. maximus vonce says:

        Trump Trump Trump Trumpet of the Almighty Living God. ” If God is with you Donald Trump, who can be against you” . Trump is an Instrument of God’s wrath against the Luciferian Shadow Govt, CI A Rothschilds Federal Reserve, who will be defeated soon. Sentence has already been pronounced by God against the Tyrannical satanic entities that have controlled US Govt since Woodrow Wilson sold us out in 1913. Defeat is before their eyes and destruction in their mist, nothing they do will stop or Halt Gods modern King Nebuchadnezzar aka Donald Trump. God will extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one and lead Trump to victory with complete annihilation of the satanic leftist cancer in our American govt. The original Republic will be restored just as Founding Fathers intended. For the people, by the people and in God we trust…amen

        Liked by 4 people

      3. Libertyvibe says:

        First I want to say that I am on board with all of you guys. I get it completely! I am really having a hard time reconciling how viscious and mean spirited the people from the post/Cruz camp are. They can’t shake my resolve, but I really don’t get where the hate is coming from. There is a wierd spiritual disconnect. Any insights?

        Liked by 1 person

      4. CharityinTruth says:

        Thank you for sharing, Dianne.

        I am hoping and praying, too.

        President Trump will ‘lead America back to God,’ according to 1983 prophecy

        Tom Zimmer said in 1983 that ‘right now, in the United States, there’s a man who has the hand of God on him…and God is going to use him in the future…his name is Donald Trump.’

        watch: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/president-trump-will-lead-america-back-to-god-according-to-prediction-from-1980

        With God, all things are possible.

        Savior of the World, save our Country from destruction from without and from within.

        All Glory to God!!!

        John 14: 6

        Liked by 2 people

      5. Tina says:

        I was sleeping and I awoke hearing the roar of the mighty Lion of Judah and I recognized his roar as a child recognizes it mother’s voice, it was so loud I awoke!

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Cindi says:

    What an Awesome Post! It gave me chills!! This is So true and prophetic! So many of us believe Trump Was sent to serve Gods People!! Thank you Jesus and thank you Donald Trump for answering The Call!!!

    Liked by 7 people

  3. tj says:

    – OT & fyi….

    recently ran across an interesting update on ‘Joan’ (Leelee Sobieski) – who surprisingly & mysteriously disappeared from holly-weird – & at the peak of her promising career….


    good for her!

    interesting contrast with Drew Barrymore…

    filthy, dirty, stinking town – that h-weird. escaping it’s seductive / destructive clutches – is rare indeed…

    maybe President Trump – will force it’s clean up…

    that would be an additional blessing indeed….

    Vaya con Dios

    Liked by 1 person

  4. When God is in charge, the name of the servant is remembered throughout all time, regardless of the evil powers that be that try and stifle it. It is what it is. Not a one of God’s servants has not been remembered and upheld. Evil minions die in hoards, their names are few that are remembered. Those that we know are known by their evil deeds. Not at all by anything good. They go on to be a mark like the one set upon Cain to remember the evil act. Never a glory. Always a shame.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Trump has been attacked for mentioning the ethnicity of the judge ….

    Question(s): Could a person’s background be relevant regarding behavior? What is the rationale for “natural born Citizen”? Does “natural born Citizen” have anything to do with possible conflicting allegiances? Is MAGA / “America First” politically correct? Is political correctness like a cancer that even threatens the First Amendment?







    Liked by 2 people

  6. I believe the Lord has sent us a leader. If we the people recognize him we shall have him. If we turn our backs God will remove him from us. I am not turning my back – I AM SHOUTING OUT – HE IS HERE HE HAS BEEN SENT BY OUR LORD TO HELP LEAD US ALL!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. This couldn’t be more timely, last night I had a dream in which I saw Donald J. Trump being betrayed by one of his own people. In the dream I saw the man handing a gun to another man. I have never dreamed about Donald J. Trump before, this is the first time. I remember in my dream that I was told that Donald J. Trump, needed to be more careful with the people he choses to surround himself with. Thank you, and God Bless you for posting this. Perhaps we need to warn Mr. Trump?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lion2017 says:

    I have believed from the beginning that Mr. Trump has been sent by God. I pray daily that God sends loyal people to work for Mr. Trump’s campaign. We all need to help in any way that we can.


  9. https://twitter.com/LollieKong/status/739955006737027074

    (Note: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/15/us/15judge.html )



  10. Approximately 25:08 – 28:05 of https://youtu.be/nO7GAbBoIF0 ( “Donald Trump’s Election Night Remarks- FULL Inspiring Speech (6-7-16)” “Right Side Broadcasting”) “… this election isn’t about Republican or Democrat. It’s about who runs this country – the special interests or the people and I mean the American people. … Why would politicians want to change a system that’s totally rigged in order to keep them in power? That’s what they’re doing folks. Why would politicians want to change a system that’s made them and their friends very very wealthy. I beat a rigged system by winning with overwhelming support – the only way you could have done it – landslides all over the country – with every demographic – on track to win 37 primary / caucus victories – in a field that began with 17 very talented people. After years of disappointment there is one thing we all have learned WE CAN’T FIX THE RIGGED SYSTEM BY RELYING ON VERY – AND I MEAN THIS SO SO STRONGLY – ON THE VERY PEOPLE WHO RIGGED IT AND THEY RIGGED IT. AND DO NOT EVER THINK ANYTHING DIFFERENTLY. WE CAN’T SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS BY COUNTING ON THE POLITICIANS WHO CREATED OUR PROBLEMS. The Clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves. … I am going to give a major speech on probably Monday of next week and we’re going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons. I think you are going to find it very informative and very very interesting. I WONDER IF THE PRESS WILL WANT TO ATTEND – WHO KNOWS?” I think a translation of this excerpt of Trump’s speech, is Paul Ryan, et al. have shown their true blank nature regarding the Mexican American judge situation.


    1. For an official response, regarding the Mexican American judge situation – https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/donald-j.-trump-statement-regarding-trump-university (BTW: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-issues-statement-regarding-trump-university-lawsuit-and-la-raza-judge-curiel/ and https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-judge-curiel-decepticons-and-the-non-discussed-motives-of-the-gope-quislings/ ) Indeed, a good loyal friend is hard to find. (BTW: I still like Palin for VP but Sessions has apparently also shown loyalty (and is not hated like Palin; however a VP that is despised may be job security for a President Trump).) In any event, as Trump said earlier in the speech “I’m not a politician”. May G-d please bless and protect our hero and hope Donald Trump.


      1. Henry Acres says:

        Dianne…what about the logic that a lot of folks call ’em whatever, never liked, trusted the man, and above all that called him a liar for every word out of his mouth..so, he says take the vax…and because he was such a dang liar, their only option was to take the vax….GOTCHA Suckers!!! 🙂 JMO He played the hand he had heard so many times, and went fishing.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Serena says:

    When Trump first announced I said out loud no… He is anti second amendment… But I listened to what he had to say…like I do with everyone… I asked the Lord… This very thought came… He is here for such a time as this… Maybe not a thought, but more like an impression upon my heart… I have been with him since day one because of this… A lot of my Mexican American family are very angry with me… But I know in my heart that he is a work in progress in the hands of the Lord… I have not shared this experience until now, reading this article… Thank you for Sharing ❤️🇺🇸💙

    Liked by 1 person

  12. MarsAscending says:

    Although many Christians condemn these practices, I feel obliged to point something out.

    Astrologically, Trump’s Rising Sign is Leo – The Lion. He has this in a 29°59′ degree, which is the last before going to Virgo. This degree is the so-called “karmic degree” or “anaretic degree”, which means that not only is he a Rising Lion, but obligated to be one for a deeply karmic purpose.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. MarsAscending says:

        Yes, exactly. I do believe, that the original science of the stars has been concealed from the
        exoteric Christians among many other things by the romans and whoever distorted the Holy Bible for control.

        I feel like Christians are told not to think too much about worldly things and not seek too much knowledge, just believe in God and the last days. However, it’s important to understand worldly affairs, so you will know deception and evil. We are here to learn. Evil is born from ignorance.

        It’s a shame, that Christians see Occultism and Satanism as synonymous. This is partly thanks to the lunatic, Aleister Crowley. However, just like everything in life and even politics, Occultism is divided into right-hand and left-hand paths, or white and black magick. The right-hand path is all about serving spirit, the collective and understanding God and achieving spiritual perfection. The left-hand path is all about serving matter, the self and using the lesser Gods for selfish ends.

        As I see it, astrology is a way to see the patterns and rhythms, that God created to govern our world. Astro-theology is extremely interesting to the Christian astrologer.


  13. Karen says:

    Dianne, I love how you so aptly pointed out that it is only the name of Joan of Arc, her life and her commitment to God that we are familiar with and remember. Goodness and obedience to God is indeed exalted, remembered and honored, while evil doers are cast down, forgotten and disgraced. Her whole story amazes me when you think about it. . . . understanding that she was real, the call on her life was real and what God accomplished through her was real. It goes to show how God surely uses the foolish things of man to confound the wise and when He calls you, He also enables you. (Hey, I’m foolish enough! Use me Lord!) France was fighting to break loose of England’s hold on them and that echoes part of this country’s fight today. I have always been so inspired by the Revolutionary War, amazed at how God caused a small group of patriots to win the war against the most powerful nation of its day. Well, history repeats itself – our big God is fighting an even bigger enemy than we originally fought against and won our independence from. But, instead of just breaking loose of their hold on us today, the enemy will be destroyed. President Trump is truly anointed and appointed by God for such a time as this. Not only can you see it through everything that took place over the past four years of his first term, but the sheer fact that he won was the first miracle. Woe to the cabal for God has said in 1 Chronicles 16:22, “Do not touch My anointed ones. . . . ” Taking all the translations and putting together their differences it reads as follows: “Do not touch, strike, hurt, harm or COME AGAINST My anointed or chosen ones.” Think about all the things that they have done to strike, hurt, harm or come against President Trump!! So think about the victories won by Joan and her armies – her soldiers were anointed too because they were following God’s plan by following Joan. They were all in on it and SO ARE WE! It wouldn’t make sense for God to anoint President Trump as leader and then not anoint those who fight by his side. Joan of Arc and President Trump are inspirations to all of us. God is watching to see who will enlist! I’M IN! I’m loaded up with the greatest weapon ever created – The Word of God! Hebrews 4:12 “For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul, and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” There is nothing is doesn’t cover – both in the natural and in the supernatural realms. I feel like celebrating! Blessings!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Karen- Amen! We are called, chosen and faithful. God has not left us without direction. Nor has he left us without leadership as propaganda would like us to believe. Those who twist the truth accuse those who support the one God sent us as making him a god…(lower case g) We are not. We are acknowleging the one God sent to LEAD US out of Egypt. Not the man…the mission. He sent us a man who knew all the names, names we never heard of nor knew existed. He sent us a man with iron will and God fearing. I was not a Trump fan prior to hearing his speech coming down the escalator. In fact I thought when I heard he was running it was a blow hard thing…and didn’t see him as a president. But when I heard him speak he won me over when he said, “I know their agenda and it’s not mine.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Karen says:

        We had shared how we both laughed when we heard Trump announce that he was going to run. But, you were wiser than I. I was a hard convert! I kept trying out the candidates like trying on uncomfortable shoes to see which one would allow me to tour a museum without killing my feet. God kept telling me that Trump was His man – not in word, but in a strong knowing. But, I wasn’t buying it and kept trying out all the others and as one after the other failed to give me a check in my spirit, I finally saw Trump as God’s man and the only who could beat Hillary. I knew it would be the end if Hillary got in (just because she’s so evil) and that was without “Trump Truth”. Believe it or not I had not heard the speech that won you over until after I was in the right place. But, once I was there, on the Trump Train, I found the comfortable pair of shoes that would not only allow me to tour a museum without killing my feet, but would enable me to walk from CT to CA – comfortably!!! LOL Looking back at it, the Lord must have been so frustrated with me because He kept pointing my face right at Trump and I’d look away. I’m so glad God didn’t give up on me – He’s so patient and kind!!! It was amazing then and it’s going to be even more amazing when we look back next year, or even a few months from now, at all that took place after Trump came down the escalator and made that “informative” speech. Blessings! PS – I don’t have FB or Twitter or any of that stuff, so I can’t “like”. So, Jean – thanks for your Amen!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. isolatedinsmalltown says:

        Hello people – This makes me ill: https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2021/05/11/wisconsin-senate-approves-water-cremation-for-human-use/

        We (humans) were created in the image and likeness of God. We are body and soul. At the end of time…all humans will be resurrected and judged by our merciful Lord…Jesus. This is why we respectfully bury our dead.

        This is why Sen. Patrick Testin is so terribly wrong for putting his support behind such a heinous practice. Perhaps those that are able should ‘follow the money’ to be able to clearly understand how anyone could support such an insidious practice.

        The body’s tissues are reduced to an effluent or slurry likened to the consistency of motor oil. The solution is discharged into the wastewater treatment system. {[WHATTTTT????} The bones left behind are then pulverized into powder and returned to the family in a manner similar to remains from combustion cremation.

        Wisconsin could be the 20th State to ‘go along’ with this..19 states that allow this process of what to do with dead bodies:

        These states include Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming. So, what does your funeral home need to know about this end-of-life arrangement?

        Does my religion allow embalming?
        There are a few religions that prohibit embalming, notably Islam, Orthodox Judaism, and Baha’i.{why do the satanists get excused?} It’s generally permitted by other religions, though it’s best to ask your religious leader for their views if you want to be absolutely sure. {oh gee, what will our ‘modern day’ priests say?}



  14. Anita says:

    Hello Dianne:

    Thanks for reposting my beloved St. Joan of Arc which you had written about on June 6, 2016. I was reading many of your older posts but this stood out to me the most. Joan of Arc had the courage of a lioness because she trusted & believed in God and her “voices” particularly St. Michael the Archangel, who not coincidentally, is the angel God sent to destroy all evil in any form.

    I’ve read many books about St. Joan of Arc, and during Confirmation when I was 11 years old she was always on my mind; and she also had black hair like me!

    She relied on prayer and God’s Word while St. Michael the Archangel guided & protected her. Her famous words: “ I am not afraid I was born for this”.

    You often said President Trump was God’s choice for president; he was born for this hour. President Trump is still the legitimate duly re-elected president.

    St. Joan of Arc was burned three times but her heart ♥️ would not burn; she was pure of heart. Her enemies did everything to erase her; not a bone or a painting. She was denigrated and suffered calumny but she didn’t care she did God’s work and He & her voices were with her. President Trump’s enemies want to erase him and he also suffers calumny daily.

    Joan of Arc suffered two sham trials but she was totally innocent. Her hair & attire was ridiculed and she was shamed for it.

    How many times was President Trump ridiculed about his hair and his weight ( I think he’s a very tall, handsome impressive man). Then there’s the sham impeachments by the vile pelosi and marxistdems. Flotus Melania ridiculed for her clothes as well.

    We need to pray to St. Michael the Archangel to fight against evil like only he can! The name of my alma mater.

    Thank you, Dianne for reposting this wonderful article. My innocent comment on your blog resulted in this blessing. I believed your original posting from June 6th, 2016 was apropos still today and St. Joan of Arc is always apropos! ( even in graduate school a class only about her!)
    Courage, Faith, God!

    Your post is astounding and I’m glad you appreciated my comment and hence reposted it. Thanks for such a blessing!

    God bless!


    Liked by 3 people

  15. Real history! The fact that Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and the next year moved it there exactly 70 years after the House of Judah claimed itself the State of Israel was more than historic. It was prophetic! More history prewritten? Just in and posted on social medias.

    Looks like Netanyahu (Southern Kingdom of Judah – State of Israel) told old Joe Biden (?) where to shove it. The USA is Manasseh, the older of the two sons of Joseph. (Genesis 48:8-20 > Note verses 16 & 19 and Gen. 49:8-12, 22-27) The Kingdom of Israel was divided at the end of Solomon’s reign. (1 Kings 11) The southern Kingdom of Judah (called Palestine during Roman occupation) was destroyed in 70 AD as foretold by Jesus Christ. The Palestinians (Edomites – descendants of Esau) moved in and later became Muslims during the Muslim conquest. Their feud goes back to when Esau sold the birthright to Jacob for a bowl of beans. (Gen. 25:29-34) This feud has been going on a lot longer than the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s! Guess who is going to straighten it all out in about six more years? >eze33


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    1. It was fulfillment of scripture that after 70 years as the years of a king the Lord will come and dish out the day of the Lord to the nations. Isaiah 23:17And it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years, that the LORD will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her hire, and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth. 18And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing.

      Hold on….here we go. We are in it right on time. Babylon falls and all they stored up for themselves shall go to my people, says the Lord. For the next chapter reads….(remember there were no chapters separating the original word) God’s Judgment on the Earth….

      Isaiah 24:1Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. 2And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. 3The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word. 4The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. 5The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. 6Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. There was the 70 years for Tyre (Isaiah 23) and also 70 years for Babylon (Jerimiah25). Isaiah 23 was the burden of Tyre as 22 was the burden of the valley of vision, 21 the burden of the desert of the sea, 19-20 the burden of Egypt etc. I don’t think Isaiah 24 in connected to Tyre’s 70 years. Isaiah 24-34 is a long latter days prophecy to the whole world with mentions of both houses of Israel, Judah and even specific of Ephraim and some others along with the reign of Christ. For more on Tyre:

        What Happened To Tyre?

        We are in the time zone of Mystery Babylon the Great and her city of wealth. She’s being exposed too! Keep up the good work. LOLGB+

        Liked by 2 people

      2. eze33 – Exactly. I was using the next chapter 24 to show the place holding of the pattern. Babylon falls….marriage supper of the great God,, then a reign of peace before the next chapter. Tyre fell at one point…but God’s distinct chastisement of the Day of the Lord on all nations…is unique. He addresses each nation…and uses allegorical names to reference the type of nation Tyre had control over all the ports and dictated by controlling trade. Modern day cabal Babylon operates the same. Whose wealth is in the sea.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Sorry. Tired. Just got back to my new wordpress site and am now totally lost. Gonna sign up for the course next day or two. Got a book “Blogging for Idiots” or “Blogging K-1”? LOLGB+

        Liked by 1 person

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